Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 7/28/2024

Today was STS Disk 31 chest and back. This is the heaviest week with 6 reps. I wish the workout manager had the capacity to track backwards as to how much weight I used originally. I remember a few things and I'm close, the same or heavier on the things I remember, and given how many years ago that was, I feel good about that. No idea why, but the middle of my right calf is feeling a bit twingy. Years ago, within the same year, I tore a connecting fiber to my achilles, so I'm rather leery of that area feeling off. Sticking to walking and light stretching the rest of the day and I may just do stretching and walking again tomorrow depending on how it feels. Next day is upper body again.

Diane Sue great job with CDorner Cardio Kickboxing Low impact or High and the stretch. Wow deodorant locked up. The only things I see locked up at the Meijer I go to are the pricier electronics and jewelry, and they sell a bit of everything.

Valerie great job with the therapy exercises.

Hi Judy and Carolyn.
Good morning. Today I did Jane Adams yoga/mobility for 18 minutes. One of our friends brought over some tomatoes from his garden that are so sweet and delicious. That was my inspiration for the tart. I have several recipes, but the one that I want to use this time is from The NY Times with Dijon mustard and goat cheese.

Judy, great job with your 2 mile run, 3 mile walk/run, X Train 100 rep challenges, and X Train Bonus Abs.

Cathy, great job with your Body Max 2 combos, SB Bonus Abs, and STS disc 31 chest and back.

Diane Sue, great job with CDorner Kickboxing Low Impact or High and Full Body Stretch with Towel or Strap.

Valerie, home grown tomatoes are so good. I have been getting grape tomatoes from the Farmer’s market up to now. The larger ones are just starting to get ready. I agree that Target and other stores will vary based on the neighborhood and surrounding demographics.

Have a good day everyone.
We did a 25 mile road ride this morning, the same one we did early in the week. this time we rode the whole thing by ourselves, with no lunch stop. one thing made this memorable. there was a street fair going on in the park we go thru to get to the bridge over the river. no way to avoid the bridge. its awkward riding thru the tents and wandering people, so DH picked a route around the edge of the fair. I was close behind him. suddenly he went downhill on what he(we) thought was a ramp. well no, it was stairs. 5 steps down concrete stairs. we wont make that mistake again. road bikes are not meant for that. I was too close behind him to see what was coming. we both bounced down them ok. mountain bikes would be at home there , road bikes are not. It happened so fast I didnt get scared ( no time) and stayed upright without braking hard. It scared the crap out of me in retrospect. it would have been a bad crash but neither of us fell. there was a visible ramp to the right with a railing in the middle. we wont forget to stay right next time. did the ride in 2 hrs 9 minutes and mysteriously there was a headwind the entire ride. I cant explain how that happens. headwind from all directions. we came homne for lunch and watched mountain biking at the olympics and laughed about the morning obstacle course.
Many years we are getting tomatoes by now but this year its slow despite being warm and dry. tomorrow we might get rain, which the entire region needs very badly. I could just strangle climate change deniers. this so different from very few years ago. especially eastern WA, OR, CA, ID, and Canada. fires everywhere.

carolyn I looked up the tomato tart on the NYT web site. do you make the whole wheat yeasted crust they suggest or something else? I haven't made this before but it sounds delicious and I love quiche/tart kind of dishes. I dont know when I'll start getting ripe tomatoes. I'm fine with yeast dough but it does add steps and time. plenty of people dont follow their recipes exactly so just wondering what worked for you.
I dont like puff pastry is my main need.
cathy thats smart to back off for a day or two to make sure you haven't reactivated an old injury. I think some store chains get a policy for all of their stores, and expect everyone to follow the same plan whether they need to or not. stores here don't have deodorant and shampoo locked up but expensive things are behind glass cases to some degree.
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Today is my rest day. I am trying to get the last painting for my granddaughter finished up. I got up late and barely made it to church on time because of road work.
I need to chop up the cauliflower I purchased for cauliflower rice. I just grate it with the food processor and freeze part after sauteing it in the skillet a bit and make a recipe I have with the rest.

