Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 6/11/2023

Judy, thanks for starting us off this week. I did Morning Energy Yoga this morning for 18 minutes. The weather here is dark and rainy—a day for taking it easy inside.

Diane Sue, nice job with CDorner Tina Turner Low Impact Cardio and STS 2.0 Standing Abs Metabolic Core Warmup. I need to look at the body part workouts this week also.

Valerie, good job with Stacked Sets Upper Body.

Hello to Cathy. Have a good day everyone.
we mt biked this morning, an easy one. about 1.5 hours without a lot of climbing at all. maybe 4 miles or so total. rode to a pond area that in spring usually has a lot of ducks and birds. lots of rain this soring but water was low and not much to look at. the other day we had a pronghorn in our yard, on our driveway. if you don't live right here, you would not understand how unusual this was. it moved on but my DH saw it as did my neighbor who I notified, as it was walking towards her house. it was so wonderful to see. pronghorns cant jump over fences. in heavily fenced rangelands they have to walk around or crawl under barbed wire. this doesn't work out very well and limits places they can get to. . they run like the wind but simply cant jump fences like deer and elk, or dont know how.
Yesterday I did 20 minutes of Peloton strength classes after work. Today I did a 45 minute Peloton Power Zone ride.

Carolyn-Great job with Morning Energy Yoga. We are having the same kind of weather. It's definitely a day to stay inside.

Valerie-Great job with the mt biking. That's really cool about seeing the pronghorn in your yard.

Hi to Cathy and Diane Sue
Today is a rest day. I have a few things I need to get started on for hosting ladies game day on Tuesday morning.

Judy, thank you for getting us started. Nice work on the Peloton strength class yesterday and today's Peloton Power Zone Ride

Carolyn, nice work getting in Morning Energy yoga today. I found it is better to preview and take some notes so things go better doing the other workouts. I am kind of having a dread factor for Trisets 2.0 again. I really hurt after that one and not so much in a good way. I am not going to push so hard this second time tomorrow.

Valerie, nice work on the ride today. Sorry there was no much to look at today. Seeing an animal that is rare in the area would be a fascinating experience. That is interesting about them not being able to go over fences.
judy what is done to help promghorns is replace the lowest wire on a fence lines with smooth not barbed wire. then they can crawl under and not get snagged. less fences would be better, especially old fencing that is lying around everywhere. we usually dont have pronghorns on this side of the yellowstone river. it was pretty exciting. we'd just had a deer herd move thru and I thought it was a straggler but it looked too light in color. could not believe what it was. yep, pronghorns can run 60 mph but they cant jump! we had a lone bison get here last year but he was unfortunately shot and removed. ranchers are protective of their herds even if its not entirely accurate.
In my head, I posted yesterday. LOL Yesterday I did STS 2 Tri Sets. It goes fast for a long workout, but I think it's my least favorite of the three so far, though I haven't done the others twice. Today I did STS 2 Total Body Stretch and went and walked at the zoo. Today is Derek's first day with zoo day campers, and the only thing I've heard is that he survived till lunch. Apparently they have a couple of "interesting" kids. Plumbers are coming tomorrow between 8-12 so I'll have to get up early to get my workout in as they will walk right though my workout area. We have a constant leak from one of the water softener tanks into the sump pump and it's causing our water pressure to be bad. Neighbor came over and pinpointed the problem for me, he said that's why they rent theirs as they get gunked up about every 6 months. We have really high iron content here. When we got a new water softener a couple years ago, we had one company (old established company) tell us they didn't have a system strong enough for our water.

Caroline great job with the yoga.

Valerie that's cool that you got to see the pronghorn. I found that fascinating that they don't jump fences because they are so agile, and can leap really far, but it says that because of their habitat they never adapted to jump because it's so open. So, it's like if they knew they could they would but they don't know. One of our cats is like that. Long and rangy and pretty athletic, but he has no clue he could go up and over the fence. Yet Mr. Portly can still pull himself over if need be. Sounds like a nice Mt. bike ride. Did they not get as much snow as usual to fill the ponds etc? I know Lake Superior is up about a foot this year because they did get a lot of snow.

