Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 5/26/2024

Got a message yesterday that our service for today was delayed due to a network error. I woke up early and did RWH Low Impact Sweat 2. I planned to have breakfast and then do PP Lower Body. I don't own that workout, so I put together an upper body and a lower body version in the Workout Blender and so far the internet had been okay today. Was just finishing breakfast when I got a message that the tech was on the way! New plan since any communication has to be with me as DH is clueless. So, tomorrow I will try to get in the lower body early and then upper body after breakfast. At the moment, the internet if up and running at a decent speed, and hopefully stays that way.

Diane Sue were the latest tornados anywhere near you? Great job with Total Body Barbell premix upper body + core, Mini ball abs and Mobility. I didn't know you painted, how fantastic!

Carolyn sorry you got caught in the rain, that's always a pain.

Hi Valerie and Judy.
This morning I did Jane Adams Gentle Yoga, Morning Energy practice.

Judy, thanks for getting us started this week.

Cathy, nice job with Low Impact Sweat workout two and hopefully PP Lower Body. I hope that your internet continues to work as it should.

Hello to Diane Sue and Valerie.
We did another half day of hiking after the backpack. I had two ticks stuck on the back of my neck inside my hairline. they weren't "attached or engorged" but gross anyway. DH pulled them off. they probably were on my winter hat from the backpack or maybe the day before. my toe is sore and chances are good I have a minor small stress fracture. one toe, the others are fine and its not the bones of my foot. I need to let it rest for a while. I may get an xray to be sure, but Im tired of driving and dont feel like going somewhere yet . not much to be done anyway except tape it to a neighboring toe and let it heal. we drove home yesterday so a day with weight off was good but its not going to go away instantly . traffic was decent all the way because we were traveling opposite of the main crowds. its cold and raining here just like in montana. it was quite wintery there.... montana spring! this coming week is supposed to be warmer but DH and I both have medical appts scheduled. we want to go back shortly. we had measurable amounts of snow several days. that messed with riding. roads/trails get very greasy/muddy. too much bear activity down low yet too. I love to ride but I am not taking stupid risks. our friends had the grizzly rip down their bird feeders and squash them. bears are just after easy food and are not that wary of people.

I HATE driving thru small towns. round abouts help some but a lot of drivers dont know how to use them. our route back and forth is almost all interstate. there's another way that goes thru numerous small towns and has undivided state highways. I would rather take a slightly longer route to avoid the chances of a head on crash. its usually faster even with longer miles.

Jersey barriers were designed for this reason. we saw a wreck yesterday that had just happened, probably less than 10 minutes. the jersey barrier worked like it should. the jeep hit the concrete median barrier but it flipped him up and turned him around. It did not let his vehicle cross over into oncoming (opposite) traffic. another car was involved so we figured someone changed lanes without looking. usually vehicles traveling the same direction get damaged but the people usually survive. these people walked away from the awful wreck. we drive long distances at high speed often. I will almost always pick the interstate route over state highways that almost never have center dividers. concrete Jersey barriers were designed to work like this. the thick metal fencing or metal cables dont work as well.
Sorry I dont mean to be preachy here but I dont think most people know why those concrete barriers are designed like they are and why they are so effective. the shape changes the direction of the force and brings the vehicle back into the lane in the direction they were heading. its not 100% but anything is better than a head on crash.
This morning I ended up doing Pyramid Pump Total Body Down Only premix. I have always preferred going down to up when only doing one.

