Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 8/9



A nice day, we worked in the garden for a couple of hours, then I went to class with Keegan, out to our favorite Puerto Rican restaurant for lunch. John went fishing later and I took a nap and finished a book. a rRelaxing day.

Valerie, Picture Trail is pretty good, and if you have any questions about uploading to here, let me know.
Josie, you're doing great on that should be able to move right into the 21 Day Fix plan.
Hi to Judy, Dawn, and Lynda,

Hope to get to an obedience match today at a local club....this will be the test to see what level I will be entering Kylee in for our club's September trial...we'll see!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Take care,
Hi everyone--

This morning I did 68 min. of barreAmped Bootcamp. I just cannot seem to finish the final stretch.

I enjoyed the dance yesterday. It was a Cuban company and they did two pieces, one by one of my favorite choreographers--Trey McIntyre--and the second a very sexy/jazzy piece titled Despedido, which the program translates "farewell," but one of my friends who speaks Spanish says it's more dismissive--like fired or laid off. My friends were not happy I think with the fact that it was more contemporary instead of ballet, but I loved it. There was also a jazz ensemble playing live music for the piece and I like Latin rhythms.

Valerie, I get emails from Elizabeth Warren because I contributed to her campaign originally. I think she's great and she doesn't pull any punches. She is credible on so many issues, from the banks to the utter time-wasting of her colleagues in the Senate, to the nonsensical attack on PP. Love her honesty. Good news on your Aunt Betty--nice to hear. Max is frequently mistaken for a border collie, but he herds very differently. Border collies are very aggressive and on the attack--low to the ground. Max likes to circle and lead. He is an English shepherd--a truly classic farm dog. He is definitely not as intense in temperament as border collies or Australian shepherds, who have their tails docked, and those strange eyes. Max has a gorgeous plume of a tail that regularly gets full of thistles and beggar lice. He likes to hunt voles and groundhogs and then bury them. The other day a turkey vulture spotted him with a dead groundhog and Max had to do everything in his power to get him to leave. Try herding a turkey vulture!

Deb, it was not a press conference. Very tough questioning from 3 Fox News presenters. Good luck with Kylee!

Good for you on the 21 day Challenge, Josie!

Hi to Judy and Dawn!

Out to dinner tonight with MIL and FIL (for his birthday), who has definitely been improving gradually. He still has eye issues, but his blood pressure seems to be under control.
did a 25 mile road ride this morning.

the dog trial going on here sounded like a lot of dogs with similar but mixed ancestry. one was part heeler. all kinds of herding dogs. the pictured dog was black and white and looked exactly like Max. could not see his tail. they were explaining how the dogs work, herding and separating, and about a special whistle used for commands. Fascinating! what work savers for farmers in addition to being companions. ha... turkey vultures are big and ugly, very ugly, hope max doesn't catch one.

Ok I could not believe what I read this morning about what trump said. I am no fan of Fox news or Megyn Kelly but this is beyond low. the clips I saw the questioners were aggressive, not throwing soft balls, but that's good. but the comment about 'blood coming out of her whatever"... would someone please throw a net over this guy and drag him away? I could NOT believe what I read! how crude will he get?

Anyway, I love Elizabeth Warren. outspoken people who tell it like it is ... I'm not sure this country will ever elect a person like that. unfortunately.

Josie, that is fantastic. 8 lbs in 10 days is amazing.

Deb, I'm going to look at picture trail and see if I can get it to work.
ETA I swear... PT won't work. it keeps telling me the 3 letter verification code is 'wrong". this is not one of those distorted ones, it's clearly readable but it won't work. you know, there are reasons I get frustrated. no idea why entering a clearly readable code is somehow wrong.
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Good evening from Cape Cod!!

This morning I did Cathe 2015 Road Trip Kickboxing plus we did a ton of swimming. Having a blast! Trying to eat clean but pretty much impossible when fish and chips keep calling me!!!! So I have decided moderation vs. clean. :) This afternoon my friend Christopher and I went for mani and pedi's. He his hilarious. Not sure if I mentioned he is let's very flamboyant and not afraid to have a good time. He does all the things I love to do on vacation that my DH could care less about so it works well. I swear that is why my DH loves it when Christopher tags along!!! What is also great is my DH and him have become really good friends over the years which is rather nice.

