Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 8/14


Good morning,

A rest day yesterday. My friend came over, we messed around with her phone and a thumb drive that the tech kid worked on to get her pictures and videos off of her was pretty messed up. Good thing she didn't delete anything from her phone.

Valerie, I didn't realize that there were places with HOA's where the home owners had 5 acres of land. That is pretty spread out....who would care what anyone else did to their house? you couldn't see it anyway. Those previous neighbors sound horrible! Good thing you were able to get out of there. Did you have any guilty feelings about leaving to the poor unsuspecting buyers? Interesting about the bear spray. I hope you are able to get your SIL to do some of the ICE premixes. Hopefully she has a couple of hand weights to use.

Diane Sue, is that KCM the "live" one she filmed? I guessed it may be since it was almost an not part of the "30 Minutes to Fitness" ones. If so, how does she get premixes on there? A lot of kickboxing? Thanks for the link to the site, I looked it over and they look pretty good. They actually sell it in the chain type super markets here and Target? I was surprised at that.

Lori, welcome back! Are you going back to work tomorrow or did you take any extra time off? I felt the same about my 18 pound bar when I got felt heavier than I expected. Definitely stay off that path! Ours had signs all over it, not to be on there alone.

Judy, those HOA parking rules sound pretty strict...having to give all the info if a guest parks there? what if someone just drops by for a bit? Marshmellow Fluff has been around since I was a kid....if its the same thing that I am thinking of. I never liked it as a kid, but I didn't really like marshmellows either. ..why did Chris want to try it? Did he see it or hear about if from someone? It's pretty much like Valerie described if it is what I am thinking of. I didn't know it was made in Mass.

Hi to Lynda, & Josie,

A workout, out to buy some paint, and a surprise 35th anniversary party for my friend later.....

Take care,
Good morning!

Popping on to reply to Judy and Marshmallow Fluff!!!! We grew up on this stuff. We would make Fluffernutters which is a sandwich of fluff and peanut butter. Yum. My husband had never heard nor had a Fluffernutter until he moved here. I always thought fluff was everywhere until he moved here and had never heard of it. If you like marshmallows you will like fluff!!!

I'll be back later after my workout.
Yes!! Fluffernutters! I could not remember what they were called....too funny....I could not eat those when all my friends when I was a kid thought they were great...
Deb & Lori-Chris grew up in the Philadelphia area and remembered Fluff when he was a kid. He had never tried it though and I had never heard of it. We found this commercial on you tube :)

Deb-I think the guest parking rule is only if they are staying overnight. It was never an issue before this year so I'm not sure how strictly they would enforce it. My brother in law stayed here for a week in June and we gave the board all the information just in case. My sister in law stayed here for over a month in 2014 and no one said anything. We think the problem is one person on the board. She's always been pleasant to us, but we've seen and heard her directly confront other residents about things they are doing wrong or that she doesn't like. She is very aggressive and kind of a bully. From what we have heard, she is the one coming up with all of the new rules. She walks the condo grounds almost every day, sometimes with a clipboard, taking notes. I had never dealt with a HOA until I moved here. I like condo living and I like the idea of keeping all of the properties consistent and looking nice. The problem seems to be that some people go on a power trip when they get on the board and they like making rules for other people.
Judy, that parking rule is terrible. I guess the board members are all in one car households or have two car garages. I think there should be rules on what HOA'S are allowed to do. After all we do own our homes. We do have a lot of elderly people that live alone here with one car. I am seeing a few more couples like us moving in though as some of the owners have passed away. One lady does not even have a car. She gets rides everywhere. She said she had an accident and can't drive anymore. I never asked questions. I'm don't really want to know the details.

Deb, this Kelly Coffey dvd was filmed live but is divided into two 30 minute workouts with premixes. There is kickboxing, it seems like more punching and boxing though with floor cardio moves. It really does have a lot of variety on moves.

I always thought marshmallow fluff was the same thing as Kraft marshmallow creme.