Cathy, nice work on STS Meso 3 Disc 31 chest and back. I think that I have most of my STS worksheets from the past. I did throw out quite a lot of stuff when we moved though because I had all the P90X sheets and Body Beast sheets. I also have KCM sheets from her website. I doubt I will ever lift as heavy as I did when STS first came out. I sometimes hit 25# dumbbells for biceps curls which I am not even going to attempt.
My calves have been tingly and achy. I just got the right one loosened up with extra stretching and massaging it out during the day and then after the Barre workout they both were that way. I guess I did do calf raises with P90 lower body this week as well.
I have had a few bad experiences in some areas shopping. Years ago, when my children were small, I went to a Vons in Anaheim California and had 3 guys follow me home. We lived in an apartment, and I pulled into the carport, and they were hollering ugly stuff at me as I jumped out of my car and ran through the walkway and up to the apartment. My husband went out after I got inside, but they had left. Lesson learned, I should have headed somewhere where there were lots of people or to a police station.

Carolyn, nice job getting in your Jane Adams Yoga today. Home grown tomatoes taste yummy. I usually pick up the tomatoes on the vine when I get them from the grocery store. The grape tomatoes and cherry tomatoes from grocery stores are usually not good and I pick them out of my food.
No workout for me today. I had my mammogram appointment early this morning. It was a quick in and out, something I really appreciated. I was worried about finding a parking spot because of ongoing parking lot construction. They kept sending reminders to come early because of construction at the hospital, but it all worked out.

Valerie, your return ride sounds a little frightening! Riding down concrete stairs when you expected a ramp! I’m glad that neither of you were hurt. I’m making the whole wheat pie crust with olive oil and yeast for the tart today, but a regular pie crust would be fine. It does add extra time but it’s easy to mix up and easy to roll out.

Diane Sue, you are creating a wonderful gift for your granddaughter. That’s a very good reason to take a rest day from your workouts.

Hello to Cathy and Judy.
My calf felt okay when I got up today, but decided it wouldn't hurt to give it another day, so I did STS 2 Total Body Stretch and Mobility 1. Both have stretch the calves quite a bit and it's still good, so I'll go back to regular workouts tomorrow.

Carolyn great job with the yoga/mobility workout.

Valerie that was a crazy turn of events on your ride! I'm glad you both handled it so well, especially on road bikes.

Diane Sue what a scary thing for you to deal with, and I'm sure having your little ones with you made it even more stressful.

Hi Judy.
Carolyn thanks. I like yeast crusts if I have time. I will give that a try when we start getting enough tomatoes.

diane sue there are unfortunately creeps around everywhere. having a phone along helps with the discomfort, something you probably didnt have then.
that was the first time I ever rode down stairs and hope its the last. the stairs were in two segments close together. no idea why we both didn't fall. on a mt bike it would have been easier. shock absorbers and much "treadier" tires, plus you expect everything wont be smooth. its cool watching the mt bike course on the olympics. the rock sections are way too tough but the rest of the course is easier looking than what we usually do. they do a ton of mileage in not much time.

it is finally raining today, a good decent rain. steady and not too hard. started in the middle of the night and is still going. we need this so badly! don't know how widespread it is, because the whole region needs rain badly so will wait for an assessment later. even the increased humidity should help the fire fighting efforts.
Today I did a 45-minute Peloton ride and 30 minutes of Peloton strength. Yesterday we ordered the Peloton Guide for our living room TV. I wasn’t really interesting in it, but Chris thinks it might motivate him to do more strength work at home.

Cathy-Great job with STS Disk 31 chest and back and STS 2 Total Body Stretch and Mobility 1. It sounds like a good idea to give your calf another day.

