

Anyone have any phobias (mild or serious)?

Here are some of mine...

1. Spiders (hate them with a passion)
2. Heights
3. Germs

I am mildly phobic of the following:

bridges/heights (though I love roller coasters and have gone skydiving)
tightly enclosed spaces (such as a waterslide tube)

I once saw a Maury Povich show where people were afraid of peaches, mustard, and pickles.

[font face="heather" font color=black size=+2]~Cathy[/font]
[font face="comic sans ms"]When I look at the smiles on all the children's faces, I just know they're about to jab me with something.
Ha! Now THAT is different!

My sister is deathly afraid of moths. She freaks out if she sees one, and God have mercy if they actually come in contact with her person...

C***aroaches!!!!! I've actually have had dreams of 12 ft ones looking over me while i sleep. i cry when i see one. I can't kill them or pick up a dead one unless i use a whole roll of toilet paper:eek:
>I once saw a Maury Povich show where people were afraid of
>peaches, mustard, and pickles.>

Cathy, peaches and mustard...well maybe but....PICKLES!! I'm going to choose to be offended by that:+ :p

-I'm afraid of big bridges as well...
-I get anxious being near big things like ocean liners and airplanes although I'm not afraid of flying
-centipedes BIG TIME!!!
-spiders, but not as much as I used to be
-Outhouses ~ big time heebeejeebees *shudder*
-big, strange dogs

Take care
>>peaches and mustard...well maybe but....PICKLES!! I'm
>going to choose to be offended by that:+ :p

*lol* I'm not making it up. These folks were having MELTDOWNS at the sight of them.

[font face="heather" font color=black size=+2]~Cathy[/font]
[font face="comic sans ms"]When I look at the smiles on all the children's faces, I just know they're about to jab me with something.
Yuk...those darn Potato bugs....I kill them on site as they look like an ant on steroids!!!

My DH has Coulrophobia, which is a fear of clowns...:)
Oh, so many, I really should be medicated:p

1. Snakes-I had nightmares about them growing up, they terrify me. Cobras are the only snake I can actually physically look at.Weird huh?

2.Heights-anything higher than your average step ladder and I start shaking

3.Shopping in crowded stores. Too many people in a confined, indoor space can make me very anxious, I have been known to turn around and go back home empty-handed.

4.Pork. Anything related to ham, pig, pork, hogs, etc...the thought of eating pig just makes my stomach very sick. I can barely touch it when I cook it for my DH.x( Maybe not a phobia per say, just something that really grosses me out.
>Oh, so many, I really should be medicated:p


I'm really not crazy about crowded stores, festivals, etc., either. I wouldn't say I'm phobic exactly, but if I'm not in the right mood, I can't deal.

By the end of this month, all department store or mall shopping will cease for me until the end of January.

[font face="heather" font color=black size=+2]~Cathy[/font]
[font face="comic sans ms"]When I look at the smiles on all the children's faces, I just know they're about to jab me with something.
I have a fear of rodents that is so bad, I can't even walk in the park for fear of seeing a squirrel. There is a 3-letter word beginning with the letter "R" that I cannot even type or say. And I don't have any other phobias. Weird.
The dark! I've had to overcome it (a little bit) now that I have kids. I don't want them to be scared like me!

We were robbed when I was very little and it is very memorable. We were home and it was at night. To this day I will not turn off the basement light and walk up the stairs. I leave it on and tell DH to go turn it off.

We have 2 (huge, black) great danes so that helps me feel safer, but yikes! It's something I don't think you ever get over.
Bridges on interstates that shake when everyone's stopped up in traffic
The words "moist" and "doily" not exactly a phobia but they give me the heebie-jeebies
Tuna fish and purple Kool aid in the same meal

Big Cruise ships. When I was little I saw The Poseidon Adventure and it really scared me. I will never, ever go on a cruise.
So many phobias! Luckily they aren't so serious that they disrupt my life but they give me scary nightmares.

1. Snakes
2. Roaches (ugh, we used to have some big ones when I lived in Houston)
3. Tornadoes (grew up in Tornado Alley in north Texas)
4. Heights--specifically very steep stairs
5. Creepy crawly stuff under rocks

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog:
Two phobias: spiders and tight places

I have other things that make me fearful, but those are the things that I am irrationally afraid of.

Earwigs and crickets.

Can't stand to watch anyone with broken bones or dislocations. I freak out.

Nancy324 - what you said. Thank you for letting me not type any of those ''R'' words - and the ''M'' word isn't much better.

I literally can not be in a building if I know one of those is around.

This from a person who has not the slightest fear of snakes or spiders - oh, well, I guess that's why they're phobias - they make no sense.
Definitely spiders. And heights.

And clutter. I'm a clutterphobe. If I go into someone's house and they have piles of "stuff" all over the place and things are messy, I totally tense up and find it hard to breathe. Which also means I don't like stores that are crammed full of stuff. I just want to clean it all up.
I have a fear of clowns and needles (or just blood in general) about blood and my hands just get numb and weak!

I also hate clutter...but I don't think it is a "fear".

My 3 year old has a deep fear of cotton balls. Since she was a baby, she screams bloody murder when she sees cotton or fuzz. SHe literally freezes in fear. I googled it- it is a real fear by many!!
Clarissa :)
My major one: Heights

Driving over bridges (tied into heights, since it's the bridges where I can't see ground on the side that give me sweaty palms and make my heart beat like mad. I also get this strange feeling like I have to keep myself from turning the car off the edge. I thought that was really weird, but a good friend of mine just told me his wife has the same feeling, only worse: whenever she's at a height, she has to hold herself back from throwing herself off.)

Other people holding knives (not knives in general, just bigger knives in other people's hands). Guess I just don't trust the other people (or maybe was traumatized by the psycho home-ec teacher who noticed that I stepped back when she grabbed a big knife, and 'joked' by waving it at me...great teacher, huh?)

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