Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 7/21/2024

I am posting Saturday's workout here. I did CDorner Step Aerobics #403, 66 minutes, 275 calories, heart rate 124/155, 4,496 steps. I finished of with CDorner Mobility challenge day #5, neck and shoulders, 16 minutes, 24 calories. Total time 82 minutes, 299 calories, 4,496 steps. Sunday is family day so if I do anything it will be some yoga/mobility.
Good afternoon. I did my usual yoga/mobility this morning for 20 minutes.

Valerie, I saw those balance discs on Amazon and I’m sure they are fine. I already have most of the equipment needed for the new workouts.

Diane Sue, nice job with CDorner Step Aerobics and Mobility.

Hello to Cathy and Judy. Have a wonderful day everyone.
rode our regular trail ride this morning an hour 15 minutes. 15 miles.

got the balance disk yesterday. odd looking thing for sure! carolyn, same for me. I have various balls and yoga blocks and mats and an older tower but not one of these. will take some practice to balance on it but I need to do more than tree pose and want more core work.
This morning I did Live Low Impact Hiit with Active Recovery and STS Disk 28 Chest and Back. Honestly, I do not want to know how sore my legs would be if I hadn't done all that stretching during the leg workout, because OUCH. Nick is a huge Baltimore Orioles fan, don't ask neither of them chose logical teams to follow as kids, and they are playing the Rangers today, so he's taken himself to the game. Since, he goes to school in Arlington he's very familiar with the area.

Valerie great job with the ride. I have one balance disk, and I need to buy a matching one. I would have gotten the ones on Cathe's site, but even with a coupon, the shipping was a deal breaker. I was hoping I could skip the yoga blocks, because I'm pretty flexible, but then I saw the pics of how they were using them. I'll wait till closer to the workouts being mailed before ordering them.

Carolyn great job with the yoga.

Diane Sue great job with CDorner Step Aerobics and mobility.
yes shipping was harsh! I want to support cathe but that was not going to work. I dont remember when I got the yoga blocks but have had them forever. I dont remember them being very expensive at the time but I might have ordered them with a mat and other things in a package. we pay for prime so had free shipping. I'm very flexible too, used to be even more so, but with yoga it's all about proper alignment. I could often get to the desired end position but only by "flexing" body parts that they didn't want involved. I used the blocks. we used them a lot in Yin where you held a position for several minutes.

I think the trick is to get the balance disk properly inflated. I put too much air in mine and need to let it down a bit. I havent officially used it yet. it came with a booklet showing someone doing a lot of poses on the disk that are not likely possible for normal people.
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This morning I did Cardio Party for 39 minutes and 271 calories burned. My average heart rate was 132 and maximum heart rate was 165. One of the things that I like about Cardio Party is that it reminds me of old school floor cardio. That’s what I first learned at the gym in the eighties and nineties.

Valerie, nice job with the road ride. I have used both yoga blocks and a bolster to help with positioning.

Cathy, great job with Live Low Impact HiiT, Active Recovery, and STS disc 28 Chest and Back. I’m sure that Nick enjoyed the baseball game.

Hello to Judy and Diane Sue.
This morning I did Kick, Punch and Crunch minus the high intensity drills and Stretch Max with the ball.

Valerie I think getting the two disks inflated the same will be a bit tricky. Hopefully I can get them close. There have been other things on Cathe's site I've had to pass on because of the shipping, too. I did get my 6' mat there, but they cost so much that the coupon cancelled out the shipping.

Carolyn great job with Cardio Party. Your comment reminds me of the first ever community class I took at the local high school, in my early 20's. Very 80's!
Today I did a 45-minute Peloton Power Zone ride and 25 minutes of easier cool down rides. I think the rest/easy days helped.

Diane Sue-Great job with STS 2.0 Supersets pre-mix lower body only, Cathe Killer Barre bonus, STS 2.0 mini ball abs, Raw 20-minute stretch flow and CDorner Step Aerobics and Mobility.

