Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 8/18/2024

Just finished Bands, Loops and Weights-Oh My! Total Body and a really good workout. Appears that Derek and I are off to Indy for a day trip tomorrow. Note that it's at least a 4 hour drive each way. At least we can share the driving. Leaving at 6 a.m. He says he's not needing to do the dolphin show or some areas multiple times, but I really doubt we'll get out of there in under 5 hours. I've done too many zoos with him. LOL

Valerie great job with the trail ride. Michigan DNR created their own issue with the overpopulation of deer. They wanted to make more money off licenses back in the early 80's and manipulated rules and changed landscapes that aided the deer to overwinter better and within a short time more than quadrupled the herd is currently around 2 million. That meant increased crop losses and more car collisions, and now that there are less hunters they are having an even harder time. There are about 60,000 deer/car collisions a year here. It's pretty rare to find anyone who drives in the countryside who hasn't hit at least one. I've hit 3 and only 1 ran off. Even cities aren't immune, the area I drive in, Meridian Township, you can regularly see dead deer by the side of the road. Marquette has a lot of deer within the city limits, including a population of Albino deer.

Diane Sue great job with STS 2.0 Mish Mosh 2 triceps and chest, Killer Barre Bonus and Chair Yoga. Sorry your hands and wrists are painful. Enjoy your family time.

Hi Carolyn and Judy.
Good morning. I did Jane Adams Gentle Yoga this morning for 18 minutes.

Judy, thanks for starting the thread this week.

Diane Sue, nice job with STS 2.0 Mish Mosh Triceps and Chest and Killer Legs Bonus Barre. Dips are hard on my wrists too. I bought the lifting gloves with wrist support which help. I wear them when I’m do an upper body workout. I need them for curls but they also help me with dips. It’s good that the family is bringing the food for your get together.

Hello to Cathy and Valerie.
DH finally listened to me and checked out the DVD player. he sets up the electronics and Im the useful idiot who is the "gofer" usually, but I was pretty sure something failed this time. I generally don't mess with the system. he wanted to do a workout this morning. DVD player is dead. I'm sort of pleased , even though its broken, I at least realized it was and warned him and worked around it. I thought maybe a loose connection or dead batteries but no, it's toast. amazon to the rescue, coming monday. they are so inexpensive now.

cathy I realize the deer problem. here, wilderness/forest areas don't have the overpopulation issue , its the suburbs where hunting is generally not allowed. the deer adapt to safer more comfortable areas where they can get fed by humans and eat their gardens, where life in the distant woods is more challenging. the deer here barely look up when we are working in our garden. car collisions are an increasing risk for them and us. we hit a deer years ago turning out of our driveway. the deer walked out near us on the right and we hit him while barely moving. big dent. deer ran off. there is a population of elk that live literally all through the towns of Mammoth in the park and Gardiner. its safe from their main predators but they need to learn about car traffic. it's even happened with some grizzly and black bears that either get habituated to human trash, or find hanging out by the roads is safer and make an easy living. that famous grizzly mom with the 4 cubs that was such an huge attraction hung out close to the roads and all cubs made it to adulthood. big male bears often kill cubs so this was safer. I know one of the cubs has been euthanized because it got habituated to raiding trash cans near Jackson Hole. Bear proof cans would help. the balance gets complicated. no shortage of deer. we see many carcasses roadside when we drive there and back. at freeway speeds its horrendous. elk and moose too.
Today I did All Out Low Impact HiiT, floor and step cardio, for 33 minutes and 221 calories burned. Average heart rate was 130 and maximum heart rate was 167.

Valerie, I’m glad that you have a new dvd player coming. They really are cheap now.

Talking about deer collisions reminded me of a frightening thing that happened with a deer at my hair salon. It was a few months before Covid when I was still going to the salon often. The salon was full as usual when a deer came running across the 4 lane street and jumped through the front window of the salon! We we shocked and frightened and didn’t know which way he would run. The deer kept running through the building to the kitchen area and jumped out of the back window. There was glass and blood everywhere and women were screaming and talking loudly not knowing what to do. The salon was a renovated house and the windows were not close to the ground. The kitchen window was over the sink. I still can’t believe that it happened.

