Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 5/2


Good morning,

I did Push Circuti 1 today, the second week of the Push circuit.

Spelt bread is in the bread maker and I have to go to the store to get the ingredients for the protein bars, plus I have a birthday dinner/party for my 11 year old nephew at 5:00. I am sure there will be minimal there that I can eat so not looking forward to it.

Joan, what diet are you following? are you able to combine protein with carbs at each meal? I also am supposed to have plain oatmeal, made with water, but add a teaspoon of jelly in it so it is not so bad. I feel it is better than getting so discouraged that I end up eating a donut or cookie instead!

Everyone must be really busy, hope you are having a great weekend!
Good afternoon,

Deb it is the Mayo Clinic Diet. You can have carbs and protein at same meal but I didn't eat bun because it wasn't whole grain. You only get 3 servings of protein/dairy per day. I had 1/2c milk for breakfast and thought hamb. was 6 oz (2oz is serving). For the first 2 weeks you get no sugar or sweetner. After that you get sweetner and 75 calories a day of sweets. I guess they think you will lose taste for sweetness. I didn't plan menu for this weekend I started on Monday. I'm sure you would be better with protein at each meal.

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Hi Deb, Joan, Valerie and any later posters--

This morning I did STS disk 7 for chest, bis, sh (55 min.). Man oh man the pushups on this one are crrrrazy! oof dah! (That's a bit of Minnesota coming out in me.)

Joan, my question is, are you going to be able to stay on this diet? You already sound miserable. I cannot imagine trying to eat oatmeal with no sweetener. I guess cinnamon might help and a lot of raisins for some concentrated sweetness. How about those fruit-only jams to mix in?

Take care of those knees, Valerie!

So, I bought a pair of sandals--Clark's Indigo Campania. I hope they are comfy, because I sure do like their looks. They had a 15off coupon at, so I could not resist. I have a sneaking suspicion that I buy things as a reward for grading papers.

Deb, Max is a frisbee dog! Wow, I've never had a crazy, flying frisbee catcher.

200 chicks coming next week. DH is in a frenzy of preparations.
I hope this doesn't sound too self important... I posted this on last weeks thread and didn't notice this week was started, so I'm copying it over here. so I now know it's Mayo clinic and I know I could not eat oatmeal without something on it or in it. I could maybe eat it with raisins and maybe a few of those nuts? that would make it stay around for a few hours. but I'm not a big oatmeal fan even tho DH eats it for breakfast almost every day.


Can you have lightly flavored carbonated water? I usually buy it in half gallon bottles and pour it into smaller bottles. It has no sweetener real or otherwise but the fizziness and slight flavor are pleasant. seems better to me than flat water. I drink a lot of it. there are store brands, Canada Dry and ( here, anyway) a brand called Talking Rain. I dislike artificial sweetener, drink a rare diet soda so I'm not used to sweet beverages.
I also use flavor tablets called "Nuun." sold in bike shops and other outdoor gear places. It uses tiny amounts of real sweetener to enhance plain flat water. I'm thinking maybe 6 calories a quart, I'll check. doesn't taste sweet and is used for electrolyte replacement. It's along the lines of Gatorade without the high sugar. gives water a very very mild flavor. orange ginger, lemon lime are my favorites. plain oatmeal without any sweetener has me stymied. guess I'd be looking for something else for breakfast than cereal."

Also, knee is still acting up so I'm leaving it alone. seems like a soft tissue thing, not a joint problem so letting it rest. Too wet to ride anyway. Did STS disk 1 yesterday, and it was quite tough. guess I'd forgotten about all those blasted push ups.... I did more toe pushups than I did the first run but still not all. Garance ... Uff DA does not do it justice! I tried to increase my weights from the first time and did on a few moves but not many. BIG difference between doing 6 reps and doing 15. I did the first 18 disks several times and only saved the last workout sheet I'd printed, so I don't know anymore what my true original weights were. I have a few sore spots today but not too bad.
I also finally weighed my easy curl bar. was calling it 5 lbs for easy calculation. well, it weighs 15 lbs. wow. I guess I've been lifting more than I thought.

Joan, another thing that I find useful is a kitchen scale. you put a container on it, zero the scale, and then add whatever. takes the guessing out of it. I use it all the time for regular cooking so it's a good investment.

Garance, I love clarks sandals, also merrells and Keens. Oh hell, I love SHOES...
Good evening all,

Fortunately the strict part of the diet is only two weeks. I like plain water so that's not a problem. It's just that I love my tea.

Valerie I really like oatmeal and even eat it for dinner a couple times a week when dh is exercising late. But you're right you can't eat it plain. I had some applesauce with strawberries in it and tried with some of it but it was terrible. I hadn't thought of cinnamon so will try that next.

