perplexed and don't know what's wrong


Okay, I know none of you (or probably few of you) are actual doctors, and I know I will have to see a doctor if this gets worse/doesn't improve, but I thought I'd see if I could get some help here because you all are so kind.

A little background:
A little while ago, we had some major flooding in my town and were without water/drinkable water for 1+ weeks. We did have some bottled water, though. BUT, being the lazy bum that I can often be, and not wanting to drag a huge 5 gallon bucket up two flights of stairs to flush my commode more that I had to, I decided to try to get by with the bare minimin water. So, I barely drank any water/went to the bathroom for a few days. I realize now that's really unhealthy, but that's what I did.

So, then the day the water was usuable again, I drank a normal amount of water--not crazy amount, but normal. The next day I had gained 5 pounds of fluid all on my feet! I couldn't even see my ankle bones, and I could barely bend my toes back. So, the day after this, I did drink a crazy amount of water (well for me who is used to just a few glasses a day--bad too, I know)--I think I drank 64+ ounces. That did the drink and over the next 2 days, I lost about 8 pounds! That's when my ankles started bothering me and my neck hurt. (the next hurt like where the lymph nodes are below the jaw and side of my neck). The neck pain went away within a day or so though.

My ankles have hurt now since then. I will try to describe this as best I can (sorry I'm terrible at describing things--I either go into way too much detail or not enough). So if you pull up your foot and look at the inside of it. The space right below the inside ankle bone to the bottom of my feet is the area that is reallllly sore. It almost feels black-and-blue when I press on it. Also, there is still fluid in this area of my foot, because if I press in and hold for a few seconds, I'm left with a crator-like depression afterwards. The rest of my foot isn't like this though.

Anyways, I thought maybe it could have something to do with the lymph nodes? (do you even have them in your feet???) It's just so odd that all this happened in BOTH feet, and I'm not sure how or why and what to do to fix it. I have been keeping my feet up when I can, and I've been trying to get 50+ ounces every day (today I got in 104!) so I don't get dehydrated again.

Sorry this got sooooooooo long---me and my stupid way of describing things--I hope it was clear enough, and I'd love to hear what people think. I don't have insurance at the moment, and can't really afford it, but of course if it gets really serious or anything, I'll have it checked somehow.

Just wondering anyone's thoughts?
When you got your water back, did you run it for a long time as recommended in order to flush the pipes?

DH also says that there are reports of Menigitis outbreaks where you live after the storms and flooding last month.

Other questions-

-Do you have high blood pressure?
-Did you have any fever/chills during all this?
-When you look in your throat in the mirror, what does it look like?

Sorry for so many questions, I am an ICU nurse and DH functioned as a physician's assistant in the Navy, so he's actually the one asking the question.

Oh, by the way, it would be a really good idea to get to the doctor sooner rather than later just for your health's sake.
Go to the doctor! If your lymph nodes were or are swollen there is probably more to this then dehydration. Lymph nodes swell in response to infection, especially viral infections. With floods all kinds of things get passed around. Is there West Nile in your area? Most people who contract West Nile don't get deathly ill. They get fluish symptoms, but it can be serious. You can check out this website, but please just go see a doctor! I am not a doctor, just a mom with lots of years experience. I hate that you don't have insurance. Many medical establishments will work with you on payment if you can pay something up front. I've found this out the hard way DH had a motorcycle accident while we were between insurances. When we made a good faith effort to pay the hospital they lowered our bill a considerable amount.
Thanks Amy (and husband) and thanks hopeful. Ug, I hate going to the doctors, but I guess that might be the best thing.

-No, I haven't had any fevers/chills at all. I did have a headache the other day, but most likely from the heat as it's been so hot lately. I've also been a bit more tired than usual, but again, probably due to heat.
- I just had my dad try and take my blood pressure, but after two tries, he gave up. Lol. I've always run low (like 90/60, but a few months ago, for the first time it was around 117/70 I think, so maybe it's more normal now)
-Throat looks pretty normal. Had some white at the back of my tongue, but hadn't brushed my teeth at the time I looked.

Would there be some place I could look online to see about the meningitis outbreak in my area?

I guess if it doesn't start improving, I'll make an appointment for next week.

And hopeful, it looks like there has been WNV in my area (I don't think reported cases this year yet, but in the past, yes)

ETA: Yes, I did run the water for a bit after the boil advisory was lifted.
DH says that he saw the outbreak information on

Oh, another question from DH-
Do bright lights bother you?

Thinking about the headache and fatigue, you could have been exposed to Epstein-Barr virus (what causes Infectious Mononucleosis, aka, Mono)

Whatever the case, I would definitely see someone (I know it's a pain in the a$$, but this is your health).
No, bright lights don't bother me (except when I've been outside and then go into bright light--which I think bothers everyone)

I couldn't find the outbreak story on, but thanks for the link and your great suggestions. Nothing really feels wrong with me except for being a bit more tired than usual and my ankles hurting. I don't have a sore throat and my spleen doesn't hurt or anything. Well, at least this is fun researching and learning more/new things.
"...nor do I play on on TV" HAHA! :)

Yeah, that does kind of describe it! I don't eat red meat much at all, never drink alcohol, and am not on any meds, but maybe you're right. Thanks for the link!
Just an update:

I didn't end up going to a doctor (I know, I should have) but everything seems back to normal now so I'm really happy about that. Thanks for all the advice--it was really helpful!
Lymphedema definitely can cause the problems you are describing but you need to see a doctor verify that diagnosis and to find out the cause for it. Other causes of pitting edema can be congestive heart failure but you'd have shortness of breath with that and trouble breating when you are lying flat. Some sort of "mild" kidney failure due to your dehydration is a possiblity. Infections could be a cause even without fever. Sometimes hypothryoidism can cause the symptoms you are describing as well as lupus. Long story short, dont rely on us for your medical info....what you are describing is not normal and could be a sign of something more serious....make a doctor's appt ASAP.

Keep us posted!
Hi. I had a few friends in your area that were flooded as well. I hope that you didn't suffer too much damage. Anyway, I think you should call your doctor (if you haven't already). One of my friends was telling me how sick she got from the aftermath of the flood and her doc had to put her on antibiotics. Who knows what kinds of stuff was washed up from the creeks and river and what accidentally could have gotten in to your body.

Please make yourself an appt!

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