Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 7/07/2024

Good afternoon. I did Jane Adams yoga this morning.

Judy, thanks for starting the thread. Nice job doing 20 minutes of Peloton rides after your work day.

Valerie, nice job with Stacked Sets Upper Body and spinning.

Diane Sue, nice job with Raw lower/core, Raw Shadow Boxing, Raw stretch, and CDorner stretch.

Waving hello to Cathy.
We did a ride early this morning to beat the heat. dont laugh about this.... but it's really hot for here. might be in the low 90's. it was almost 70 early this morning when we rode so still pleasant out. its not humid either because I know what that's like! still if you don't live it all the time it's hard to handle. it probably is still difficult even if you live it all the time but for those of us who think 80 is "pretty darn hot" this is challenging. anyway,. did our usual ride 15 miles in an hour 15 minutes. we really work pretty hard for the time even if there's no big hills.
when we got home we picked up our neighbors riding mower to fix for her. her DH passed away a couple weeks ago and used to handle this, mainly by calling around and finding someone else to fix it. if we can find the part, it won't be hard to do, but it's an old mower and not finding it yet.
Well my day turned out more interesting than I needed.This morning I did a Live hiit workout, then Live Weight Plate Abs and STS 2 Mat Yoga. I had just finished lunch when a messed up message from my Dad said that Mom had had trouble walking when they went to Lowe's today to do their shuffle around with their walkers, walk. Shortly after he called me to say that she couldn't stand and people had had to help her into the car. Got home and she got in the house, but then couldn't stand, couldn't get in her chair and thought she was going to be sick. I told him he HAD to call 911. I packed an overnight bag, through some food in my cooler bag and headed to their place. Got there about 50 minutes after the ambulance had left with her for the hospital. Talked to Dad and he said they were going to run test and to not go there yet. They did X-rays and scans and what was it COVID. She's had her vaccines, but the last one was last winter, and she'd been coughing for a couple days, so hopefully mild and my Dad manages not to catch it. So, I then put everything back in my car and waited for them to get home to make sure she got in the house. By that time she was moving as fast as she ever does and got herself out of the car, up the porch stairs and into the house. So, now I'm trying to figure out how much of an exposure and at least it's minimal I had for the several hours I was there. I certainly don't want to give it to Derek who would miss work and my DH has a really bad immune system. So, for the moment, I'll be spending more time in the basement and masking upstairs.

Valerie sounds like a great thing that you were able to ride early, and it's very nice of you to help your neighbor out. Valerie my sister is in a similar position. She's only 57 but worked in the tech sector and if you are over 50 they don't want you. She worked sales end of it and at times very high level in some companies. For the last few years she's been doing contract work, but even that became hard to come by and not full time, so she's given up.

Carolyn great job with the yoga.

Hi Judy and Diane Sue.
Cathy my cousin and his wife both just picked up covid and cousin in particular usually gets very sick with upper respiratory things, which he has often. he had minor sxs and got Paxovid but didnt take it and now his wife has covid but seems to have had one bad day and is getting better already. no guarantee but if these two get off this easy, it's promising that is not as severe as a couple years ago. they were supposed to visit here this week but no! maybe next week. that must have been a scare with your mother since those sxs could be mistaken for so many things. how is your father doing? he is likely to get it also so don't unpack your go-bag. they might need help if he is the one who takes care of your mother and himself.

I found when I was looking for another job that "over 40" was not wanted. Automation took over my first job. my degree was in medical technology, a very specific thing back in the '70's. for the other jobs... the market changed overnight. companies closed entire divisions and canned all their ermployes because there suddenly was no market for what they had been selling, and if those products were not being sold they didnt need trainers either so both aspects of my job went bye bye. so I did medical transcription for my husbands office for several years but they abruptly shifted to voice recognition software and that disappeared overnight too. I didnt know howe to reinvent myself for another career and DH was earning enough for us so I basically bagged it in my mid fifties. it was an absolute shock to discover in my mid forties that I was "too old" for the job market. I looked young for my age too, can honestly say I easily looked more like 30 but it didnt matter. time for the bone yard.
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Today I did Low Max Step Combos, STS 2 Body Parts Legs plus bonus and the SB Extended Stretch. So, last night, after spending 90 minutes on the floor refusing to let my Dad call 911, my Mom ended up back in the hospital. And during that time, my Dad who had fallen and skinned his knee on the way into the hospital had been trying to help her into bed, his knee gave out and he landed on her. He really should have ignored her and just called 911. So, on the plus side, when the paramedics got there because she had fallen that time and possibly hit her head, they asked her questions, which apparently she gave some really wrong answers to, so they told my Dad they thought she has dementia. Now my Dad knows that, my sibling and I know that, but as my Dad said when I talked to him, do you want to be the one to tell her, because I don't. However, hopefully the paramedics put that in their notes to the hospital and the hospital will also test her. As of this morning she's still in the emergency department. It's a level one trauma center, with over 49 rooms in the ED, so they are either incredibly busy or low on staff. At least the rooms are all private. My sister was supposed to come home next weekend and needs to figure out what she's doing today or she loses her deposit for the dogs boarding.