I had an orange and an eggbeater for breakfast, lunch was spagetti(whole grain-I'll have to get used to that) and I just ate cottage cheese and blueberries. I had lost 3lbs this morning so I won't complain(too much). I know it was just vacation water weight but I'm still glad it's gone.

wow lynda!! 200 chicks. that is ALOT!! i though ya'll raised cattle. you raise chickens too? isn't it kinda cold still up there to get chicks? do y'all raise meat chickens or just layers?

well, hope to be able to get on here a bit more this week. been so busy!!

Good morning,

I just finished a 40 minute I-Tread, I forgot to down my STOK, and I could really tell the difference. I felt like my legs were dragging through mud.

Joan, yes, I think it is better to eat some protein with each meal. It helps keep the cravings down. Like Garance said, get some of the fruit only jam and mix it in with the oatmeal. It tastes great. Good job on the weight loss, water or not, 3 pounds is 3 pounds!

Garance, I looked at the site, they are less expenseive than Zappos. I could not find the $15 off coupon though. Those sandals are pretty sexy! ;). How did you train Max to catch a frisbee? I would love to have Keegan to that.

Valerie, thanks for the info on the water add-in. I don;t like anything that is carbonated so all those flavored waters are not for me. I have one of those scales and use it when I need to be precise in measuring.

Hi to Cathy & Josie,

Take care,
I'm a carbonation addict but I don't like sweet so the water is great for me. no cal, no sweetener. I looked at the Nuun tablets and they have no sweetener either. the local Kroger carries it, or they did a couple months ago too. I was trying to get away from Gatorade which has a lot of sugar. weighs alot, too many calories but plain water, I don't like, especially out of a plastic bottle and lukewarm. a little flavor really helps. I can't drink any iof the sweetened products, like crystal lite. Ugh. Not a sweet person here.

wow, 3 lbs already, congrats Joan.

I use the scale every day. so easy and now when a recipe says 8 oz of spinach I have a clue. I can eyeball it better now that I know what m8 oz really is.

Really windy here, I'm going to get off the computer before power is out.
Hi Deb, Josie, Joan, Cathy, and Valerie--

This morning I did Petra Kolber's Just Dance (50 min.). So yesterday it went up to 87 degrees, and today it's 73, but very, very muggy. I was definitely sweating up a storm this morning.

Deb, I didn't train Max at all. I just noticed that he likes to jump up at insects, birds, balls, toys of any kind, so I threw a frisbee and he went crazy and was so proud of himself when he caught it that he wanted me to do it again...and again.....and again...... and again. You know the saying--be careful what you wish for. I might have an ocd frisbee dog. The 15off coupon must have been for one day only. I just happened to find it because I was looking for Clark's sandals. I think these look pretty "gladiator" style.

Cathy, DH raises grass-fed beef, free range pork, and the chicken venture is a new one. He has heat lamps to keep them warm, but will gradually let them free-range. He is planning to sell many of them to a local restaurant, but we loved the ones he raised last year and will keep some for ourselves, and sell some to his meat customers who really like to buy chickens that don't smell like ammonia from the grocery stores. No layers . . . yet. DH just seems to be expanding every year. It used to be just wood and hay.

Joan, that's great about your weight loss. I will try to cheer you on until you get past the worst two weeks. You will have to keep all of us up with how the diet goes.

Valerie, I love shoes too. I just have to be careful about sending them back if they are not comfortable. I have a few pairs that I have only worn a few times because of all the moleskin I have to apply to make them wearable.

Hi to Josie!
wow, sounds like fun, lynda, although ALOT of work. yum, free range pork. any free range home grown anything is so MUCH better. we have alot of feral hogs here in s. tex. so many that they are destroying farm land. my husband killed one last year to add to the deer processing. but, i would like one just for the pork. we are thinking about butchering one of the cows out back. they are not ours, but the people owe us for all of last years bills, and this years. so, if we don't get the money, we are gonna sell the cattle. they owe us over $3000.

did jen carman's strength in movement, (it is a tracie long), and i LOVE it, cuz jen is my all time fave instructor. i hope she does more workouts. gotta go eat something before i pass out. :)

Good morning,

All done with Push Circuit 2. It was a gloomy rainy day until about noon yesterday when it turned into a bright, blue sky sunny day. Weird weather we are having.

Valerie, in what part of the supermarket do you find those Nuun things? are they tablets that you put in the bottle of water? I have a couple of bottles that I bought at Gander Mountain that are the new acceptable plastic that I use all the time for water. Would I just drop a tablet in one of those? They are 24 oz.

