Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 7/23/2023

Good morning. Today I did my usual yoga/mobility for 18 minutes.

Judy, thanks for starting us off this week. Nice job with the 45 minute Peloton ride.

Cathy, nice job with Body Parts Biceps. Adjusting the rotation to suit your preferences sounds like a good idea. I plan to do the same.

Diane Sue, good job with Body Parts Legs and CDorner Full Body Stretch. I have a doctors appointment next week also. I am going to change my workouts next week to include more cardio.

Hello to Valerie. Have a great day everyone.
Just finished STS 2 Body Parts Legs w/bonuses. That one really makes me sweat and gets my heart rate up. We are having a rainy day here, but like what we got yesterday, it's just a nice steady rain, not a downpour, so should be beneficial. I'm going to have to be up early and do shoulders tomorrow as it's my walk at the zoo day.

Carolyn great job with the yoga. You are so consistent with it. The 12 week STS 2 rotation has the last 6 weeks using the parts workouts, so I've got a lot of weeks of them left. Fortunately, I like working one part a day, and now setting it up so I hit every area each week feels more logical to me.

Diane Sue nice job with STS 2 Body Parts legs + the bonuses and stretch. I'm not using the workout manager either. I just typed up a schedule and have it on a cork board behind the TV. Then I use a highlighter on the workouts after I do them.

Judy great job with the peloton ride.

Hi Valerie!
We did our usual sunday morning ride in farm country. no fertilizer spray this week! about 24miles in 2 hours 10 min. we take numerous short breaks along the way. even after the carpal tunnel I get irritated wrists, oddly, the non surgery wrist is more improved than the surgical one. go figure. one bathroom/snack break in the middle in a waterfront park about 15 min. it was especially lovely this morning with perfect temp, light wind, and very light traffic. we stop to pick up some fresh berries and cherries at farm stands on the way home. riding, my back doesn't bother me at all. something I will have to forgo for several months after surgery. taking a fall would have consequences. haven't fallen on a road bike in 20 + years and that one was a spectacular non injury crash. plenty of spills on mt bike to make up for that..

cathy we are having a possible rainy day tomorrow. its extremely dry here in summer, july and august. we have a chance for measurable amount tomorrow, a lovely thing after a dry june too. we start getting lots of freeway median edge fires from tossed cigarettes. we are hoping for 1/4 inch of rain whihc is a lot for us in summer.
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Today I did 65 minutes of Peloton rides, 10 minutes of Peloton Arms and a 45 minute Yin Yoga class. Tomorrow will be a planned rest day.

Carolyn-Great job with yoga/mobility.

Cathy-Great job with STS 2 Body Parts Legs w/bonuses. I’ll have to add the bonuses on the next time I do that workout.

Valerie-Great job with the 2+ hour ride. That’s crazy that you get freeway median edge fires. I don’t think I’ve seen anything like that around here but it wouldn’t surprise me with all the people I see throwing cigarettes out of car windows.

Hi to Diane Sue
judy they are really common here. they would be worse except luckily crews mow the grass. these happen on the outside edges of the freeway and also on the grassy median. the climate is so mild and wet that grass and small foliage grows like crazy mmuch of the year and dries out in mid summer. we drive about 10 miles north of our freeway exit to get to the exit where we ride. there were two big swathes of burned grass many hundreds of yards long that burned between our ramp and there in the last few days. usually a tossed cigarette butt. I know cars dont have ashtrays anymore, but not a good reason. we also have all the homeless encampment fires that are often close to the freeway. there have been hundreds already this year. heard a number the other day on the news. it was something like encampment 473 fires so far. a stunning number. any sympathy I had for homeless people is 100% gone. the PNW is known for being soggy .... but not in july and august.
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Today I did Cardio Party for 39 minutes and 288 calories burned. My average heart rate was 134 and maximum heart rate was 168.

Cathy, great job with Body Parts Legs +bonuses. I plan to do Legs tomorrow but not the bonus moves.

