My workout is finished. I have to hurry and get some things done because I got a surprise request this morning to pick up my grandson. I have calls I need to make. Anyway my workout was Lite Rev'd Up Rumble + the calorie crush, 51 minutes, heart rate average 131, max 161, 310 calories, met 7.0, 4,294 steps. I then did Lite Abs 2, 10 minutes, heart rate average 101, max 137, 55 steps, met 4.5, 40 calories. I finished off with Jessica Smith Gentle Yoga: Knees and Hips flow and part of the neck and shoulders, 29 minutes, heart rate 88 average, max 126, 95 steps, 53 calories. Total workout time was 90 minutes, 403 calories, 4,444 steps.
Valerie, I had to get up at 2 am and drink that dose of whatever the powder was in my pack. That is so unpleasant.