Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 6/23/2024

Good morning. Today I did yoga/mobility for 18 minutes and 31 calories burned. Yesterday was so hot and today will be worse. We will have 98 degrees with more humidity. I did go out yesterday for my weekly produce shopping, but I went early. We had a slow restful afternoon indoors.

Judy, thanks for starting the thread this week. Great job rowing, Peloton upper body, abs, Yin Yoga, and Peloton ride.

Hello to Cathy, Valerie, and Diane Sue. Have a wonderful day everyone.
We did the drive yesterday. it was dry and warm but not hot. sunny but a nice trip. even though the traffic app showed backed up traffic for miles, it was nonexistant. in multiple places. it looked so awful I almost took us on alternate route B. the updated version of the app absolutely stinks and is inaccurate. at first I thought it was me, but its not. somehow it misreads the "backups". it took about 10 hrs 45 min but its a world of difference if traffic is moving smoothly vs stop/ start bumper to bumper when people start cutting each other off etc.
my friends husband was a friend to me also. known both of them for many years. nobody deserves pancreatic. he's not the first person close to me who died like that. he tried to plan ahead so if it turned bad quickly he could get meds to end it. I dont know details of what is legally acdeptable. I believe the person has to swallow the lethal meds. it turned bad so quickly it could not get done in time. I feel bad he had to suffer for 2 days.

well, bears. grizzlies are a different thing that black bears but I respect both. "park" bears of both kinds are conditioned to people and cars. some still avoid a meeting but others don't to react at all. black bears can kill you too, but grizzlies are WAY more aggressive especially with cubs. the bears being seen around our neighborhood are grizzlies. we watch very carefully for bear signs and leave rather than risk a meet up. Anyone ever see the videos of Timothy Treadwell? he thought he could be "friends" with grizzlies ( Mr. Fuzzy) with them and died badly. he had a lot of encounters and most went ok but one did not. we saw several grizzlies on this trip, one was close to us. we left the area ASAP.
mountain lion tracks are not always easy to ID. lions are cats & love to chase things, like bicycles and toy with their victims. We are careful but its still a risk. they are much easier to miss being in the area than a grizzly. we watch for prints and carcasses. our neighbor has video of a family of 3 mountain lions this winter 1/4 mile away, behaving just like housecats! but bigger. so beautiful but they can be attracted to fast rolling bikers. we keep bear spray on our bike frames and aren't oblivious to surroundings.

there have been several mt bike attacks by cougars in WA. one was fatal. last one was this spring but the group of women held down the lion with their bikes and he was euthanized. I cant imagine how tough that was. one person was injured but they stuck together and won out.
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Well the last couple nights sleep has been elusive. Yesterday I did manage to do Live Weight Plate Abs which is currently my favorite ab workout. Today I had to run into the bank to fix a problem with Nick's account. I didn't realize he was just putting all money into his checking account and paying all his expenses with it and saving nothing. Kid is gonna get a big wake up call when he gets to medical school as he'll have no cushion. But he's 25 and some things he's just gonna have to learn the hard way. Then I have Mr. Frugal who pretty much only spends money on zoo related trips/visits. He's pretty well set for moving out on his own.

Valerie last I saw about 80% of Michigan's black bears were in the UP. While, mostly in spring, they do wonder into towns, they generally have lots of space so it minimizes human bear interactions and the people who live up there generally know how to set things up to not attract them. Tourists aren't so bright a lot of times. But even then it's very rare here for anyone to get hurt. Generally, if you see them and make a lot of noise they go away, and use extra caution when there are cubs. The only times I've ever seen them was back years ago when the dumps were open and you could go watch the bears in the evening, there's so much wilderness that it's not easy to find them. Great that your drive back went well. Derek and I took the toll road the runs across IN and OH to go to Cleveland. I have a pass to make it easier and it only gets used a couple times a year. We've never had any issues, though I've always been leery that a gate wouldn't go up. Well when we were coming back the other day and trying to get off of it and back onto 69, there was stopped vehicles. Three booths, one for pass only the other two were pass and ticket. So, silly me gets in the pass only lane. Once we get to where I can see ahead, I see a guy out of his car, trying a lot of ways to get the gate to go up, after a few minutes it finally goes up, then the next person has to get out of their car to mess with the pay options, after the first one got though I left space with the vehicles ahead of me and started cutting into the next lane. Not my usual thing to do. Finally the third vehicle let me in and we all went on through fairly quickly, but that more driver was still stuck trying to figure out how to get the gate up and the next one was a semi. Seems like that single gate was malfunctioning. I do wish they change to the ones you just drive through, but there was only one of those in each direction. I prefer that route though over having to go past Ann Arbor and through Toledo.

Carolyn great job with the yoga. And big yuck on your heat. We barely got over 70 yesterday and down around 60 overnight which was a really nice change. Hoping since the house cooled off over night we can keep from needing the air today. While I don't like it being really hot, I really am not a fan of air conditioning. For one I like the windows open and air always feels extra cold to me. Going to be hot again tomorrow, but then more reasonable for awhile.

