Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 8/11/2024

This morning I did Boss Bands Upper Body Premix. Not one of my favorites, but I forgot that until I started. For an upper body workout it has a lower body section included.

Diane Sue great job with Perfect 30 Perfect Pump Upper with extended stretch, foam rolling and mobility workouts. We are normally just over an hour from the airport, but there's a bridge out for construction making for a detour right now, so extra time. Grand Rapids is a fairly small airport and once he's off the plane it doesn't take him long to get out.

Hi Valerie, Judy and Carolyn!
Today I did my usual Sunday morning yoga/mobility for 18 minutes. Yesterday my sister-in-law surprised us with a visit. She called around noon to say that she was in town at a hotel close by and was on her way to our house. She drove from Detroit with her daughter and daughter’s grandchildren. She wanted to surprise my husband. He was shocked and overjoyed to see his sister that we haven’t seen in person for 4 years. They spent the day visiting then she went back to the hotel and his niece came with the young kids. It was 8:00 pm by then so they only stayed 20 minutes. Today they are driving on to Louisiana to see the rest of the family.

Diane Sue, nice job with Boss Bands Legs, glutes, and core timesaver, Gloved Up and Sweaty, and CDorner Mobility. My pink Everlast gloves started peeling last year. I finally bought the Cathe boxing gloves, but I don’t like them as much as Everlast. I don’t know what it is but they aren’t as comfortable for me.

Judy, great job with Yin Yoga, Peloton ride, Live Burn Sets Express Legs, and Peloton upper body.

Valerie, I’m sorry that you lost your water bottle. I’ve been refusing to take statins for the last two years. My LDL was slightly elevated but I wanted to address it through diet and lifestyle. It’s come down now, but is still 2 points outside of normal range. My doctor is no longer pushing the statins and he agreed that we would monitor it for now. My biggest recent changes include increasing whole grains and focusing on a more “plant” forward diet.

Cathy, great job with Cardio and Weights step, and Boss Bands Upper Body.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
drove yesterday 11 long hours. all ok, just a long sit!
DH would love my lipid values. his are not great. he has tried every statin in a variety of ways. he gets muscle pain. people who know he's a retired MD often ask him questions and that's a common one, the discomfort from statins. he thinks its ridiculous for me to take them. my degree is laboratory science so I was not hesitant to say no. they've always been low but my diet is good. so is his diet, but it doesn't work the same for everyone.

Carolyn do you do grain salads? I love quinoa and farro salads in summer for lunch. its an easy lunch and uses usually fruit and vegies too. had a farro one today with red bell pepper and cucumber with a little avocado and tomato on top. easy and make ahead. a little feta on top is also good. I had one with kale and craisins and feta and cucumber I will make if I can find the recipe. these are lunch for many days in summer when a cold salad sounds good.

not doing much today. will get in therapy work and a little upper body but nothing too tough. I get really tired.
I inherited a big KA mixer from my neighbor who's moving. my mother always had one so I know how to use it but at loss what for. I occasionally make cookies and very rarely cake. I've always used a KA hand mixer. it has a dough hook so I can toss my old bread machine( rusty and barely functional) and use it for dough. Anything else I'm not thinking of? the big family meals with elaborate desserts dont happen in my life.
This morning I did CDorner Morning Mobility Day 6 Morning wake up stretch + STS 2 Total Body Stretch35 minutes, 45 calories. I needed to loosen up this morning after sleeping for 9 hours!! That rarely happens to me. My knee swelling went down and just a skinned spot and my foot has a bruise on top of it. I figured that a bruise would show up on the foot because it hurt in that spot when touched. Boy did we have thunderstorms all night. When I got up this morning half of the back yard looked like a pond with bark from planters floating on it and water rushing down the street. I decided not to go out to church this morning in all of the rain. It has stopped this afternoon and sun is peeking out. Boy is it humid right now at 81 degrees.

