No workout today as I went shopping and this afternoon I'm doing food prep. Hoping to take everything I need for food, except lunch on the drive home. Also, already made DH his quiche for supper, so I won't have to make it later. I'll create one big mess now and then chill tonight. Clothes are packed, along with some other stuff, so not much more to do. Going to take another look at the weather soon. If the drive looks all good tomorrow, I don't actually have to leave until 9, but leaving at 8 gets me there when I can get in my room. Just depends on how fast I get around in the morning.
Valerie I'm totally with you on that type of environment. I just can't deal with it. Planning to visit Nick next Thanksgiving, so we'll see it to some extent, but if he renews where he's at, it's at least across the road from a river and natural areas.
Judy great job with the Peloton ride, Live workout and boxing!
Carolyn great job with PHA3! I'll be prepared for what I need to take, I just need the roads to be prepared to be drivable! LOL