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I did budokon strength and balance, 34 minutes without the meditations, 164 calories. This is my favorite. I tend to forget all of the plow to standing balancing moves like half moon. The moves themselves are not hard to get, but a bit hard to do as a flow sometimes. I was a bit behind and need to practice it more.
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I woke up last night thinking about all the stuff people need outbuildings for! boats, boat trailers, motor homes & campers. snowmobiles, ATV's. endless list. not everyone has all those toys, but most people have one or two and of course, a lawnmower..
with more space like 5 acres... you still some kind of rules. our main one is not operating businesses from home bringing commercial traffic into an area of homes. there are home based businesses that still can comply. We have rules about how many animals you can have. we have chickens and turkeys next door but can't see them. the other side had a couple cows for a while, but they ended up in the freezer. someone recently posted a sign saying he had lost a steer! mostly a horse or two.
cousin lives in a condo and they have much more specific rules, like deck furniture can't include plastic chairs. might have restrictions on grills too because it's a multi story condo and there are fire risks. .

Going on a ride and back later.
You are right, that is what the Fluff was used for! I hate marshmallows so I always ate my peanut butter 'straight" or with lettuce or maybe strawberry jelly.

Back from the ride 25 miles 2 hrs 10 min.
When you buy, you need to sign the CC&R ( covenants and restrictions) and agree to abide by them. you never can tell (ahead of time) what gets enforced and how strictly. we have an architectural committee that is supposed to approve all outdoor structures, like out buildings. we have 2, a small one and a bigger one. we didn't ask, went ahead and built them and didn't worry about it. they are standard frame construction, painted the same color as our house. neither can be seen from the road. It gives the HOA potential power in case someone really goes off the rails and builds something ridiculously ugly or intrusive, like an airplane hangar!
Our HOA has an annual meeting in sept and issues can be brought up and voted on. we are likely voting on whether to install an entrance gate. it's mostly a democratic process but of course, a lot of people don't bother to vote.
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Hi everyone--

This morning I did live cardio hiit circuit (52 min.). It was so humid that I was a sweaty mess by the end, and my face was red.

Wow, those HOAs sound pretty powerful. When Jane Swift was governor, we had a state police car stationed at her house, which is our closest neighbor. Our sons were teenagers with friends who would sometimes go speeding down our driveway, and the state police would race after them like they were some kind of threat. Kim just told them to lay off and stop intimidating our sons and their friends. It was tiresome. Most of our neighbors are pretty far away, but we do have one with teen-aged sons and one of them is constantly shooting a gun at dinner time. His mother says he's in some kind of sharpshooter's club and has to practice, but he leaves his empty shells everywhere and during the winter has often been on a snowmobile back on our land, even though Kim has told him countless times NO--another thing that gets the pigs going, and what if he has some kind of accident?

Never tasted marshmallow fluff, but I bet I would have liked it when I was a kid. Fluffernutters sounds like one of the houses in Harry Potter--like Huffenpuff.

Welcome back Lori! Your vacation sounds wonderful. I did hear about that murder in Princeton. I guess you could get some bear spray, like Valerie suggested, but even so, a determined killer would probably be in hiding and you might not be able to get it out fast enough.

I work out on carpet, but on carpet scraps over the carpet so I don't wear out the carpet in my workout space. I know it's probably not ideal, but I haven't injured myself yet.

Valerie, good luck with your SIL. The ICE workouts are definitely not as intimidating as some of Cathe's other advanced workouts.

Deb, have fun at the anniversary party!

Judy and Diane Sue, those HOAs sound pretty heavy-handed and not as democratic as they should be. Rules should be voted on by all the people who are affected, not simply imposed by a smaller group (who appoints them or votes them in?). Their should also be an ombudsman to be appealed to if and when someone has a grievance. Just MHO.

I'm doing my least favorite thing right now--working on citations and footnotes. Ugh!
Good evening ladies!

This morning I did workout 1 no drills premix of the new KCM DVD. Never had so much fun doing a boxing workout. Wasn't just the usual boxing moves. Lots of fun cardio. I did not want to do the drills because I was doing a battle rope tabata drills afterwards. Boy I was a sweaty mess when done. Workout totaled 44 minutes and burnt 435 calories. HR got up to 172 and averaged 146. When done I felt completely worked.

All this talk about Fluffernutters! I feel like I need to have one now. :oops: A coworkers keeps a jar of Fluff in her desk and takes spoonfulls every now and then.