Valerie, nice job with your Sunday morning ride. Stopping at the farm stand is a great side benefit.

Judy, great job with the Peloton rides, Peloton arms, and yin yoga.

Waving hello to Diane Sue.
This morning was STS 2.0 Body Parts Shoulders w/bonus. Then I went and walked at the zoo. Did something to the ring finger on my left hand yesterday and it's quite sore around the knuckle. Didn't impede my workout, but wasn't comfortable. No idea what I did. So many times when I hurt myself I don't know what happened. Would be nice to at least know. LOL

Carolyn nice job with Cardio Party.

Valerie we have some grass fires along highways here, too. I've seen them up north and along 94 between Battle Creek and Kalamazoo. But, they do try to keep the grass near the roads mowed. Not as good about as they used to be, but at least in the areas with the most potential they seem to keep it down. I hadn't even considered that cars no longer come with ashtrays. Never having smoked it didn't occur to me. Glad you got a good ride in yesterday minus the drenching with questionable substances.

Judy great job with the Peloton ride, arms and yoga.
Cathy I am not sure about ALL cars. the ones we've owned or test drove didnt have them anymore but I havent looked in every make /model. I think you can get add on accessories. the grass grows so well here that along the bike trails its 5-6 feet tall where not mowed. it tends to fall over after that. I cant imagine what the freeway medians would be like without mowing. those fires pop up suddenly and cause billowing smoke that can block drivers' vision so they are definitely dangerous. sorry to say I smoked when in college so I still notice that.
This morning I managed to get a workout in before I went to my doctor to get the toe taken care of. I did STS 2 Body Part Shoulders with the bonus, 48 minutes, 108 calories, heart rate 93/123. I followed with STS 2 Mobility 1, 21 minutes, 30 calories. Total time 69 minutes, 138 calories. I had a long wait at the doctors. I do not know why they sent a message saying come in 30 minutes early. I was 40 minutes early and then had to add another half hour to that. The paperwork they sent home said not to do strenuous activity for 2 weeks. I will see how my toe feels. I think I should still be able to work through the rest of the rotation as it is all upper body work. I am liking the bonuses so far.

Body Parts Shoulders I went light on everything
warm up uses a 5# weight plate + 10 and 12 # dumbbells I used 8# as it was overhead press
Standing overhead press #1 Barbell 20# 8 reps (down 5#)
Standing Overhead press #2 barbell 20# 8 reps
Standing Overhead Press # 3 barbell 20# 8 reps
seated isometric hold w/ overhead press #1 I used the standing option 3# and #8 for iso 8 reps each side
seated isometric hold w/ overhead press #2 I used the standing option 3# and 8# for iso 8 reps each side
incline front raise # 1 (stability ball) 5# dbs 8 reps (tried 8's and dropped)
incline front raise #2 5# dbs 8 reps
seated lateral raise # 1 stability ball 5# dbs 8 reps
seated lateral raise # 2 8# dbs 8 reps
seated lateral rase # s with iso hold alternating 5# dbs 12 reps total
standing front/side slide combo 5# dbs 10 reps
hip huggers #1 12# dbs 8 reps
hip huggers #2 12# dbs 8 reps
rear delt fly/hip hugger super set 5db/12 dbs 8 reps
rear delt fly/hip hugger super set #2 5db/12 dbs 8 reps
banded single arm rear delt fly #1 tubing light around heavy db 10 reps
banded single arm rear delt fly #2 light tubing around heavy db10 reps
face pull using door anchor red light tubing 13 reps I changed and this and did the seated on the stability ball with 5# dumbbells
standing vertical to horizontal press combo 5# dbs
kneeling (one knee) single arm arnold press 8# 10 reps
double arm with press (this is not an overhead press like I had imagined) 3# dbs 10 reps
around the clock (this move has a pass off the dumbbell as arms go overhead)3# dbs
This morning I did STS 2.0 Body Parts Back w/Bonus, then I put together an ab workout from the STS floor abs with plate and the planks from the no equipment one. It ended up being about 13 minutes. Going to be hot again today, though not the levels of hot other areas are seeing just too hot for me.

