Pentagenarians & Beyond: 9/1/24

Today I did RWH Low Impact Hiit, STS 2 Lower Body 2 and the SB Lying Stretch. I'd like to separate the lower and upper body, but Tuesday Derek and I are going to the Detroit Zoo, so I'll do upper body tomorrow.

Diane Sue great job with Killer Legs bonus barre and Mobility 1. Your friends probably took you to Empire. There have long been lots of shops there and you can access a public beach, at least last I knew, in town. There are a couple other small towns near Sleeping Bear, but they aren't on Lake Michigan. Sorry about your trouble sleeping, it is never a plus when that happens.

Valerie I doubt my husband will ever change his eating habits. Breakfast and lunches are always on our own and we have the same thing for supper maybe 3-4 times a week. I make stuff and if he wants it he'll have some. We also have very different eating schedules, since I'm always up before him and it sets us up to be off all day.

Carolyn I hope you slept better last night.

Hi Judy.
Today I did Jane Adams Gentle Yoga for 18 minutes.

Valerie, thanks for starting the thread this week. I hope that you were able to ride this morning.

Diane Sue, nice choice for your workout with Killer Legs Bonus Barre and STS 2 Mobility 1.

Cathy, nice job with RWH Low Impact HiiT, STS 2 Lower Body 2, and SB Lying Stretch.

Hello to Judy.
Carolyn we rode, not the one we planned but a closer one. it seemed very busy everywhere so we stuck to a close to home ride. even that was extremely busy. holiday stuff. also quite warm.

our garden is finally producing. we have a ton of corn but it will be done soon. the usual, from no corn to too much corn and it will be back to no corn in a week. a lot in the fridge. its best fresh but the fridge keeps it pretty well. plenty of green beans a million cucumbers. zucchini has been scarce so far but it will change soon. every year is different.
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Today I did a 20 minute Peloton ride after work.

Valerie-Thank you for starting the thread. Nice job with your ride this morning.

Cathy-Great job with RWH Low Impact Hiit, STS 2 Lower Body 2 and the SB Lying Stretch.

Carolyn-Nice job with Jane Adams Gentle Yoga. I hope you slept better last night.

Diane Sue-Great job with Killer Legs Bonus Barre and STS 2 Mobility 1. That is a nice combo!
Today I just did CDorner Spinal Mobility on YouTube.

Cathy, nice work getting in RWH Low Impact Hiit, STS 2 Lower Body 2 and the SB Lying Stretch today. I usually prefer to separate lower and upper body workouts.

Judy, nice work on the 20 minute Peloton Ride.

Valerie, nice that you got on a ride today. I remember one year we had so many cucumbers and I made pickles out of some and gave some to in laws, but a lot went to waste.

Carolyn, great job on getting in Jane Adams Gentle yoga.
Just finished STS 2 Upper Body 2 two rounds max. Very nice today. Sunny, low 70's, started at 47. Today is the annual bridge walk on the Mackinac Bridge. They close the bridge from 7-12, so anyone who spent the weekend in the UP either plans to cross very early or very late, otherwise they will sit for hours in line to get across. It's packed for those walking. And you either get in line early enough to do the whole 10 miles or you have to have a car waiting on the other side. Until a couple years ago they had shuttle buses, but they stopped doing that. Every year since 1958, except 2020. Bridge opened in '57. I've never felt the need to do it myself. Tomorrow Derek and I are off to the Detroit Zoo. After which there will be no nasty drives to zoo the rest of the year. We still have Fort Wayne, but that's an easy trip straight down 69.

Diane Sue great job with the Spinal Mobility workout.

Judy great job with the Peloton ride.

Valerie glad you were able to get a ride in.

Carolyn great job with Jane Adams Gentle Yoga.
This morning I did part of Gloved Up and Sweaty. My time was 26 minutes with 173 calories burned. Average heart rate was 126 and maximum heart rate was 167. After that I did P30 Mobility Basics stretch for 21 minutes.

Valerie, I‘m glad that your garden is producing. I would hate for your hard work to go to waste.

Judy, nice job with the 20 minute Peloton ride.

Diane Sue, nice job with CDorner spinal mobility.