Carolyn-Great job with Jane Adams yoga/mobility.

Valerie-That’s great that you both were able to ride down the steps ok, I’m sure that wasn’t easy to do on a road bike. Great job with the ride.

Diane Sue-That is very scary. Valerie is right, having a phone helps so much and you probably didn't have one then.
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Today I did Cathe Perfect 30 Perfect Pump Upper Body, 35 minutes, heart rate 108/142, 116 calories followed with STS 2 Mobility #1, 19 minutes, 29 calories. Total time was 54 minutes, 145 calories. I got a late start so it was a short workout. I finished my 3rd painting last night. I just had a few details I wanted to do with it and put more movement in the water and a few highlights and wildflowers.
I heard that Cathe did a mobility workout with moves from the new dvds at the road trip and it is available for 10 dollars download. Or can get it on the Live Channel.

Carolyn, that is nice that your mammogram appointment was a quick in and out. I like my facility because it stands on its own as a breast care health center and away from the hospital. There is generally only 4 or 5 cars in the lot when I go. The whole wheat crust would be tasty with the tomatoes.
It was special having my granddaughter ask for me to paint the paintings for her.

Cathy, good idea to take a break and do the STS2 total body stretch and mobility 1 today. My children were very young then and I only had 2 at the time.

Valerie, we could use some rain too. It is supposed to stay near 100 this week. When I opened up the door so my dog could use the doggy door this morning I could feel the heat through the storm door. Riding a bike down step seems very unsafe. I am glad you and your husband were not hurt.
There was not cell phones when that happened to me. My daughter and I went shopping at Target once with all of the grandchildren with us and some guy was pushing us to give him money and would not leave us alone and my daughter turned the alert thing on the horn and people in other cars started honking and he took off. I never feel all that safe when I go shopping by myself. That is one thing I don't have to worry about with delivery. My husband would go with me, but it would be a fast grab and go and extra things would hit the cart.

Judy, nice work on the 45 minute Peloton ride and 30 minutes of Peloton strength workout. Hopefully your husband uses the Peloton Guide in the living room. I feel so lost when I forget my cell phone and go out. Recently I went to church which is a 25 minute drive and forgot my phone. It wouldn't have been so bad, but I realized I did not remember my husbands new cell number, plus his phone is in the living room when he is sleeping. I came home and put his numbers in a little notebook I carry with me along with family members.
I had a mounted car phone back in the late 1980's for work. I dont remember when I got my first cell phone. seems like a million years ago now. I remember so well setting up an termporary office in an airport in one of the phone banks and making a dozen phone calls to organize my schedule. now Im not sure you can find a phone in an airport! when there were pay phones scattered everywhere, it didn't seem inconvenient. now I cant imagine that. diane sue I cant remember phone numbers anymore because you hardly every have to "dial" them. put it in the contact list and never think of it again, just like license plate #'s. when you needed a number every time you gassed up, it was easy. the only reason I remember my DH's number is it used to be mine until we swapped a few months ago. I am so uncomfortable if I forget my phone I usually go back for it. I've heard a good reason to get a smart watch is so it will remind you if you leave without your phone. seems kind of twisted, doesnt it? there are times a watch would be nice, like if Im working a long time out in the yard and expecting a call or on a bike ride. If one of us got a flat tire or got in a crash, it would be useful. there are sections of the trails we ride that are a long way from driveable roads, our vehicle or help. even our road bike ride would require a 5 mile walk in many places to get to a road to pick up a person. I carry a map so we would at least know what direction to walk. official vehicles could open the gates and get you in event of a serious accident.

only therapy work yesterday. upper body weights today .
Today was another day without a workout. The AC in my car went out yesterday and I too it for service. On the way over another warning light came on. My car is now at the dealership for service and I came home with a loaner vehicle. Problems seem to be coming one right after another.

Cathy, I’m glad that your calf is better. Good choice with Total Body Stretch and Mobility #1.

