Lynda, I'm really not sure if there is any special significance of moles on palms/soles. I think the skin character is somewhat different and moles there might have different significance. there's no hair or freckles and callouses develop easily so not the same as most other skin. I don't really know. soles of feet are an issue because they're hard to observe closely for changes.
we did a 32.5 mile ride this morning even though it was warm. fairly breezy and low humidity so it was comfortable.
Deb, I picked 6.5 bs of blueberries in half an hour. I washed most and froze them. I like blueberries and peaches mixed in a fruit salad. also want them on my cereal. will probably make muffins too. not turning the oven on until it's cooler though. glad to hear Kylee is better.
we did a 32.5 mile ride this morning even though it was warm. fairly breezy and low humidity so it was comfortable.
Deb, I picked 6.5 bs of blueberries in half an hour. I washed most and froze them. I like blueberries and peaches mixed in a fruit salad. also want them on my cereal. will probably make muffins too. not turning the oven on until it's cooler though. glad to hear Kylee is better.