Deb...sounds like you had a very nice day. I too will look up Picture Trail. We have a timeshare in West Yarmouth and love it. Recently, a larger unit became available and we jumped all over it and sold off ours. We are staying in the larger this week and we could not be happier. This one has 2 full baths vs only 1 and the unit is twice the size. We are very happy! 8lbs that is awesome!!! I am trying very hard to stick with the overall 21 day fix plan while vacationing as to not put on a ton of weight. Might be fun eating a ridiculous amount of food but will not be happy when I get back. So far I am doing ok.

Lynda...the ballet sounded very nice to me. Max is a beautiful dog. Did you search for his particular breed for your farm? Were you able to buy him local? Just curious. I like Elizabeth Warren too.

Varlerie...great ride today. I still do not know anything about the debate. So sorry I missed it. Wonder if it is on demand?

Judy...Happy birthday Chino!! I know it was a couple of days ago but wanted to acknowledge. :)

Hi to Dawn!!!!

Tonight we are grilling steaks on the charcoal grill and then setting up to watch Whiplash on the projector and make popcorn and margaritas.

Well the start of another week. We went to the match yesterday and it was dismal. Both dogs were horrible in the ring. It made me decide that except for the team event, I am not entering Kylee in anything else. I have to work on her attention when she is in the ring. Otherwise a good day.

Lynda the ballet sounds great, even if one was more contemporary. I guess when I think of a debate, I think of having specific topics and the candidates speak to their positions on them. I guess I should have watched it. Are you not able to finish the stretch due to your muscles being tired?

Valerie, what dog show is going on in your area?

Lori, your trip sounds great as does your friend Chris. :). As for mani/pedi and male participants, when I want to one of our sales conferences ( it was in Las Vegas) the company gave us choices for a day of activities, fishing, hiking, tours or a Spa Day.....I was surprised how many of the men took the spa day, and they were sitting with us getting pedicures and manicures. They loved it. John has had one manicure in his life...when we were in California to visit his Mom, I made an appointment for pedis for her and I and she got sick...John took her spot but got a manicure instead.

Hi to Judy, Josie, & Dawn,

A workout this morning, I have been slacking lately,

Take care,
Hi everyone--

This morning I did both low impact hiit workouts (50:08).

Deb, I just feel like the stretch is boringly long. Since she does stretches at the end of the segments, it seems excessive to me. Funny, though, I really like the long floor stretch at the end of Turbo Barre. Sounds like a disappointing day with the double K's. Oh, there were specific issues brought up, and sometimes there would be some debating between them, but a lot of the time the questions were hostile 'gotcha' questions rather than issue-oriented. E.g. Meghan Kelly asked whether they would support the Republican candidate, who ever that happened to be, and of course, they all raised their hands yes, except for Trump, who has been very outspoken about being mistreated by the RNC as a motive for running as an independent.

Lori, it sounds like you are having a ball on the Cape with your friend Christopher. DH became interested in getting an English Shepherd when one of his customers came in with two of Max's sisters as puppies, and they just seemed so appealing to him. So we found out where this breeder was--in the Catskills--and learned that there was only one puppy left named Clark. They have a theme for their puppies and this was the explorers group--Lewis and Clark, Daniel and Boone, Cabot and Columbus, Marco and Polo, etc. Clark as he was called was the last one because his breeder said he seemed very mouthy and if children were involved, their parents didn't like that. Max still is mouthy--sort of softly chewing on my arm at times, but it's just kind of funny to me and DH. Anyway, we drove about 5 hours to look at Clark, and I fell in love with him. He was also both housetrained and crate-trained when we picked him up and slept through the night immediately. No way would we keep the name Clark, which I thought was hilarious. It might work for Superman, but not a dog.

Valerie, I couldn't get anything at your site but an advertisement for Yep, Trump denies that he meant anything about the female menstrual cycle and just meant that Meghan Kelly was out for blood. He said this the following day in one of his telephone interviews I think. What I find alternately irritating and amusing is how this has become the major issue of the campaign--nothing else! Trump has managed to suck all of the air out of the room when it comes to discussing anything but his behavior. Political discourse has now sunk to the level of a reality TV show like Celebrity Apprentice. Zany!