Waving hello to everyone. Have a great day.
A deer thru the window would get everyone's attention! and two windows at that. that would not have a category on an insurance claim form.
we have a pair of twin fawns around our area that might have lost their mother who are a problem. they look like they are getting along Ok alone, but are not street smart yet. one ran across the road in front of us to join its twin who was already across. its not too bad during daylight but dawn and dusk are iffy. I've seen the pair multiple times, always together. there are people in our community who feed them, which they shouldn't do. I love seeing them but we have to spray ( Deer Stopper) a lot of ornamentals or they chew them to nothing. we try to plant only deer resistant plants but it's not always accurate.

we rode the trail this morning 15 miles an hour and fifteen minutes. that is a place we watch for deer is riding the trail. hitting a deer on a bike would be a huge problem.
no DVD player yet.
Today I did 90 minutes of Peloton rides, an hour harder and 30 minutes lighter. It’s been a while since I’ve done a longer ride and I had some extra time today so it worked out well. I do need to focus on strength more for the rest of the week.

Carolyn-Great job with Jane Adams Gentle Yoga and All Out Low Impact HiiT, floor and step cardio. That is crazy about the deer! I bet everyone was shocked when that happened. Deer can be dangerous, especially a scared and injured one. It’s good that no one got hurt.

Cathy-Great job with Bands, Loops and Weights-Oh My! There are some deer around here and in rural Oakland County. We’ve never hit one but we often see them.

Diane Sue-Great job with STS 2.0 Mish Mosh Triceps and Chest and Killer Legs Bonus Barre. I’m sorry about your wrists. I have a hard time with dips too.

Valerie-Nice job with your trail ride. I used to ride on the Duck Creek path back in Iowa and deer were a bit of a problem. I came closer to hitting a deer on my bike than I ever did in my car. That’s good that you ordered a new DVD player.
Had a good zoo visit at Indy yesterday. Derek was happy with what he got to see, except that the baby rhino (his favorite animal) wasn't out that day. I have often told him, I would love to just be teleported places. Drive into and out of Indy was not at all fun. The rest of the drive was fine, and Derek drove some both ways. Left at 6 a.m. and got home at 7:20. For him that's a Saturday work day. LOL Then last night my sister messages me asking if I'd be okay with us stopping overnight to see her son, as that got left off her last trip which turned into a COVID mess. She'll get a hotel room, since she's allergic to their cats. I said fine as long as she was driving into and out of INDY! because that's where he lives. :p He lives in a walkable area with lots of restaurants, shops etc. Told her that is definitely not the part of Indy I experienced. Beautiful fake fall day here today. High of 69, and sunny. Jeans and sweatshirt day! Of course in a few days we'll be back up in the 80's.

Judy great job with the long Peloton ride.

Valerie great job with the trail ride. Hope the DVD player arrives soon.

Carolyn great job with All Out Low Impact HiiT, floor and step cardio. Having a deer get inside a building is so potentially dangerous to the people and the deer and creates such a huge mess. I remember years ago a couple here had a deer get into their place and ended up trapped in the bathroom. I think they had to euthanize it because the injuries were so bad. The people said is looked like a horrific murder scene.

Hi Diane Sue.

I just realized that I didn't say that today I did the Killer Barre Bonus and SB Extended Lying Stretch. LOL
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DVD player arrived yesterday afternoon and DH plugged it in and ready to go. $49. I'm fine with DVDs. they work best for us. I dont want to re-purchase workouts that I still might do. plenty are beyond my capabilities now. seems you cant even give dvds away now rainy today so I will try an old one thats not hard.

we had a fawn inside our garden. came in daily and napped even though his mother never got in. garden is fenced with netting. he squirmed in under the netting edge not an easy thing . once I went in to try to chase him out. it was chaos. I tried to haze him out the wide open gates but he ended up flying around there like a maniac screaming for his mother. i felt like a jerk. finally he got out but he kept coming back in . when he curled up on the dirt he was almost invisible. gave it up. we let him sleep there because it caused more damage to get him out. he never ate anything and never squashed any plants.
we had a big buck in a group of bucks run through our yard once, DH started chasing them downhill on foot. one fell and went own. he must have had a previous injury but DH felt awful about it! a well deer does not fall like that. thrashed around down there.... we tried to give him water but you could not get near him.. finally Fish and wildlife officer came out and did the deed, hauled the carcass. we didnt want to shoot him and no neighbor would do it because it was definitely illegaL. poor thing was suffering and it took days to get someone. lots more deer adventures.
Today I did XTrain Chest, Back, and Shoulders. My time was 52 minutes and 229 calories burned. Average heart rate was 115 and maximum heart rate was 164.

Valerie, great job with the 15 mile ride. I’m glad that your dvd player arrived and that problem is solved.

Judy, nice job with 90 minutes of Peloton rides.

Cathy, I’m glad that you had a good trip to the Indianapolis zoo. Great job with Killer Legs Barre Bonus and SB Lying Stretch.

Hello to Diane Sue.
My back is hurting up my mid spine and my left back of shoulder hurting. So, I have just done stretching and mobility the last 3 days. Nothing else. It is improving though.
Today I did KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix, workout one. That was 26 minutes and 181 calories burned, average heart rate 132, and maximum heart rate 151.