Carolyn- Great job with your yoga/mobility and Cardio Party. I did old school floor cardio when I first started going to the gym back in the 80’s too. I’ll have to revisit Cardio Party.

Valerie-I picked up a couple of balance discs on Amazon. I would have liked to have gotten the Cathe ones but the shipping was a bit too much. Great job with your trail ride.

Cathy-Great job with Live Low Impact Hiit with Active Recovery and STS Disk 28 Chest & Back, Kick, Punch and Crunch and Stretch Max with the ball. I try to get as much of Cathe’s things as I can, but sometimes the shipping is just too much.
I deflated my disk somewhat but it needs to go down more. when you air yours up, do less than you think you need. you use the same needle to deflate that you use to inflate. hard to judge how firm it is until you get on it. I had just shipped a book/DVD back for a return via UPS and it was going to be almost $20. a tiny little book that was no bigger than the disk/ jewel box. because nothing else was in there, it qualified for book rate about half the price. so I wasn't surprised to see the shipping on the balance disk was as high as it is. still i am not going to pay it. only if its something specific I cant get elsewhere.

I love watching cardio party. just too uncoordinated to do it.
Today I did Perfect Pump Upper Body + bonus+ extended stretch, 58 minutes, 117 calories. I then did CDorner Day 24 Neck and Upper back from the mobility challenge, 13 minutes, 16 calories. Total time was 71 minutes, 133 calories. I had a busy weekend and today has been busy. Trying to finish the third painting. I am headed to bed.

Valerie, I realized that when looking at the disc and mini ball on Cathe's site. I should have ordered when I ordered the workouts I guess. I really did not thing about it. I am just going to get a matching balance disc to the one I already have that I got from Amazon. I purchased a small ball during the prime days on Amazon. This time it was a small ball. The other one that I purchased was about 15 inches around even though it said 7 inches.
Just finished STS Meso 3 week 2 for shoulders, bi's and tri's. I started to do an old live before breakfast and I gave up about 15 minutes in. The quality of audio and visual was distracting and the routine just wasn't fun. So, I refilled my hummingbird feeder that the raccoon took down again last night, and did my round of the paths in the yard. I decide to bring it in based on how much food is still in it, and I knew it was really low last night. Since, the silly thing pulls the bottom from the top and it ends up laying on the ground draining, I'm not sure it actually gets any of it, but it must or you'd think it would give up.

Diane Sue great job with PP Upper Body and stretch, and the mobility workout.

Valerie shipping is crazy and I really would prefer not to buy things from Amazon, but I can get free shipping. I don't have Prime, I just only order when I have enough to qualify. I often have to priority mail things to Nick, like the new proof of insurance for his car, and that's $10. I've learned not to trust regular mail to his, since the time the birthday gift card I sent took a couple months to show up.

Judy great job with the Peloton rides.

Hi Carolyn.
Today I did Stacked Sets Upper Body. My time was 49 minutes and 167 calories burned. My average heart rate was 108 and maximum heart rate was 141.

Cathy, great job with Kick, Punch, and Crunch, Stretch Max, and STS Meso 2 shoulders, Bis, and Tris. My first group exercise class was Jazzercise at the community recreation center on the military base. A very long time ago!

Judy, great job with the 45 minute Peloton Power Zone ride 25 minute cooldown ride.

Diane Sue, great job with Perfect Pump Upper Body and the Extended Stretch, plus CDorner Mobility.

Valerie, the Cathe balance discs come already inflated so I didn’t have to inflate. I ordered two and paid the shipping costs, but I have passed on some items because of the shipping costs.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
We did a mountain bike this morning for 1 hr 50 minutes.

this disk came with a small hand pump to inflate or deflate. sometimes I think I want to reduce the number of things I(we) get from amazon. then I try to find things locally and cant. between the things we order and what I order for my sister, it's a lot. we have an amazon warehouse nearby so maybe thats why stores have gotten so understocked on things.
Today I did CDorner Fast Basic Step #404, 168 calories, heart rate 137/165, 3,244 steps. I followed with CDorner Happy Hips Stretch and Low Back, 22 minutes, 33 calories. Total time 53 minutes, calories burned 201.