Valerie I've fortunately had to drive through smoke only once and that was in northern lower Michigan and fortunately wasn't so dense you couldn't see, but it was enough to need headlights. I've certainly driven in fog that was far worse.

Great job getting your workout in before your appointment and doing STS 2 Body Part Shoulders with the bonus and the mobility workout. Sorry you had to wait, especially when they told you to be there that much too early. Glad that none of the places I currently go have waits that long unless something unusual happens. I did have to wait a bit the second time I went to the oral surgeon, but it wasn't as long as you waited.
it finally rained yesterday. not enough but more than we've had in 2 months. due to mountains that "channel" approaching weather fronts, rain in one spot doesnt mean rain a few miles away. it was lovely to hear. Eastern WA is a totally different climate and landscape than western WA. brush fires ( sagebrush) get huge quickly and are wind driven. any spark can set one off and many times the freeway gets closed because of smoke. western WA they are usually more limited. almost always human caused.
our corn crop is so delicate. it didnt rain hard and barely windy, but much of it got knocked down. cant find any corn seed that grows strong enough except for super sweet varieties. I dont think super sweet is edible. ugh. tastes like saccharine.

oh yeah this is a summer for broken heat records. our cousin in phoenix has been stuck inside for weeks. they would like to sell but not a good time to do that there. all the climate change predictions are arriving quickly with strange intense weather events.
This morning I did Body Parts Legs. My time was 53 minutes and 258 calories burned. My average heart rate was 116 and maximum heart rate was 148.

Cathy, great job with Body Parts Shoulders w/bonus, Body Parts Back w/bonus, Ab workout, and walking at the zoo.

Diane Sue, great job with Body Parts Shoulders w/bonus and mobility 1.

Valerie, it’s good that you got a little rain in your area. I wondered how your cousin was doing in Phoenix. They certainly chose a bad time to move there. My one trip there when it was 114 degrees was enough for me to know that I never want to be there in the summer again!

Hello to Judy.

Have a great day everyone.

Valerie, I wanted to recommend a new series on Netflix if you need something good to watch. The Diplomat is an excellent political drama. My daughter recommended it to me and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
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Carolyn thanks, we have Diplomat on our "to watch" list. we just started a series with Kate Mara but I dont remember the name. FBI, and too soon to judge.
netflix is funny. Things we watched and removed, reappear, sometimes years later. things we just put on the list disappear, replaced with total junk. netflix is big on promoting crappy movies with a "star" in an awful movie. we got tricked into watching parts of two crummy movies this weekend, thinking we vetted them already. by the time you watch a section, enough to realize it's junk, you've shot a good part of the evening. DH cant remember what we've seen already so he's easily tricked. I end up looking at the same titles we watched show up again and again, just to remove them and have them pop back up.
cousin and his wife are not real outdoor people but this summer its been especially terrible. day after day. many close up their houses and leave for the summer. reverse snow birds. they like it enough the rest of the year and usually travel some in summer. they are visiting us next month. I had another friend in phoenix and went to her wedding when it was 117 degrees. OMG. a long time ago but memorable just for that.
Doing mainly therapy work and some upper body things.
Yesterday was my rest day. I had a 4 hour shift in paint at Home Depot in the afternoon. Today I did STS 2.0 Standing Abs & Metabolic Core Warm Up and Super Sets Total Body. Total time was about 72 minutes and I was definitely ready to be finished. I’m going to try to run tomorrow. I just need to get outside before summer is over. I can’t believe it’s almost August.

Carolyn-Great job with Cardio Party and Body Parts Legs. Peloton is starting to add streaming of other services to the bike tablets, so you can watch a program while riding. Hopefully they will add Netflix soon. A lot of people have been wanting that to happen.