Valerie I hope that your cousin and his wife heal quickly. I've been seeing more and more comments from people on social media that they have COVID. I follow a Site that tracks COVID and cases have risen here for the last 5 weeks, and that's with far less reporting than there used to be, and the UK is having a massive surge from a new stain that has new symptoms. I do wish COVID would stop being the gift that keeps on giving.
This morning I did All Out Low Impact HiiT, floor cardio only. That was 22 minutes, 131 calories burned, average heart rate 123, and maximum heart rate 144. Then I did STS 2 Standing Abs Metabolic Core Warmup, 10 minutes and 54 calories.

Cathy, that’s must have been a frightening experience for your parents. I hope that your Mom gets over the Covid soon. It’s good to have medical personnel involved with the dementia testing now. Maybe a professional can help with your family conversations about how to proceed. Great job with your workouts.

Valerie, I hope that you have cooler weather today. The workplace has gone through a lot of changes and job requirements change constantly. I’m seeing a shift back to what was once called “vocatIonal classes“ in schools with a realization that not every one is going to college. Now it’s called career tech. I’m happy that students are learning things with an eye on both current and future jobs.

Hello to Judy and Diane Sue.
Yesterday was a rest day. Today I did a 45 minute Peloton ride, 20 minutes of Peloton strength and 20 minutes of mobility/stretching.

Cathy-I’m sorry about your parents, I know it’s a very stressful time for your family. It is good that your mom is getting more medical care now. Great job with Low Max Step Combos, STS 2 Body Parts Legs plus bonus and the SB Extended Stretch.

Carolyn-Great job with Jane Adams yoga and All Out Low Impact HiiT, floor cardio only and STS 2 Standing Abs Metabolic Core Warmup. All Out Low Impact HiiT is another favorite of mine.

Valerie-Great job with your ride. I remember talking to a friend who was a job recruiter when I was in my late 30’s and I told her I was thinking about looking for another position in my field. She said if I waited until I was 40 I would be too old and wouldn’t get hired in the tech/environmental field. I was shocked and kind of offended. Forty seemed so young and most of my co-workers were in their 40’s and 50’s at the time. Age discrimination definitely exists regardless of legality. I also looked young for my age back then.

Hi to Diane Sue
there have been a few articles about how everyone ( or a lot of people) who fly often are getting covid. that applies to cousin and wife. they had just flown and ended up flying back while infectious so multiply that by a million. he has this problem with putting his hands all over his face constantly and giving himself every URI in existence. it sounds like a lot of cases involve GI tract which I dont think was common with earlier variations. I'm diligent about sanitizing hands after every venture in public, shopping etc. I do not rub my face and eyes with contaminated hands. its a guaranteed way to get headcolds and flu. I've been immunized and boosted and wasn't planning on another until late summer or early fall.

cathy I think the writing is on the wall. your mother in particular needs to get placed in a facility with care available. she might get over covid and feel more functional but it doesn't sound like this is going to work out for long. your poor embattled father needs backup and support to make the change. with my parents, my father was the one unable to go home. he needed more care and my mother was totally inept. he was in end stage heart failure. I was able to discontinue the futile drug therapy so he passed quietly before he had to be transferred to a nursing home. sometimes its the other way around. the mind is shot but the physical body wants to keep going. Hopefully a social worker or outplacement person will step in if they dont feel like she can be discharged safely to her previous situation. time for your family to meet to discuss what's next.
Im not trying to be a "smarty pants" here at all. we went thru this with my family multiple times. its a common situation. everybody, everybody wants to stay in their home. sometimes it doesnt work out that way. its good to at least have everyone who could be involved aware of what's happening and what the options might be, know who can rearrange their schedule to help. in DH's family they hired a home health aide who spent several days a week helping. DH's brother was out of work so he could spend a lot of hours there, not always doing anything, but there if needed. finally hospice for FIL and also MIL although she ended up in a hospital connected hospice. my father passed in the hospital, my mother was able to stay at home because my unemployed brother moved in to take care of her. others ended up in nursing homes. pretty scary to realize.