Deb...good you were able to save your friends pictures. I am going back to work tomorrow. :(. Times like this I wish I was retired! Oh someday it will be here. At least I am liking my job again. What color paint will you be selecting? As Diane Sue mentioned the KCM is still part of the 30 minutes to fitness. In the workouts she has drills which are good but nice I could choose a workout and not have them. Have fun at the party.

Judy...thanks for the commercial. Very funny. That is exactly what the jar looks like. You can buy a larger size in a plastic tub too. I think I have seen recipies that Valerie had mentioned with fluff in fudge. I bet there are so many things you can do with it. Loved the new KCM workout. So much energy in this live workout.

Valerie...thanks for the bear spray information. I have never heard of it before. Will be a long time before I go hiking again. Stuff like this freaks me out so much. I am so glad I do not have to deal with an HOA!

Diane Sue...I will need to look up plow and half moon. I think the plow is on your back with your feet over your head touching floor? I may be really off with that! Fluff is like cream whipped with air this seems to be a great way to describe it.

Lynda....soooo hot and humid today. Must have been tough for your workout out. My basememt is usualy cool but was feeling it today. Did you get any of the thunderstorms last night? Unbelievably loud. We lost power for just over an hour. Good thing little Nilla is deaf. She would have been a mess. Love the Huffenpuff reference. I am on book 5 of the series. Glad Kim told the state police to chill a bit. Crazy on your property the kids would get such a reaction from them. The murder was 10 minutes from where we live and that is all we have been hearing about. So very sad.

Have a great night all!
Valerie, we are allowed two dogs or two cats. There is a place for HOA without them being ridiculous. My daughter has a two acre property and most of the people there have large storage buildings even though most have 3 car plus garages. Many have boats and motor homes etc.. There HOA works to keep it nice and nothing looks rundown. They are not supposed to be livestock but some of the neighbors have some chickens in coops. Not a whole bunch. No one says anything. I do know there is a neighborhood that was always one of the more desirable ones in the area when we had moved into the home our son now has. Somehow though house was painted pink!! I mean bright pink like Mary Kay pink. It is still pink after many years. I swear I do not know how they got away with that.

Linda, on a large property like you have I can not imagine why they would harass the boys. As far as neighbor boys shooting guns I would worry more that someone would get hurt. Maybe the parents were watching what they were doing? I would worry if they were my boys. My daughter that has all that land keeps a gun and her and her husband will go out with one just in case they run into snakes or something in the woods. They run across cotton mouth and water moccasins at times. I went to visit once when I had made a trip down and there was a huge snake that went under my car when I was getting ready to get out my luggage. I left the luggage and flew to the house. My daughter went out with the gun but it seemed to be long gone. I had this fear it might figure out a way to get in my car. I know that was probably silly. I bought my puzzle mats when I was having problems with plantar fasciitis. They worked great and I had my heavy bag stand sitting on part of it and the rest up against the walls. The last home I did the same but kept an area of carpet open just for gliding disc work. I think my problem is they type of carpet or something.

Lori, I thought Amped Up cardio was fun. I am looking forward to doing it again. The plan had been to do heavy bag after but then I did the drills a second time so gave up the idea. I am trying to remember which STS MMA workout has the heavy bag work on it. I think maybe the boxing one? I will have to look online because for some reason my notebook does not have it written in. I have my average calories written down. Yes, plow is to the floor on your back feet overhead the you move back up to half moon which is 1 leg balance with opposite hand to the floor. They also had crow and crane going into another move. I can never tell the difference in crow and crane. I need to research that one. I just keep doing the same move with knees on my elbows.
Good morning,

Yesterday I did Live Phat 1. 50 minutest, 344 calories. The party was good, my friend had no idea that it was happening. A nice surprise.

Judy, thanks for posting that ad...a blast from the past. That woman does sound like a bully and she is on some kind of power trip for sure.!

Diane Sue, thanks for the info on the KCM. I guess "budokon" is a type of yoga?

Valerie, all of our "stuff" like you mentioned goes in our garage...that's why it looks like it does...LOL. No room for any shed or anything in our yard. It would take up the whole thing. About how many homes are in your association/community? It has to be pretty large if they are all 5 acres. Can't imagine gating it.

