Personal Goals Check-in - August 18


Good morning everyone,

Here goes...

1) Limit sweets --- 1/2 check --- went out to dinner last night with friends, was on the fence about dessert, decided to get a 5 walnut brownie with 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream. I figured since my last dessert was on Saturday, I would treat myself. (Plus I'm trying to follow the suggestions in Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle...great book by the way...). I ate half of it and it really wasn't that great. Plus when I got home, my stomach hurt. That IBS is a reall killerx( .
Anyway, it's one thing to limit sweets but when you have it and it's not that great---that's when food remorse sets in;-)anyway, I digress.

2) No food 2hrs B4 Bedtime --- Check

3) August Rotation --- Check --- Completed Day 17

4) 8/8 or 6 cups of H20 --- Check

5) No late night visits to fridge -- Check

Have a great day:),


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