Well, I have gone on too long as usual.
Lynda, you're right.... link to the dog trial didn't work. I redid it, but only got one picture, not the right one of course, so I gave up and deleted the post as I could not get the picture only to delete. wow, I am having no luck with pictures. I can see all the stuff myself on the Herald but it doesn't copy and paste. I'm fascinated with lewis & Clark. we've gone to many places they traveled. most places sadly don't resemble what they did in 1805. I like Max, but I would like Clark too.

we went mt biking for 2 and a half hours this morning. a fair amount of work at least on the way up. looked like rain, but then clouds all burned off and it's hot again. I am SO done with summer. trails are dry and dusty but it does make for quick demise of horse apples.

I am finding the whole trump fiasco scary. all about him and everyone is reacting to him..... no one talking about actual issues, except for abortion and these guys trying to "out conservative" each other. everyone sort of swirling around in the quagmire. (is trump-mire a word?) I see this difficult for the D's too. they ( Hillary or anyone else) really can't respond to Trump either. it's like this will be the entire conversation until he gets tired of it or says even more outrageous things and gets booted.

Deb, I got picture trail to work today. did exactly the same as yesterday. this time it was fine. anyway. put 4 pics there. How do I get them to transfer here?

do the your doggies distract each other? or is it other dogs? or can you even tell?
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Good morning,

Well we got rain yesterday....thunder storms came through and it rained for a few hours. We needed it too. Our grass was turning brown.

Lynda, LOL on the theme for Max's litter....I wonder what they named the girls? :). He certainly is the perfect breed for your home/farm. Like I have said before, he could not have gotten a more perfect home.

Valerie, I agree on the Trump fiasco....I feel deep down that he doesn't really want to be the President....there is some other motive here ( besides getting a ton of attention and publicity) and that bothers me. The dogs are distracted by the new ring, new smells etc. They also know that they are not going to get treats, and decide it's not worth doing all this obedience stuff with no reward.

As for Picture Trail and getting pics here...

go to your album or where your pics are located

there should be a tab across the top that says "Image URL's" once you select that tab, you should see this screen with the 5 options below the pictures you have in the album.
select and Copy where it says "forum Image tag"...under the pic you want to post

go over to your Cathe post and "paste it there".
Hope this works!


Hi to Dawn, Josie, Judy, and Lori,

Take care,
Just finished 63 minutes of Barre Amped Bootcamp....YIKES! This is tough...I definitely need to practice planks.

Lynda, I see what you mean on the last stretch....I didn't have the strength to do it, even if I wanted to. :)
Deb thank you so much for putting all this work into getting me going with pics I really appreciate it. I have no idea why the picture trail site didn't work sunday. Monday, did everything the same, went fine.
I have several doctor appts this morning ( just routine check ins) so maybe this afternoon I will have more time to look at this.

63 minutes of barre would put me in traction... I'm put together wrong for barre moves... feels like twisted /tortured. I would expect it to be worse now that I haven't done yoga in so long. ( hope to return this fall) be pleased you did that much.
the dog pic is adorable... how can they be comfortable like that? a doggie burrito.

I guess Trump will get away with his latest insults probably reveling in the extra attention. no question he doesn't really want the job. he's having fun as center of this media circus. clearly he likes to shake things up, shock people etc. I expect he will tire of it, have a tantrum, take his marbles and go home.

I don't want to get too much into politics here... I know if can make for tensions. my thought was the trump business was a topic everyone could agree on.

Success! this is from last summer on a bike ride, we'd hiked up to the top of a small viewpoint. still have my bike gear and helmet on, not my usual hairdo. Thank you Deb.

Same day, a flower box at the ferry landing.
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Hi everyone--

This morning I did ch, sh, tris and abs 1 (47:58).

Thanks for the pics, Valerie. You look very professional and the background is gorgeous. I like the term "Trumpmire"--fits the media perfectly. They take his phone calls, so he doesn't have to show up to be interviewed and he gets immediate attention from all the news stations. If they would just ignore his phone calls, maybe he would go away.

Deb, I think that final core section is really tough, especially the downward dog into the upward dog. I also like the weight section for upper body. The first time I did this, I had serious doms in my legs, but not anymore. I also discovered I would rather do this routine with shoes because that is the only way I can sustain her balance moves without a support.

Pouring rain today, but we need it.
This morning was RWH Low Impact 2 followed up with SB Arms. I then went for a brisk walk with christopher. We got caught in the rain but we did not mind. We went to a Brazilian Grill last night and we all over ate so we wanted the exercise! First time the three of us ever visited this restaurant. There is a huge buffet with everything on it then they walk around with skewers of every kind of meat you can think of and slice it right there for you. You have these little cards on the table...Green is telling them to keep stopping by with meats and when you flip to the red then they know you are done. We may go back before we leave.

