Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 11/4


Good morning!

It's a chilly 33 degrees here, and there was some light rain/snow when I got up with the dogs at 4:45 this morning. ( which was really 3:45 for me)..Gotta love that extra hour of sleep! huh? what extra hour?

Valerie, don't believe the hype about the new "stain free grout"...I got that in our recent bathroom remodel, and it isn't true. I paid more for the grout than the tile itself on the floor and it stains just like any other grout. I wish I would had done anything else, not ceramic tile. I did however make a good decision on the walls in the tub/shower area. I got a bathroom laminate on the walls, no grout, and it looks exactly like it did the day it was put in. Love it!

Hi to Garance, Josie, Joan...

Well lots of stuff to do around here, and trying to get a workout in as well.
Hi Deb and any later posters--

This morning I did Athletic Training (56 min.). I forgot how good this workout is--much better than To the Max or Crossfire (for me, anyway), which I put up for sale at Amazon.

Went to see Flight. I would be very surprised if Denzel Washington is not nominated for an Oscar for this performance. Really harrowing. I have come to believe that if a great actor is given a role involving alcoholism (as in Jack Lemmon, Days of Wine and Roses, or Ray Milland in, I think, Lost Weekend), they will probably get an academy award. Too juicy for a good actor.

Deb, that's too bad you didn't get to enjoy that extra hour. I positively loved it. Chilly here, too, and it's getting colder tonight. Pity those poor NYers and NJers without heat or light. I have the new grout in my kitchen wall tiles and in our entry way, and they are stain free after about 5 years, so I am a believer. I wonder why your grout didn't work.

I am so enjoying retirement at the moment. Now that I have all those talks done, I can relax. I am looking forward to working on Sitwell, though, when I get my copy of her poems and can head over to Smith.

Josie, it's not worth the aggravation--go ahead and retire!
Bummer on the grout!!! I will look carefully before getting to the shower. I would like something that cleans OK. we get hard water deposits and I don't know what's resistant to that. will be quite a while before I get to the bathroom, time to look thru everything available. that part does not have to be a DIY product. I don't want one of those cheesy looking "drop in" showers either. small specialty shops seem to be big casualties of the recession, leaving mostly the big box places that I would prefer not to deal with.
what's bathroom laminate?? is there a brand name? some kind of solid sheet (without grout) that has a slick surface so it doesn't hold deposits?

I got the extra hour of sleep and am "on schedule". sure seemed too early to go to bed last night but I managed to sleep longer anyway.

I did GS chest/triceps yesterday and absolutely kicked butt! I did the entire drop sets of push ups on my toes. 66 of them. then upped weight on flat & incline chest presses to 20 lbs from 15. there are a lot of reps (3x12). BIG difference from the last time I did this one. I'm still a cautious on flies and any "cross over" tricep moves because that's likely where I injured my shoulder. it's completely back to normal now but I don't want to push too hard there. small weight increases only. I believe I'm seeing the benefits of the last run thru STS.

Only 2 more days of election crap... please let this be over without a lot of controversy!
Good morning,

Today I did Cardio Coach #1, 35 minutes, 235 calories.

Garance, I really like Athletic Training, have to remember to do that one again. I am trying to use the circuit workouts as much as possible, since I am only working out 4 days a week, and it lets me get cardio and weights in at the same time. Don't rub it in regarding retirement! We met with our financial advisor Saturday morning, and if I retire at 60, it will be without social security for 2 years, the biggest problem is health care, DH and I are on my plan from work, which goes up a lot for retirees. Of course, when you need it most and have less income...:(.. The grout I did is on the floor in the bathroom, still stains.

Valerie, I will try to find my bathroom remodel folder and get the name of the laminate that we put in the tub/shower area. Did it right up to the ceiling, so no grout at all, no water stains, just spray whatever cleaner you want and wipe clean. It's heaven.

I too, cannot wait for this election to be over, so sick of the back and forth negativity.

Off to get ready, take care,
Hi Deb, Josie, Joan, and Valerie--

This morning I did KCM's Plateau Busters, both workouts (45 min.).

Deb, does this mean you may not retire at the end of the year? I know how you have been looking forward to it. I agree on all of the circuit workouts in LIS. I guess KCM's Plateau Busters are circuit-like as well, throwing in some cardio after two weight exercises.

Out to dinner last night at Mezze's. Always good.

Well, tomorrow is finally election day. I feel like this has been going on for years (because it has). We don't get all that many ads here in Massachusetts (mostly NY ads because our local stations are out of Albany) because we are a pretty Democrat-leaning state. I would probably unplug the TV and phone if I were living in Ohio or Florida.

Off to do some reading.

Up at 4:00 and not happy about it. I should have done a workout, but I am so tired, I just want to sit here and stare into space with a cup of coffee.