Valerie they use Jersey barriers here in construction zones, and on some stretches of highway. It took me quite awhile to be comfortable driving next to them, especially given they tend to be on stretches of highway here tend to be 70 mph and in general that means traffic is going at least 75. In Michigan, most people go by the belief that you won't get stopped unless you are doing more than 10 over in anything 55 mph plus. That includes constructions zones at 60 mph where there are no workers, so if you don't want to get run over that's often 70 mph with barriers on both sides of your lane. In the UP unless you are going directly north to the Soo which is 75 mph, everything is two lane with passing zones on the two main stretches going east/west and the speeds on those are 65, and unless it's winter and I know the northern one has bad conditions, I prefer to go across that way. Less traffic, less curves and I see far less close calls on head on collisions by stupid people passing on curves. I hope your toe is better soon. I've broken a baby toe twice, the first time I actually got it x-rayed (back when I paid nothing out of pocket) because I'd never broken anything. The second time, I just taped it which is really all you can do. Especially when your baby toe is barely an inch long. LOL

Carolyn great job with the yoga.

Hi Judy and Diane Sue.
Today I did Rev’d Up Rumble, which was 41 minutes and 274 calories burned. My average heart rate was 130 and maximum heart rate was 174.

Valerie, I’m glad that you made it home safely. I agree with you about driving on the interstate versus side roads. There is a lot that can go wrong on a two lane highway.

Cathy, nice job with Pyramid Pump Total Body, down only.

Hello to Judy and Diane Sue.
We had a stretch of freeway close to where we live in WA that had steel cables up and down the median. somehow someone got over/thru the cables and hit someone head on going the other way. there were fatalities. it led to a huge uproar about how come that section had not gotten jersey barriers. they are there now. in the process I got curious about why they were so much better than steel cables.
In montana the speed limit is 80 in a lot of places, so you know that means 85 easily. even trucks and people pulling trailers. gets scary sometimes.
Carolyn especially small towns with two lane highways that dont have a left turn lane. the risk of head on wrecks are so much greater and people passing in no passing zones. we have an alternate route that's 2 lane and a little shorter but its hard to convince me to use it if there is divided highway available. we do sometimes but only if the freeway is a disaster.

Im sticking to therapy only until my toe is better. its a lot better today.

Hope everyone got thru the latest swarm of tornadoes undamaged! this is starting out as a terrible year for storms.
Today I did Killer Legs + Bonus Barre, 65 minutes, 193 calories, heart rate 107/132. I also did CDorner Day 3 lower stretch and Day 12 Upper Body Stretch from the 30 day challenge, 25 minutes, 38 calories. Total time 90 minutes, 231 calories.
I am trying to get used to a new schedule since my husband is not working swing shift. Up earlier than usual and workout in the afternoon. Headed to bed as I was dragging at 6 am.

Cathy, I do not like it when my plans are interrupted like that. Nice that you were able to get Pyramid Pump down mix in today. The tornadoes missed us. I saw people on Next Door Neighbor wondering which news service was right and if they needed to drag their bag of stuff to the shelter. I have been painting since I was 10 years old. Took art classes through school and commercial art which I found rather boring. I just paint for fun. Although it is time consuming and I have not done it for quite a while. I just ordered a couple of new tools and some paint colors I am out of or that have almost dried up. I had to drag everything out of the closet.

Carolyn, nice work on Rev'd Up Rumble today.

Valerie, good idea to give the toe a rest and just do therapy. Having Grizzly's around would worry me.
Just finished doing a blended workout of CrossFire Bonus Tabata, Bonus Core, Kick Max Leg Drills and STS 2 Mobility 1. At breakfast, I just sat there and created it and it's so much easier than stopping and bringing things up in between. I can't do it with Lives, but from now on anytime I'm going to do back to back workouts that are on DVD I'm doing that! Going to be a nice just under 70 here today.

Diane Sue glad the tornadoes missed your area. I can see where commercial art would be boring compared to being able to just create what you want. Great job with Killer Legs + Bonus Barre, and lower/upper stretches.

Carolyn great job with Rev’d Up Rumble.

