Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 4/21/2024

This morning I did P30 Low Impact Hiit, STS 2 Lower Body 2 and the SB Lying Stretch. Sunshiny but only headed to the low 50's. I really thought I posted yesterday, but apparently not. I did STS 2 Upper Body 2.

Valerie sorry that your last couple hours driving were so horrid. That kind of traffic in a car is bad enough, gotta be so much worse in a camper. Sounds like a mixed bag of good hikes and unfortunate issues. From the time my kids were little I never allowed them to interfere with other peoples activities. Didn't even take much effort when they are little and by the time they are preschoolers being quiet was the norm to them. Though I will say I thankfully didn't have screamers. I had friends who had screamers and I'm not talking get upset screaming, I'm taking having fun shrieks. I'm glad my times in Fort Worth were November and March. I really don't do hot well especially if my goal is outdoor activity.

Carolyn great job with XTrain Cardio Leg Blast and yoga and X Train Cardio Leg Blast rnds 1-6. I agree about the longer stretches with both cardio and weights.

Judy great job with STS 2 Upper Body 1 and the foam rolling.

Diane Sue great job with the STS 2.0 Mish Mosh #1 Back and Biceps and Soothing stretch. I have the dip bars and I use them for dips, chin-ups, pull-ups and barre workouts. I really like them. Much better than using my fit tower for those things.
Cathy the parents let kids run and scream. we were in the museum over 2 hours. the displays were incredible but we burned out on the racket. the two floors had an open atrium in the center. going upstairs or down didn't help much because the noise spread everywhere. we tried to go to some of the separate rooms on the edges to get away from it. these were "fun shrieks" and kids chasing each other, running everywhere. there were probably 8 altogether. they spread out and could not be avoided. it was not a school trip, these were families. it was mid morning on a weekday. DH finally said, "I can't stand it anymore" so we left. "indoor voices" or " "no running" was never heard. one of the girls had a pitch that would have shattered glass.
the museum was absolutely great. it was a great use of time waiting for our motel room. you get to see examples of the geology of the region and why it looks like it does. dinosaur bones and footprints, and native american artifacts, the really good stuff that was recovered from the ruins. while we were hiking up a streambed a few days later I found a piece of pottery but I left it where I found it.

the air temps were not bad but its so open and sunny, it feels hot. we all are pasty white people so had to wear hats, long legs, sleeves. the more southern location was a guided trip and didnt start early enough. the drive started.
Today I did IMAX 3 combos and STS 2 Metabolic Core. Lucky me gets to go to the dentist this afternoon. I was also making a few days worth of salads and stabbed myself with a knife in my little finger. LOL

Valerie we were very much indoor voices and no running except in play spaces. But, we were also very hands on with the boys in places like museums and kept them engaged by reading plaques and adding our own information so they really didn't have time to create havoc. When little, the boys each went through a big dinosaur phase (I probably still know more about dinosaurs than I'll ever need to) and also about animals, my husband has science degrees, so we did a fair number of museums.

Hi Diane Sue, Carolyn and Judy.
Today I did Gloved Up and Sweaty which was 39 minutes and 266 calories burned. My average heart rate was 127 and maximum heart rate was 155.

Cathy, great job with Low Impact HiiT, STS 2 Lower Body 1,SB Lying Stretch, IMAX 3 combos, and STS 2 Metabolic Core.

Valerie, a lot of parents let their children run wild in public places. It’s not good for others around them and frankly it’s not good for the children either.

Waving hello to Judy and Diane Sue.
we did our regular ride this morning, 15 miles. it felt good. I didnt feel good yesterday but Ok today.

My parents were very rigid with us, too far the other direction. We would have been vaporized if we did 10% of what these kids did freely. it was still a fantastic museum and I'm glad we stopped there. due to topography and climate the entire area has huge deposits of old sea bottom and swamp artifacts. the native american artifacts are fascinating. I love looking at them. the dinosaur stuff was very cool. I also got more dino info than I will ever remember. when I was a kid I wanted to be a palentologist and dig up dinosaur bones in the Gobi desert. didnt work out that way!
Saturday I did 40 minutes of Peloton Rides and yesterday I did 45 minutes of rowing. Today I also did 45 minutes of rowing and 30 minutes of Yin Yoga. I need to get a little more rowing in this week in order to reach a Peloton rowing goal for the month. One more 45 minute session should do it.

Carolyn-Great job with your yoga and Gloved Up and Sweaty.

Cathy-Great job with P30 Low Impact Hiit, STS 2 Lower Body 2, SB Lying Stretch and IMAX 3 combos and STS 2 Metabolic Core. I hope your dental appointment goes well.

Valerie-Great job with your ride. I know what you mean about screaming kids. Parents would not put up with that when we were growing up. Things have changed a lot.

