Picking up the bottom of the bottom?

RE: Hi Cinza!

Cinza, don't sell yourself short - you are not cheap, you are thrifty! My Grandaddy taught me the same, however I cannot build or make much of anything. Also, you can have more stuff that you want if you build it yourself.
You are so right about the way strength seems to change from one workout to the next or from one muscle to the next - sometimes I feel so strong & other times not so much. Also, if I change around the order of the exercises as I often do with MIS, it changes everything about my physical response. I hate & loathe lunges, I wish I never had to do another lunge in my life! Which is why I sometimes prefer to do them before the squats & plies, while there's still a chance I will be able to do them without passing out - it's all fun though! Soldier on! Ruth
Hi Cinza & Ruth!

Ruth~Soooo glad to have you join us! I am also happy to hear that Diana is improving. Poor baby~she has been thru a lot!

Cinza~My understanding is that you just try different methods to achieve results. In other words, we could stick with the high reps with a total of 20 pounds of weight and then after, say a month, add an extra set OR do less reps with more weight. Basically what you are doing is confusing your muscles. It is something NEW to them. Your body gets used to what you do so you need to "shake-up" what you normally do to get a response. Does that make sense? Also, what works for one person may not work for another so you need to experiment to see what works for you.

Have you two started drinking your water for the day? I need to get rid of my coffee cup! ;-) Happy Step-Ups!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
RE: Hi Debbie & Ruth!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-01 AT 10:56AM (Est)[/font][p]are you guys drinking iced water or regular water?

i am trying to do iced cold...(i read it burns more calories and is absorbed faster)(i read a gallon of iced water will burn 125... )
I find its much easier to guzzle iced water at my office where there is a water machine and i am so bored i feel like drinking something just for fun!

I understand the changing weights confuses the muscles...i talked to one trainer who has his big guys go take body pump classes for a month when he wants to see something show up faster.
My sculpt teacher (casually) said you get faster definition...but lots of times people are very incomplete with what they tell you....

Ruth, do you have a DVD so you can change the order around on your workout? or do you zip around on your tape..?

Does this idea of changing the order of the exercises confuse the muscles too?

Lunges, whats not to love?? ...HA!! lots..
.... i find there are several ways to get into one and several to get up from one.... Ruth, maybe a shift in the kind of lunges...
I used to use the back leg glute to push back up...I like that one.....but lately i am coming up by pushing off with the front leg heel and then i hold it up and squeeze before coming back down.

do you do them on the floor or step?
RE: Hi Cinza & Ruth!

Hi, Debbie - just a quick hello as I need to leave for work (darn!) I agree with you on the principle of confusing your muscles - it has done a lot for me in the past. Thanks for thinking about Diana, she is laying next to me watching me with those "you're going to go to work & leave me here, aren't you?" eyes which all Danes use (works, too). I am just so lucky to still have her, I can hardly believe it.

SO.........is everybody pumped?? Pre-sale!!!!!!!!!! I really can't afford it but I'm getting the big package, I just can't help myself!

Debbie, Cinza, all you guys, have a great day - see you at Midnight!!

RE: Hi Cinza & Ruth!

Hi, Debbie - just a quick hello as I need to leave for work (darn!) I agree with you on the principle of confusing your muscles - it has done a lot for me in the past. Thanks for thinking about Diana, she is laying next to me watching me with those "you're going to go to work & leave me here, aren't you?" eyes which all Danes use (works, too). I am just so lucky to still have her, I can hardly believe it.

SO.........is everybody pumped?? Pre-sale!!!!!!!!!! I really can't afford it but I'm getting the big package, I just can't help myself!

Debbie, Cinza, all you guys, have a great day - see you at Midnight!!

RE: Hi Debbie & Ruth!

Hi Cinza! I just saw your message come up, didn't want you to think I was ignoring you! I prefer ice water just for the taste of it, if that makes sense. I take water to work, the water there is from a bog or something.

I believe that changing the order you do a routine in does also confuse the muscles - I know it feels different to me doing it, and it's harder to do the ones that used to be first in the lineup. My friend who is a trainer said to change everything around as often as you think of something & then go 6 weeks with a set program, & then start doing it differently every day or week again, etc.etc. ad nauseum!

