Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 8/25/2024


Getting us started for the week.

Can someone else start the weekly thread for a while? I will be working the next few Sunday mornings and we have family visiting in September so I might not be online as much. Thank you in advance, I really appreciate it!
Judy I can do the next week but then we plan vacation.

I did a 15 min warm up on the spin bike and then Pyramid Pump upper. I cant do the leg ones for a long time now, too many knee issues. I am trying to get back to doing at least the warm up moves that are usually light squats and lunges. my exercise ball lost air so I used the bench instead. works fine for most moves except cumbersome switching from flat to incline where she can just change position on the ball. the better back support is better anyway. I used same weight as cathe for all but one exercise where I stuck with 10's instead of using 12's for the high weight. I felt quite good about how it went. will see if I get sore but I dont think so. as I was doing it I thought the weights seemed light except for the overhead presses. Ive been very cautious with those because my back really gets involved pressing while standing.
Finally stopped raining this afternoon but everything is totally soggy.
Good morning. Today I did Jane Adams Gentle Yoga, Morning Energy practice for 18 minutes.

Judy and Valerie, I can start the thread on those days when no one else is available.

Hello to Cathy and Diane Sue.
This morning I woke up early and did a mix of AOLIH that's floor, step and disc, and followed that with Stretch Max with the band. Then set up for STS 2 Lower Body 1 and did that after breakfast. It's HOT here and the air outside is dead, usually with all our trees we have at least a little movement. Had a brief storm go through around 5:30-6 when I woke up. So far the stove is behaving. (just knocked on wood) LOL

Valerie sorry that the weather has messed up your garden. Seems like even with all our rain, the crops here are doing well. The corn fields especially are looking really good. Great job with PP Upper. Sticking with Cathe for everything but one exercise is excellent.

Carolyn great job with the yoga.

Hi Judy and Diane Sue.
had stopped raining by this morning. when we checked out the garden, it survived better than expected. most of the corn is upright, got 2 zucchini. we have a million cucumbers. DH starts way too many and then cant kill off the little plants. no way can we eat even 10% of the cucumbers. I give away what I can but I dont want to be a neighbor to avoid because I always have a load of vegetables for them. beans are stalled. tomatoes I am less optimistic. we always have blight issues and its very wet right now. great conditions for blight which is fatal to tomatoes.

I didnt get sore so I made the right calls on pyramid pump. we aired up my exercise ball so I can use it again. today I only did therapy work and a few push ups and curls.
Today I did RWH Low Impact HiiT One for 28 minutes and 173 calories burned. My average heart rate was 126 and maximum heart rate was 164. I finished up with Step Boss Extended Stretch.

Cathy, great job with AOLIH, Stretch Max with band, and STS 2 Lower Body 1.

Valerie, I’m glad that some of your garden is okay. Nice job with your therapy work, push-ups, and biceps.

Hello to Judy and Diane Sue.
Did a trail ride this morning 15 miles and hour 15 minutes. unfortunately its going to rain again tonight but then it looks like it will dry out. what a strange weather month here. its warm enough for things to grow ok but tomatoes dont like being so wet. blight is a fungal disease and when it rains hard it splashes up from the dirt onto the plants. last year we had wonderful tomatoes. this year is looking pretty sad.
This morning I did Step, Jump and Pump, the step and low impact floor sections, then I did STS 2 Upper Body 1 Two Sets Max. There are actually only 3 exercises that have 3 sets, so it's not much of a difference time wise.

Valerie I'm glad your garden has things that are still doing well. I've been getting a few things each week from my brother. His tomatoes are really good, but he says that he has tons of cucumber blossoms and very few cucumbers. He also has far too many banana peppers. I eat them, but not a ton, but he's been blackmailing into taking them if I want my tomatoes. LOL We'll see how many he puts in the bag this week, since he just leaves it on the porch. Great that you were able to get in a ride today. It's HOT today, but I want to get my 10,000 steps in and I've been going out walking. It clouded up mid day and wasn't so bad, but then the sun came back. Normally I am not a fan of cloudy days, but when it's this hot, I'm totally good with it.

Carolyn great job with RWH Low Impact HiiT One and SB Extended Stretch.

Hi Judy and Diane Sue.
No workouts Saturday and Sunday. I am still not ready for weight workouts. Saturday I was in a lot of pain, yesterday slightly better. I took a break from my oil painting because I think it is aggravating things because I tend to lean forward with upper body and neck while I am painting detail. I realized it let up till I started another painting. I am prone to spending several hours solid painting. My husband ordered me a new desk that can be raised up which I think sill help and even more room for holding the easel and paints and brushes and stuff. My old art desk has the strip on the front that keeps brushes and pencils from rolling off broken off so they roll off into my lap or on the floor paint and all.
No rain here. Every time they say it may rain, nothing happens, or we get a few drops. I had to go out and water my flowers as they were starting to look parched, and I have not been tending to things much lately.
Today I did CDorner Easy Basic Step she did today, 33 minutes, 183 calories, heart rate 130/165, 3,011 steps.
I then did STS 2 upper foam roller, CDorner Day 24 upper back and neck mobility stretc and Day 16 standing leg stretch, 42 minutes.
This morning I did RWH Chest, Triceps, and Shoulders, 2 sets and no finishers. My time was 35 minutes and 130 calories burned. Average heart rate 113 and maximum heart rate 142.