Garance, I was kind of planning on retiring July 1, of next year. I still want to do that. I too am so tired of this election campaign and cannot wait for today to be over. Maybe tomorrow I will try that pre-mix that you do with the 2 Plateau Buster workouts together.

Hi Valerie, Josie, & Joan,

Take care,

That's it for now, will check back later...
Deb, whenever you have time on the bathroom materials. it will be MONTHS before we get to that stage and I can google it and see what comes up. but that souinds like what I want!.

Did a hike yesterday. a warm, sunny day finally. a tough hike only about 3.5 miles each way but all the elevation gain is in about 2 miles and it is steep!!! coming down is worse than going up. I have sore knees today from all the braking. we always hike with poles and they help cushion the down hill part but this one is relentless. lovely ridge walk at the top. all the snow from 2 weeks ago is gone, still some nice fall color.

In other good news I'm down another 1.5 lbs. I'm working hard on this. slow but downward. today yoga and an upper body GS back biceps after lunch with some friends.

Please please let this election be decided without getting dragged out like the 2000 one. Linda, we too are a pretty strong blue state so we don't get a lot of campaign visits either . Idon't need to unplug my phone. but the TV mute button gets a workout.

How was the movie... Flight? I love Denzel, one of my favorite actors. we had some channel on last night & they had "Wag the Dog " on. so appropriate and so funny!
Hi Ladies,

I don’t know if I can workout today. I have to wait for my DH after work to go and vote.
We will be leaving work at 3:00.

Garance, thank you for the review of “Flight”, I will definitely go see that one. My DH is a fan of James Bond, so we are going to see that one on Friday.

Valerie, I loved “Wag the Dog”. Regarding you finishing STS, it sounds like you are stronger and thinner. That 1.5 pounds probably looks like a 5 pound loss ;)

Deb, I’m with you about the extra hour. I went to bed an hour later on Saturday, but woke up extra early on Sunday, so it did not feel lie anything to me. The sunlight woke me up.

Hi to Joan!

Hi Deb, Josie, Joan, and Valerie--

This morning I did the upper body premix on High Reps (39 min.).

Very chilly, but sunny election day. Put on my red cape and swashbuckled into the polling booth. No lines in our little town. Had lunch with a good friend--a delicious Caesar salad with crab cake. Not sure what I will work on this afternoon.

Deb, I hope you can retire come July. If you didn't get up for work, maybe you could get some sleep and do a workout later in the day.

Josie, I want to see the new James Bond film, too, because it has received such good reviews, but I get a little tired of big action films. The nice thing about Flight is that it is partially action, partially psychological. Warning: you might not want to fly again.

Good for you on the weight loss, Valerie!
Huhh.. How did I miss yiour review of Flight, Lynda? I have no idea... It's on my queue for whenever it works its way to netflix. Denzel is always good, even in not-so-good movies. I think I've read that this is a movie that won't get shown on an airplane!

Thank you Josie, it's been very gradual loss but now down a total of 6.6. at one point I was 6-7 pounds more than that, but didbn't stay there long. I 've lost track of how long its taken but at least it's going down! I'd like to lose another 5 at least but with the holidays coming up and a week of vacation I may just need to "hold in place" for a bit. I'll keep on doing what I'm doing but I have some stretches where exercise will not be fit in easily.

I sure like retirement and the freedom it gives. I really prefer to work out later in the day. for hiking and biking I like morning, but weights I prefer afternoon. no idea why, but it's nice to have more options.

The more obstacles and strange goins on, and lines!!... I wish you could see how easily and efficiently mail voting works. we got it from Oregon but it's a wonderful and easy process. I know for sure I'm a better & more accurate voter because of it. Hope more states consider moving toward it.
Good morning,

Today I did Plateau Busters, both workout premix (46 minutes 297 calories). Whew.

Not very chatty today, I am saddened and worried about our country and where we will be in the next 4 more years with more of the same. I could go on but I will not.

Off to shower and get ready.

Take care,
Deb, not going to rub it in. I am of course pretty happy. both locally and nationally. I am concerned the divide between D's and R's seems worse than ever and I feel we have GOT to work together for the good of everyone.

I didn't finish my workout yesterday. started watching election returns...will finish this morning. GS back biceps. about halfway thru it and DH called on his way home, half hour earlier than expected. we didn't watch much coverage ...just too much conjecture and guessing. so went to bed and got up early to see how things turned out.
Hi Deb, Josie, and Valerie--

This morning I did the 47 min. premix on Cardio Supersets.

Deb, I truly hope it's not more of the same the next 4 years, but "the same" for me is the Republican effort to block anything and everything proposed by Obama. When Mitch McConnell said almost immediately after his election that he wanted to insure it would be a one-term Presidency, I was totally repelled. I would like to see both parties work together to solve problems and overcome the partisan gridlock. I'm tired of having the wealthy called "job creators" because, in fact, they don't create jobs, and even more tired of having Obama called a socialist. I am also pleased that Elizabeth Warren was elected here in MA and that creepy Akin and Mourdok (sp?) were defeated in Missouri and Indiana and Joe Walsh ousted in Illinois.