Valerie I'm glad your toe is doing better. A few years back in the winter there was huge pile up on I-94 over a hundred vehicles caused my slippery roads. With that part of the problem with that was that no one had anywhere to go because of the steel cables. It stopped head on collisions but dozens of people rear ended and with a lot of semis in the mix it was a mess. It's a stretch where there is truly no other option for getting from place to place that doesn't add a huge amount of time, and it took quite awhile to get it cleaned up and back open. I wish there was an alternative because it's the stretch I use to get to my parents.
This morning, I did Step Boss Imax 4, 44 minutes, 245 calories, heart rate 136/158, 3,721 steps. I did Raw Yoga Stretch, 14 minutes, 25 calories afterward. Total time was 58 minutes, 270 calories. It looks like we have rain and storms coming in. I hope none are severe, figures since I watered the yard for the first time this year.

Cathy, great job on the blended workout of Cross Fire Bonus Tabata, Bonus Core, Kick Max Leg Drills and STS 2 Mobility 1. It looks like a good mix. I bet it is nice to be able to put together a workout like that. Many years ago I had a dvd player that held 5 dvds and I could program it to each with chapters etc. It took so long to do and so much effort I finally gave up on it though. Much faster with digital stuff for sure.
I like to paint landscapes mainly. I have done ones with some animals here and there. Oceans are fun. I just paint for enjoyment.
Today I did Barbell Total Body, upper body only. My time was 44 minutes with 153 calories burned, average heart rate 110 and maximum heart rate 138.

Diane Sue, great job with Killer Legs+Bonus Barre, CDorner stretches, IMAX 4, and Raw Yoga Stretch. Adjusting to your husband’s new work schedule will probably take a little while.

Cathy, great job with your blender workout of CrossFit Bonus Tabata, Bonus Core, Kick Max Leg drills, and STS 2 Mobility 1. Putting everything together like that sounds like a good idea.

Hello to Valerie and Judy.
I got a lot of exercise and miles in at work this past weekend and I am glad it’s over. That was a bit too much for me. Fortunately, I don’t have many hours scheduled over the next few weeks. Today I did a 45 minute Peloton row and 10 minutes of Peloton Arms & Light weights.

Cathy-Great job with RWH Low Impact Sweat 2, Pyramid Pump Total Body Down Only premix and your blended workout of CrossFire Bonus Tabata, Bonus Core, Kick Max Leg Drills and STS 2 Mobility 1.

Carolyn-Great job with Jane Adams Gentle Yoga, Morning Energy practice, Rev’d Up Rumble, and Barbell Total Body, upper body only.

Valerie-I’m glad your toe is better. I agree, this is starting out to be a bad year for storms.

Diane Sue-Great job with Killer Legs+Bonus Barre, the CDorner stretches, Step Boss IMAX 4, and Raw Yoga Stretch.
I can finally do some comfortable walking today. yesterday was pretty decent so I did shopping and a doctor appt, bank, groceries, post office. more walking than I've done in several days and today its feeling good and not worse. so toe was not broken but probably badly bruised. needed time off. not sure why it was such a problem but I feel I can exercise again today. got a steroid injection into base of my left thumb where arthritis is causing havoc. doesnt feel different yet but it only bothers sometimes.

we have some car repair things to do today that will suck up most of the morning.

How terrific to have artistic skills. I have zero talent. maybe a negative number! no musical talent either. I took violin lessons in 6-grade but unsuccessful. you need to be very talented and train for a long time to make a violin sound anything but awful. I wanted to try music. that would not have been my choice of an instrument but an aunt had a violin laying in a closet so that was what I got. I was not enthused. I tried the glee club for singing but my mother was brutal about that and made me feel like I was offending half the world trying to learn to sing.
We are enormously respectful of grizzlies and there are now posted warnings on the road we usually ride. when the road opens to vehicle traffic on june 1 it reduces the risk. the first half of the road is driveable, but the last half has only been open to bikes, hikers, horses and ATVs for several years now. its perfect for biking and we will be very cautious when we get up there.
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This morning I did KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix, workout one, before my WW meeting. That was 26 minutes, 179 calories burned, average heart rate 130, and maximum heart rate 161.

Judy, it’s good that you have some time off after the Memorial Day weekend. Great job with Peloton rowing and Arms & Light Weights.

