Pentagenarians & Beyond: 9/8/24

Today I did STS 2 Parts Legs, one set max and SB Lying Stretch. My lower back was tight, so I decided one round was enough.

Judy great job with ICE MTB with Icy Core, RWH Legs, strength only premix, triceps and Turbobarre. I love the Turbobarre workout.

Diane Sue great job with CDorner 30 day mobility challenge Day 6 Morning Mobility, Raw Fine Tuning, CDorner Challenge day 2 seated upper body stretch.

Valerie I'm a fan of self-checkout for certain places. I enjoy having conversations with the clerks at WF and Trader Joes, but at Meijer I'm all about the shop and scan. By the time I get to checkout, all I have to do is scan the code, pay and leave as everything is bagged. Sometimes they are flagged to have a clerk check a few items. WF and Trades Joe's clerks seem to enjoy their jobs a lot more than Meijer clerks and it comes across. I will also admit that since I buy so much stuff at WF, I often help bag stuff. I try to keep categories together to make it easier to put things away at home, and even if I put them on the belt the way I want them, they aren't always bagged that way.

Hi Carolyn. Thanks for starting the thread.
Cathy that is so funny... I unload my cart in the way I want things bagged. cold things together, fruit/vegies together, etc. I have a garage fridge and an indoor one. easier to have garage fridge things all together. I use double bags, a paper one inside one of the reusable heavy square bottom store bags. the paper one can be replaced. self checkout never has room for more than a few things, and its hard to start bagging in the middle of checking. there is only a tiny area that weighs what you just scanned. if you scan multiples of the same item, sometimes it doesnt charge for all of them. after looking at my receipt I saw that scanning 3 separate packs of instant coffee, the system assumed it was the same item and only charged for one. they weigh very little but are expensive so I accidentally got a good deal that day. I wasnt trying to cheat the system. most of the clerks dont talk much although stores differ. the kroger people always seem stressed. I would love to have a WF, TJ's, Sprouts, etc but they are a major commute. I use costco weekly because its so close and we use a lot of things from there. their self checkout works well.

we are delaying our trip a week due to DH's migraines. he will try to get seen and his oral device adjusted. he has low grade sleep apnea and so far the mouthguard device has worked avoiding CPAP. he is not the typical CPAP person. it will probably settle down when his oral device gets adjusted to his pending new crown.
Today I did my usual Sunday morning Jane Adams Yoga for 18 minutes. I hate self checkout because I usually have a lot of produce which is such a hassle. Valerie, you are so right, the space is small and it’s hard to manage the products, look up items and bag. Kroger’s is the only store where I shop that uses self checkout. At one location there are certain times of day when they only have self checkouts open. It’s closer to me than any other store but I have started avoiding it unless I’m really pressed for time.

Cathy, nice job with STS 2 Body Parts Legs and SB Lyrics Stretch. I’m glad that someone likes the self checkout!

Valerie, I hope that your husband gets his migraines sorted out soon. I had really serious ones from the time that I was very young until well into middle age. My doctors think that hormonal changes lessened their severity for me. Now I have occasional migraines usually associated with weather changes.

Hello to Judy and Diane Sue.
I did x train bi's and tri's, without core & all therapy exercises plus some counter top push ups. they are my adaptation to avoid the irritation I get from regular floor push ups. I get my feet way back and do push ups on an angle as close to flat as I can get safely from a counter top. they feel harder than knee push ups but not as hard as toe push ups. I dont aggravate the spot in my shoulder with them. I do a back stretch in that position too.

carolyn he's always had migraines but sometimes they get frequent. the best it's been has been with the special mouth guard but it suddenly doesnt work as well after he started a tooth implant process. he had a bone infection so its a longer process than usual but its not possible to make a new night guard for every step of the process. medicare covers but its something like $5000 for the guard. no one every checked for sleep apnea because he doesnt fit the profile at all.