I agree on the vocational options being more available. there used to be tons of jobs that paid decent money and benefits. we will always need plumbers, HVAC techs, roofers, builders, carpenters, welders, and tons of other blue collar jobs and those areas should get decent pay. not everyone is destined to be a tech worker. computers and automation changed everything.
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Today I did LiTE Body Weight and Bands—oh my! I tend to forget how thoroughly the bands work my body. My time was 47 minutes with 205 calories burned. Average heart rate was 116 and maximum heart rate was 152.

Judy, great job with 45 minutes Peloton ride, 20 minutes Peloton strength, and 20 minutes of mobility stretching.

Valerie, I see that your area still has record heat, so stay cool.

Hello to Diane Sue and Cathy. Have a nice day everyone.
We got rolling early and rode the trail starting about 7:30. 15 miles as usual. 1 hr 10 minutes. its really pleasant then, cool and quiet. I did therapy work last night too. I make sure I do some of the exercises every day especially the stretches. yes carolyn, its in the 90's which for us is a shock to the system!
So, I was up early and did a LIVE Kickboxing and Stability Ball Abs workout. A good workout, but more impact drills than I like, so modified. I had decided last night because we are getting hit with rain tonight and tomorrow from the remnants of the hurricane that I'd go to the zoo today, and then see what my parents needed. At 3 a.m. my Dad posted that he thought he should get tested for COVID because he had a cough and stiff joints. He was awake because he was hungry and fixed himself hot chocolate with marshmallows. He's not eating enough. Before he had even had a chance to get tested, my sister messaged me that she was going to shower and hit the road to come up. She is WAY better at dealing with this kind of thing than I am. He called me while I was waiting for the zoo to open to say he was positive, but was on his way to the hospital to see Mom. He told ER that he has COVID and they still felt it was okay for him to see her. She's in an isolation room in ER (yes still) no bathroom, but a TV and a glass sliding door which at least keeps the noise down a bit. They got their lunches just after I arrived, so I saw that he at least ate that, and clearly she's having no appetite issues. I took him a bag with a water and some fairly healthy snacks. He wanted to know if I'd brought a Twinkie and I said no I wasn't contributing to his delinquency. Mom had for some reason decided to dress herself today, when Dad asked her if she'd had help she told him she dresses herself every day. They are incredibly busy, so I doubt staff cares that she took off her gown. It's a huge ER, with two waiting rooms and those were at least 80% full of people. I had my KN95 mask on the whole time, so hopefully I come out of it unscathed. I went to their place first and set up a couple room size air purifiers for my sister so she'll have a couple safe rooms, and hid my key for her in case he isn't home when she gets there. Though he made a cryptic remark on our group chat that they might be going home. It's been a couple hours though and no further info. After her evaluation yesterday, they've done nothing further with her other than to feed her and help her to the bathroom. She's now moving just as fast as she did before this happened, which is not fast, but her normal. And because she's back to her normal they are going to be stubborn about moving, though my sister thinks this will at least allow for dialogue, and Dad will be more open.

Carolyn great job with All Out Low Impact HiiT, floor cardio only, LiTE Body Weight and Bands—oh my! (One of my faves).

Judy great job with the Peloton workouts.

Valerie great job getting the ride in early and the therapy exercises.
Today I did KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix, workout one. That was 26 minutes, 169 calories burned, average heart rate 127 and maximum heart rate 143.

Valerie, nice job with the early morning road ride and doing your therapy exercises.

Cathy, great job with Live Kickboxing and Stability ball abs. That’s good that your sister has come in to help your parents. Sorry about the power outage. That’s never fun.