Judy, nice job with the Peloton ride and Peloton strength workout.

Diane Sue, great job with P 30 Perfect Pump Upper Body and Mobility 1.

Valerie, good job with therapy exercises and upper body work. I had a bag phone ”back in the day”. I don’t even remember what year it was, but probably late eighties. My husband bought it for me. I was in graduate school and had classes at night and he was worried about me. It’s so funny to see those phones in older movies now. I watched a few minutes of The Mighty Ducks a couple of days ago and the guy was using a bag phone in his car for work.

Have a nice day everyone.
Did stacked upper body today, along with some therapy stretches.

its so funny to think about the old technology that seemed so new at the time. I had a nice phone answering machine and all the gyrations we'd go thru to tell if there were new messages because if there was nothing new you could hang up before and not get charged for the call. the "no charge" was a big money saver. Im not sure when phone service switched to unlimited service for most, times and distances. all the fusses about "long distance". kids today would laugh at that. I remember doing a long distance call from our home phone when direct dialing became available. must have been 1960-ish? my grandmother lived with us and she was terrified to do it that way and insisted we do it thru the long distance operator. what are some odd telephone things you remember? party lines? not being able to turn off or even adjust the ringing sound? when I worked graveyard that was a real problem. carolyn I never heard of a phone referred to as a "bag phone". was that one of the permanent mount car phones?
Valerie, the bag phone was just that—in a bag. It was portable instead of being mounted in the car. Of course it was too heavy to actually want to carry it with you! It seems so ridiculous now.
Today I did Raw July Rotation Day #5 Friday, 31 minutes, 93 calories, heart rate 100/129. I followed with Raw Shadowboxing #2, 18 minutes, 86 calories, heart rate 120/158, STS 2 Standing Metabolic Core Warm Up, 10 minutes, 51 calories, and CDorner Leg Stretch, 30 minutes, 33 calories. Total time was 89 minutes, 263 calories.

Valerie, I mentioned to my husband that we rely on the cell phones way too much. It is good to carry paper maps of areas, because you never know if the cell phone is not going to work in an area, or it get broken or something. We never had a phone in the car way back when they did that. We usually were driving old cars. When my children were all little, my car was always breaking down. I remember walking with them hoping to find a station with a pay phone so I could call someone to help. Either my dad who was a mechanic or my husband. I ended up walking to the school holding the youngest in my arms crying because it was freezing outside and the other toddling along in a nightgown, to drop my son off and use a phone at the school. Talk about miserable. Later there was I find cell phones rather annoying at times though when everyone around has their phone out. In fairness my girls are usually sharing pictures or talking about some new thing or something funny. And also, everyone taking selfies. The last thing I want to do is take selfies of myself. Then I probably would be depressed. Sorry! I am glad I have my cell phone. Nice for reading when I am stuck in a waiting room. Gets me where I want to go, otherwise I am sure I would be driving all over trying to get back to a road I know.
Oh, and the party lines we had and the old dial phones. I am glad that is gone.
Nice work on getting in Therapy yesterday and Upper body today.

Carolyn, I am sorry your AC isn't working in your car. I hope they get it fixed quickly for you. My car had a warning symbol on it when I went to church Sunday. I told my husband, I think maybe it is just tire pressure. I hope that is all it is. My car show symbols and some things are a number code. Like oil change is 87. I got that one down. I remember when pagers came out and my daughter was in high school and we gave her one so she could page us if she needed to get hold of us. She did once when her and her friend somehow got lost in another city and were quite far away. Couldn't find their way home. Silly children!

Valerie, that is a funny reminder on needing the long-distance operator. And the costs using the phone for long distance calls. I was relieved when I could call my parents and not have to watch the clock to keep it short.
Today I managed to fit in a workout. I did Rev’d Up Rumble for 41 minutes and 273 calories burned. Average heart rate was 130 and maximum heart rate was 154. My husband had a cardiology appointment today.