its pretty clear stores want to reduce their payroll by having customers do the work rather than paying employees to do it. I assume the "shrinkage" they surely get is less than employee wages and benefits. I use self check for small transactions but for a full cart I prefer someone else do it. already have to unload the cart, get bags out and handed off, get ID out for beer/wine, click in on the identifier keypad, get out and swipe the cc, try to watch for accuracy as things get scanned. and sometimes bag my own and load the cart. I dont feel like any store is providing much "service".
Today I did Gloved Up and Sweaty and STS 2 Upper Body 2 sets. I wouldn't do self scan for a lot of stuff if I had to do it all at the checkout. Though I will for a few items. Both my WF and Trader Joe's have good service. If anything, Traders Joe's is overkill on how many workers they have at checkout. Though never having to wait is a plus. Valerie I think it's both about lowering payroll and also because they have trouble getting enough workers. I know Meijer tends to have a lot of turnover with checkout clerks. They get some that stay, but the rest are a revolving door. Walking at the zoo tomorrow instead of Wednesday because I need to buy bananas, and there's a Meijer near there. Honestly, I went to three stores with them and how I managed to not getting any still makes me shake my head. I don't even put them on the shopping list, because I use them every day for my and DH's smoothies. Luckily, I wasn't out and I've been using a bit less for mine to get through tomorrow morning, but he's not getting one today or tomorrow. They are my breakfast, he just uses them as snacks.

Valerie great job with Xtrain bi's and tri's, therapy work, and the push-ups. They ID you for beer/wine? I haven't been carded in a couple decades. LOL I don't get alcohol, but some cold meds need it. In my 20's I would play a game when I went to basketball games, and hand the person working, a $10 or a $20 and see what they assumed. I considered it not my issue if they assume. LOL I was about 28 when I stopped getting let in for a student. What was interesting, was that men were more likely to ask adult or student than woman, who assumed I was a student longer. Sorry your trip is delayed. I hope your DH's issue is resolved soon.

Carolyn great job with the yoga.

Hi Diane Sue and Judy.
Today I did P30 Low Impact HiiT for 28 minutes, 178 calories, average heart rate 127 and maximum heart rate 168. Then I did the Extended Stretch that was an additional 8 minute.

Valerie, great job with X Train Bis and Tris and your therapy exercises. I have noticed that many grocery stores have trouble hiring and keeping staff. At the Kroger location that added extra self checkout locations that was especially true. A couple of years ago I was behind a man in line when the cashier was rude and spoke to him in a loud voice because he wanted cash back. When a supervisor came over to try and get the situation under control the girl walked out and left the cash drawer open! She was obviously not a good fit for the job. I think the store added more self checkouts partly because of staffing shortages.

Cathy, great job with Gloved Up and Sweaty and STS 2 Upper Body 2. Stores here will ask for your birthday if you buy wine. It always surprises me when they do.

Hello to Judy and Diane Sue.
Cathy I dont recall why they upped the ID checks. some stores are more aggressive than others but every large store here does it. you need an ID scanned at checkout. you cannot buy alcohol or even "no alcohol" beer without doing it. I definitely look old enough! it's like it's part of the check out process and they cant swipe an alcoholic item until ID is entered, so the decision is not up to the checker. this is true even at costco so its a state reg although its looks like the check out person has more options there. its a PITA to pull all this stuff out of your wallet and shove it back in while doing all the other things that need doing at check out. its like remembering to bring your grocery bags in when you get out of the car, I put ID and cc in a pants pocket to make it less fumbling at the check out. stores have bags but you need to pay for them. Its a try to reduce single use plastic waste so I support it but its a hard habit to learn. I hated those awful t shirt bags that always fall over and spill everything anyway.
the cold meds are all locked up like it's fort Knox. I forget the questionable ingredient.....pseudoephedrine? druggies use "it" to make meth. every drugstore item that costs more than a few bucks is locked behind a glass case so you need a clerk to unlock to get any. depends on the chain or the area but its getting to be basic store policy for chains. and they wonder why amazon keeps increasing market share. then rite aid has been doing the bankruptcy action and consequently their shelves have been very low stock with vast empty spaces.

DH gets to see his dentist later today so that will hopefully help plan the trip. weather/smoke conditions were not great anyway.