Deb...did you like Suzanne Bowen? I just love her personality and style. Great job on that workout! It is a good one.

Great pictures Valerie!!!!!

Rainy here on the worries though. We just came back from the awesome indoor pool and jacuzzi. No one was there so we had it all for ourselves. We now are just relaxing, thinking about turkey burgers for dinner and setting up the projector for some Wii Bowling! Will be a fun night.

Have a great evening all!
Hi Everyone,

Yesterday I did STS disc 4, Chest, Shoulders and Biceps. Today I used the workout blender and put together a short Cathe spin workout. I also did medicine ball abs and a quick Suzanne Bowen lower body barre, only 10 minutes. I'm definitely feeling more "DOMS" in my upper body so I guess STS is making me work a little harder than I was before.

I couldn't talk DH into biking this weekend. He is so focused on the home projects that he doesn't want to do anything else right now. At least I was able to get him to go to the gym last night. He did promise to do some biking with me next week, when he is on vacation.

Deb-Great workout! I'll have to try Barre Amped sometime. The photo of your dogs is adorable!
It rained here all day yesterday.

Lynda-I agree about Trump. This all just feels like a reality TV show.
Max sounds like a fun dog. I bet he was an adorable puppy!

Valerie-Great job on the mountain biking! I don't think I could do 2 and half hours. Great pictures!

Lori-It sounds like you are having an awesome vacation! It's great that you are doing your workouts too!

Hi to Josie & Dawn,

Good morning & Happy Hump Day!

I am a little sore in the butt from that workout yesterday, but not as sore as I thought I would be...maybe there are DOMS to come. :). We ended up sending in entries for the Cathe says, " I may regret that"....LOL

Valerie, that is a beautiful picture! glad you were able to get the picture site to's not so bad once you do it a couple of times. In the past I also purchased a few gifts from them, like a calendar or a coffee mug for John with the last 4 dogs we've had on it for Father's Day...anything you can think of that you might want made with one of your pictures is available. I forgot that you were an avid Yoga person, and that you stopped when your old studio moved/closed. I don't know if barre is anything like yoga, but it is tougher than it looks, that's for sure.

Lynda, I didn't think to put shoes're might be easier to do the balance moves, but then there would be that "weight" on my leg and I probably wouldn't be able to do the leg reps! LOL. I only used 1 pound weights for the arm work, I think I could go up a bit on those.

Lori, Sounds like you are having a great vacation...yes I liked the workout, and the time went by pretty quickly. They have those Brazilian type restaurants in the resorts in Mexico....Yikes! a lot of meat that's for sure! A Carnivore's Delight. Are you using your "homemade" Travel Fit?

Judy, wow, that's a great workout mix!

Hi to Josie & Dawn,

Meeting my friend from work for lunch today, then agility class tonight....

Take care,
Hi everyone--

This morning I did Bootcamp Boogie (63:00).

Judy, good for you on the STS plus all of that additional work. After a STS workout, I never had the stamina to do any add-ons. I guess I felt virtuous enough. Hope you can get your DH to take a little time off on vacation.

Deb, maybe the K's will come through for you. I know you have been pleasantly surprised at times in the past. Yep, butt doms. My Asics shoes are pretty light. What are you wearing--combat boots?? (Just kidding.)

Lori, I have to admit that the first thing I thought of when you described that restaurant was Bridesmaids. That was the type of restaurant they went to before the disastrous shopping trip to that bridal shop. That is so nice that you have somewhere to go when it rains.

Valerie, I hope all your doctor appointments went well.

We did a 33 mile road ride this morning. might get rain.. thunderstorms popped up over seattle suddenly unpredicted. some heavy rain and hail. we are north of there and are hoping we get a little of the rain but as time passes it looks less likely. we're glad we aren't still on a ride but it is so ridiculously dry that I would agree to get soaked if it brought rain. there is talk of water restriction now. we are usually dry in the summer but not this dry. reservoirs are getting low. we are watering but selected plants and our vegie garden. the garden is not doing as well we thought.

all Ok at my medical appts. one a routine cardiology check I do twice a year. the other is orthopedic. I have a spot on my right foot over the outside ankle bone that is giving me grief. a fluid accumulation that aches when I hike downhill. It's not "life threatening" or anything but inconvenient. I've been using a compression sock over it. xrays looked very good, joints look nice without arthritic changes (whew) . I twisted it badly about 10 yrs ago. it has very slowly gotten to be more aggravating. going to get some other imaging and decide if it can be fixed or if I should continue with compression. it's a surface thing but in a spot that gets sore walking downhill.

