Perplexing Hip Pain


I have a this crazy pain in my hip.It's actually feels best when I am standing and moving. hurts the most when I lie down. I will go to bed and wake up about an hour and a half later in agony. The only relief I can get is to lie flat on my back. That seems to relieve it. It hurts all the time now slightly, but only in a slight nagging way. During the day when I am active, I can pretty much ignore it. It doesn't hurt more during exercise, but will definately hurt more several hours after exercising. The only time its unbearable is at night after I go to bed. It doesn't hurt when I first lie down, but will ALWAYs wake me up. I can't go back to sleep without taking ibuprofen. It will help if I get up and walk around for a bit. It seems like walking kind of resets it and relieves it until I lie back down. Lately Ibuprofen hasn't been helping much. Between this and my hubbys snoring, I'm getting pretty sleep deprived.
I can't even guess what it could be, but I'm to the point it's bothering me enough to go to the doc. I have to have blood work done anyway to get my thyroid meds refilled. Our deductible is so high it hurts in more than one way to go to the doctor. That's a whole other post isn't it?
Well, first of all if there is any pain anywhere that wakes you up, it is time to see a doc. That being said, do you think it could be your IT band? I have problems with mine not while I run, but afterwards. There´s also a muscle deep in the butt, the piriformis that can act up. There are lots of stretches for those muscles, you can google or webmd, but see your physician, or a sports physician if you can. HTH
My husband started with hip pains and then felt like there was a pebble in his shoe when he was walking. Eventually his toe next to the big toe swelled up. He was diagnosed with psoriatic(sp) arthritis. ( The said if you have psorasis, which he does, you are more likely to get this form of arthritis). He is on meds for the pain when it gets bad. ( I think its mexotrexate.)
I have bursitis in my hip. It's painful to the touch right at the front top of the hip bone. It hurts when it's going to rain. MSM supplements help the flare ups.
Definitely get it checked out by the doc but you could also try the exercises in the book "Pain Free" by Pete Egoscue. I had a pain in my hip for years. My doctor couldn't find what the cause might be and gave me anti-inflammation meds that made me feel awful. I tried a chiropractor and it helped a little but I had to go for weekly treatments a it was becoming very expensive. I had got to the point where I thought I would just have to live with it when I came across this book. My pain went away almost immediately. I not disciplined enough to keep doing the exercises when I'm not in pain so it does come back after a few months but I just do my exercises for a few days and I'm once again pain free.
I'm 38 years old and have arthritis in my hip that acts similarly to what you describe. The pain is not as intense, and it doesn't wake me up at night, but movement keeps it feeling good; staying still does not. It's always stiffest in the morning when I wake up. I always take about 10 mins to stretch the hips, lower back, and hamstrings, before I even get out of bed. If there was ever a nighttime emergency, I'd never get out of the house in time! :D. My dr prescribed me a topical anti-inflammatory that I use whenever it flares up. And stretching helps. Alot.

I hope you figure out what's causing the pain, and that it's nothing serious.

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