Carolyn I worked grocery from HS thru college. it was a decent job then but anytime you deal with general population it's hard. people in the last few years are more aggressive and obnoxious so its probably way worse than it was. stores used to be bad about posting schedules so you could plan your life, and they tended to work part timers to the limit for several weeks at positions without benefits, and then drop to limited hours for a week, and then yank you back to full time work. it was a way to get the level of work of a full time person without ever having you qualify for benefits of a full time person. so you never qualified for medical or vacation or sick leave and lower hourly wages etc. even the union could not keep that from happening.
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Today I did STS 2 Metabolic Core Warm Up 11 minutes, 49 calories, CDorner Biceps and Triceps 34 minutes, 77 calories, and CDorner Vertical Step Aerobics #417, 31 minutes, 136 calories, heart rate 117/143. Total time was 76 minutes, 262 calories. The CDorner Workouts were posted today.
I started to do Raw yoga stretch, but my daughter called and was telling about their travels to Spain and Rome so I just laid on my foam roller vertically and talked to her while I moved side to side on it. I slept 8 hours last night, but still feel so fatigued and want to nod off. Hopefully that goes aways.
Yesterday I did chair yoga with CDorner. I stayed up way to late and was terribly upset when I realized the leg covers I had on my dog for her bleeding elbows that she is licking and making worse was cutting into the inside of her legs and had started bleeding. I felt so bad as she is so trusting and sweet. She was not acting normal and would whimper. When I called her to me and sat down to brush her when I touched her leg she whinced and jumped. So, I spent all evening trying to make her feel better and trying to keep her from licking. Last night I got out the cone again and we are back to that. She licks off the bitter liquid bandage as well. Nothing stays on her legs. We go to the vet the 30th for her yearly. Maybe he can help. The snake bite she had last year, he just cleaned off and scraped it and sent me home probiotics and antibiotic. She still wore the cone. She wanted to scratch at her face then. She is an old dog at 12 years for a lab. My husband ordered us each e-bikes. My daughter says there lakes and one of the rivers has nice bike paths. So, we will see how it goes. It may be learning riding a bike all over for me. Last time I rode one was when I was probably 10. It did not have hand brakes or any of that sort of thing. My mom thought she could ride one once when we first got married and she ended up crashing and in the emergency room for stitches right off.

Cathy, nice job on STS 2 Parts Legs, one set max and Step Boss Lying Stretch yesterday and today's STS 2.0 Upper Body 2 sets and Gloved Up and Sweaty. I keep some bananas cut in half and peeled in the freezer for smoothies. I am not a banana fan unless they are pretty green. I buy for my husband and he eats them when he gets up or when he comes in at 5 am in the mornings. I like frozen cherries in my smoothies.

Carolyn, good job on P30 Low Impact Hiit, and extended stretch today and yesterday's yoga. It is a shame on staff in stores. Sprouts used to have a really nice staff there for a long time. Friendly and chatty. Then it started to change, and the self-checkouts went in. One of the last times that I went in no one seemed interested in coming to check me out. They were just standing around talking among themselves.

Valerie, I don't know if it is mandatory at Sprouts here to check id. The regular lady did apologize and asked for my id once in Sprouts for a bottle of GT kombucha. I thought it was weird, but then when I got my groceries home I discovered that GT had some that had alcohol in them. It had a black cap on top rather than the white one. I do not know why they had all of the GT Kombucha together with the other brands. I would have thought it would be moved to the area that had beer and wine. I remember when some of those products required you to go to the pharmacy to show id and purchase.
They seem to be coming up with more ways to shop. There is something that Amazon chase and Whole Foods has where you can shop with your palm. I sounds creepy to me. It says no need to have a wallet.
Today I did Stacked Sets Upper Body for 45 minutes and 177 calories burned. My average heart rate was 111 and maximum heart rate was 137.

Diane Sue, great job with STS 2 Metabolic Core Warm Up, CDorner Back and Biceps, Vertical Step Aerobics, and Chair Yoga. The e-bikes should be an interesting experiment. It’s good that your daughter has paths that will work as you learn to ride it.

Hello to Cathy, Valerie, and Judy.
Today I did Raw Kickboxing #3, 41 minutes, 208 calories, heart rate 129/174, 2,524 steps. I also did today's CDorner Full Body Stretch using a strap or towel for some of it, 31 minutes, 48 calories. Some of the stretches were timed for one minute hold. Total time 72 minutes, 256 calories.

Carolyn, nice work on Stacked Sets Upper Body today. I hope I do well and enjoy the bikes. My husband wanted something that we could do together when he is off rather than just hang around the house.
Dont know what happened legally to increase the ID checks but it applies to most stores I use. you just get out the DL before checker gets to the item and they scan the bar codes on the card. Im sure its not optional as I pretty clearly look old enough.

diane sue keep in mind electric bikes are a lot heavier than regular bikes and can't be supported by a lot of older bike racks. the "cradle" style rack is easier to use but a lot of people get ramps to heft up the bikes. it depends on how high the rack is on your vehicle, height of vehicle, and how tall or strong you or DH is.. I can lift a electric bike but probably not high enough to get it on many racks. we have a tailgate mat we use on our truck but it would be very hard to heft up an electric bike over the sides of a pick up truck. just a thought ahead of time. riding a bike IMO is a easy skill to come back to. I never stopped riding since I was a tiny kid. the issue with electric is you can get going faster than appropriate for conditions. helmet is a requirement especially if you havent ridden in a long time.