Diane Sue, I’m sorry that you are having such spine and shoulder pain.

Hello to Cathy, Judy, and Valerie. Have a good day everyone.
Tried a workout I hadnt done in a while, a recent one where she went really heavy and really fast. I did just the upper body section, the 30 minute one. with the new dvd remote it didnt work well. I did enough to get a workout but I'd forgotten how fast she gallops thru this one and how heavy she goes. I came no where near on weights intentionally but the tempo is too fast. getting things set up and the new remote interfered a lot. I will go back to maybe Gym style that was more my preference. buttons on new remote didnt work exactly the same as old one. the backwards button didnt jump back to the previous exercise like the old one didt, etc. so I got a workout but not a repeater. I remember doing it once before and feeling it was too fast. I like efficiency but this was too speedy especially because I did not remember what weights I used before. I dont have enough space to have all those weights lined up on the floor or even to adjust the bench up and down fast enough without making an obstacle course out of the space.

diane sue taking a few days off and doing stretching is probably the best course. rest is important too. Im having an issue right now with a sore muscle at the base of my butt, like a muscle insertion point. its not a joint issue but Im skipping riding for a few days to let it settle down. a weird spot for a sore muscle but I can actually flex it and cause the discomfort. sometimes you just gotta back off a little.
Walked at the zoo today. Got a message from Derek when he got to work 6:45 asking if I was walking today. I was immediately wondering what I was going to have to do. LOL His tire pressure light came on and Discount Tire closes the same time he's done working. Problem is that I didn't even know how to start his car. It's a 2009 Prius and has the oddest start I've ever seen. After I walked I checked the tire pressure and a couple were definitely low. So, I sucked it up and called DH so he could walk me through it. You take the key fob (the whole thing) and put it in a slot in the dashboard and hit the start button. The shifter is a weird thing on the dashboard and after you move it to where you want it, it pops right back into it's base position, but the screen tells you what positions it's in. When you stop, you don't use the shifter, you push the park button. So, off I went to Discount Tire and got air in the tire and the light went back out. Mission accomplished. It's only 3 miles so I was back and all done in barely 1/2 an hour, and now I know how to drive it.

Valerie was that an STS 2 workout? I find those like that. I have my printed out sheets where I write in weights and reps and I get as set up as possible and review all the changes I need before I start and for some the logistics are still hard to do fast enough. Wildlife human interactions are often a problem even with good intentions.

Carolyn great job with XTrain Chest, Back, and Shoulders and KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix.

Diane Sue sorry to hear about your pain. Hopefully the stretching continues to help.
No cathy not STS. it was the 30 min Pump one, one of the fairly recent workout series. Ive used it a few times and have a sheet with weights used somewhere but I didnt look for it, just used sensible weight and did most of it as fast as I could.

I never drove a Prius. our new Subaru is enough challenge. it has a fob not a key and other electronic (eyesight) marvels. we have too many vehicles right now and each one is completely different.
speaking of wildlife, we brought in our trail camera here and looked at the last month of footage. nothing unusual until we got to the cougar. we've seen one here but not since last year. it is a beautiful adult cougar strolling down the pathway past our woodpile. about 8:30 2 nights ago. this was a great video, not a short glimpse. gorgeous kitty. there is enough heavily treed areas around here for a big cat to move around undetected if they want. what a cool surprise.

I hope this isnt stretching the boundaries too much here, but if you have not , watch Michelle Obamas speech at the DNC. it is the best speech I have ever listened to. It is electrifying. what a wonderful amazing woman. about 15 minutes, easy to find.
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Yesterday I did Total Body Barbell (2023 series) and 5 minutes of Peloton core. Today I did 40 minutes of Peloton rides. I got a late start since we spent the morning and most of the afternoon running errands in Ann Arbor.

Cathy-Great job with Killer Barre Bonus and SB Extended Lying Stretch and walking at the zoo. I’ve never driven a Prius, it sounds like a challenge!

Valerie-Great job with the 30-minute pump workout. It sounds like Perfect Pump from the Perfect 30 series. I need to revisit that series. I remember it moving pretty fast.

Carolyn-Great job with XTrain Chest, Back, and Shoulders and KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix, workout one.

Diane Sue-I’m sorry that you are having so much pain. I hope that the stretching and mobility will start help and that you feel much better soon.
Today I felt a lot better so did CDorner Step Aerobics #413 No Breakdown with fun music from the 80's, 28 minutes, 120 calories, heart rate 116/147, 1,972 steps. This was a good one to get moving and not feel so stiff. I the did Raw Stretch flow, 19 minutes, 24 calories. I also did a little with the foam roller using it vertically. 47 minutes total time, 144 calories. I am not going to do any weights this week. Not sure what did but I had a hard time with so much pain trying to get into bed and lie down. I was surprised that I felt so much better when I woke up this morning.

