Pessimistic people


Hi, everyone! I've posted a few times here but wanted some people's opinion about people's comments at work. I'm 27, 5'5'', 114 pounds and take my fitness very seriously. I am a nurse and work nights so it's sometimes a challenge to find the time and would be very easy to blow off! Well, my husband and I are thinking about starting family this year, and many of the people at work comment on how their stomach never went back to the way it was, mine will never be flat again, I will have excess skin that won't go away, everyone they know that breastfed got "National Geographic boobs," no matter how hard I work out my body will never look the same without surgery. My husband is very against cosmetic surgery, so I know that it is probably not going to be an option for me. Not that I'm vain, but I am a little nervous that I have worked so hard for it all to go away and never return! I know that models and actresses have gotten their bodies back, but I'm not sure if it's from surgery or hard work. I am prepared to work hard, but scared of the reflection that I will see in the mirror after it's all done. And I just found out that I have the Factor V Leiden gene mutation, so my blood is more likely to clot, and I'm hoping that I don't have to go on bedrest or anything during my preganancies! Any opinions would be appreciated! Thanks!
I think the title of your post was very fitting. There is no way that these "people" know what your body will look like after a pregnancy; it is hogwash! With that said, your body may never be the same and subtle changes may occur, but there is no reason that your body will immediately go down hill. Silly! I am sure that others from this forum will agree with me when I say a pregnancy does not mean that all of your hard work is wasted.

Good Luck!
What a load of tripe. My stomach is in better shape than it's ever been. I breastfed for 14 months and my boobs are fine. I don't have a single stretch mark, and I gained 60 lbs when I was pregnant. Don't you listen to all those negative nellies and just know that there are lots of us moms on here who are in better shape than we've ever been! Perhaps that's their experience, but we know that it doesn't have to be like that.:)
Poppycock! I looked better after I had my baby than I ever did before. They're just lazy people who don't want to put the effort into it.

That said, I did breastfeed and my boobs aren't the same as they were. Then again...I didn't have my daughter until I was 33, so I was just getting older!

And look at Cathe. She has 2 kids and looks better than she did before she had them.
:) See the post on the Torn ACL. I've been in recovery. And working. Work is boring lately, so I'm surfing today. Shhhhhhhhh!
I agree with everyone here. Don't let them discourage you. As a matter of fact, because you ARE so fit, you will bounce back very quickly. I, also looked better after having two kids then I ever did before due to my workouts. Now, when Menopause hits, that's a different story! Ha! Good Luck and keep us posted if you have any "news"!!!!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Thank you everyone for your encouragement. I guess I should listen to people who are like-minded rather than those who don't know anything about exercise and fitness. I will definitely keep you posted about any news! I'm off to go do Body Max! Have a lovely day!
I think when people "blame" their children for ruining their bodies its b/c they don't have the self control or discipline to get into shape.
I remember being at work one time and a lady said " she won't look like that after she as kids" ( talking about me) and my co worker said " she already as a daughter" The lady didn't know what to say after that so she said nothing. I don't know what she looked like before she had her child but at the time she was a very large lady not just overweight, but very tall as well.

Your stomach will go flat again but it does take work. As for your boobs, if you breastfeed then they may not look the same again. I know women who didn't breastfeed and their boobs are still perky :) but mine aren't like that anymore and I am now breastfeeding the second. But its all worth it. If you want a family you won't regret a thing!
Also, you may not find the time to work out as much anymore either. Exspecially if you tend to go back to work shortly after. I am off for a yr and I can manage to get an hour in a day but thats it. Although your time restraint may be different if you don't breastfeed....but with breastfeeding you do burn a extra 500 cals a day:) so in my eyes its worth it!

Good luck!
I think genetics plays a big role, but so do healthy habits :) Just look at Cathe before and after baby:

I have 3 children, breastfed them all, and I have more ab definition now than I ever did before. It's definitely doable if you stick to your healthy lifestyle :) Don't worry what other people think, you'll be just fine!

If you exercise and eat right you can most definately get your body back after pregnancy! I can't comment on breast feeding however as I didn't do it.

I have a 22 month old son and I look much better now then I did pre-pregancy and I had been exercising and watching my diet for several years prior to getting pregnant!

PLEASE don't let those folks get you down or frighten you. Pregnancy does not have to mean you permanently gain 20 pounds...I am a few pounds lighter then I used to be AND I am about 2 pant sizes SMALLER then I used to be!!!!

You can do it! You just have to be patient after the baby is born...

REMEMBER: It is going to take 9 months to put the weight on so don't get all freaked out if it takes a while to get it off as well!

Best of luck to you!:)
WENDY!?!?! Joey is almost TWO!!?!?!?!? Wow...I had to peek at your pics again, I just love those dimples of his! He's so darn cute, I just can't believe how time flies!