Cathy, good job with STS Meso 3 week 2 for shoulders, bi's and tri's. I bet the raccoon is getting something, or he is just not giving up will he gets something.

Carolyn, nice work on Stacked Sets Upper Body today.

Valerie, nice job on the mountain bike ride this morning. I can often find things on Amazon that everyone else seems to be out of, or charge more for. I compare prices though before I purchase from Amazon. Today I was shopping Walmart and their Purina joint health treats was 3 dollars more than Amazon. Amazon sure is handy when I need oil paints, rather than go out looking for them. Hobby Lobby does not carry a lot of oil paints even in their own brand which was surprising to me. I always used Hobby Lobby in the past. I prefer smaller businesses, but unfortunately, they cannot afford to compete. We have a big Amazon facility nearby. I often buy things that they will deliver overnight and arrive between 5 an 8 am. We now have Kroeger trucks driving around all over. I checked their website with a mailer they sent and they seem overpriced. I think free delivery and no tips is blended into the cost of the items.
Today I did 60 minutes of endurance rows (split into 2 sessions) and 4 - 100 rep challenges from XTrain, triceps, biceps, shoulder raises and scarecrows.

Diane Sue-Great job with Perfect Pump Upper Body + bonus+ extended stretch, CDorner Fast Basic Step #404, and the stretch and mobility work.

Cathy-Great job with STS Meso 3 week 2 shoulders, bi's and tri's.

Carolyn-Great job with Stacked Sets Upper Body.

Valerie-Great job with the mountain bike ride.
I don't price everything and decide only on price. Amazon almost always has what I need. they will eventually push a lot of small businesses out of business. and some large ones too. Lowes has become a joke to us. If we go there, the chance they have what we need is about 20%. the last thing we needed was some siding. their website showed they had it, but according to the employee it hasn't been in the store "for years". that's pathetic. How many times does that happen before you stop driving there and just order "whatever' from amazon.

Diane sue Kroger and Albertsons are trying to do a HUGE merger. they are involved in anti trust suits about it plus a suit from WA state and possibly others because it will suck up a huge % of the grocery stores here. to get around it, they are suggesting they will divest several hundred stores in WA to another small company who has no presence in this area. every store around here (except costco) would be involved so no matter what, it will upend grocery shopping here if its allowed to happen. Bigger isnt always better.
Valerie, Kroger has a large presence in SE Michigan. Fortunately we still have a few smaller local grocery stores and I would hate to see them go away. Kroger bought out a popular local chain about 10 years ago and no one was happy about that. It was very controversial at the time and both the seller of the local chain and Kroger got a lot of negative feedback in the news and on social media. I agree, bigger isn't always better.
Today I did Jessica Smith’s HiiT Walk for 30 minutes and 197 calories burned. My average heart rate was 129 and maximum heart rate was 159.

Diane Sue, great job with CDorner Fast Basic Step and Happy Hips stretch (I love that name). Kroger is one of the stores where I shop regularly. I don’t find them to be more expensive in this area. Of course, food prices are up overall, but Kroger’s here is no more expensive than others. There is a regional store, Ingles, that I find myself going to more often as they have really upgraded their products over the last few years. They carry many of the same products that I look for at Sprouts or The Fresh Market. Ingles is much closer to me.

Valerie, great job with the mountain bike ride. I agree about the Krogers/ Albertsons merger. It’s bound to change the market if it is approved. The combined companies will own much of the market share.

Judy, great job with the endurance rowing and 100 Rep challenges.

Waving hello to Cathy.
Today I did 4 DS Kickbox Warm Up, then 4DS Lower body & Core. I finished with Stretch Max (with the band).

Carolyn-Great job with Jessica Smith’s HiiT Walk.

Hi to Cathy, Diane Sue & Valerie

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