Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 6/30/2024

This morning I did Live Ready, Set, Step, which is all known moves, 3 routines, then a run through of each with a blast after, and then a straight run though. I was going to do a stretch, but my siblings decided to start chatting about our parents in the middle of my workout. Apparently, my brother decided last night to bluntly tell Dad they need to get out of their place and into something smaller with no stairs. He doesn't want to deal with Mom and the expense freaks him out, they are lucky they've made it this long without one of them having a serious fall. Going to be a fun family chat tonight. He got released this morning. Apparently they put enough stuff in him to resolve the issue. Haven't heard much in the way of fireworks at all yet, but people out here seem more likely to just do it around the date. There are big tents set up around to sell them, but Michigan has laws and they can't sell the super heavy stuff here, of course the very first exit in Indiana has a huge store and there laws are way looser.

Diane Sue great job with CDorner Cardio Aerobics and the towel stretch. That's sounds very interesting.

Hi to all!
Good morning. I did Jane Adams Gentle Yoga this morning for 18 minutes. It’s another very hot and humid day here.

Cathy, great job with Live Ready, Set, Step. I’m glad that your brother is home from the hospital. Your family chat will have some serious issues to go over. Is this the first time that you have broached the topic with your parents? Good luck.

Diane Sue, great job with CDorner Cardio Aerobics and CDorner Full Body Stretch.

Hello to Judy and Valerie.
the obnoxious firework situation is amping up here. its rainy so that sends folks indoors but an issue every year here. local cities banned fireworks inside their borders but we still have legal sales of everything in the counties and indian reservations. the noise is obnoxious . and widespread flaunting of the rules makes fining people darn near impossible. maybe if someone blows off a finger but mostly we end up just living with it. plenty of fires get started. trash and debris everywhere. we hope for wet weather but this year is not looking like that. we already close windows at night and run room AC. it will get worse and then taper off after 2 weeks.

that sounds tough but necessary to get your parents out of their house into something one -level with support services. some sort of senior living community? my sister is the same but she refused so far and Im done. she is at the mercy of whatever social services are available to her. she has suggested I come there and "help her" and I have already said NO. she lives in a pig sty, no shower, no computer, no internet service, no car and lives near nothing that would. not even a motel/hotel a reasonable distance away. good luck cathy. sometimes it takes a big and often bad event to force a move. like someone falls, or has a stroke. hope they agree to move before that when its still voluntary.

not going to ride this morning as its raining so something indoor instead.
30 on the treadmill walking uphill. therapy work. having friends for dinner tonight.
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This morning I did Low Impact Sweat, workout one, which was 28 minutes and 165 calories burned. Average heart rate 124 and maximum heart rate 156. I spent too much time dealing with Express Scripts and my husband’s medication this morning. They can be very frustrating at times.

Hello to All and have a wonderful day.
This morning I did RWH Low Impact Hiit 2, PP Upper Body and STS 2 Total Body Stretch. Oh, the family chat was the usual stuff. I highly doubt my Dad even told my Mom about the part of the call with my brother discussing them moving. She is rough to live with, and he does nothing that will set her off when she does that plenty on her own. The 3 of us have known for quite awhile that it's going to take a bad incident to get them to go. Mom will fight it and Dad is freaked about the cost. They have it good now, still have the same amount of money in the bank they had when he retired years ago, because they own their home and just pay lot rent and utilities and other than buying season hockey tickets at NMU, they really don't spend money beyond the basics. Three of their 4 parents had it rough during the depression and that has especially affected my Dad's use of money. So, we just wait.

Carolyn great job with yoga and Low Impact Sweat.
did a road ride this morning 15 miles and hour and 10 minutes. still plan on therapy shortly. had some guests for dinner last night so we have leftovers. no need to cook.

cathy I hope your parents are able to relocate or at least have a place in mind they can go if needed. will be really hard to make that change but otherwise the decision gets made for you based on what happens. thats what will happen with my sister. it's her problem.
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