Time to get ready for another storm, I guess--a Nor'easter that threatens a bit of snow here. That would be a surprise, because we hardly had any snow last year. Hope NJ is not hit again, or at least nothing more than the usual snow.
Yes yes and yes. the mitch mcconnell comments were memorably awful. How can we go forward with people like him refusing to cooperate with anything just to block the Pres? Doesn't matter what it is, just to be obstructionist.

we had a guy in our congressional district( new formed district) who made similar comments on rape and abortion .. not quite as oputrageous as Akin and Mourdock, but pretty insensitive. and he was defeated! by a forward thinkiing woman who will be representing us well. I can't imagine anyone losing could make me so happy. I was mortified to think he might be our local rep in congress. The social issues are big ones. I frankly am scared off by the radicals and won't vote R for any office anymore, always worried they might be another akin before he opened his mouth.
Good morning,

No workout today, a late class last night so I slept in until 5:30. DH got up with the dogs around 3:45, of course I woke up then too, but at least I was able to get back to sleep for a bit.

Garance, I hope the upcoming storm doesn't get too close to you. We will probably be passed by.

Hi to Valerie, & Josie,

Take care,
The northeast is not going to catch a break weatherwise, is it? I can't imagine that many places destroyed by Sandy could reasonably be rebuilt without serious reservations. I certainly hope people are being taken care of, but more power outs sure won't help.

I ended up splitting GS back biceps. did part tuesday afternoon, finished it yesterday morning. I like the band work in there. missed that with STS. I find it really makes me burn without risk of a too heavy dumbbell.
later we went on a ride. it was supposed to be partly sunny but was showery until after noon. we did 15 miles. cold. hard to get the layering right. the last layer is wind block. so taking off a layer means taking off two layers, helmet, gloves, and then re-dressing. we were about a half mile from the parking lot when a storm cell blew through with heavy rain and hail. interesting. we were glad we had half a mile to go not 10. still, it was fun. we will get the layers better next time.

I forget if I mentioned vacation. DH and I are heading to CA on saturday for a week. taking the camper. visiting his mother to help out with her health problems and appts. we will take hiking and biking gear and try to fit in some fun time.
Hi Deb, Josie, and Valerie--

This morning I did Push-Pull double upper body premix (46 min.). A lot of interesting moves on this one. I was getting bored with the Gym Style Back, Sh, Bis.

Deb, we didn't get anything, but about 80 miles east they did get a lot of snow in Springfield. We should be getting a warm up this weekend into the 60s. Nice for you to get a bit of zzzzzzz.

A new series called Nashville on Wed. nights is really good. I like the actress Connie Britten in the main role.

Hi to Josie and Valerie!
I usually get a chance once a week to read this thread but with a two year old I don't get much time to post. Since dil totaled her car and they can't afford a new one I think my 10 hour days will last until tax time. Dil has taken a second job for evenings and weekends at Macys for the holidays. It pays $8 per hour so I don't think there will be a car anytime soon.

Training is still going well so I signed up for 48 more sessions.

We had frost on the windshields this morning and it will be 69 tomorrow.

Good Morning and Happy Friday!!

Just finished CC vol 1 Rev. Not sure why he revised 1 & 2, but it gave us two more workouts so that is good.

Valerie, I didn't remember that there was band work in GS. That gets me every time. Sounds like you had a nice ride, despite the rain.

Garance, it's supposed to warm up here this weekend as well. Might be a good time to put all the yard stuff away, or maybe the last chance.

Joan, good job on the training, and watching a 2 year old is a workout in itself! Put your HRM on and count the calories! :)

What's everyone doing this weekend?
Work, agility workshop tonight, with both dogs...heaven help me....

Hi Deb, Josie, Joan, and Valerie--

This morning I did After Burn (54 min.).

Not sure what I will be doing this weekend. I should go pick up some carpet samples for our bedroom, where the carpet definitely needs replacement. Maybe this is a good time because of Veteran's Day and there will be some sales. Also might go see the new James Bond film, although I'm not sure I am in the mood for an action film (any comments, Josie, on your reaction to Skyfall?).

Deb, they are forecasting 60s by Sunday here. Maybe that's what I should do--garden cleanup.

Joan, I am always impressed by your litany of family woes. I would refuse to babysit 10 hours a day for a dil for months at a time. I could imagine helping out every now and then and enjoying a grandchild, but not as a fulltime job--just not for me, because I am too selfish, I guess.

Enjoy your vacation, Valerie, and I hope the time with your mil won't be too sad.

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