personal training cert


Hi everyone!

I want to get certified as a personal trainer. Question is, which group do I go with?? There are so many to chose from. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks! Cathy
I'm deciding the exact same thing right now. I'm thinking of AFAA, only because they give 3-day classes at the community college I live very close to.

ACE sounds sophisticated and professional, but they only have a test in August 2003 near me. AFAA has several courses in 2003 (are there tests included with these? the site isn't clear on that).

I have phoned a local health club to find out their take on it, and left a voice mail message. Any input from pros would be appreciated.
Hi, Cathy,
I would say it depends on what your background is. For an entry level trainer with no formal education in the area, I would suggest choosing AFAA. The exam is very straightforward and the workshop very specific to the exam.

If you have a fitnes background--not necessarily a degree per se, but experience and self-study, ACE would be a good choice, as would NSCA, but expect NSCA to be a tougher exam.

I'm an old hand at test taking and have worked in the industry for over 23 years, so if I can help, feel free to e-mail me at [email protected].
Hi Girls!

Thanks for your help! I am a RN with my Bachelors of Science in Nursing so I'm hoping that will help me. I do read a lot but sometimes get confused with all the opposing info out there! Do you think the nursing background will help with the info? I am trying to decide between ACE or AFAA. I would like to be able to build upon the personal training and possibly expand my practice to include lifestyle management. Thanks for your help!
Since yesterday I did more research, e-mailed Honeybunch for her feedback(she's a trainer and became one during the last 2 years while posting on this forum), and talked to the fitness director at a local club.

I decided to go with ACE because it is recognized as one of the top certifying organizations, is better for those like us (I'm a dental hygienist) who already have an Anatomy/Physiology background, is lower in cost, and finally, Ace has a further certification that I will want called "Clinical Exercise Specialist." You need the basic ACE certification to go for that advanced one-- either Personal Training or Group Instruction count as the basic one.

Instead of taking a course, I sent for the book, study guide, and sample test through the ACE store. The link for akll this info:

Hey, Cathy,
It will depend on how much info you got in your nursing program. I'm a physical therapist with a master's degree in exercise physiology, so none of the topics covered were new to me, nor in nearly as much detail as what I had studied. I'm also an ACE Clinical Exercise Specialist and ACSM Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist.

I've worked with several nurses in cardiac and pulmonary rehab. There were some courses that were common to both disciplines. Please feel free to e-mail me if I can help.
Thanks guys! You are all so wonderful!!
I've decided to go with ACE. I ordered the study packet and will go from there. Wish me luck! You may be hearing from me in the future (question, questions!)!! Thanks!
I want to wish you luck with your exam. I took the ACE exam for aerobic certification. I did not have the background in exercise physiology or kinesiology and had to study quite a bit. The ACE exam can be tricky (IMO). I found that their multiple choice exam answers really test your knowledge over the subject matter (and I passed all of the CPA exam on the first shot - not so with the ACE exam but I did not study as much as I should have either).

Good Luck!
Thank you for the good wishes! I'll need them!

Connie - Did you get your packet? I got mine today and damn, that book's huge! It reminds me of my Nursing school books!

How do you all suggest getting practical experience prior to certification? Will local gyms allow you to work with somenone?

Thanks for the help!

Yes, it came 2 days ago! What a monster! I also wonder how to get hands-on experience too. I guess I'll call the local club again and ask them if I can get some there.

The fitness director told me they have some trainers there walking the floor available to the clients for sundry assistance. That might be all the experience I need for this. (?)

Before I got certified I was involved in youth sports, coaching soccer and basketball. Even if coaching a specific sport weren't your cup of tea, working with kids is so non-intimidating that I know it helped me get used to how to teach a lot of things about general fitness, not just as it pertained to training for the sport. There are probably some sports programs in your area that would love to use a trainer to come out and show their teams how to stretch, warm up, incorporate strength-training and maximize time spent on cardio activities. There are lots of mom and pop volunteer coaches who would really love to tap into your expertise, plus it's a great way to utilize word-of-mouth advertising. All those kids you work with are going to go home and tell their parents about the cool lady who came to practice and taught them how to do......

Good luck.


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