Cathy, I forget that too when I do Boss Bands premixes as many of the moves are upper and lower combined. Nice job on the upper body premix. It is nice when the airports are smaller and easy to get around in and get in and out of. When my husband came home from trips I would wait in an upper level parking lot for him to come out rather than wander around inside looking for him. It was free parking there and avoided the parking garage. Our airport is not huge here. Not like getting around Dallas is. We are fairly close to the airport here.

Carolyn, nice work on the morning mobility today. That was a nice surprise for your husband seeing his sister. I am looking at more Everlast gloves. They have more padding than my combat gloves which is only really a bit over fingers and my other pair that have the thumb out, but is rather stiff, lower to and no velcro wrap. For whatever reason, that pair was the first I purchased and they are holding up. I think the curve for the hands is most comfortable in the Everlast. Maybe because once I got the Everlast and figured out how to slip them off and on without undoing them I quit wearing the others.

Valerie, I use my Kitchen aid mixer for bread dough when I make it. I still have the bread machine. I do not know when I last used the bread machine. I bake when family comes so I do use my mixer, but not as much as I use my food processor. I use it for family mashed potatoes, but if I make some for my husband I use a hand masher. Not wanting to use the mixer for a little bit of potatoes.
I have a good Quinoa salad that I make occasionally from the Fix it with Food recipes for autoimmune issues. It has kale and spinach in it along with dried cherries and walnuts. I was just looking at that one a couple of days ago. I need the greens though as I just have spring greens. I have the rest of the ingredients. It is called a Power Salad.
The airport here used to be reasonable. now its awfully crowded, busy. expensive. traffic getting to it is unpredictable but you would need to allow 3 hours for the drive depending on time of day. but it might take an hour! you never know..... so hope for best, plan for the worst. we can fly from a much closer airport but not many flights leave from it, very limited service. lots of people stay at a hotel near by the night before and take a shuttle over but leaving a decent car in a hotel parking lot is risky for getting your car bashed. we dont fly much but I used to fly a lot. I dont miss it.

I used my new mixer today and made a half batch of oatmeal raisin cookies. it works better than a hand mixer. I found a spot to keep it, on the floor of the pantry. it's heavy to haul up and down since it's under a lower shelf but not unreasonable. I have a food processor I use too, but I am good with a knife and use that the most. i never make enough mashed potatoes for this. mainly cookies. I'm going to trash my very very old bread (rusty) machine and use this for yeast dough. bread machine is not even good enough to donate. I used it a couple times a year because it had a nonstick bucket to knead that was in good condition, but the inside of the machine rusted badly. I would be embarrassed to give it to Goodwill.

did therapy and some upper body things and let it go at that.
This morning I did Cardio Party for 39 minutes and 278 calories burned. Average heart rate was 133 and maximum heart rate was 160.

I love grain salads. I plan to make a farro salad tomorrow.

Valerie, a Kitchen Aid mixer is a great thing to inherit! I have a small hand mixer that I use for quick things that don’t require the power of a stand mixer. I’ve always had a stand mixer starting with a Sunbeam Mixmaster that my mother-in-law gave us when she bought a new mixer. I use the KA for all baking except for kneading bread with fresh milled flour. That type of kneading will burn up the motor in the KA. I have a Bosch Universal mixer for making bread that I bought in 2012 when I first started milling my own wheat berries and using fresh milled flour. I prefer the KA for all other baking. I have the bread machine that I bought in the 90s when they were so popular and it still works okay. I bought a new Zojirushi bread machine in January and I’m using it for most of my bread baking. The Zo is a big upgrade from my old Toastmaster.

Diane Sue, nice job with CDorner Mobility and Total Body Stretch. I’m glad that the swelling in your knee is better.

Hello to Cathy and Judy.
My neighbor gave me the mixer because she is moving to Europe and the power is different so it wont work there. its not new but I know KAs last forever. I used to make bread all the time, but now its occasional. I make pizza crust and focaccia mainly, and not that often. DH and dont eat sandwiches much any more so one frozen loaf of whole wheat seed bread will easily last 6 months. not worth baking my own even though it was good. I might bake a cake twice a year.... or not.
KitchenAids do last forever. I bought mine in 1996 and it still works. It’s starting to go now and I bought a new one in May. I actually like the old one better! It’s much sturdier and seems to be of better quality.
Today I did Cathe 2023 workout Killer Legs, 38 minutes, 177 calories, heart rate 125/175. I used the cardio setting instead of strength setting this time because this has little rest, and some moves are a group of moves put together and gets the heart rate up. I chose not to add the Barre bonus this time. I also did STS no equipment abs, 11 minutes, 41 calories, and STS 2 Mobility #1, 18 minutes, 30 calories. Total time was 67 minutes, 248 calories.

