Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 12/ 5

This week has gone by fast. Wednesday I did a 1 hour Peloton ride, Thursday I did Live #344, Upper Body Pump, Friday was a rest day and today I did a 30 minute Peloton ride after work.

Carolyn-Great job with STS Total Body and P30 Low Impact HiiT and the Extended Stretch. I need to revisit STS Total Body too. It's been a long time since I did that one.

Valerie-Great riding this week! I'm glad your bursitis is better.

Cathy-Nice job with Boxing HiiT Express. Glad that you made it home safely.

Hi to Diane Sue
No workout. I contacted my surgeon's office and they said the woman was out that sets up the date of surgery. They left her a message and she called me back this afternoon. I am getting the surgery done next Wednesday. My husband is arranging to be off. The bone and joint hospital will call me with specifics as to exact time etc.. Finally maybe I can get on the road to recovering from this pain. I am reading everyone's posts, just not spending as much time typing on here.
My primary doctor and the orthopedic doctor says that often these tears can happen as we age as tendons and bones become more brittle. Makes me afraid to do anything to taxing on the joints after this. I will see if the orthopedic doctor gives any instructions for the future. Weird as I thought that weight training was supposed to help keep our bone density. My Breast care center called today as well because my primary had sent them a request for the bone density test. When I told her what was going on, she said she would make not on my stuff for the bone scan and we would leave my appointment still set for the end of January till I see if I can do it then or not. She said they have had patients that healed pretty fast and were able to do it and others that could not. I know I could not do it now and besides it is not a year till January since the last one. I think next time I will see if my husband can help with my hair color. He cuts my hair. I could just leave it, but I am not very good about running around with my grey roots.

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