Judy nice job with the Peloton strength and ride workouts. Did you get much rain yesterday? We had light rain for awhile but nowhere near enough. It has to be at least a month since we got any significant rain. A couple more chances this week, but we were in the green rain area on radar yesterday for hours and got almost nothing.

Hi Diane Sue!
Today I did STS 2.0 Trisets Total Body which was 69 minutes and 350 calories burned. My average heart rate was 120 and maximum heart rate was 152. It‘s very interesting that each one of these total body workouts is different and my body can feel it.

Valerie, nice job with the mountain biking. The Pronghorn is an animal that is totally unfamiliar to me. I had to look it up. That’s wonderful that you saw it up close.

Judy, good job with Peloton strength and the Power Zone Ride.

Diane Sue, I hope that you had a good rest day. I was very conscious of the weights that I selected and I needed to lower them a couple of times.

Cathy, I see that you posted while I was writing. Great job with Trisets Total Body and Total Body Stretch.

Have a good day everyone.
I ended up going to the gym with my husband last night. I did a 1 hour circuit, following STS 2.0 Total Body Giant Sets as much as I could. I was pretty tired last night after doing both Peloton and a gym workout. Today is a rest day. I did 30 minutes of Yin Yoga and STS 2.0 Foam Rolling, Upper & Lower.

Valerie-That is really interesting that the Pronghorns can't jump yet they can run so fast.

Cathy-Great job with Trisets Total Body and the Total Body Stretch. It rained all day and evening here yesterday. We definitely needed it. I hope you get more rain this week too.

Carolyn-Great job with Trisets Total Body.

Diane Sue-I hope you had a good rest day.
pronghorns were able to outrun everything that went after them. they lived on open plains mostly so simply ran away from things. I have read that about the "no jumping" ability. we see quite a lot of them around here in an out of the park. there was a "pronghorn project" locally to replace the bottom wire on range fencing to make it easier for them to get around. when they try to get over or under barbed wire they get snagged and often die. barbed wire is nasty for deer and elk too, and causes a lot of death and injury. mostly they jump over but they can misjudge and get snagged and all the twisting and struggling then snags them worse. a lot of old fencing gets knocked down and left on rangeland so it keeps on killing even after its on the ground.

we hiked this morning a not hard one for 2.5 hours. we saw pronghorns elk, bison. we were hoping for babies but no luck. pronghorns usually have twins in mid june, and elk also calve about now. traffic in the park was unpleasant so we didnt stay long. pronghorn babies are impossible looking. tiny little things on thin incredibly long legs. not many bison due to the authorized kill in february that killed off much of the northern herd. about 1200 bison were killed. it was a disgusting massacre. not in a "sporting" or actual "hunting" way. when bison leave the park in winter to get out of the deep snow, people ( sorry but mainly native americans) park their trucks and just mow them down. they are park animals and unafraid of people or vehicles. it is a disgusting spectacle. some of the meat is harvested but the carcasses are left there and draw in bears and other predators so the area is unsafe for a long time after. this year was an especially large and bloody event. you can read about it, major news outlets report on it, but often offer the pro native american position. "traditional" and part of their culture blah blah. it is grotesque and beyond belief awful. we have seen the end result and also it happening. no. it is not by any stretch of imagination sporting or a sport.

carolyn, pronghorn are found in a lot of places, they arent particular to yellowstone area. I love to watch them. they are so graceful and beautiful. we've seen them in ID, OR, WY, CA, UT, Dakotas and I'm sure they found in other places and historically even more widespread. like bison.
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Today I did Total Body Trisets 2.0, 68 minutes, 172 calories, heart rate 100/148, 1114 steps. I then did 2.0 mobility 1, 18 minutes, 36 calories, 565 steps. Total time was 86 minutes, 208 calories, 1,674 steps.