Lynda, how was that workout? I hear you on the sweating...after yesterday's I had to walk around for a while before I could take a shower. I that one on my rotation for today, but may do something simpler, like the treadmill or if she wants, meet my cousin at the track. Kind of scary if that kid is practicing shooting, how do his shells get anywhere except where he is standing?

Lori, good job on the that the first time you did a boxing KCM? ...a jar of Fluff in her desk and she eats spoonfulls? I don't think that would be too appetizing to watch. LOL. My friend still can't delete her pictures from her phone, since not all transferred over to the thumb drive...I guess if you got the video or picture sent to you from someone else, it is really not on your phone to those didn't transfer over. She would have to go one by one through all 1000+ pictures to see if they are on the thumb drive before deleting from the phone. I am sure there are ones she can just delete, but still has to take the time to go through them all. How is the "puppy" situation going?

Hi to Josie & Caitlin,

A workout, lots of laundry to do, class tonight....nothing else going on here...

Take care,
Deb, yes budokon is a type of yoga with martial arts mixed in. Each workout goes through a section of martial arts near the end that sort of flows together. You do not really move from the Mat though.

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Deb probably 10 years ago now the local Indian tribe decided to build a casino. they didn't do it on their land that was along the hwy, but tore up our entire rural area and built this monstrosity. you can guess how pleased we are with this mess. then built an admin building. Anyway, with the casino come all the dregs of society. druggies, tweakers, ladies of the night, so to speak. I have called 911 MULTIPLE times because of staggering, passed out people on the road. our entrance /exit is road near their admin building. our development has been here since 70-80's with houses added gradually. I think there are 150 or so. We've had ongoing problems with all the low life scumbags that prey on the casino. we are walking distance. some of us have gone ahead and gated our own driveways to cut down on easy drive in/drive out theft. we've debated the entrance gate before and it's always failed but some people have been robbed multiple times and this time it may pass. the obstruction seems to be the PO who would want to deliver mail to a large box at the entrance. a gate won't be a 100% solution, but it mnight send a few people looking elsewhere.
Ha...we actually put our cars in the garage!. 2 cars and a truck. the camper stays outside. too tall. more in a bit.
Today I did MMA Boxing, 49 minutes, 307 calories. I then did the heavy bag bonus, 20 minutes, 125 calories. I finished off with Iso Strength Chisel for my total body workout for the week, 36 minutes, 178 calories. I will work in body parts the rest of the week. That has been sort of my plan lately. Total time was 1 hour 45 minutes, calories burned 610.
Iso Strength chisel all 10 reps with 10 sec hold 3x
sumo squat 15 # dumbbells
full push ups with 10 second bottom hold
Bulgarian split squat 20#
pull ups/door tubing which I used
side step up with 15# dumbbell and hold
1 arm row 20#
c curve sit up with hold 15#
lateral raise 8# dumbbells

Valerie a gate would probably help. People still manage o get in but it is not as easy.
Hi everyone--

This morning I did Boxing, Hiit Blasts, and Core live (48 min.). Good core work, which I need. I'd give this one a 4. Much less humid today.

Deb, the low impact hiit circuit is one of my favorites--love the weight work, love the low impact hiits. We think the kid dumps the empty shells on our side of the property line. I am extremely uncomfortable with the idea of this kid shooting a gun off all the time. It's not clear to us how much his mom watches him. He's adopted, as is his brother. Kim only talks to the mom, but she doesn't seem to be much of a disciplinarian with her sons. She always expresses shock and surprise that they have done something Kim has explicitly told them not to do on our land. The father doesn't seem to be around much--he's a doctor. What can you do other than worry if he has a gun permit, which apparently he does, and he doesn't shoot within 500 feet of our property? Kim has a couple guns and he uses them every now and then to scare off hawks.

Lori, yes, we had quite thunderstorm on Saturday night. Max was still panting heavily even with this thunder shirt. No power outages, though.

