Photos that will never make the news -- very nice

Thank you for sharing that. I have a VERY CLOSE male friend (my kids are now calling him my boyfriend, and they may be right) who ahs been serving in Cuba with the detainees since last March. I hear about moments like these from him every day! Thanks!

Hi! Thanks for sharing these. Of course these brought tears to my eyes.

I have three magnets on the back of my truck. Two support our troop ribbons and a flag!!! I hope that whoever is behind me on the road thinks of those that support our country and says a prayer... Of course with their eyes open since they are probably driving....

My husband got home from Iraq in Oct and may be going back again in a few months....

Thank you so much for sharing! I especially like seeing pictures of soldiers with young kids- gives me more hope for a positive future.
The photo of the soldier and the young child got me

Thanks for sharing the "human" side of it all


You have to stay in shape. My grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
Thank you Marion! You brought tears to my eyes as well. My husband is in the military and is gone but not to Iraq. His sister just got back from Afghanistan. Beverly I want to thank you to you and your husband for your support ... many hugs to you!
Cathy :)

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