Hi Everyone,
Our work on all the Perfect30 workout DVDs is now done and this means the only thing now left is for the replicator to schedule, make, and ship the Perfec30 DVDs. How long all of this will take is still unknown, but we will let you know more as soon as we can. While the replicator is working on the DVDs we will start working on the digital files for the downloads and our Cathe OnDemand streaming site.
REMINDER: If you have moved since you preordered Perfect30 make sure to contact our customer service at [email protected] and notify them of your new address. Don't attempt to do this on our website as doing so will only affect future orders, not your presale order.
We also plan on starting to share Perfect30 video clips this week on Facebook, YouTube, and our website - ARE YOU READY!
The best way to view our Perfect30 updates is on our Facebook Page, but we will also post a lot of pics in our forums and on Pinterest.
*Pre-Order PERFECT30 now or learn more at https://bit.ly/2RlEJRY