Valerie-That is really bad about the homeless encampments and fires. Also, the temps in Phoenix are unreal! Your cousin must be miserable there. The real estate market is so crazy, it’s not a good time to buy or sell anywhere it seems.

Cathy-Great job with STS 2.0 Body Parts Shoulders w/bonus, Body Parts Back w/Bonus and your ab workout. I hope your finger is better.

Diane Sue-Great job with STS 2 Body Part Shoulders with the bonus and Mobility 1. I’m sorry about the long wait at your doctor’s office. I hate it when that happens.
Today I did Body Parts Back 50 minutes, heart rate 85/119, 97 calories. I followed it with STS 2 Chair Yoga adding a few more stretches, 25 minutes, 27 calories. Total time 77 minutes, 124 calories. I took my paperwork from the chest scan to my primary doctor yesterday. She did not get sent anything. She read it over and the part mentioned about my thyroid maybe needing checked. She went over my history as she thought I had had an ultrasound on it and I did it 2019 and it is now actually smaller than the current scan. So that was positive, and I can give that info to the Pulmonologist.

STS 2 Body Parts Back
warm up light tubing: pull aparts and bow and arrow/10# dbs deadlifts and dead row, rear delt pulses

straight arm pressdown/seated rows #1 seated floor option heavy black tubing 12 reps
straight arm pressdown/seated rows #2 seated floor option heavy black tubing 12 reps
double bar inverted rows #1 used the fit tower option seated double band heavy green and black x heavy pull down 8 reps
single bar chin-up Fit tower 8 reps I chose to use the tubing option heavy and X heavy together
double bar inverted rows #2 used the fit tower option tubing together option
single bar overhand pull up using the tubing row option heavy 8 reps
kneeling 1 arm row R/L #1 20# db 10 reps
kneeling 1 arm row R/L #2 20# db 10 reps
Barbell Pull over/banded pull aparts #1 10# dumbbells/green heavy tubing 10/12 reps
Barbell Pull over/banded pull aparts #2 10# dumbbells/green tubing 10/12 reps
barbell Pendlay Row/shrugs #1 switched to 20# dbs rows#/10# dbs for shrugs 8/10 reps
barbell Pendlay Row/shrugs#2 20#dbs/10# dbs for shrugs 8/10 reps
barbell Pendlay Row/shrugs#3 20#dbs/10# dbs for shrugs 8/10 reps
banded close grip pulldown #1 seated using fit tower option green & black tubing 12 reps
banded close grip pulldown #2 seated using fit tower option green & black tubing 12 reps
seated T band pulls red tubing 12 reps
superman swimmers

Cathy, nice work getting in STS 2.0 Body Parts Back with Bonuses today. I looked at the names of the exercises for the bonuses and was not sure it I should go for it or not. I usually have to wait at my arthritis doctor's office and I go there more than the others. The facility has a lot of people and you usually have to stand and wait to check in. I just plan on reading something while I am waiting. Mornings are always best there. One time I went really early right after they opened because I had to take my grandson to his school and it was some distance to my house so not worth going home first. They took me right in and I thought I would be sitting there for an hour or so. They said they had a lot of people late.

Valerie, I am glad you got a little rain. I know sometimes we get hit at one end of the city area and other family members did not get anything in their area. I have appreciated all of the rain that we have had this year. After such a drought last year and our grass trying to turn to dirt. It is nice not to have to water much. This is the first week I think that there is no rain forecast. I think when you live somewhere like Phoenix you kind of get used to the heat. When I was a teenager, I spent much of my summer outdoors in one of the suburbs. I remember the asphalt being so hot it was squishy.

Carolyn, great job on Body Parts Legs today. I have a friend who moved from Wisconsin to Phoenix area. She seems to have finally gotten used to the heat. At first, she was miserable.