Valerie, great job with Stacked Sets Upper Body and therapy exercises. If you Google “bag phone“ you will see some images and info. Mine was a Motorola brand.

Diane Sue, great job with the Raw workouts, Standing Metabolic Core Warm Up, and CDorner leg stretch. The Lexus Service Advisor called to give me an update on my car. Apparently I will be driving this loaner through the weekend. I don’t mind since I want my car to be working properly. It’s as if I’m getting an extended test drive with the loaner which is a 2024 with only 4000 miles.

Hello to Judy and Cathy.
Yesterday I did STS W3 Shoulders, Bi's, and Tri's and Stretch Max with the ball. That one is really good for upper body stretching. Today was the zoo. First time Derek hasn't worked on my walking day and they were putting out the baby zebra for the first time, so he and his camera went with me. At one point, I did leave him along the boardwalk and walked a lap on my own, but there was still way more stopping than usual. Baby is 16 days old and fun to watch. They are keeping the other zebras separate from them for a bit yet, as of all the animals on the Savannah they are the most aggressive and the Mom has been separated from them since April. The giraffe's still hadn't made it out yet, so I still haven't seen the new giraffe, but that's okay. Of the two the baby zebra will change the fastest in size as he's already more than 1/2 grown.

Yesterday I also did IMAX 4 step combos when I first got up and had some bonus fun. Adventures with amphibian. I turned on the light downstairs and set up for a short step workout. I realize that there’s a little frog on the screen, window still closed because it was raining last night. I open the window and decide that when I’m done, I’ll go out and take the screen off and free it. Part way through, I realize it has moved into the open window side. Easier, I think, I’ll just be able to grab it. 10 combos and I’m doing the 9th when I realize that my little peeper friend is now on the wall. Make it through the 10th hit pause for the cool down, wet my hands and get my friend. Take him upstairs, outside and figure since that was his area, I’d put him near the window. He leaps onto the house! And then proceeds to leap down into the grass and flee. No gratitude for his rescuer.

The whole phone thing is a good/bad thing. I will freely admit to using mine a lot, but I'm also quite capable of ignoring it when appropriate. Nick is almost too good at that. He's very hands off his phone for his age group. And it rather drives me nuts when I need info and it's hours till he sees it. And he's more likely to respond when he's at work, and in a lull, than at home. And he can send me a message and I'll respond and it'll be hours before he picks it back up again. Derek listens to a lot of podcasts, watches videos so he's more likely to notice quicker. I have to say I can't imagine traveling without one, though when up north there are still dead zones. And last time I got a cabin filter for the car and the guy was moving stuff out of my glove compartment, he commented on how very few people have actual state maps in their cars anymore. In general I'm really good with knowing north, south, east, west and working my way around issues, as long as I'm not somewhere like K'zoo or Grand Rapids where things are all SE/SW etc. that throws me off.

Carolyn sorry about the car trouble, though it sounds like you made out well with the loaner you got. Great job getting in Rev’d Up Rumble.

Diane Sue looking back at some of the things people did years ago when they had breakdowns, but I also think about things we did as kids. When I was in kindergarten, I had to walk up a very main road, to get on the bus and walk to and from that corner. I couldn't be seen from the house and my Mom had a baby and 3 year old at home. And when I was in 6th grade, different house, our dirt road was unusable for a month and everyone had to walk out to the main road (oddly enough the same one I had walked to in Kindergarten, different school district) to get on the bus. We were maybe 1/2 a mile down, but there were kids coming from a mile further away. Those of us who got there early would play in the hay bales in the barn, swinging on ropes. None of that would happen now! Great job with Raw July Rotation Day #5,
Shadowboxing, Standing Core Warm Up and leg stretch.