Apparently, when I haven't the energy to do anything, I am quite capable of sitting and typing. Going to go walk and see if it gets me going.
This morning I did Cardio Party which was 39 minutes and 268 calories burned. My average heart rate was 130 and maximum heart rate was 260.

Cathy, nice job with Live Weight Plate Abs. The heat and humidity are oppressive and you can’t survive here without air conditioning. Many local governments have opened cooling shelters for people without air.

Valerie, glad that you made it back. I’m fascinated by the wildlife that’s so much a part of daily life. I can’t imagine how a group of women were able to hold down a cougar until help came!

Hello to Diane Sue and Judy.
Yesterday I did Live Burn Sets, Express Legs Heavy Weights and 40 minutes of Peloton Upper Body and Core work. Today I ran/walked 2 miles, did 35 minutes of light Peloton rides and 20 minutes of Peloton stretching and mobility work.

Carolyn-Nice job with yoga/mobility and Cardio Party. I’m sorry about the heat.

Cathy-Nice job with Live Weight Plate Abs. I plan on trying that one soon. It looks really good.

Valerie-It’s good that you made it back. There is definitely a lot of wild life in your area. That is amazing that those women were able to fight off and hold down a cougar.

Hi to Diane Sue
Today I did Total Body Barbell Upper Body + core mix, 49 minutes, heart rate 103/140, 154 calories. I finished off with Yoga with Adriene Full Body Stretch (11 min) and Quad release stretch (15min) 26 minutes, 48 calories. Total time was 75 minutes 202 calories. It is getting late and I want to get some work done on the next painting. My hours are all messed up and husbands keep changing. It is kind of hard to get everything in in a day.
the cougar story was "local" news. a year or two earlier a cougar attacked a pair of men mountain biking . killed one and I dont remember if the second guy was wounded too? the women were in the same general area east of seattle on a forest service road. I think they didn't want press coverage because very little got written about the event it. I think one woman was hospitalized briefly. I cant imagine how anyone could hold down a squirming angry cougar with bikes(???) long enough for an outside person to get there and kill the cat. they were older women like 60+ not 20-somethings. I don't know if the kitty was young/ dumb or old /debilitated. I'll look. it was about a year ago. in Washington.

shopping marathon today. now we have fresh food again.
carolyn my sympathy on the heat. nothing I would want to deal with.

Judy its so different in MT than in WA. much more wildlife. we dont always see the animal but footprints, fur, poop and scratchings let you know you are not alone.

there was a lot of coverage and lots of pictures. I don't know how I missed it?. maybe we were in MT. I've actually ridden this trail once a long time ago. all kinds of different versions and details and pictures. I thought it was a long time ago but dates say feb 2024. this was a young dumb cat and doesnt even look very big.
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Today I did Live Low Impact Hiit with Active Recovery and LITE PHA2. We've had storms moving through the last couple hours, though we missed the worst of it. Pretty much has moved on now though there are still rumblings in the distance.

Valerie sometimes in situations people are so determined to survive that they do things they never imagined they were capable of doing.

Diane Sue great job with Total Body Barbell Upper Body + core mix and the stretch workouts.

Judy great job with the Peloton workouts, Live Burn Sets, Express Legs Heavy Weights and the run/walk.

Carolyn great job with Cardio Party.
Today I did STS 2.0 Upper Body 2 express, 1 set. My time was 52 minutes with 122 calories burned. My average heart rate was 100 and maximum heart rate was 126.

Judy, great job with Live Burn Sets Express Legs, Peloton Upper Body and core, 2 mile run/walk, light Peloton rides and Peloton stretching and mobility.

Diane Sue, great job with Total Body Barbell Upper Body + Core mix and Yoga with Adrienne Full Body stretch and Quad release stretch.

Cathy, great job with Live Low Impact HiiT with Active Recovery and LiTE PHA 2.

Valerie, that cougar attack story is amazing. That life or death situation gave those women extra strength.

Have a nice day everyone.
I was pretty impressed before but the story and pictures make it better. these women can have my back any time! the cougar didnt look as big as I thought it would but its still not a housecat. I remember riding that trail once a long time ago with another couple who lived near it. usually we ride things that are a lot harder but they did a lot of miles. and of course, dealing with a cougar attack made things slightly more intense. we know there are cougars where we mt bike and we have video of one walking thru our yard.

DH and I did a ride this morning, regular trail ride 15 miles. really nice this morning.
oday I did CDorner Tabata Cardio "Rock". 28 minutes, 125 calories, heart rate 123/155, 1,628 steps. This seemed so low on the heart rate and calories since I did the jacks, burpees etc.. Maybe because at 18 minutes she went to plank moves like down to forearms and back up, knee cross to elbow etc.. My heart rate plummets as soon as I go to the floor. I followed with STS 2 Standing Abs: metabolic, 12 minutes, 50 calories, heart rate 111/140, and STS 2 mobility #1, 19 minutes, 18 calories heart rate was 60/82 for this. I think my Garmin is not working right or they need another update or something. Total time was 59 minutes, 193 calories.

