Peppermint Tea for IBS


Just wanted to see if anyone out there uses Peppermint Tea to relieve IBS and or Tummy Trouble, and if not what DID, or DO you use ? I have been having the worst IBS symptoms than ever and have been looking for anyting to relieve the bloating and nausea.
I just had a cup of Peppermint Tea and I actually DO feel a lot better, but almost wonder if that's not psychosomatic.

I also heard fennel is a good thing to use as well, but have no idea how and when I would even incorporate that. Any input is always appreciated.


Here is what I use when my tummy is not so great.

For a full pot

1 fennel teabag helps with bloating and air
1 chamomile helps with spasms
2 peppermint helps with digestion and kills the taste of the other 2 which I don't like so much.

Hope it helps
Peppermint tea does help with IBS symptoms. Are you taking a good probiotic? Those can treat the problem, not just the symptoms. I use Ganaden's Digestive Advantage IBS Capsule (you can get in most drugstores or online.) I have IBS too and I just manage it with diet, primarily. My Mom also gets IBS too. She has had some success with chamomile tea calming her nausea. I like GAS x to relieve bloating/pain. Licorice tea helps a lot with energy if you are feeling very tired, but be careful because it can raise blood pressure (I have really low blood pressure, its not an issue for me.)

If you take calcium, be sure to also get enough magnesium, because calcium on its own can make IBS painful. I found out that I was terribly sensitive to flax seed and some of the very spicy peppers. I also avoid all cheeses and rice because they both irritate my body. I do better with oatmeal than with wheat. I avoid all alcohol. I used to avoid all gluten but I found that I did better with some steel cut oat meal in my diet (its controversial, some oats can be a source of gluten). It massages me on the inside. Some people find that they can't tolerate tomatoes, potatoes and bell peppers (night shades.) Have you tried 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar in warm water with some honey? My Dad has had success with that. Some people do better with raw food and others (like my Mom) must have all their food cooked or else it just doesn't digest at all. Trader Joe's does have some really good papaya enzymes that you just chew up with your meal, and those aid with digestion.

I hope you feel better soon.
I'm not a big tea drinker so I havent tried it, but I chew peppermint gum, the stronger the mint flavor the better! I was out of peppermint gum once and chewed spearmint instead and another time cinnamon Dentyne, they actually didnt work, it's been ONLY the peppermint gum, so I think there is some real value in the use of peppermint with IBS.

Over the years, I've been learning what foods I can eat and what I need to eliminate. I also do ok with oatmeal, cant eat pretzels though. I can eat rice no problem. I can do tomatoes, but not many spices, garlic and basil especially give me troubles. Fortunately, or unfortunately, chocolate upsets my stomach too, but I can tolerate it in small doses. Most veggies Im ok with except corn and most types of lettuce.
peppermint tea is a very good option. I have a personal experince yes it works when I suffering from tummy problem.
I tried the gum...but found that I was SO bloated from that, so I found mint tea helps quite a bit. I have a mint blend which is three types of mint, which tastes nicer and also seems to help quite a lot too.

This probably isn't convenient, but if I have a spasm, if I ask someone to knead my stomach (I know, gross!) It makes the most amazing difference!

I also find that eating some cottage cheese (fat free) tends to help. It stops the horrid gurgling too, which I hate, and often stops me sleeping.

Sorry you're suffering!
Thanks everyone for the ideas. After having some Peppermint Tea yesturday and also today I do actually feel a LOT better. I went to the local COOP and got 'Choice" herbal peppermint tea. Amazing how simple it is and how well it works.
ZoZo: I think the reason you get bloated from the gum is because they ( experts ) do say that when you chew gum, you end up inhaling and or swallowing a lot of air which of coarse makes IBS tons worse. It's crazy how this stupid syndrome can make you SO uncomfortable, but nice to know there are things out there that can help.
Stacy: I had some oatmeal this morn. which, well,,,,moved things along nicely for lack of better words.
going back on the food journal ; I think I know what caused my flare up. I had some frozen Philly Beef steak from Schwanz and made fahitas ( sp ) out of it the night before. They were really greasy and loaded with sodium. for those with IBS. Stay AWAY from Shcwanz frozen philly beef

Thanks as well to Clothbottom, Rapidbreath, and WISP. Always nice to know there are others out there who can relate !
Fennel Tea!

Just get some Fennel seeds and brew as a tea, 1 tsp to a cup of boiling water. This works wonders for tummy troubles, even in colicky babies.

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