Sorry to hijack the thread, I don't have children of my own so I can't comment, but good luck!
>WENDY!?!?! Joey is almost TWO!!?!?!?!? Wow...I had to peek
>at your pics again, I just love those dimples of his! He's so
>darn cute, I just can't believe how time flies!

Yeah, can ya friggin' believe it!? Holy cow! LOL Time sure does fly! I still remember the day he was born like it was yesterday!:)
I still remember the day he was born like it was

Me too Wendy! I can't believe he is almost TWO! And, he just gets cuter & cuter. (Sorry for hijacking too!)
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Everyone's bodies are going to look differently after a pregnancy. My sister had terrible stretch marks after her first born, I had none even after my 6th one. She went from a size 0 juniors to a size 10. I went from 121 pounds to 103 pounds the day my son was born from horrendous morning/afternoon/evening sickness. She didn't nurse any of her children, and her breasts sag. I've nursed all my 6 children without any sag occuring.

Just to offer you my perspective... My sister worked hard to lose weight and get fit after her first 5 children. She got back down to a size 3. The skin on her stomach is very saggy. Her stretch marks have diminished. She's still beautiful. Her husband still loves her passionately. She would never trade her children for a tight stomach. My stomach skin is still tight, my waist a curvy hourglass. I would give it all away if the life of my 6 children depended on it and for the opportunity to have more. Yes, more! When I'm old, wrinkly and possibly senile, I hope to be surrounded by my children and grandchildren. When I'm in heaven, I can't take anything with me. I pray that my children and their children, and their children's children, etc. will be there with me.
"She would never trade her children for a tight stomach. My stomach skin is still tight, my waist a curvy hourglass. I would give it all away if the life of my 6 children depended on it and for the
opportunity to have more. Yes, more! When I'm old, wrinkly and
possibly senile, I hope to be surrounded by my children and
grandchildren. When I'm in heaven, I can't take anything with
me. I pray that my children and their children, and their
children's children, etc. will be there with me. "

Very beautifully written.
I think the long lasting changes pregnancy leaves upon the body vary between individuals. Limecat is obviously one of the very lucky ones. Some people never recover anything like their pre-pregnancy body and largely that is because they either cannot or will not do the work required to get back into shape. But even if you do do the work, it is more than likely that subtle changes will remain. Not all of these make an impact upon how you experience your body. Your feet may get larger: wider and longer. Fact. Nothing you can do about it except donate your old shoes and get new ones. Your waist will be thicker than it was before. Many Catheites would say, Fact, to this also, judging by the number of posts lamenting this issue that we have seen over the years. But, again, is this really a big deal? Yes, you may have looser skin on the abdomen, and this may be despite all the best ab and core work in the world, simply because genetically, your skin has less elasticity than the abdominal skin of other women. However, I still don't agree that this is a terrible blight upon the body requiring surgery to fix it. Most women take it and accept it as a mark of the experience of pregnancy, a badge of "been there, done that!" Your skin pigmentation may darken, your hair may grow in differently. Nothing you can do about either of those.

Grow gracefully with the experience of pregnancy and get back into shape as best as you can afterwards, and for the rest of your life, and don't give it another thought!

Go have that baby. I have had two after the age of 36, am 43 and in the best shape ever (5'2", 105, can get through Drill Max!). And bed rest is heavenly. I parked myself on that couch for three weeks with my last one and practically hooked up a milkshake IV. Need further inspiration? cathe gained about twice what I did with her pregnancies and I would say she looks pretty darned good right?

Look, you have to gain weight to have babies, and you have to treat yourself with major TLC which means heart rate never above 60% of max, low impact exercise. No getting around it unless you adopt or use a surrogate. So of course you will get fat - but in that pregnancy fat way - big belly, rosy cheeks, all glowy; lose some fitness - because your energy is going to build another body; slow down somewhat - this is called preggers/new mommy exhaustion.

Good news: you are going to be so flexible when pregnant. Take up yoga in a big way. I did with #1 pregnancy and it helped keep me in great shape. Also lifted, jogged, biked, albeit at a moderate to low intensity.

May I suggest that after your bundle o' joy is born, you hide your scale and NOT look in the mirror? Spend it looking at your little one. Your belly will come back around the time the baby sleeps through the night.

Hope this helps and good luck.

Fit Over 40
I know I already responded to this but I just have to add something...

I think alot of one's post-pregnancy success in losing weight and toning up, etc has to do with your pre-pregnancy state. If you are in shape BEFORE you get pregnant then you will have a much easier time getting back in shape as opposed to being out of shape and trying to get in shape after gaining an extra 20-30-40+ pounds from pregnancy! You are a Catheite so no doubt you are in great shape! You are also still relatively young...I think you'll do fine.

It IS personal and not everyone can get the same results no matter how hard they work at it but I think you are headed in the right direction for looking AWESOME post child-birth!:+
My sister, who is 43, has a 6 month old and she is now in better shape and less weight than pre-pregnancy.
Talk to your doctor about what you can do during your term, you may be surprised.

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