Today I did STS 2.0 Total Body Tri-sets 68 minutes, heart rate 98/119, 178 calories. I followed it with 2.0 Total Body Stretch, 24 minutes, 31 calories. Total time was 92 minutes, 209 calories. I don't think I would have had energy to do cardio after all of that.
Tri-sets Total Body each triset is done two times
group 1
squats 1 25# dbs 8 reps
legs alternating rear lunges 1 20# dbs 8 reps
sumo close grip squat 30# db 8 reps
same weights rnd 2

group 2
chest press 15# dbs 8 reps
chest fly pinkies in 12# dbs 8 reps
chest fly thumb to thumb 12# dbs 8 reps
same weight rnd 2

group 3
deadlifts 25# dbs 8 reps
pullovers 15# db 8 reps
kneeling one arm row 25# 8 reps
same weight rnd 2

group 4
triceps close grip bench press 15# dbs 8 reps
single arm overhead triceps extension 10# db 8 reps
lying triceps extension 12# dbs 8 reps
rnd 2 dropped to 12# for kickbacks

group 5
seated overhead press 10# dbs 8 reps
standing double arm side lateral raises 8# dbs 8 reps
kneeling single arm rear delt fly 5# db 8 reps
rnd 2 same weights

group 6 standing biceps curls 15# dbs 8 reps
biceps seated hammer curls 15# dbs 8 reps
seated sweeper curls 15# dbs 8 reps
rnd 2 dropped sweeper curls to 12# 8 reps (no real rest between exercises and I was spent)

Group 7
step ups 15# dbs 8 reps
alternating side lunges 20# db 8 reps
double tap rear lunges 15# dbs 8 reps
rnd 2 same weight
Well best of intentions and all and there's a reason I do weights after breakfast, though a decent night's sleep would be helpful. Woke up at 4:30, but with the plumber coming I wanted to get my workout in. I set up everything for Giant Sets last night and made it though the first round before tossing in the towel. Didn't help my brain wasn't wanting to move quickly enough for the weight change pace. I'll have the same issue with this workout Sunday as I need to workout before breakfast, so I put together a 37 minute workout doing rounds 2 and 3. On the plus side our water softener issue seems to have been resolved.

Diane Sue great job with Tri Sets Total Body.

Judy nice job with the gym workout, yoga and foam rolling. Glad you got more rain than we did. Fingers crossed for the next couple days.

Valerie that's a great selection of animals you saw on your hike. We've seen pronghorns at zoos, Columbus has a small herd in with their bison and they are fun to watch. Kills like that are so sad. We've had some with deer here on a smaller scale when they are deemed to numerous within a city area.

Carolyn great job with Tri Sets Total Body there is a nice mix between the three total body workouts.
This morning I did Jessica Smith’s Stride and Step which was 30 minutes and 189 calories burned. My average heart rate was 121 and maximum heart rate was 141. Then I did STS 2.0 Mobility 2 for 17 minutes and 62 calories.

Judy, nice job adjusting the circuit at your gym to fit Giant Sets Total Body. Yin Yoga and foam rolling are perfect for your rest day.

Valerie, your 2.5 hour hike sounds nice with all of the wildlife sightings.

Diane Sue, good job with Trisets Total Body and Total Body Stretch.

Cathy, at least you managed one round of Giant Sets Total Body. I will pause any workout for my equipment changes and to record my weight selections. That’s why my time is often 8-9 minutes longer than the actual workout.

Have a good day everyone.
Today I did 50 minutes of Peloton rides and STS 2.0 Chair Yoga. I really enjoyed the chair yoga. I had a little help from Chino and Shadow, who were at one point both on the chair with me, lol!

Valerie-Great job with the hike. I agree with you about the Bison killing. That is horrible.

Diane Sue-Great job with Total Body Trisets 2.0 and Mobility 1.

Cathy-That’s good that your water softener issue got resolved. Nice that you got a round of Giant Sets in. I prefer doing strength training after breakfast too.

Carolyn-Great job with Jessica Smith’s Stride and Step. I really need to add more of her workouts back into my routine.
This morning I did All Out Low Impact HiiT, floor and step portions. That was 35 minutes and 228 calories burned. My average heart rate was 132 and maximum heart rate was 152.

Judy great job the 50 minutes of Peloton rides and STS 2.0 Chair Yoga. I like the Chair Yoga, which is very similar to the chair stretch from Step Boss.

