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So I have a christmas party tomorrow night and nothing to wear.Gonna buy something but I was talking to one of my friends and I asked her if she had anything I could borrow. Sure she says,she as an outfit that I can try...but do I need a pair of long black boots???? Yes, b/c rememeber THE DOG ATE MINE!
She is the friend who is blunt, straight to the point, can be hurtful at times but at the sametime you know she is not talking about you behind your back cause she said it to your face:eek: The mother figure who sometimes scolds you and you hang your head in shame...hahaha
Anyway, she brings the pants and boots to my house and as soon as she passed them to me she says " if the dog chews them, you owe me $169" Im like "hello, how are ya"? So I go to my room and try the pants on and they are fine and then the boots come next.And my claves are to big! But I tuck my muscle in, lift my leg in the air and try to get the boot done up....Zipppppppppppp....I break it!. It zips all the way up but the zipper as come apart 1/2 way up my leg.
So here I am, lying on my bed, sweating buckets cause Im afraid of her:eek: ;) and Im afraid she is going to see what I have done.Finally,I get the boot off and the zipper isn't broken, just one of those deals where you have to unzip it and zip it back up again.
All I was thinking was $169....$169....oh, the pleasures of big claves!
Oh, you must have been sooo relieved!!! I can only imagine! Glad it worked out for you, and you weren't out ANOTHER pair of boots!
I think you have some bad karma w/ black boots, girl. Definitely don't borrow from the resident evil or your dogma's gonna bite your karma right in the ......!!! Anyway, how have you gotten you claves bigger ;)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Bad luck??? Just the tip of the iceberg! hahaha
Are you looking to make your calves bigger? I was born with these babies.They haven't gotten bigger in years and when I buy new boots I forget that they need to be stretched to fit my monsters! Oh well...I won't be trying them on again!
Good God Debbie! You know your claves are big enough!!! Quit being so modest:) I bet you do one thousand claves raises a dy...admit it!

Lori-Glad the boot thing worked out for you.


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