Physiques of cooking show hosts

I think Paula Dean's weight reflects the food she makes. She doesn't go "light" on anything, so if she really eats that way she should be overweight. The skinny Italian chef lady gets on my nerves because she cooks "no holds barred" and doesn't at all look like she eats what she makes. Funny, I don't cook at all, so why do I look the way I do?

hmmm, . . i think that it's sad that we have such prejudices at all but i know that we do. i actually think that an aerobics instructor should look fit. now fit is different from Arnold Schwarzenegger buff. take cedie from the cathe videos her body type different from cathe, jai, and lorraine, . . even brenda's body type is different but i can promise you that cedie is fit, . . there is no doubt she could probably kick my husbands butt (don't tell him i said that) but she isn't a size 0. i still look at her as a total inspiration because she is healthy and fit for her body type. we all have different body types after all. now i actually took a class where the step instructor was in my mind heavy, . . she had a lot jiggling during class now that, . . not so inspirational for me. i feel like the industry that you are in is a reflection of your appearance. the going to a hair dresser who has a mullet is an example, . . or would you pay $500 a night at some fancy hotel and have the guy or gal checking you in covered in tatoo's or peircings and not think that was strange? if you are an aerobics instructor and your practicing what you do and you are good at it how can you possibly be overweight? now with cooking show hosts, . . come on, . . they cook, . . and they are around food all the time. they taste their food and, . . well again they are around food. Mario Batali, .. Emril they obviously have some extra junk in their trunks, . . i mean heck i'd probably be heavy if i was eating all day. you want them to taste their food before giving it to you don't you? the gal from everyday italian obviously that is her body type. i have friends who can eat and eat and never gain a pound. i mean thank goodness we don't live in Stepford where everyone is perfect.
Hi -

Just to chime in on the Giada comments...

I have a friend that actually met her and chatted w/ her in Napa last year. In real life she is even tinier than she looks on TV. My friend asked her if she ever did eat any of the stuff she makes, and she said not really, just small tastes.

I work in the food industry and spend a ton of time w/ chefs. I have to admit that I have a prejudice on skinny chefs as well. In my little pea brain, I feel like they must not enjoy food as much as one w/ more weight on them.

Its an extremely tough business to stay fit in as well.. most chefs that work in the business ( either for corporate restaurant chains or in a celebrity scope ) have to do TONS of tastings, travelling, and hard living just to keep competitive. Heck I have to do alot of that and I just sell stuff to them. If I wasn't so obsessed w/ exercise I'd probably be a lot bigger and unhealthier than I am!

Thanks for letting me put my .02 in... Lynn M.
Now see, Paula Dean doesn't bother me. She's the only one that I'll sometimes watch if I happen to catch her while flipping through the channels and nothing else better is on. I like butter. I like cooking with butter. I think butter tastes better than hydrogenated oil. Maybe, that's why. I should confess that I've never made any of her recipes. Also, I think she's funny and down to earth. Her past is inspiring. Hearing her boys reminisce about their youth, made me want to hug her and tell how proud she should be.
"I have a friend that actually met her and chatted w/ her in Napa last year. In real life she is even tinier than she looks on TV. My friend asked her if she ever did eat any of the stuff she makes, and she said not really, just small tastes."

Lynn, that's fascinating. Do you think she just has small tastes so she can stay tiny, or is she just a "one small taste" type of person? I actually find that comforting, that she doesn't eat much, it would be a LITTLE depressing if she stayed so tiny while apparently consuming all the stuff she cooks and all the drinks and sweets she seems to eat on her travel show! Once on her travel show she ordered an espresso, and winked and smiled at the camera and said "Don't tell anyone, but I have a real sweet tooth, so I put FOUR sugars in my coffee", which she proceeded to do. I was so jealous ;-)
Hi Diane:

Actually, Giada mentioned to my friend that she does work out quite a bit as well. My friend isn't into fitness, so she didn't ask anything about her regimen. Would have been fun to have known what she likes to do for exercise.

She probably is a "one taste" type of person. Although, I don't know about you, but if I am cooking a bunch of food for a party or event, I kind of lose my appetite for it, since I've had to be too involved in the creation of it. Maybe she has that going on as well. :)

Take care, Lynn M.
Thank you so much for posting this. This has been driving me crazy for months. Every time I see Giada, I start grinding my teeth and thinking "how does she do this". I feel better.
I watch Food TV a lot. Chances are, if you turn on my TV, it's already on that channel. I cook a lot and have since I was about 5 years old, so it's quite a passion for me.

The only chef I have a hard time watching is Mario Batali. Emeril, Paula, Ina - well, they're a little heavy, but well put together. Mario just looks sloppy and dirty. The scraggly beard, hairy legs, and clogs are just ICK!! His food is incredible, but I just can't stand to watch him. I'm not sure I could actually eat anything he put in front of me because he looks so skanky. Paul Prudhomme, who is equally large, does not have the same effect on me. He is well dressed and a classy entertainer. So I know it's not just the weight.

Now all that said, I agree with the posters who have trouble with some chefs because of what and how they cook. Sorry, but Paula Deen is not a "chef". She is a cooking personality. Period. And her food, while quite tasty, is very troubling from a wellness perspective. Same concerns about the foods promoted by Emeril and, sad to say, the late, great Julia Child. Butter, fats, and heavy creams are staples that will not lead to long-term health.

I LOVE watching Giada because she reflects her style of cooking so well. Lots of fresh, healthy ingredients, with minimal fats and processed foods. I feel the same way about Micheal Chiarello - the Napa chef. These are people who care about what they eat and it shows.

Ah - I could write a book, but I'll leave it there. To answer the OP question, it's not just the physique, but the attitude as well. Interestingly enough, one seems to lead to the other.
I love to watch the Food Channel and love to cook also.

I take everything with a grain of salt - (not really, usually less than a grain }( ).

It is hard to find any of the shows that have really clean recipes, but I copy many of them to my recipe file on my computer and just adjust them to fit my cleaner eating style. It works quite well !

And as always, I try not to judge others, as I have no problem adding 5 lbs to myself in less than a weekend :p

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