Garance, I have an OCD tennis ball dog in Kelsey, at least she was when she was younger. But she got so obsessed that she would not let it go and turned into Cujo dog, nasty growling, biting, when you tried to take it away from her, that we had to stop playing with her with those. It was not pretty. Does Max give it up easily?

Joan, do you know how many calories you are eating each day on this plan?

Cathy, will you just go to the neighbors and tell them that you are taking a cow? Seems funny to me some how.

Josie, how was the ride on Sunday?

Take care,
Good morning,

Deb My calories for the last 3 days have been 1206,1159,and 1008. I wasn't hungry last night or it would have been higher.

I didn't do treadmill because I had been told on forum(was that you Valerie, thanks) not to do anything to get blood vessels in face broken. The doctor didn't mention anything and I didn't think to ask him. He did say to keep upright. Did I mention I had the fraxel laser procedure yesterday?

Today is cat to the vet and dm to the doctor day. We'll see how much I get done.

Garance your retirement plan seems to have worked out perfectly. Do you know what you will do to keep occupied after retirement?

Hi Deb, Josie, Joan, Cathy, and Valerie--

This morning I did STS disk 8 for back and tris (56 min.).

Deb, Max is very sweet about giving up any of his toys. I usually reward his good behaviors with a snippet of pupperoni. He knew how to sit and come when we got him. He is getting very good at shaking hands and "drop it." Every dog is different. I had a big fellow named Paddy who loved those teething hedgehogs, and what he would do when he would fetch it is play coy and dance around teasing me to take it away. Only when I indicated that this was annoying would he finally drop it and let me throw it again. Of course we didn't call them teething hedgehogs (how demeaning for a big alpha-male dog!). We called them Paddy's dragons.

Joan, I'm sure I will find plenty to do. I will definitely do some more writing. And then there's my hobbies--sewing, knitting. DH is hoping I will do some of the desk work that he gets so behind on. I also may teach a course now and then if the dept. needs someone to fill in from time to time. I will probably go to NYC more often to see plays and dance, and I may do some travel to see friends. How was the fraxel laser treatment?

Hi to Josie, Cathy, and Valerie!
Good afternoon all,

Fraxel laser went ok. I was there for 2 hours. They put on the cream and hour before to deaden area and 1/2 hour before you take advil. You could definitely feel it. Kind of like a bunch of needles poking in for a sec. He used a lower setting this time so it will get worse. I put aloe on it every 2 hours yesterday. Today it is just swollen and red but pharmacist said that it will get worse. I had to pay for the 4 treatments up front because he said it took 4 treatments to get best results. This kind of forces you to have all treatments. At least it wasn't so bad I won't go back. He took before pictures. He pointed out all the wrinkles, redness and brown spots that will be gone. While I think it's great they will be gone he didn't have to point them out.:D
Well, it's nice to have power back... mid day today. we lost power, phone, TV, internet yesterday am til noon today. all is ok, just unseasonal. all the leaves being out makes windstorms much more of a mess. trees come down easier! No power, no workout. will get to something today, not sure what. we did yard work and shopping for a new mower while the power was out. started digging up a new area that is "lawn", really moss, and will replace with some bushes instead.

Joan, the laser I had ... I was not supposed to exercise after the procedure. the laser basically 'cooks" the blood in the tiny blood vessels or capillaries. this clogs/blocks them and they dissolve, disintegrate, and disappear.
If you exercise vigorously, the pressure of blood pumping will push the little clots thru the tiny vessels and open them up again, so that's why for my procedure they said 24 hrs, no exercise.
Fraxel sounds like a tougher process than what I had. Hope you get good results. Geez, what a meanie! It's bad enough looking at yourself under exam room fluorescent lights, no make up, everyone looks like he11!

Deb I haven't seen Nuun that many places, but the local Kroger (called QFC here) had a display in the beverage aisle, with water, soda, bottled tea etc. REI has it, most bike shops have it, usually on the counter near the register. DH got me a couple cartons from Amazon. Did that after we were sure we liked it! 12 tabs in a small can. It's 1 tab to about 1 liter. tastes best when fresh. It is NOT a strong taste, very mild. It's intended as electrolyte replacement so it has some Na & K in it. very portable, weighs almost nothing. this is great for hiking and biking although those things aren't really important at home. I don't like plain water though, so it's just enough flavor for me. My neighbor has T2 diabetes and likes it because no sugar but gives water a little flavor. his doc wanted him to quit Gatorade!

web site
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Hi Ladies,

My DH got me sick. I was out of commission the whole weekend plus yesterday. I did not get to work out at all. I called one of the ALC9 trainers and asked if I would be able to accomplish the ride since I have been out for about a month due to my back and now my cold. She is meeting me for lunch on Friday and putting me on an intensive training program from now until the ride. She also works at UCLA and she will also said that she would work out with me at lunch.

