getting us started..
I did stacked upper body and x train abs yesterday. nothing yet today.
we need to do a short shopping trip. need new bike helmets and I want to try them on first. there is such a range of opinions and so important a helmet is comfortable. there is a load of new protective technology really for several years now and we haven't updated. our helmets must be 20 yrs old and are wearing out. padding doesn't stay in place etc. overdue on this. peoples head shapes vary so what fits for one person wont for another most sizing is small/medium/large. best to try on. prices go from $45 to hundreds. my helmet has taken some hits, and plastic degrades over time in the sun. off to REI to see what fits.
Cathy that is terrific you finished that section of STS. be proud! its a long term commitment. I would like to do it again but keep procrastinating.
I did stacked upper body and x train abs yesterday. nothing yet today.
we need to do a short shopping trip. need new bike helmets and I want to try them on first. there is such a range of opinions and so important a helmet is comfortable. there is a load of new protective technology really for several years now and we haven't updated. our helmets must be 20 yrs old and are wearing out. padding doesn't stay in place etc. overdue on this. peoples head shapes vary so what fits for one person wont for another most sizing is small/medium/large. best to try on. prices go from $45 to hundreds. my helmet has taken some hits, and plastic degrades over time in the sun. off to REI to see what fits.
Cathy that is terrific you finished that section of STS. be proud! its a long term commitment. I would like to do it again but keep procrastinating.
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