Valerie great job with stacked upper body and therapy exercises. I never lived where we had a party line, but my Dad has lots of stories of party lines when he was growing up, and the behavior amongst those on their line. LOL

Hi Judy.
Yesterday I did 50 minutes of endurance rows. Today was a rest day. I had a dental appointment this afternoon for my new crown. I'm glad that's over. The Peloton Guide arrived and we set it up this evening. I am very impressed with it. I think I will like it. Chris hasn’t tried it yet but hopefully he will like it too.

Diane Sue-Great job with P 30 Perfect Pump Upper Body, Mobility 1, the Raw workouts, Standing Metabolic Core Warm Up, and the CDorner stretch. I feel lost without my cell phone too.

Valerie-Great job with your therapy exercises and upper body work. I got my first cell phone in 1998. Right after I got it, my employer switched from using pagers to giving us company cell phones so I was carrying 2 of them around with me for a while. I ended up selling the one I bought and just using the company phone.

Carolyn – Great job with Rev’d Up Rumble. I remember bag phones. It was the late 80’s and one of the managers at work had one. I’m sorry about your car trouble.

Cathy-Great job with STS W3 Shoulders, Bi's, and Tri's and Stretch Max with the ball and the IMAX 4 step combos.
We rode the trail again this morning, 15 miles an hour and a half. at the halfway point there is a bridge over a big river. I spotted some ducks, got out the binocs to ID them. so cool... it was a mother common merganser with 10 young. they're pretty big, half the size of Mom. they were moving and diving so quickly I was not sure at first, but they swam closer and then another merg swam up from the other direction with 4 offspring in tow. so a whole lot of ducks splashing around. more interesting than the usual mallards. the bridge is high. binoculars help. . we spent time looking so our ride took 15 minutes longer than usual.

Carolyn, I will go look at the bag phone. maybe it was what we called brick phones? I remember those but never had one. both DH and I had car phones and somehow missed the bag and also the brick phones.
bummer on the AC going out. not the best time of year for that to happen. good job on Rev'd up Rumble. I haven't done that one in ages and should give it a run again.

diane sue we still carry paper maps, not much around home but when we travel. GPS is great for city addresses but off main roads its not great. lots of rural roads go by more than one name and if you dont live there, you wont know that. signal might be crummy. if I need to find an alternate route, its extremely hard to do it on a phone screen. as you zoom up to see small roads, you completely lose the big picture of where you need to get to.
works fine in the city but where roads are few over big distances, it doesnt work well. road atlas is best. commercial places right on the freeway show up but trails, campgrounds, and forest service roads may not be on the GPS at all. if there's no signal, the phone is useless. Ideally best to have both. we have had some awful misdirection at times but in rural areas I check both systems.

I remember party lines from the 50's. nice when that went away. not being able to silence the phone was the worst for shift workers. phone operators used to have a lot of power. now if something doesnt work you figure it out yourself. we are back to basics.

I would love to see a baby zebra!. I'm not as fascinated with giraffes. I walked to school by myself from kindergarten on. todays parents would be horrified. my mother was pretty lazy and she didnt drive so being self sufficient early was a good thing. I am shocked when I see how little young adult people know about where they are, where they are going, or how they got where they are. paying attention to phone commands is not the same as knowing north from south.
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This morning I did P 30 Perfect Pump Upper Body and the Extended Stretch. My time was 48 minutes and 149 calories burned. My average heart rate was 105 and maximum heart rate was 131. My middle daughter, her husband and 1 grandchild are coming for a short visit this weekend. My granddaughter is working her first summer job in Rhode Island and staying with her other grandmother. This is a spontaneous visit and I had to get different food from the store this morning. A teenage boy and adult man eat a LOT of food!

Cathy, great job with STS W3 Shoulders, Bis, and Tris, Stretch Max ball, and IMAX 4 combos.

Judy, nice work with 50 minutes of endurance rows. What exactly is the Peloton guide.

Valerie, nice job with the trail ride. Those early cell phones were quite something.

Hello to Diane Sue.

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