Pet peeve about DH


Need to vent before I explode....

Before I begin I need to say that I completely love my husband.

DH and I are working in our office right now and he is singing. For whatever reason his singing is totally annoying me. He sings quite often and he doesn't have a *bad* voice but the whistling and singing are going to make me SCREAM soon!

I have my laptop screen bent down right now so he can't see what I'm typing. He just asked me "Are your eyes bugging you?" because he knows my contacts bother me sometimes. He's a sweet guy! But at the same time it cracks me up that he has NO IDEA what I'm typing right now!

Anybody else have irrational spousal pet peeves?
Here's mine: when my DH decides he's going to "tidy up," and shoves my things in places I can't find them, then he forgets where he puts them. Yesterday, I found my purse shoved under some junk in the office closet, after I searched throughout the house for it. It drives my DDs nuts, too.

I'm not married, but I had to smile at this post because it works me sometimes when a certain colleague of mine feels a need to belt out tunes. During one workshop, it was as though any phrase or statement the presenter made prompted her to sing a song with related lyrics. I felt like saying, Buy yourself a karaoke machine, sweetheart, and go to town in the privacy of your own home, thank-you-very-much. Another guy I work with is a chronic whistler.

The nature of teaching is that I don't interact with the adults all that much during the day, so it's really only an occasional irk. And usually I'm able to tune them out and it's no big deal, but for some reason, there are just some days (like if I'm stuck next to someone in a workshop) when I do have to grit my teeth. It's probably PMS-related. :7

Anyway, you could buy yourself those headphones that cancel out the surrounding noise.

[font face="heather" font color=black size=+2]~Cathy[/font]
THANK YOU!!! I needed confirmation that I am not a terrible wife for being annoyed by this!:)

btw, I left the office for a little bit to do some laundry so I wouldn't slug him!}(
Kate, you are hilarious!! Chris does plenty of things that annoy me enough to want to slug him. Like what I mentioned the other day -- standing there like an idiot with no weights as Cathe starts the set, and holding up my workout!

Also, it REALLY irritated me when he says, "I'm starvin' like Marvin" Just seems to immature...
My SO is a fabulous cook, but a real slob in the kitchen and I find myself very irritated that he can't make the effort to clean up a little as he goes (because I am the one who does the dishes). He also like to have a bowl of cereal or snack and the dishes never make it to the sink unless I bring them there. I am quite sure I do a good job annoying him at times as well. ;)
When my DH sings he always changes the words, for example for the song "Elvira" he always sang "Help Ira"...luckily he does not sing often. Pepper spray usually stops him....:D
Beavs - I completely understand what you are saying!! My SO also is an excellent cook (which is reflected on my behind) but I cannot stand to clean up after him. I mean seriously, how hard is it to wipe down the stove top during cooking so the crap doesn't cook to the surface???
This is so funny reading everyone's pet peeves - Boy, I needed this!

Dh also leaves the lights on ALL OVER THE HOUSE! He says " I like to see when I walk into a room" To me this is NOT an excuse to waste energy - just turn the light on/off when you walk into/out of a room! Sheesh!

And just this morning he got out a bandaid but completely ripped apart the bathroom drawer trying to find one AND LEFT EVERYTHING OUT! Why do I have to remind a 31-yr. old man to PICK UP HIS CRAP!?:7 }(
My DH will put his dishes in the sink but why not put them in the dishwasher? It drives me nuts. I've said something to him several but he always "forgets". I let it fly just cuz I love him but it kills the neat freak in me. Another thing is when I ask him to do something. Now when someone asks me to do something like say take the garbage out that means NOW not an hour later. I do it then not later. Does that make sense? LOL I still love him though!
The worst one for my DH is procrastination....after 27 years of marriage I cannot begin to count the many projects he has started and not quite finished....sheesh....drives me batty...[/img]
>Here's mine: when my DH decides he's going to "tidy up," and
>shoves my things in places I can't find them, then he forgets
>where he puts them. Yesterday, I found my purse shoved under
>some junk in the office closet, after I searched throughout
>the house for it. It drives my DDs nuts, too.

LOL, I had to laugh at this because although my DH doesn't do this to me, I DO IT TO HIM!!!! He gets so mad at me when he can't find things!:eek:

My pet peeve is that my DH doesn't ever try to tidy up with out my prodding him. I am a SAHM so I am responsible for the cooking and cleaning for the most part and that's fine. All I really want is for him to clean up after HIMSELF! Put your dirty clothes in the hamper, your clean clothes in the drawers, if you make a quick meal for yourself then wash the dishes you used, hang your coat up when you come in the house, etc.