Carolyn, nice work on Cardio Quick Fix workout #1 today.

Valerie, I guess we can have muscle pain just about anywhere on the body. I always feel like working fast with little rest and heavy weights is a way to get injured more easily.

Cathy, nice that you got in a walk at the zoo today. The prius sounds like something I would not want to try to drive. I don't want to drive my husband's Ram truck. It is button start, a knob on the dash to put it in park or drive. I would be trying to drive looking for the instruments. Plus I have to reach up to pull myself up into the truck because it is high up. I usually drop the last foot to the ground.

Judy, good job on yesterday's Total Body Barbell and Peloton abs, I really like doing that one for some reason. I have finally got things pretty well set, so it is quick change on the weight plates since I have another pair of 10's with smaller hand holds on them. Nice work on today's Peloton rides.
This morning I did Killer Legs timesaver+Bonus Barre. My time was 48 minutes with 146 calories burned. My average heart rate was 109 and maximum heart rate was 138. I haven’t done any barre type workout in a long time but I want to get ready for the new series. I can already feel today’s exercises!

Valerie, I’m sorry that you didn’t like P 30 (Perfect 30) Perfect Pump Upper Body. It’s one of my favorites but it does move fast. I simply pause the dvd as needed to suit my pace. That’s why my time is usually longer than the workout.

Cathy, that’s funny about not knowing how to start the Prius, but I totally understand. The loaner vehicle that I had was a hybrid and I had trouble knowing how to start it. It was so silent that I didn’t think that the engine was running! Fortunately it was not as complicated as that Prius. Toyota/Lexus has been producing hybrid vehicles for a very long time.

Judy, great job with Total Body Barbell, Peloton core, and Peloton rides.

Diane Sue, I’m glad that you are feeling better. Great job with CDorner Step Aerobics and Raw stretch flow.

Enjoy the day everyone.
We did a state park walk this morning, took 70 minutes . hilly up and down. raining a little on and off. its busy but there is a burn ban on so that forbids campfires and reduces the smoke . makes walking more pleasant.

every vehicle we have is different. it always takes a couple minutes to get oriented with which buttons you need for what. I have to move so many things to see. start with the seat and then go from there.

Carolyn and Judy, it wasnt that I disliked the workout itself. the old dvd had a special "slow " button but I couldnt find it on the new one. might be there but I need to look in the booklet before starting a workout. I used it on this workout before. it was too fast to be deciding what weight I needed, grabbing it, and doing the exercise. yesterday i cleaned out the room and readjusted the equipment so my dumbbells are easier to reach. I don't want a dozen weights on the floor.

Hybrids are great but being so quiet is risky. on a bike, I'm used to hearing a vehicle approaching but a Prius can sneak right up and be unnoticed. same way with walking.

Diane sue I think all full size trucks are gigantic. our Ford has running boards. Im so glad we got them. I need that step to get in and out. once Im in the truck the seat adjusts fine which is more than I can say for the Subaru. I had to buy a booster cushion for the seat and a visor extension to make the Outback fit better. the last newer truck we tested was a Toyota Tacoma. the seats did not go anywhere near far enough for me to drive it safely. we owned several Tacomas in the 1990's and they were no problem at all then. I loved those trucks. I'm pretty much the same size but the trucks got WAY bigger.
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Yestereday was shopping and today I did STS 2 Tri Sets Total Body and wow those 2 minute breaks after 6 exercises is so very needed. I did it all at my previous weights, but it was so not easy. The two minute breaks do allow for reviewing and sets up for the next round which is a plus. Nick's Prius is a year newer and starts with an easier sequence as it's just a push start like my car and you just need the key in the car, plus his shifter is in a more usual position. Derek and I were just using the stove to make our lunches and it went nuts beeping and throwing error codes. It's about a dozen years old and that was a new thing. It finally shut up after a few minutes, but then the codes came back without the beeps. DH tracked down the manual and hit cancel and it went away. But, I had also hit that and it did nothing. Of course, his theory is that I hit the button wrong. :rolleyes:

Valerie how cool that you got the cougar on your trail cam! Great job with the state park walk.

Carolyn great job with Killer Legs timesaver+Bonus Barre. \

Diane Sue great job with CDorner Step Aerobics #413 No Breakdown, and Raw Stretch flow. Hopefully some time off weights will help resolve what it causing your pain.

Judy great job with Total Body Barbell, Peloton core and ride.

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