Hello to Judy and Diane Sue.
Monday I did CDorner Spinal Mobility from 30 day mobility. I had my grandson here, but wanted to loosen up things some. Yesterday I was still not feeling a workout and even though my ladies group did not meet till lunch time, I did not do anything.
Today I did Cathe, Gloved Up & Sweaty without weights or boxing gloves, 41 minutes, 203 calories, heart rate 132/153. I did not want to mess my neck up so was careful and left out gloves. I liked this and it was not real high impact, but suggestions for not jumping. I also did CDorner Mobility Challenge Day 8 Full Body Stretch, 14 minutes, 17 calories. Total time 55 minutes, 220 calories.
Thanks for letting me know that this kickboxing workout was not hard to modify.
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Our heat wave wound down later today so it will still be dry and warm but not upper 80's into 90 ish. a relief. did some garden things this morning, did a walk early and DH and I fixed our neighbors riding mower.... even if all I did was suggest the place to find an obscure part that we needed.

when it gets like this the fire danger goes crazy high and we still have idiots blowing off fireworks and doing other stupid things. Cathy its helpful your sister will be there. a lot of times these changes get made in increments if they get made at all. a lot of times something happens to make the decision for you.
I have been extra busy lately. My daughter and her children came over Sunday and we made cinnamon rolls because they wanted to know how to make them. Next morning my grandson who stayed the night wanted to make chocolate chip cookies. My other younger grandson is coming this weekend. We have to take my husband's truck back in for a recall part to be taken care of on Friday as well, so I am not sure I will be getting many workouts in this week. I needed to rest my neck and traps anyway.

Cathy, wow, you sure have had some crazy days! I hope your parents get better soon and things work out with getting help for your mother. Do you live very far from your parents? Good for you getting in some workouts in the midst of all of it. I hope that your power went back on. Nice work on yesterday's Live Kickboxing and stability ball abs. Twinkies are disgusting! Just my opinion, I guess. Nothing that is real food in those things.

Judy, nice work on Monday's Peloton ride and Peloton Strength workouts.

Carolyn, nice job on KCM Cardio Quick Fix #1 and yesterday's LITE body weight and bands. It is amazing how much work you can get working out like that.

Valerie, that is really nice of you and your husband to help your neighbor by getting her lawn mower fixed. That is nice that you got out early and got a ride in. I don't think I would want to do it with it being in the 90's. I tolerate mid 80's, but above that not so much.
I think it is hard as people age to learn a whole new skill and even find a job. I feel bad when I see people that are older working in fast food places and places like Walmart.
This year we did not have so many days of fireworks going off and they pretty much had stopped on the fourth around 11 o'clock. My dog didn't get as distressed this time either.
Today I did ICE Chiseled Upper Body for 44 minutes and 133 calories burned. My average heart rate was 104 and maximum heart rate was 138.

Diane Sue, it’s nice to spend time baking with your grandchildren. Those special days are over much too soon. Great job with Gloved Up and Sweaty and CDorner Mobility and stretching. I’m glad that you like Gloved Up and Sweaty.

Valerie, that’s great that you were able to repair your neighbors lawn mower.

Hello to Judy and Cathy.
We did a mountain bike this morning an hour 45 minutes. haven't done it in a while. definitely harder than road biking. temps are better now but we still go early. even when it was 90 here, it cooled off at night so early morning was comfortable.

our neighbor lost her husband recently. we are trying to help her out. her DH could not have fixed the mower but DH and I, mainly DH, can fix things. its an older mower and parts are not available anymore, so we were substituting a similar part and seeing if it works ok. we live in a nice community and neighbors help each other out a lot. we are watering garden for another neighbor. when we go on trips, we always can find someone to help us out.

diane sue I dont think it's even so much "needing to learn new skills". companies "manage" young people better because they don't know the workplace well or what's reasonable and what's not. I think most 40 yo expect to learn new things. everything changes! if your resume goes to the shredder because of when you graduated from high school, you have no chance. if the "manager is a 28 year old, he/she may not want the task of telling a 40-something how to do things. the 40-something may not like it either! I know I was a lot smarter at 40 than I was at 22 and probably harder to manage but I also would have been more able to figure out things for myself.
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Tuesday I a 30 minute Row bootcamp. Yesterday I did 30 minutes of Peloton full body strength and today I did a 45 minute Peloton ride and a 10 minute row.

Carolyn-Great job with LiTE Body Weight and Bands, KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix, workout one and ICE Chiseled Upper Body. I really need to do the Body Weight and Bands workout again.

Cathy-I’m sorry about your Dad having Covid and about your power outage. I hope everything is going ok. It’s good that your sister is there to help.

Diane Sue-Great job with CDorner Spinal Mobility, Gloved Up & Sweaty and CDorner Mobility Challenge Day 8.

Valerie-Great job with the mountain bike ride. It’s nice that you are helping your neighbor.

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