IT DRIVES ME MAD! I feel like I spend more time cleaning up after DH then DS!!!! x(

On the other hand, I hate to bug him about it because I never wanted to viewed as the nagging wife. I can't win! :(
>When my DH sings he always changes the words, for example for
>the song "Elvira" he always sang "Help Ira"...luckily he does
>not sing often. Pepper spray usually stops him....:D

This just cracked me up! HOW FUNNY! :D

My Dh has this annoying habit of repeating lines in movies while we're watching the movie. For instance, a character will say, "Hold it right there!" and DH will turn to me and say, "Hold it right there!" and then laugh like he created the line or something. Urrgghh! What's up with that? Hey, maybe I should try the pepper spray! Hee hee....
>This is so funny reading everyone's pet peeves - Boy, I
>needed this!
>Dh also leaves the lights on ALL OVER THE HOUSE! He says " I
>like to see when I walk into a room" To me this is NOT an
>excuse to waste energy - just turn the light on/off when you
>walk into/out of a room! Sheesh!

Oh and see... my pet peeve is the opposite. DH will turn off a light while I'm using it because he's so concerned about energy savings. Say I'll go into the kitchen at night to get something and have to go out of the room for a second but I'm not finished getting my food. I'll come back and all the lights will be off. Now mind you, I was only gone about 30 seconds, but he still managed to get in there and turn the lights off before I could get back! HA!
All of these sound so familiar!!!

DH does as above and turns on all the lights as he goes thru the house. I keep kidding him that he must be afraid of the dark.

He also "rifles" thru a drawer when looking for something and doesn't return it to normal when he's done.}(

He's also a great cook.....but very messy about it. Thankfully he doesn't cook very often.

But worst of all......he passes gas a lot and smells bad!!!!}( x( Unfortunately I have a sensitive nose and smell everything. He thinks it's funny and says "I'm a guy" just p!sses me off! But, I LOVE him anyways.:7

I was at first hesitant to open this thread b/c I don't like to dis DHs but what a laugh I am getting :D Guess I'm seeing my DH and ME in this.

He throws his coat on the couch EVERY DAY. How hard is it to walk 2 steps and hang it up in the closet????

His idea of cleaning is throwing things in plastic bags and putting them...somewhere. And when I need to find something (and it can be important), "yea, I saw it when I cleaned. It's in a bag somewhere" Well, that somewhere can be in the basement, in our room...quien sabe?

But as a confession...I am the one to talk through movies (only at home!) or a football game, etc. Can't seem to keep my thoughts to myself :eek:
My darlin' DH watches movies with the volume practically turned all the way up-and he loves those "Shoot 'em up" types of movies!x( We have a big screen TV with those sub woofers (don't ask) and I can hear it throughout the house, then he falls asleep at night watching these movies and leaves the volume turned up when he comes to bed. So I wake up in the middle of the night to the sounds of sirens, car wrecks, guns, etc....x( drives me crazy!!

But on the flip, he makes the bed every morning, and empties the dishwasher every morning, and I am the one that leaves dirty dishes in the sink.;)
>My Dh has this annoying habit of repeating lines in movies
>while we're watching the movie. For instance, a character
>will say, "Hold it right there!" and DH will turn to me and
>say, "Hold it right there!" and then laugh like he created the
>line or something. Urrgghh! What's up with that? Hey, maybe
>I should try the pepper spray! Hee hee....

These ARE funny!
>The worst one for my DH is procrastination....after 27 years
>of marriage I cannot begin to count the many projects he has
>started and not quite finished....sheesh....drives me

Carol, your DH and mine must be twins. My DH loves to start new projects, lots of enthusiasm there. None of these projects will ever get finished until we move and we plan on staying here for a long time. Maybe I should put the house on the market...

>My Dh has this annoying habit of repeating lines in movies
>while we're watching the movie. For instance, a character
>will say, "Hold it right there!" and DH will turn to me and
>say, "Hold it right there!" and then laugh like he created the
>line or something. Urrgghh! What's up with that? Hey, maybe
>I should try the pepper spray! Hee hee....

JeanneMarie, I think I do that too! :eek: If it's a favorite line of mine ("This goes to eleven") I'll look at my DH and repeat it and crack up as if to say "did you catch how funny that was?". The lines in movies go by so fast, sometimes I just want to make sure he didn't miss it. But if we are both familiar with the movie, then I don't do it. Is that the same thing?

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