Valerie, I’m glad that your toe is better. I have no artistic skills either. I love to sing, but I don’t do it very well!! I sang in my Church choir growing up and I enjoyed it immensely. These days I only sing when I’m alone in the car.

Hello to Cathy and Diane Sue.
Today was zoo day. I also had a tire rotation scheduled before that, but after a frustrating drive there with extra extra slow people in front of me, a road closure I wasn't expecting that made me backtrack, getting there exactly on time to discover that at 8:30 they were very busy led me to just say hey what do you have early for next Wednesday. LOL I did get new wipers which I'm not sure took him two minutes to put on, and I have an 8:00 next week, which is when they open. Still lots of school trips at the zoo, but I got up to Africa and did my two rounds and finished just as they were getting part way around. I was in choir in junior high and high school, but my artistic talent is pretty close to non existent though I can do stick figures. LOL

Carolyn great job with Barbell Total Body, upper body only and KCM's Cardio Quick Fix.

Valerie glad to hear that your toe is so much better!

Judy great job with the Peloton workouts and I'm sure you did get a lot of exercise in last weekend.

Diane Sue great job with Step Boss Imax 4 and yoga. I hope the storms weren't too bad.
I ended up splitting my workout this morning. I did Total Body Barbell lower body and the dead rows with the warm up and stretch first thing, 25 minutes, heart rate 106/130, 88 calories. Then This afternoon I did my own warm up and did Total Body Barbell Upper Body and Core starting after the dead rows since I did it earlier, 37 minutes, heart rate 95/129, 95 calories. I had to get bank and groceries done and lunch for dh before work. Splitting it worked out okay. I would have liked to do a stretch. Maybe I still can. I wanted to get back to the painting I was working on. Hoping Amazon gets the paint colors I ordered here soon.
The storms were not bad here yesterday. More coming at 4 am.
This morning I did KCM’s Power Splits Lower Body for 36 minutes, 176 calories burned, average heart rate 118 and maximum heart rate 140. Then I did Step Boss Chair Stretch for 16 minutes and 25 calories.

Cathy, nice job with zoo day. It’s good that you could reschedule that tire rotation.

Diane Sue, great job with Total Body Barbell in two sessions. At least you got it done which is what matters.

Hello to Judy and Valerie.
Did a road ride on our usual trail yesterday 15 miles about 90 minutes. a furious headwind half the way. also saw very briefly a mama duck probably a common merganser with a whole load of tiny ducklings. 12 or so? I stopped and went back as quickly as I could but they disappeared. we looked on both sides of the bridge and under it but no luck. they were so darn cute!

I can sing along with the car radio like carolyn and that's about it. I dont think its as awful as my mother thought. she was extremely crtitical of everything superficial. mean to both me and my sister but our brother could do no wrong.
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Yesterday I did 45 minutes of easy rowing. Today I did a 60-minute Peloton Power Zone ride and 25 minutes of easy scenic rides for a cool down.

Valerie-I don’t have any artistic skill either. I was always better at science or math than anything involving art or music when I was in school. Nice job with your road ride.

Carolyn-Great job with KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix, workout one and Power Splits Lower Body. Power Splits is another one that I need to revisit.

Cathy-Great job with your zoo walking. There are so many road closures around here, it’s hard to get anywhere.

Diane Sue-Great job with Total Body Barbell. I hope the storms weren’t too bad this morning.
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This morning I did ICE Metabolic Total Body. Was about 2/3's done when the internet went out again. Worked for 3 1/2 whole days. Since I have the DVD I just kept moving while I switched to that and finished. Derek was trying to finish a video so he could upload tonight and have it release tomorrow morning, so after lunch he an I went to my parents to use the wifi.

Judy great job with the rowing and ride.

Valerie great job with the ride. I wonder if those were all the mama ducks babies or if she'd stolen a few.

Carolyn great job with KCM’s Power Splits Lower Body and stretch.

Diane Sue great job getting in all of Total Body Barbell over two sessions.

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