Hi to Diane Sue
Today I did STS 2.0 Lower Body #2 2-sets max, 46 minutes, 128 calories, heart rate 99/142(used the strength setting this time as I feel like a cheater using cardio) I then did STS 2.0 Body Part Triceps 1 set with bonus, 29 minutes, 72 calories, heart rate 90/123. This was 75 minutes, 201 calories.
I also did Lite extended stretch #1 12 minutes, 18 calories which I did not count.

Yesterday was family day. My granddaughter was feeling much better and they bought the new baby over so he was the object of lots of holding and cuddling. It comes out that her blood work showed she probably had covid when she went in to the hospital to have the baby. It just really hit when she got home. So glad she is better.

Cathy, nice work yesterday on P30 Low Impact Hiit, STS 2 Lower Body 2 and the SB Lying Stretch. I was going to do Lower Body 1 but, realized that I had only done #2 twice and #1 4 times. The bars look like they would be much better for the dips. My problem is the space I have and setting up and still being able to have area to work. It takes some maneuvering and decision making. Good job today on IMAX 3 combos and STS 2 Metabolic Core.

Valerie, nice job on getting out for your usual ride this morning. The museum sounds like it would be interesting. Sorry the children spoiled it. They do not usually bother me unless they are being exceptionally obnoxious.

Carolyn, nice work on Gloved Up and Sweaty today and yesterday's usual yoga.

Judy, good job on Saturday's 40 minutes of Peloton rides and yesterday's 45 minutes of rowing, and today's 45 minutes of rowing and 30 minutes of Yin Yoga. I hope that you reach your Peloton goal.
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This morning I did STS 2 Upper Body 1, but I didn't have a smooth start. This part of the STS 2 rotation uses the upper and lower body workouts, and when I did them the last time, I flipped which ones I was supposed to do and didn't mark it on my printed rotation, so when I set up my workout this morning before breakfast I set up STS 2 Upper Body 2, which is what was on the rotation. It was only when I was getting ready and went to fill in the date on my workout sheet for all the exercises, that I realized, I'd just done it a few days ago. So, I had to reorganize the equipment a fair bit before I could workout. Dentist appointment went pretty good yesterday, but he's concerned about some decalcification on one of my front teeth and wants to deal with it now before it gets any deeper, so I get to go back in a couple weeks. But, thankfully, it's on the top. My top numbs normally, while the nerves in my bottom jaw are not in a normal location and so it's very rare for them to numb well or fast. So, I always give a big sigh of relief it the issue is on the top. LOL

Diane Sue great job with STS 2.0 Lower Body #2 2-sets max, STS 2.0 Body Part Triceps 1 set and stretch.

Judy great job with the Peloton workouts.

Valerie glad you got in a good ride and you're feeling better. Maybe just the travel catching up with you.
Today I did STS 2.0 Super Sets Total Body, 2 sets. My time was 54 minutes and 198 calories burned. Average heart rate was 109 and maximum heart rate was 142.

Valerie, great job with your regular 15 mile ride.

Judy, great job with the Peloton rides, rowing, and yin yoga. Sounds like you are going to meet your rowing goal for this month.

Diane Sue, great job with STS 2 Lower Body 2, Body Parts Triceps, and LiTE Extended Stretch #1.

Cathy, nice job with STS 2 Upper Body 1. I’m always double checking my work out sheet to make sure that I’m setting up for the correct one. With such similar names it’s easy to mix them up.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
turns out there was ( likely) soap residue in my water bottle. it had been washed and rinsed multiple times but its hard to get rid of all the soap. something about the plastic makes soap cling. DH said it tasted soapy but I didnt notice anything right away. I drank a little but not much. so likely the soap came back to haunt me! GI issues.
today we mt biked the tree farm. trails are now open so we did the first trail ride today. it was hard. I am pretty rusty and nervous about crashing. I didnt crash, but took longer than usual. the downhills are pretty bouncy. its best to stiffen your legs so your butt is off the seat slightly. I did ok, back didn't get bounced too much. Im almost to the 6 month marker but I dont want to push it too hard. slower than normal. took us an hour and forty five minutes instead of an hour and a half. the trails change slightly every year. I will speed up after Ive done it a few times. its about 7 miles RT.
Im pretty tired but we have some cloudy rainy days coming so I am going to try some indoor workouts so see how I do. still haven't decided about the new series but Im thinking about whether I'll use it or not.
wow judy that is a lot of rowing! hope you meet your goals.
Cathy always best to get dental work done ASAP. things usually don't get better by themselves.
This morning I did JS 30 Minute Fat Blaster. That was 30 minutes, 239 calories burned, average heart rate 141, and maximum heart rate 183.