I went to see Captain Fantastic yesterday afternoon. A very good film, especially if you have more progressive political views and a lot of doubts about American popular culture and its influence on children. I especially liked when one of the daughters is reading Lolita and her father asks her what she thinks. She says, "it's very interesting," and all of the kids and the father in a chorus say, "Interesting is not a word." This was what made me tear my hair out when I was grading papers. A student would start a paper, writing, "Beloved by Toni Morrison is an INTERESTING story." This is a way of saying nothing about a literary work--bland, blah, rubbish. She then had to explain at some length what she thought about Humbert Humbert and his relationship to an underage Lolita--a very complicated and disturbing one, not merely "interesting." More likely, outrageous and disgusting. At another point, one of the kids says something is "very unique," and the father and the other kids say, NO modifiers for "unique." I almost cheered. Something is either unique, one-of-a-kind, or not. It can't be VERY unique. Anyway, Vigo Mortensen was wonderful as the father, and several of the kids were really good too. I'm not sure this will get a wide release. Probably too left-leaning for general audiences. I suspect the title is meant to be an ironic take on all the stupid superhero Marvel comic movies that come out during the summer. It was shown at our local art house cinema.

Hope this less humid weather stays around for awhile.
Good afternoon ladies,

This morning was SB cardio barre interval followed up with hamstring with ball target. This was my only workout and it was about 30 minutes with some stretching at the end. Tired today. Alway tough the first day back from vacation.

Diane Sue...I really liked the KCM too. Lots of fun. The MMA Boxing is great to do completely using the heavy bag through out. I need to google the crow and crane. No clue what these moves look like! nice she did not know about the surprise. Yes first time doing a KCM kickboxing and I love her style. Tons of fun. Can't wait to do workout 2. I only have 2 other KCM's - Shape up and Muscle Up. I need to remember I have these. Never think of doing them.

Valerie...terrible about all the gambling thugs!! I could not put up with that.

Lynda...I really liked the Boxing, Hiit, Core a lot. I liked the low impact hiit circuit too. I am going to try and fit this one in this week. I have not heard of that movie. Being a huge Lord Of the Rings fan I love anything Viggo Mortensen is in!

Have a great night all!
I watched a couple of YouTube videos of crane and crow difference. I guess what I do is always the crow. Crane would be working more toward getting into the hand stand. Tony Horton does Crow in some of his yoga workouts.
Sarah Beth Yoga is one of my favorite that I use.
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Good morning,

Yesterday I did a YouTube Jessica Smith workout: "Cardio Ballet" was ok, only 30 minutes. She has a lot of different workouts, even some barre, which I may try as well. A good rainfall during the night, it was wonderful to hear.

Diane Sue, that sounds like an interesting form of yoga. Is your plan to do one total body and all single parts the rest of the week? Do you have a heavy bag to use with the MMA workouts? Can you do that crow move where your feet are off the floor?

Valerie, oh I remember that you mentioned the casino in the past...that doesn't sound pleasant to have so close. Why they let them build near a residential area where there are homes is perplexing to me. All of ours are in a commercial area, no houses around at all. Of course if they are in a downtown area and there are apartments near them, that is different I guess. ?A gate could keep out some, unless they were very determined I guess. We put our cars in the garages as well We have a 2 car attached garage, which holds our cars and all of the other "stuff", like snow blower, garden equipment of all kinds etc. Pretty crowded in there, and a mess. :(.

Lynda how were the boxing blasts in that workout? did they get your heart rate up? I would feel uncomfortable about that kid with his gun as well. He must have a his targets right near the property line like you said, and shooting so that the shells go that way when ejected...I would be calling his Mother and telling her to have him move his targets or whatever he is using more on their property. Although legal where he is...still not very neighborly. I like your thoughts on the "interesting" description of the movie etc.

Lori, I feel for you on the first day going back from vacation....I remember those well. It should be downhill from here. :).

Hi to Judy, Josie, & Caitlin.

A workout if I can get my eyes to stay open, not a good night's sleep for some reason...then working more at my cousins..she has a lot of new files for me to work on. Real estate sales are going through the roof here.

Take care,
Deb, yes I can do the crow with both feet off the floor. Some instructors have you hold it long and my arms start shaking which will throw my balance off. I have a huge heavybag stand that has a speed bag as well. I changed out the lighter heavy bag for a 100 pound one. The other would swing when I did sprawls like Cathe does and come back at me. I never put the speed bag attachment on it because I never used it. Yes, the plan is 1 single part each of the next 5 days the rest of the week. I wish we would get some rain. Usually around the end of the month when the State Fair starts we get rain.

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