I passed my original old KA to my son when my husband bought me the "looks like the old one but on steroids" (husbands description) It is bigger. I wish the paddle got the stuff on the bottom of the bowl better and wondered why it did not come with the shield like my old one had that made it easier when putting flour and stuff in the bowl. It is 10 years old now. The one my son has I got when my children were still at home. I love my pantry for storage. My bread machine and Instapot sit on the floor and is easy to get at for use. The mixer is heavier and sits on the counter.
I dont have a countertop where the KA could sit. its WAY too big to set on the island. so on the floor it is, even if heavy and awkward to get it out of the pantry. its under the lowest shelf. trying to think of something thin I could set it on to slide it out from under the shelf.
there's a system to their serial numbers that include the year/month it was manufactured. the model # (K45SS) is the bowl size. this is a 4.5 quart. they come bigger. this is a tilt head one, my mother always had one with a handle to raise/lower the bowl. it would be nice to have an easier way to get it from under the shelf but its too heavy for the shelves themselves.
diane sue I think you can order the chutes that fit on the side of the bowl to add ingredients more easily to the bowl while its running. there is also a basic paddle available that has a scraper on one side to keep the bowl sides scraped down. this one is from the mid 90's. my neighbor wasn't a huge baker so it probably has a lot of miles left on it. the accessory pieces might (or might not) be available for every model. I would check the KA website. it leaked some oil during the trip, but I looked that up & that's totally normal. probably because it was hot outside and it was lying on its side the whole trip. I could not find the user manual at KA but found it thru google. ended up not doing much yesterday. did grocery shopping, PO, laundry, cooking, and when I was getting on the floor to start, a friend dropped over with fresh blueberries. everything stops for homegrown blueberries. we tried to get some bushes this spring but it didnt work out so will try again this fall when rain starts and its wetter for transplanting. we get a lot of fungal diseases on plants here because of cool damp weather.
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Today I did Stacked Sets Upper Body for 46 minutes and 142 calories burned. Average heart rate was 106 and maximum heart rate was 147. I added some additional stretching on my own after I finished.

Diane Sue, great job with Killer Legs and Mobility #1.

Valerie, I didn’t realize that the serial number on the KA mixer included the year it was manufactured. I checked and mine is from 1984! Looking back I guess I did get it in the fall of 1985. It’s older than I realized and very well used. It’s also a K45SS model.

Hello to Cathy and Judy.
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Sunday I did a 20 minute row before work. Yesterday I did 75 minutes of Peloton rides, 10 minutes of Arms & Light Weights and 10 minutes of stretching. Today I ran 2 miles and did 40 minutes of Peloton upper body and core work.

Cathy-Great job with Cardio and Weights and Boss Bands Upper Body.

Carolyn-Great job with your yoga/mobility work, Cardio Party, Stacked Sets Upper Body and stretching.

Diane Sue-Great job with CDorner Morning Mobility Day 6 Morning wake up stretch + STS 2 Total Body Stretch, Killer Legs, STS Abs and STS 2 Mobility.

Valerie-Great job with your therapy and upper body work.
Today I did CDorner Cardio Mash Up Low or high impact 70's music, 44 calories, 252 calories, heart rate 144/178, 4,059. I really do not think my heart rate was 178 though. I then did the Full Body Mobility that Chris did today with a towel, 28 minutes, 38 calories. This had some different movements in it. Total time was 72 minutes, 290 calories.
I had a dental appointment today and did not get to work out. I also missed my regular WW meeting and today was the last day for the Leader/Coach. I will miss her. I’m not sure what WW will have in that time slot next week.