started to do a mt bike yesterday but I had a significant tooth problem. it cracked badly, need to get it yanked today. not my idea of a good day but at least I was able to get all preliminary things done and get it scheduled today. will be taking some down time. I never lost a tooth except for wisdom teeth a million years ago.
Yesterday I walked at the zoo and got to see the baby Colobus which had only been in the exhibit for maybe one day. Derek hadn't worked the day before so he wasn't sure. They are so cute at that age. Totally white instead of the black and white that will come gradually over the next couple months. Today I did Live Core Blast Express. Very fast paced. Warm up is standing core, then the floor is alternating supine moves with plank moves. Also did, Killer Legs Barre Bonus and that is by far one of the best named workouts. LOL Finished with P30 Extended Stretch.

Valerie sorry to hear about your cracked tooth. I've only had one of those and it turned out the tooth was dead, so I'm sure that was a much better removal than one where there is still feeling.

Carolyn great job with P30 Low Impact HiiT and the Extended Stretch, and Stacked Sets Upper Body.

Diane Sue I cannot eat a green banana because to me they are so tasteless. I prefer mine when they start to get spots if I'm just going to eat them or at least really yellow. Yesterday when I stopped to buy them ALL of Meijer's organic bananas were green. You would have loved it. So, I ended up buying really ripe ones that weren't organic, came home and immediately put them in the freezer. Great job with STS 2 Metabolic Core Warm Up, CDorner Biceps and Triceps, CDorner Vertical Step Aerobics, foam rolling and Raw Kickboxing #3, and the full body stretch.

Hi Judy.
This morning I did KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix, workout one, 26 minutes, 176 calories burned, 128 average heart rate and 156 maximum heart rate. I had a doctors appointment this morning with my primary care physician for an annual visit. I got a flu shot and another pneumonia shot and now my arm is quite sore. I had a pneumonia shot a few years ago, but it wasn’t the one for older adults.

Diane Sue, great job with Raw Kickboxing and CDorner Full Body Stretch. It’s good to have an activity that you and your husband can do together.

Valerie, I’m sorry about your cracked tooth.

Cathy, great job with Live Core Blast Express, Killer Legs Bonus Barre, and P 30 Extended Stretch.

Hello to Judy.
Did not go well this morning. he could not get it numb. not even close. I dont think I ever had the right upper quadrant frozen. it did not respond. The tooth and its roots are definitely still working. he kept checking and probing and it got dulled some, but did not do the job. so he referred me to oral surgery so I can get this done under IV sedation. never needed to do this before. I never got numb even after I left! I could feel every surface, the problem tooth, the gum and cheek etc. going to get appt set up ASAP. Damn. I thought it would be done and over with.

carolyn we just got notice of flu and pneumonia shots available. we wait until october usually just to cover the main season here. we will get the new covid one when its available.

not a huge banana fan unless mixed with other fruit. they need to be yellow, spots are fine. I know people who like green bananas but I wont eat them green.
Today I did CDorner Intermediate Step Fast basic step no breakdown #413 26 minutes, 174 calories. I followed with Raw Yoga Stretch, 14 minutes, 18 calories. Total time 44 minutes, 192 calories. I was feeling dizzy this morning which never happens. I decided not to choose a balance workout. I feel better now after having a tuna sandwich and a banana to get some potassium.

Valerie, I kind of thought the bikes would be a lot heavier. My husband would probably open the tail gate to put them in. We had helmets arrive today. They have lights on them. The problem is I am exchanging mine for a small. My husband put the wrong size on mine and they sent a large/Xlarge. I plan on starting out pedaling myself. I am sorry the tooth problem wasn't fixed today. Odd that it didn't numb.

Carolyn, nice work on Stacked Sets Upper Body yesterday and today's KCM Cardio Quick FIx today. I just saw my primary care for yearly. She said the only thing left was the flu shot. I still have not done it. I did not do it last year either. The year before I got the stronger one. I am up to date on pneumonia vaccine. Last time I got two vaccines the pharmacist I went to did one in each arm so the one would not be so sore.

Cathy, nice work yesterday on the zoo walk. Nice job on today's Live Core Blast Express and Killer Legs Barre Bonus and P30 Stretch. Nice combo!
I managed to get a couple of workouts in this week. Last night I did Ramped Up Upper Body with STS 2 Mini Ball Abs, and tonight I did Live Iron Legs. I haven’t had much time to post or do much of anything else, but it’s nice to have family here.