Judy, great workout mix of 2.0 Standing Abs and metabolic Warm Up and Super Sets total body. That was a long workout. It seems like summer has gone by way to fast. School starts back in a couple of weeks here.
Did All Out Low Impact Hiit premix step and discs when I got up and just finished STS 2 Body Parts Chest now.

Diane Sue great job with Body Parts Back. I think I've finally figured out how to make the Pendlay rows work for me by using four risers on each side and even bent over in the correct position my short legs mean that the weights still don't really touch the risers. LOL

Judy nice job with STS 2.0 Standing Abs & Metabolic Core Warm Up and Super Sets Total Body. I hope you get your run in today.

Carolyn great job with Body Parts Legs.

Valerie glad you at least got a little rain. We've been doing better with the rain the last few weeks after all those weeks without. I've considered trying to suggest to DH while he's sleeping that we really need to move north. Which I would do in a heartbeat, but he's still too focused on the winters. As far as I'm concerned, I'm retired, he works from home and if it's bad outside you just don't go anywhere. :) Though I don't think the days when you can't go anywhere are as numerous as he thinks! And it's not just the dangerous heat on land as the ocean temperatures have gotten crazy high, and so many huge wildfires all over the world.:(
I did not work out today. I had an early appointment for my annual mammogram which went well. I was in and out in no time, much quicker than usual. Unfortunately I ran in to trouble on my way home. Traffic was stopped in both directions and the police were turning people around. It looked like a tree had come down on some power lines. I ended up driving back the way that I had come and taking the expressway. That added about 45 minutes to my trip and ruined my good morning!

Judy, great job with Standing Abs Metabolic Core Warm Up and Super Sets Total Body. Being able to watch programs while on your bike would be nice.

Diane Sue, nice job with Body Parts Back and Chair Yoga. I’m glad that your thyroid looks okay. That’s one less health problem for you to deal with. As someone who has a thyroid problem, that’s good for you.

Cathy, great job with All Out Low Impact HiiT premix and Body Parts Chest.

Hello to Valerie.
Our corn crop was not knocked down as badly as it looked.... for everyone waiting to hear my garden report! we rode this morning 15 miles an hour and a half. so nice out we sat in the sun for an extra time. also to avoid having to ride past a big group of people who weren't paying attention.

Diane sue, always a relief, to be able to check off some wayward body part as being Ok.

we got rain but the prospect is for more dry weather coming. at least its only 70--75 so not too worrisome now. talked to cousin today going to be 119 today. that is so darn awful.. even the suguaros are suffering. usually they get summer thunderstorms but not so far his year. he had his condo on the market a while ago but pulled it off as the market was poor. we have friends in MT who are still in the real estate market but probably not successfully. not a up beat real estate time right now.

carolyn the series we started is, Class of '09. we've watched 2 episodes and it seems good so far. Ive been burned too many times to recommend anything before seeing the whole season! not sure if this a one season program or longer. sometimes series get stretched out too long due to covid/ writers strike. I was enjoying The Handmaids Tale but they have lost momentum and doubt they will regain it.

we get a lot of trees falling down in summer, not because of wind, but because the drying soil is lighter and doesnt hold tree roots down as well, and plop, over they go.
Air quality was bad this morning so I did a 1 hour Peloton ride instead of a run. We had some strong storms pass through this afternoon. The power went out around 3:30 pm. At the same time Verizon was experiencing an outage so we had no phone service or power. We got the generator set up and running then the power came back on. I was expecting the outage to last at least through tomorrow so that was a pleasant surprise. I’ve lost count of how many power outages we’ve had over the past year. Every time there is bad weather, we expect an outage.
I was sad to see that Sinead O’Connor passed away today.

Diane Sue-Great job with Body Parts Back and Chair Yoga. That’s good news about your thyroid.

Cathy-Great job with the All Out Low Impact Hiit premix and Body Parts Chest. Hopefully I’ll get a run in this weekend.

Carolyn-I’m glad your mammogram went well. I’m sorry about the traffic issues you had to deal with.

Valerie-Great ride this morning!
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