Valerie, nice job with mountain biking at the tree farm. Soap residue in your water bottle sounds very unpleasant! Will you be able to get it cleaned out?

Hello to Diane Sue, Judy, and Cathy.
I have a round brush for hummingbird feeders. used it on my water bottle, rinsed a few more times. it's ok now. they are softer plastic. hold onto soap taste. they have flip top lids to protect the drinking spout. we use them for mt bike riding. lots of horses use the same trail. the splash is not what you want on the mouthpiece of your water bottle.

did a park walk this morning of an hour and 7 minutes. very pleasant with lots of land birds but nothing much on the water.
Yesterday I did 30 minutes of rowing and reached my goal for April. I also did STS 2 Body Parts Triceps No Repeats Premix (20 minutes). Today I did a 30 minute Peloton ride. I will be working tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday.

Diane Sue-Great job with STS 2.0 Lower Body #2 2-sets max, Body Part Triceps 1 set with bonus and Lite extended stretch. I am glad that your granddaughter is so much better.

Cathy-Great job with STS 2 Upper Body 1.

Carolyn-Great job with STS 2.0 Super Sets Total Body, 2 sets and JS 30 Minute Fat Blaster.

Valerie-Great job with your park walk.
Today I did STS 2.0 Upper Body 2, two sets maximum. My time was 65 minutes and 177 calories burned. Average heart rate 101 and maximum heart rate 125.

Judy, great job with rowing, Body Parts Triceps, and the Peloton ride. I’m glad that you achieved your goal for April.

Valerie, nice job with the park walk.

Hello to Diane Sue and Cathy.
Back to serious rain today.
I did therapy exercises that I do most days along with upper body weights, pushups, plank. then I did part of revved up rumble. not all, the warm up and part of the first session. I think it felt ok but I want to be sure. I haven't done anything in so long I'm I think mostly nervous. If I feel ok tomorrow I'll try more.
Today I did STS 2.0 Supersets Upper Body+Calves premix, 55 minutes, 157 calories, heart rate 99/135. I used the strength setting on the Garmin. I should try cardio again next time and see if it is any better.
I followed with CDorner chair yoga+ her challenge ankle and calf, 40 minutes, 61 calories. The yoga was split a bit as I had to stop and go back so I just added it all together. The chair yoga was good. She uses the chair in a variety of ways and it is a deep stretch. Total time was 95 minutes, 218 calories.
Yesterday I did not work out. I went for my mammogram and stopped at Sprouts and the UPS store before heading home. I got up yesterday and my Garmin App got a make over. I could not find things easily. Today at first I could not find my workout after I finished. I finally did after scrolling through things and tapping on graghs. Then it went to they were having problems and working to fix the problem. I hope that they get it straightened out.

Cathy, I messed up today on my workout. I set up for STS 2 Trisets upper only and started out only to realize when it called for barbell rows after the chest press that something was not right. I quickly grabbed the barbell and used it at 35# and reloaded to 55 after I went over the work sheet. I wondered why the step was set at an incline. I ended up with Supersets. It was just scrambling to make changes.
Nice work getting in STS 2 Upper #1

Carolyn, nice work on Jessica Smith 30 minute Fat Blaster yesterday and STS 2 Upper Body #2 2 sets maximum today.

Valerie, nice job on your trail ride at the tree farm today. I am sure you will soon be riding like you used to, but best to be careful. I have had things come out tasting like dish soap. One of the worst things is the air fryer. I finally just started throwing the basket in the dishwasher. My husband never seems to notice, but if I get the slightest whiff, things get rewashed. That spray on dish soap really needs rinsed well when we wash my Yeti mugs and the pots and pans.

Judy, great job on 30 minutes of rowing yesterday and reaching your April goal and also getting in STS 2 Body Parts Triceps no repeats. That is a pretty tough one even with the no repeats. Nice work today on your 30 minute Peloton ride.
This morning I did STS 2.0 Lower Body 2, 1 set only. That was 33 minutes and 155 calories burned. Average heart rate 115 and maximum heart rate 141. Then I did STS 2.0 Total Body Stretch for an additional 23 minutes and 54 calories. I really needed the longer stretch today.

Diane Sue, great job with STS 2.0 Super Sets Upper Body + Calves, and CDorner Chair Yoga. That’s good that you had your mammogram.

Valerie, nice job with therapy exercises, upper body exercises and part of Rev’d Up Rumble. It’s good to go carefully as you add activities back into your routine.

Hello to Judy and Cathy.
So I did not sleep well and ended up not working out Wednesday, and didn't get a good start that night, so no workout before I shopped Thursday. Finally this morning I did STS 2 Lower Body 1. Hopefully back on track now.

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