Valerie, great job with the trail ride. The weather has been very strange everywhere recently. I wish that I had planted a few things in my pots this spring but I never got around to it. My last tomatoes did not do well.

Cathy, great job with Step, Jump, and Pump, and STS 2 Upper Body 1, two sets max. It’s nice that your brother brings you bags of items from his garden. I wouldn’t know what to do with the banana peppers. My Father-in-Law grew them and made hot vinegar. I haven’t had any for years but you mentioning them brought back memories.

Diane Sue, I’m sorry that you are having such pain. I can see how painting for long periods of time could aggravate your problem. The new desk will probably help quite a bit. Nice job with CDorner Easy Basic Step, STS 2 Foam Roller for Upper Body, and CDorner stretch.

Hello to Judy.
Had a mammogram this morning, always stressful. hopefully not TMI here.... pacemaker is pocketed under my skin on my left upper chest area. it gets dragged into the field of view on a mamm. its harder for the tech to get everything they want in view, and not covered by the pacer which is magnified and looks about the size of the space shuttle. anyway, not really more uncomfortable for me. after she was done she was looking at my information and said "you 76?? you 76? you look GOOD". English was not her first language but it was a lovely compliment thru the language barrier!. so ladies, keep on exercising and lifting those weights! we all work hard at this and are rewarded.

Diane sue you probably have some version of "tech neck" that is blamed because all of us are hunched over screens and get aches and pains related. I try hard not to stay in that posture too much. hope the new desk helps.
I used to make hot peppers using banana peppers. they weren't real hot but definitely tangy and vinegary. I don't eat enough to bother canning them myself. Hatch chilies are popular here especially roasted. I like them and their not extreme heat level but DH doesn't. we joke about me having burned out all my taste buds with spicy food. he wont eat anything with any heat. black pepper is pushing his limits. I have my own supply of garlic chili sauce, chili crisp, Cholula, Franks, red pepper flakes etc to direct season my food.
Yesterday I did a 45-minute row and 45 minutes of upper body and core work. Today I ran/walked outside for about 40 minutes.

Valerie-Great job with Pyramid Pump upper, therapy work and trail ride. I hope all is good with your mammogram. That’s a very stressful time for me too. I agree about keeping up with the workouts. One time I was getting my blood pressure checked and the tech said "you must lift weights" when she put the cuff around my arm. It is very nice to get compliments like that.

Carolyn-Great job with Jane Adams Gentle Yoga, RWH Low Impact HiiT One, Step Boss Extended Stretch, and RWH Chest, Triceps, and Shoulders.

Cathy-Great job with AOLIH, Stretch Max with band, STS 2 Lower Body 1, Step, Jump, and Pump, and STS 2 Upper Body 1. It’s very hot here again this week. We had a thunderstorm this morning but it’s sunny and in the 90’s now. It looks like the temps will go back into the 70’s next week.

Diane Sue-I’m so sorry about all of your pain. I hope the new desk helps. Great job with CDorner Easy Basic Step, STS 2 Foam Roller, and the CDorner stretch.
I've had my complaints about MyChart, and sometimes it doesn't work right, but this is terrific. usually I lose sleep worrying about results for a week. this is the first time I got them this quickly. last year they were fast but I didn't think this fast. I wasn't even looking for them yet. if I could have stopped at costco on the way home, the results would have been back before I got home.
At almost the same time, there was a terrible jam up at the airport this weekend due to a cyber attack and nothing is working right, blank screens and apps not working, no luggage getting sent where it needs to go. so the knife can cut both ways.
Yesterday I walked at the zoo, and then went to my parents. Walked in and all the groceries were still on the table. My Dad has a hard time carrying them in the house, and they knew I was coming. I could have brought them in, but Dad said they had ice cream. Okay, just bring in the ice cream. And more than 10 minutes later the ice cream was still sitting on the table. Today I had an appointment, so I just did Killer Legs Bonus Barre. Had my follow up to go over my bloodwork. I could have saved the $20, as I'd already seen all the results and knew they were fine, but gives me a chance to chat with him. LOL Today I got more tomatoes, a cucumber, green beans and more banana peppers! I even got the mutant orange one. These peppers are not even the tiniest bit hot, including the seeds. I've started putting them in things that I'm eating, or I can cut them up tiny enough to hide them. DH is convinced he can only eat green peppers which has never made sense to me.

Valerie that's great news on your mammogram. It's only been in the last year the our doctor has been in a practice where we can see results soon after tests. I have mixed feeling about it, because sometimes it's fine, but sometimes people get bad news, or news they interpret as bad, without their doctor present to give them the full picture.