Hello to Cathy, Diane Sue, and Valerie.
another hike yesterday, not in the park but nearby. about 3 hours, maybe 6 miles. therapy work later. not flat and lots of great flowers. today is a day off. we had to get a plumber out this morning to fix our hot water. we have a tankless water heater ( first for us) and suddenly yesterday it stopped producing hot water. turned out to be just a stuck valve but we learned quite a bit. when everything works fine it's easy not to pay attention. like you cathy, we get serious iron in our water and rely on paper filters to prevent build up. the filters prevent the sediment from getting to the water heater. we change the filter at least once a year and we aren't here more than maybe 3 months out of the year. water heating is resolved without anything major.
This morning I did 50 minutes of Peloton rides and this afternoon I did STS 2.0 Biceps Only. That was a very thorough bicep workout! I did not try to match Cathe's weights but just did as much as I felt comfortable doing. My shoulder is still bothering me so I have to watch how much I do with upper body workouts for now.

Carolyn-Great job with All Out Low Impact HiiT, floor and step portions. I might do the Chair Yoga from 2.0 and the chair stretch from Step Boss together for a longer session next time.

Valerie-Great job with the hike. I'm glad your hot water heater issue was easy to fix.

Hi to Diane Sue & Cathy
oday I did STS 2.0 Lower Body 1, 58 minutes, 181 calories, heart rate 105/128. I then did 2.0 active recovery 11 minutes, 42 calories heart rate 105/114 and 2.0 Total Body Stretch 23 minutes, 38 calories. Total time was 92 minutes, 261 calories.

Lower Body 2.0
warm up weights 10,12, and 15# squats
Squats #1 20# dbs 10 reps
Squats #2 25# dbs 10 reps
Squats #3 (racked at shoulders) 15# dbs 10 reps
Squats #4 15# dbs Racked at shoulders0 15# dbs
Barbell Deadlift #1 55# 10 reps
Barbell Deadlift #2 55# 10 reps
Barbell deadlifts #3 55# 10 reps
Alternating Dumbbell rear lunge 20# dbs 8 reps each side
Rear Lunge R/L 20# dbs 8 reps
Static Lunge 20# dbs 8 reps
Close Grip Squat #1 40# db 10 reps
Close Grip Squat #2 40# db 6 reps 1.5 's
Close Grip Squat #3 1.5 40# db 6 reps
static lunge 20#dbs 8 reps
side lunge #1 R/L #1 20# db 8 reps
Side Lunge # 2 20# db 8 reps
Static Side Lunge wide stance 20# DB 8 reps
Barbell Hip Thrust #1 45# 12 reps (used step)
Barbell Hip Thrust #2 45# 10 reps
Barbell Hip Thrust #3 35# 10 reps
Barbell Calf Raise #! 55# 20 reps
Barbell Calf Raise #2 55# 12 reps
Barbell Calf Raise #3 55# 15 reps
Barbell Calf Raise # 4 55# 15 reps
Finisher mat and stability ball
Hamstring Roll Ins
Straight Leg Quad Lift R/L #1 12 reps R/L (I need work on this as my right leg hardly wanted to com off the floor for some reason)
Straight Leg Quad Lift R/L #2 12 R R/L
Today I did STS 2.0 Giant Sets Total Body express, bilateral only. That was 37 minutes and 166 calories burned. My average heart rate was 116 and maximum heart rate was 139. I did the first set of hip thrusters on the floor with a dumbbell and the second set on the stability ball. I will probably stick with the stability ball in the future. After that I did STS 2.0 Total Body Stretch for 23 minutes and 54 calories burned.

Valerie, nice work with the hike. I’m glad that your hot water problem was nothing major.

Judy, good job with 50 minutes of Peloton rides and STS 2.0 Biceps. You definitely want to be careful with those upper body weights for shoulders. I’m careful as well. I never go higher than 12# for shoulder presses. 15# is just too much for me.

Diane Sue, nice job with STS 2.0 Lower Body 1 and Total Body Stretch.

Hello to Cathy.
did a mt bike this morning for 2 hours. it was cold and fairly wet from rain yesterday. about 8 miles. not a hard ride but uphill all of one way, and then cold downhill coming back. it was 49 to start and wind chill on the way down was serious.

I find a huge difference in the weights I can handle if my back is supported or not. I can do 15-20 no problem for presses if I'm lying down or inclined against a bench. not a chance if I'm standing without back support. then 10 to 12 is max.

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