Now my DD is getting sick to and she has finals. I will be doing the Solana Beach ride this Saturday if every things goes well.

Joan, how dare he tell you about your wrinkles and brown spots :) Your diet sounds too restrictive. I could never do it. Good Luck!

Garance, I also love shoes and just bought a couple of pairs of sandals. My sandals have heal though.

Cathy, did you re-schedule your MRI appointment?

Deb, are you following the same diet as Joan?

The diet is crazy easy. I don't seem to be hungry but I'm also not working out yet. The only thing I miss is my tea. With only 330 calories of the protein/dairy group it is definitely not high protein. I'm not sure what keeps you full except the unlimited veg and fruit. They are not my favorites but when I have eaten everything else I know I can still eat something. I seldom go over the required 4 veg and 3 fruit so it must be in my mind. I may start drinking my tea again just to see if it adds to cravings or I'll wait the two weeks-decisions, decisions.

Valerie you are probably right about kind of laser. Doctor told me he might have to use a different laser for blood vessel. At least he said he wouldn't charge extra for that.

I was down another pound today for a total of 4lbs since Sat. They said in the book it was possible to lose 10lbs in the 2 weeks. I hope so.


Good Morning!

I just finished Cardio Coach #2 . Only burned 237 calories, which is surprising to me because I felt like I was giving it a good effort. I hope my HRM is not on the blink. I just had a new battery put in it so I know it isn't that.

Last night I put Keegan on the treadmill, he did 5 minutes. He was not afraid at all. I only had it at .5 miles per hour, the slowest setting and for the first 4 minutes I walked with him. I slowly got off on the side and kept his attention, he didn't realize I wasn't on with him. The only bad part is I have to keep giving him treats to keep him focused on walking which kind of defeats the purpose. I want him to lose about 5 pounds.

Joan, that is kind of a low calorie count to keep up for more than a few days. That laser treatment is intriging. Keep us posted on the results. When do you go back for the second session?

Garance, I'm with you...I know I would not worry about having enough to do when retired. I would volunteer at the SPCA, take Keegan to visit nursing homes, there is so much out there to do.

Valerie, thanks for the Nuun info. I went on the site and they have it here at Eastern Mountain Sports. I will look into it the next time I am around that shopping center.

Josie, I sure hope you are able to do the ride. How nice of that person to offer to help you train. I am following The Diet Solution Program, not the same as Joan. It is pretty restrictive too, but in a different way. Basically no wheat, no "white" food, which means anything with white flour, dairy, white rice etc. I make Spelt grain bread in the breadmaker and that is the bread I eat. I have lost 8 pounds so far, most in hips and waist. I now fit into all the summer clothes I could not wear last year. Which sandals did you buy? on-line?

Cathy, How are things with you?

Take care,
Did STS #2 yesterday afternoon after a bike warm up. I have the tower for pull ups now and am working on how best to do them. I can do lesser pull ups for 30 seconds, where I couldn't last that long using my other method so I'm hoping to build up steadily. I got seriously sore from disk 1, in the mid section of all places. those different push ups really use core muscles apparently.

wow, I wish I could say I've lost weight. I can't exercise if I'm hungry and I'd be hungry constantly at 1000 calories. or even 1200. my jeans seem looser. I have cut back on snacks and have been more active. easier as spring gardening goes into full gear. we want to mt bike today, not sunny but at least not raining.

Too funny, I've tried to get my cat on the treadmill but he doesn't get it and just gets dumped off the back end every time.
Hi Deb, Josie, Joan, Cathy, and Valerie--

This morning I did Dancercise Dancin' Abs (60 min.).

Josie, tough that you had to catch DH's cold. I hope this doesn't turn into a real setback for your bike ride. It's in June, isn't it? What sandals did you get? Mine are Clark's Indigo Campania. They have not arrived yet, but I have high hopes.

On the subject of calories and weight, I just read in MORE magazine that after age 50, to maintain your weight you should eat no more than 1600 calories per day. I sure hope that means if you are sedentary, because I think that's pretty Spartan.

Joan, wouldn't that be terrific if you dropped 10 lbs in 2 weeks! It sounds like you are into a massive self-improvement program. Maybe you will inspire me to do something this summer--I really should lose a few pounds. I am getting some bigger dumbbells for STS when the semester is over for meso 3.

I hate when the power goes out, even though we have a generator. When DH puts it on, though, the racket it makes is incredible.

Deb, Keegan on a treadmill sounds like a hoot! Wire-haired terriers are so cute to begin with and he sounds like a little clown.

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