Judy great job with the rowing, upper body, core and run/walk. Yesterday we had one brief storm that was mostly heavy winds, some thunder and a short time of light rain. We got off lightly though, as just north/east of us the greater Lansing area got hit much hard and some people are still without power. Looking forward to cooler temps next week.

Carolyn great job with RWH Chest, Triceps, and Shoulders.

Diane Sue I'm sorry you are having so much pain. Hopefully your new desk will help you from spending too much time in compromising positions aggravating things.
Today I did JS Pyramid Power Walk for 30 minutes and 209 calories burned. My average heart rate was 132 and maximum heart rate was 170. I did my virtual WW meeting with another new Coach. It was a good meeting. I’m trying a couple of different meetings to see which one I like best.

Judy, great job with rowing, upper body and core, and walking/running outside.

Valerie, that’s great news on your mammogram results. It is good to be able to get the results immediately. I had the same quick experience with my results in MyChart.

Cathy, great job with walking at the zoo, visiting your parents, and doing Killer Legs Bonus Barre.

Waving hello to Diane Sue.
Yesterday I did CDorner No equipment all standing arms 20 minutes, 112 calories, heart rate 135/164. I followed it with CDorner Low Back Stretch routine to release tight muscle., 25 minutes. This was 45 minutes, 141 calories total. Today I just did CDorner Total Body morning mobility and a chair stretch for neck and back. I was really tired this morning and did not sleep well. I started getting text messages on my watch and that woke me up. One was from Amazon saying my art desk was arriving, so I got up and got dressed so I could pull it in. Then a place that my husband had ordered some aquarium fish from sent them after we had cancelled the order on Amazon. So I was sitting here trying to figure out what to do with them. They are not compatible with the fish we have in the tank. I ended up getting out the small tank and setting it up to put them in. Not something I wanted to do. One of the 4 fish was dead. Now we have to deal with the seller who agreed to the cancellation and still sent the fish.

Valerie, that is nice that you got to see the results of the mammogram quickly. It usually takes two days for me to get the results after I have mine. I like the portal for the arhritis center I go to because usually the day after I go in my blood work is all on it and the physician's notes. I have problems with my spine aching most of the time. I keep a stand on the counter for my computer, so it is eye level. It is still a problem if I lean forward a bit and my neck has to stay aligned or pain hits after I sit like that for long periods. I stand part of the time when painting. Those compliments are nice to get and motivation to keep up the work that we put in. I love spicey food but have had to cut back some because the reflux has been a big problem lately. I love chipotle powder in recipes.

Cathy, nice job on the walk at the zoo and today's Killer Legs Bonus Bar.

Carolyn, nice work on Jessica Smith Power Walk today.

Judy, good job on yesterday's 45-minute row and 45 minutes of upper body and core work, and today's run/walk outdoor for about 40 minutes.
Today I did RWH Back, Biceps, and Shoulders, 2 sets, no finishers. My time was 41 minutes with 127 calories burned. My average heart rate was 108 and maximum heart rate was 133.

Diane Sue, great job with the CDorner workout and stretches. You are smart to stay away from the weight workouts while your body heals.

Hello to Valerie, Judy, and Cathy.
we did a hike yesterday. hard but not too hard. its only 2.5 miles each way but it has a lot of elevation gain and the trail is very rough in sections. it has brushy parts that are very wet and cold, we got soaked in the first little bit of it and it was only 39 degrees to start. I used to be able to do WAY nastier things but this is enough now. one section is very exposed.... if you fall you are dead ... but its very short and possible to hang onto the rock face as you crawl past it. it's the site of a long ago lookout from maybe the 1930's. no clue how construction was done there but in a hundred years maybe the approach has changed with a previous route collapsing? I dont know. old hiking books recommended stopping before the top so its hard to know. lookouts used to be used for fire management and also being on a coast to watch for enemy planes approaching. hard to imagine anyone getting building materials up the final couple hundred yards, its sheer rock face with barely a place for your feet. now helicopters would be used. just the approach on roads in a car is difficult and long. cant imagine how long it took with horses/mules. probably a week or more. yes, this is in the middle of nowhere!

today I will take the day off at least somewhat. therapy work and maybe some upper body later today.

we have different competing medical groups in the area, not always allowed easy access between their mychart results. you can have a different "mychart" account at several groups that may or may not exchange info freely. this link never worked well before but this time it was great. blood work usually shows up within a couple hours but physician notes many times do not.

the compliment I got was a motivator for sure. we all work hard and its good to know it shows.

I love chipotle chilies and chipotle powder. as you might guess DH is not a fan. I love the flavor! now our garden is producing and we have WAY too much. went from 'nothing' to too much in a couple days.

cathy that is weird red and orange/yellow peppers are sweeter and milder than green ones usually. I would have thought more people would not like green peppers. I love green chilis and they are usually very mild. even jalapenos are often no stronger than green peppers but there are surprises sometimes.
you're right, it takes experience to interpret lab results. even medical notes are a "special medical language" that can get misunderstood. there was a special medical (Dorlands) dictionary because its very specific and terms are not correctly defined or even included in the OED or other dictionaries.

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