Valerie, those women fighting that cougar are amazing.
Today I did KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix, workout one. That was 26 minutes and 182 calories burned. My average heart rate was 131 and maximum heart rate was 158.

Valerie, nice job with the ride yesterday. The women in that news story are amazing.

Diane Sue, great job with CDorner Tabata “Rock” and Standing Abs Metabolic.

Hello to Cathy and Judy.
Yesterday I did Live #346, Lift It Split It Back & Biceps. Today I did a 45 minute 80’s Row.

Diane Sue-Great job with Total Body Barbell Upper Body + core mix, Yoga with Adriene, CDorner Tabata Cardio and STS 2 Standing Abs. I use my Garmin primarily for running and it works great for that, but I feel like the Apple Watch is a little more accurate with calories in other activities.

Valerie-Thanks for the links to the articles. That story is amazing! So many times it ends badly for people that have encounters with wildlife but these women really took control of the situation. Great job with the trail ride.

Carolyn-Great job with STS 2.0 Upper Body 2 express, 1 set and KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix, workout one.

Cathy-Great job with Live Low Impact Hiit with Active Recovery and LITE PHA2. That PHA is one of my favorites. I did it regularly when LITE came out. I need to do it again soon.
we had a big garden and yard day today. lots of hoeing, weeding, flaming, planting. not much harvesting yet. pea pods and lettuce, broccoli coming very soon. it is the best thing to grow. homegrown is so good compared to the store stuff, if you like broccoli. some types are just like store broccoli but others are so tender and tasty. the climate is great for growing it here.

glad you enjoyed the cougar articles. I never saw most of them before. there was brief coverage but I didnt see most of it before myself.
Today I did Cathe Killer Legs + Barre Bonus, 64 minutes(extra time to set up fit tower), 175 calories, heart rate 101/136, 1,284 steps. I finished with CDorner Full Body Mobility loosen up from yesterday, 28 minutes, 36 calories. Total time 92 minutes, 211 calories.

Carolyn, nice work on Cardio quick #1 today and yesterday's STS 2 Upper Body Express #1 yesterday.

Cathy, good job on yesterday's Low Impact Hiit with Active Recovery and LITE PHA2.

Judy, nice work on yesterday's Live #346, Lift It Split It Back & Biceps and today's 45 minute 80’s Row. I sometimes use the cardio setting when doing weights because the Garmin does not work well for weight work. It just seems lower than normal and I am wondering if those two recent updates they did changed things.

Valerie, nice work on the 15 mile ride yesterday. Fresh picked vegetables and fruits are so much better than from stores. I don't enjoy the vegetables as much when I get them from the grocery store. I miss the fresh stuff, but if I had a garden I would be doing it by myself.
Today I did STS 2.0 Lower Body 2, express premix, 2 sets maximum. My time was 45 minutes with 175 calories burned. Average heart rate 110 and maximum heart rate 137. I finished with P 30 Extended Stretch for an additional 8 minutes.

Judy, great job with Live Lift It Split It Back and Biceps and 45 minutes of rowing.

Valerie, gardening and yard work are both excellent ways to get in your exercise and you get the bonus of your own great food. I love the broccoli that I get from the local farmers. It sweet and tender. Broccoli, sweet potatoes, and zucchini are always on my list for the Farmer’s Market. I pick up other items based on what appeals to me at the time.

Diane Sue, great job with Killer Legs + Barre Bonus and CDorner Full Body Mobility.

Hello to Cathy. Have a wonderful day everyone.
Yesterday I walked at the zoo and went to my parents. Today I did Boxing Hiit Express and about 1/2 of P30 Extended Stretch when I stopped because Tux was flopping around and kneading my mat. He has excellent timing as he showed up right when I got the mat out. Did that early as I needed to shop. I've been trying to shop on Fridays, but last week I had to do Wednesday, and I was out of things I use everyday, so I went today instead. It may be after my trip to NC mid July before I can consistently stick with Friday through October.

Carolyn great job with STS 2.0 Upper Body 2 express, KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix, STS 2.0 Lower Body 2 express premix and getting to do all of the P30 Stretch!

Diane Sue great job with CDorner Tabata Cardio "Rock", STS 2 Standing Abs: metabolic and STS 2 Mobility 1, Cathe Killer Legs + Barre Bonus and C Dorner mobility stretch.

Valerie great job with the trail ride.
Today I did CDorner Cardio Step #396, 43 minutes, 221 calories, heart rate 131/154, 3,214 steps. I also did Raw Your Healthy Back, 26 minutes, 54 calories, heart rate 89/106. Total time was 69 minutes, 276 calories.
Not sure about tomorrow. I planned on a weight workout, but we are taking my car in for a recall early morning.

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