Cathy-Great job with STS 2 Parts Legs, one set max and SB Lying Stretch, Gloved Up and Sweaty and STS 2 Upper Body 2 sets, Live Core Blast Express, Killer Legs Barre Bonus, and P30 Extended Stretch. I love Turbobarre too. I used to do it regularly and I think I need to start that back up again. I also like the self check out in most stores. Like Carolyn, if I am buying a lot of produce then I want to go through a regular checkout.

Valerie-I’m so sorry about your cracked tooth and your husband’s migraines. I agree that stores are reducing payrolls. I see it everywhere, including Home Depot. I will likely not work there much longer as it’s just not fun anymore. They are not scheduling enough people and I'm too old to be the only person in a department.

Carolyn-Great job with Jane Adams Yoga, P30 Low Impact HiiT with the Extended Stretch, Stacked Sets Upper Body and KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix, workout one. I will be getting my flu shot soon and I probably should ask about a pneumonia shot.

Diane Sue-Great job with STS 2 Metabolic Core Warm Up, CDorner Back and Biceps, Vertical Step Aerobics, Chair Yoga Raw Kickboxing and CDorner Full Body Stretch. I hope you and your husband like your e-bikes.
diane sue if you use the bikes often at all, you can get a mat that goes over the tailgate specifically for bikes. the mat attaches to the truck so they cant be stolen. they protect the bikes and the truck finish. usually you drape the front wheel pointing sideways over the tailgate. usually there are velcro tie down straps. you can use a plain old blanket but the mat works better if you decide you like this. the bikes are not locked to the truck so can be stolen unless you cable them to the truck bed. its sad but everything not locked down can get stolen. these are much less expensive than a hitch mounted rack and work nicely. work for mt bikes especially well but I do not know about hefting an electric bike up there.
the mat works nicely if you dont have a hitch mounted rack. racks are expensive. these mats are more like $100. either way, someone has to hoist the bikes. I can lift our mt bikes halfway up, and DH leans over and lifts the rest of the way. I could not lift an electric one that far.
most helmets have webbing inside that connects to the chin strap. all of ours have a small dial in the back at the base that can loosen or tighten the helmet by an inch or so. measure head circumference and see what size you need. depends on brand. I pony tail my hair so a little extra space is good. we bike a lot so we tried on helmets at REI to get a good fit. each brand can fit very differently and if its not comfortable you wont want to wear it.

I get my shots at costco pharmacy. pharmacies do most inoculations here. new covid one too. from my DH's experience, don't get flu and covid shots on the same day. I separated them by a week. he did them the same day and suffered mightily.
Judy I think its happening throughout the retail industry. grocery stores, pharmacies aren't the only place. employers dont want to pay employees if they can get customers to do everything themselves. really, do any HD's have any actual check outs anymore??? same for Lowes.
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Today I did Stacked Sets Lower Body. My time was 43 minutes with 177 calories burned. My average heart rate was 114 and maximum heart rate was 139.

Valerie, I’m sorry that your procedure didn’t go well. That’s hard when you’re all ready to get something over and done and then have it not happen. I hope the new appointment is soon.

Diane Sue, great job with CDorner Intermediate Step and Raw Yoga stretch.

Judy, great job with Ramped Up Upper Body, Mini Ball Abs, and Live Iron Legs. It is difficult to fit in workouts when you have visitors.

Hello to Cathy.
No workout as I shopped today. Tomorrow I have to play driver for my brother for an injection he needs that requires him to be put under, but I don't have to leave until after 11:00, so time to workout.

Valerie I'm so sorry to hear about your jaw not numbing. I have this on my whole lower jaw and it really sucks. Years ago I finally had a dentist explain to me that some people's nerves are just not where they expect them to be and finding them is hit and miss. Feel very sorry for my dentist and me whenever there is anything I need done on the bottom. Top is totally fine. When I had my tooth pulled, I did go to an oral surgeon but just got injections and gas as the tooth was dead, and it was just a lot of pressure on the area. I hope you don't have to wait long to get in to get it taken care of.

Carolyn great job with KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix, and Stacked Sets Lower Body.

Judy great job with Ramped Up Upper Body with STS 2 Mini Ball Abs, and Live Iron Legs.

Diane Sue great job with CDorner Intermediate Step Fast basic step and the yoga stretch. Glad your dizziness passed.

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