Don't get me started on lunges. I have tried my best to come to terms with them, but I still despise them! Yes, I have tried all the different ways of doing them, & some ways are harder than others. Sometimes I do them on the floor, sometimes off the step, static, walking, sideways, upside down(?). I still hate them but I do them dutifully! I usually do them with heavy weight, but sometimes without just for the change.

Well, I'm probably going to be late, but it's just so much fun talking to you guys! See you later!!

Ruth PS - almost forgot - no DVD. I wish! Someday soon maybe. Yes, I zip around constantly, probably wearing out the
VCR at twice the usual rate!
RE: Hi Cinza & Ruth!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-01 AT 11:55AM (Est)[/font][p]my first dog was a dane.... she was sooo sweet... so tall she left paw prints over the top of doors ...

Once she stole a thanksgiving pie off the top of someones refrigerator!!
was so quiet that she could be in a room and you wouldnt notice.

My baby son used to sleep curled up at her chest with her ..... One day he wandered off into a field and snuggled up with a wild horse for a nap. (he was 2 years old)
People were afraid to go get him.
... I just this minute realized why he did that, he was used to sleeping with a fawn great dane!!
RE: Hi Cinza & Ruth!

Hi Cinza - It is so cool that you had a Dane - my husband & I got a real kick out of your story, although I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time! We used to breed Danes but now just have for pleasure, usually rescued. There are many breeds I would love to have, but only if I could have my Dane too! Right now that is out of the question, as Diana does not tolerate other dogs. Very unusual for a Dane but she was a rescue from the streets, so who knows what happened to her.

I have been faithfully doing my stepups - 2nd time was fine, 3rd time hurt like hell! I saw your posting on ask Cathe about your knees - I have no idea what that could be, especially if your knees don't react to any other heavy exercise. I will also ask my trainer friend for you if I can ever reach him, I can't imagine how he keeps clients if he never answers his messages!

Talk to you guys later - Ruth
RE: Hi Cinza & Ruth!

thank you for checking into the knees for me.
the crunching noise is creepy..... but maybe its nothing.

I love the step ups- i have been cheating and doing 3 sets... and up to 40 in a set.....I take a good break 20 minutes after the second set and go back for a third.

i am having a hard time with drinking all that water ...I tend to remember it only at restaurants where they put out a large pitcher of iced water. i guzzle glass after glass as if i am a desperado downing gin at the bar !
After drinking all that, i have no room for food!! which convienently saves money and calories- !

on great danes. I only had one but her temperament was the sweetest..... she looked like a lioness running through the tall grass of our fields... People who didnt know her would be scared to death because she liked to hold peoples hand with her mouth when they walked up to my house!!

I bought her in New York City and then moved to Oregon...She was my first doggie love!
Hi Debbie & Ruth!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-26-01 AT 03:12PM (Est)[/font][p]i cant start a new thread from my house...maybe you will get this...

i have changed my step ups because of my knees....
and i think its a fine change of technique that you might like also.

no weights...but
instead of landing on that loose foot... only touch the big toe or do not touch at all.
also when you come all the way up, give your pelvis a squeeze forward to give the glutes their maximum challenge on top of the move.
its perfectly easy to get fatiqued if you are not resting at all on that foot!
RE: Hi Debbie & Ruth!

It's perfectly easy for me to get fatigued just thinking about it! I think it's a good idea considering your knees to do it that way. Actually, on PS Cathe shows the option of not resting the foot when you come up. However ... the pelvis squeeze is a Cinza original!! I will certainly give it a try if I ever feel able to walk across the floor to my stool again...
RE: Hi Debbie & Ruth!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-27-01 AT 12:45PM (Est)[/font][p]i havent watched my Cathe PS tapes yet! so i havent seen her version of the move.
i will bet that not touching on the bottom keeps your backside engaged and stressed to the max. The Firm's description of the step up says the maximum work is in the first 3 inches of your lift ...... they say dont let your helping foot help any more than you need.......

I shall try Cathe's variation and come up with an opinion.......
Well... you know me... I already have an idea... Let's not rest that foot either top or bottom!!

[marquee] OK! Drop and give me 25 Girls!! ;) [/marquee]

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