Judy, great workouts this week and getting in a 2 mile run.

Diane Sue, nice job with CDorner Cardio Mashup and Full Body Mobility.

Hello to Valerie and Cathy.
Did a trail ride this morning, 15 miles 1 hr `15 minutes. I saw a weasel he ran across the trail right in front of me, maybe 15 feet away. fast and low to the ground with a ridiculously long body and a black tipped tail. they're supp[osed to be very common but not seen that often since they are more nocturnal. we once had a weasel living in the log pile for our wood stove.
Trying to remember what I've done this week. Monday I did LIS Turbo Barre. That one nailed my upper glutes and for some reason my calves, too. Tuesday those were both sore, so I did Stretch Max with the band and then Nick and I did the zoo and went to my parents. Today I did LITE Bodyweight and Bands. I really like that one. Nick's visit is flying by. He leaves Friday afternoon. Nick's flown DFW to Grand Rapids and back 5-6 times now and since that's from the same terminal at DFW every time, he's got it down. Sometimes, he has a friend take him (apparently it's about 30 minutes from his house) or he gets a ride to the train station and takes that. I think a lot of GRR would fit inside DFW LOL. Derek and Aliah are flying out of Detroit in September and I'm really hoping they find a way there other than me, but somehow I'm doubting that.
Today I did Raw Box For Your Waistline, 34 minutes, 160 calories, heart rate 122/153. I then did C Dorner Day 10 Spinal Mobility 19 minutes, 26 calories. Total time 53 minutes, 186 calories. I have started a third painting for my husband. So, up late last night after household chores. My ladies group was canceled yesterday since the hostess was picking her son at the hospital and taking him home. I am hosting the next gathering.

Judy, nice work on the Sunday's 20 minute row, Monday's I did 75 minutes of Peloton rides, 10 minutes of Arms & Light Weights and 10 minutes of stretching, and yesterday's 2 mile run and 40 minutes of Peloton upper body and core work.

Carolyn, I hope your dental appointment went well. That is too bad you missed your WW meeting and your coaches last day.

Valerie, nice job on the 15 minute trail ride. That would be fun seeing the weasel out moving around. Fresh blueberries would be nice. My KA has a handle that raises and lowers the bowl. I might find one of those chutes on Amazon. I had not thought to look. The special paddle would be nice as well. I have multiple appliances on my counters where the cook top is. We have a big island counter in the middle of the kitchen area and that is where I put the Instapot and do a lot of the cooking prep work. I just don't keep appliances there. The only numbers in the number on my KA that could be right would be 09. Mine is KP26M
This morning I did Stacked Sets Lower Body. My time was 35 minutes and 120 calories burned. Averaging heart rate was 108 and maximum heart rate was 141. I finished up with Step Boss Extended Stretch.

Valerie, nice job with the 15 mile trail ride. How interesting to have seen a weasel.

Cathy, great job with LIS Turbo Barre and Stretch Max with the band. I know that you have enjoyed having Nick home this week.

Diane Sue, great job with Raw Box for Your Waistline and CDorner Spinal Mobility.

Hello to Judy.
Yesterday I did 45 minutes of rowing and 10 minutes of upper body strength. Today I did 40 minutes of rowing and a 5-minute stretch. I’ve been following a Facebook rowing group and doing some of their Peloton row challenges. We aren’t using the Guide much right now since we have an organizing project going on in the living room. Chris is organizing all of his old computer and electronics parts. Hopefully we’ll have the living room back to normal in week or two. I did get some new dumbbells from Amazon this week, a 17.5 lb pair. These will work well for me for upper body work.

Diane Sue-Great job with CDorner Cardio Mashup and Full Body Mobility, Raw Box For Your Waistline, and CDorner Spinal Mobility.

Carolyn-Great job with Stacked Sets Lower Body. I’m sorry that you missed your WW meeting and didn’t get to see your coach on her last day.

Valerie-Great job with your trail ride. That’s interesting that you got to see a weasel close up like that.

Cathy-Great job with LIS Turbo Barre and Stretch Max with the band. You have been busy this week.

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