Yoga is different from barre but it depends on style of yoga and the instructor. I hope I can go back this fall. its a longer drive, less convenient location but I miss it. we used to do down dog to up dog regularly and I'll be it would kill be now. different moves and muscle involvement than my usual cycling or hiking.
Deb, I think I will be able to remember how to use picture trail. I need to get a pic of my kitty in there.
Good afternoon ladies!

This morning I did a workout I made up. Started off with x10 warm up, intensity boot camp, cathe live standing abs then finished with SB's newest workout which was advanced lower body barre fire. Total workout was just under an hour. We also swam a bit....then we went for ice cream....oh well the day started off great. :)

Deb...glad you enjoyed SB. That is awesome you are not as sore as you thought you would be. I did not bring my travel fit this time. Since we were driving I was able to bring some weights. 8,5,4,2 and 1lbs. I am able to up my 8's to 10's by holding the 2's. DH even brought his 20lbs weights which is HUGE for him and great for me too. Not sure if I have mentioned he now has lost 35 lbs. So happy for him!! He feels and looks great and so does his ankle. It hasn't bothered him in weeks. Keeping our fingers cross that it is now behind him.

Valerie...great picture! Nice to associate a face to your name now. So far I have seen Deb, Josie, Lynda, you and Dawn. So Judy you know what that means!!! Lol!!! :). Glad your appts went well. It poured really hard all day yesterday here. The Cape really needed the rain so glad it came and went. Today is absolutely beautiful.

Lynda...completely forgot about Bridesmaids. Very funny movie. Fortunately, we did not have the same reaction they all did.

Judy...I think you will like SB's most recent workout. It's about 17 minutes and it is great. Couple of new moves towards the end that really stretch your hamstrings and glutes. I have done it twice this week already and it may be my favorite at the moment.

Went to the Reebok Outlet and bought 3 pairs of sneakers for $98. I thought it was a great deal but my DH thinks I have more sneakers then anyone he knows. I tried to explain with all the workouts I do the support only lasts so long even though they still look nice and white. It has been about a year since I bought my last pair which I think is very reasonable!!! Of course he could care less if I bought 10 pairs. He just likes to give me a hard time.

Have a great night! Hi to Josie and Dawn!
Hi Everyone,

This morning I did STS Disc 6, Legs. That was a hard one. I think I underestimated how hard STS would be, but it's all good. I really feel like I am going to get stronger. So far, legs are the hardest for me, because I'm still being cautious and don't want to end up in physical therapy again. I'm a little leery about a few of the moves. I'm still doing them, but not going as deep, like the deadlifts and the sliding disc moves. Also, the wall squats with a leg extension didn't quite work, but I tried..

Valerie-It's great that all of your medical appointments went well. DH and I do a cardiology screening once a year, in September. I'll have to schedule that soon.

Lori-Awesome that your DH has lost 35 lbs! I'll have to check out SB's new workout soon.
Here's a photo of DH and I, taken last Christmas.

Hi to Deb, Lynda, Josie & Dawn!



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One more Chino photo, I took this today when he was sitting on my lap


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Good morning,

I had a nice lunch with my work friend....also reinforced my decision to retire. :) Yesterday I met my cousin at the track and did a walk/jog workout...and now with that over the DOMS from SB's barre, I can barely walk. OUCH!

Lynda, I have Asics as well and they do feel like combat boots doing those SB leg moves. LOL I hope you are right about the K's...

Valerie, glad all your medical appointments went well. YES, we need to see a pic of your Kitty.

Lori, nice workout, I don't know how you do it! What SB is 17 minutes? It must be a streaming one? That is go great about your DH and his weight loss. :)

Judy, Nice pics! It'sgood to be cautious when doing STS....It is very taxing...I like Meso 2 the best, I just could not finish it this past time.

Hi to Josie, & Dawn,

We are going to Stage 2 of our grooming lesson today...this should be fun.

Take care,

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