Cathy, great job with STS 2 Upper Body 2, 2 rounds max.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
Today I did Kelly's new Raw Kickbox #3, 40 minutes, 177 calories, heart rate 119/157, 2149 steps. I finished with STS 2 Total Body Stretch, 24 minutes, 26 calories. Total time 64 minutes, 203 calories.

Cathy, good job on STS 2 Upper Body 2 two rounds max today. Walking the bridge seems like it might be a problem if someone gets sick or can't make the long walk. I hate standing in line like that. Reminds me of waiting in lines at Disneyland in CA when they would open a new ride. An hour and a half wait for a 5 minute ride. I am not really a fan of amusement parks. Lines anywhere is not good. It is cooler here today.

Carolyn, nice work on Gloved Up and Sweaty part and P30 mobility basics.
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This morning I did STS 2 Upper Body 1, one set only, which was 56 minutes and 118 calories burned. My average heart rate 102 and maximum heart rate was 137. I have my annual appointment with the breast surgeon this afternoon. It’s much later in the day than I prefer, but I had to reschedule due to a scheduling conflict with my husband’s cardiology appointment. I’m not really worried, but I always feel a little stressed before I go in.

Diane Sue, great job with Raw Kickboxing #3, and STS 2 Total Body Stretch.

Hello to Valerie, Judy, and Cathy.
A lot of garden work yesterday. lots of stair climbing. since our yard is not close to flat, every trip is up and down several flights of stairs. makes for a lot of exercise spread out over the day.

I am also no fan of amusement parks or fairs. last place was Disney world. the company I worked for had us go for the day. not optional and not my jam at all. at least some of the entertainment is geared more for adults but I would rather do absolutely anything else. no I would not walk 10 miles across the mackinac bridge. DH and I used to backpack in the mountains and see no one, not a soul for days at a time. it was lovely. harder to make happen these days with hikers from all over the world flooding over these places, and my body parts wont tolerate it anymore but it makes for wonderful memories.

Did Stacked upper body and therapy work.

just a reminder, someone else needs to start the thread this weekend. I plan to be heading off to Montana at this point. it could change but thats the plan.
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Yesterday Derek and I did the Detroit Zoo. Drive was way better than I've ever had it be. Construction was mainly around the area where you switch highways to go to Royal Oak, and it was worse for WB. GPS said when we left to come home is was faster to swing south, so we went down and took 94 across and had no construction the whole way, and traffic wasn't bad at all. Weird thing though, right as we were leaving the zoo, I got a major knot behind my right shoulder. When we got home, I used heat, my foam roller and then Derek worked on it. For someone who has no real technique other than to grind his thumb on the area, it's amazing how well it works, major OUCH, while he's doing it, but it was all broken up and this morning is only sore to the touch. Today I walked at the zoo, and tomorrow I shop. Then Saturday back to the zoo as Aliah will be in K'zoo watching her Aunts' dogs, and can go with us. It'll be her first time seeing where Derek actually works.

More later.
Today I did KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix, workout one. That was 26 minutes, 171 calories burned, average heart rate 130, and maximum heart rate 158. My heart is heavy today. There was a school shooting this morning in a small town northeast of Atlanta. Information is still coming out, but they have confirmed 4 dead and 9 injured. This is so terrible.

Cathy, I’m glad that you had a good drive and trip to the Detroit zoo.

Hello to Diane Sue, Judy, and Valerie.
Diane Sue great job with Kelly's new Raw Kickbox #3, and STS 2 Total Body Stretch. The bridge walk only uses the two outer lanes, for walking, one for each direction and in the middle they have a lot of workers stationed to assist with any problems, and they can use those lanes to get to people by ambulance if needed.

Valerie great job with Stacked Upper Body and therapy work.

Carolyn great job with Gloved Up and Sweaty, P30 Mobility, STS 2 Upper Body 1 and KCM's Cardio Quick Fix. I hadn't heard about that school shooting. So horrific.
Geez another damn school shooting! I didnt read about it yet. so sad. nothing significant gets done. hand wringing and hopes and prayers...... after Sandy Hook I gave up the idea this country would ever get restrictions on firearms or ammo. We had a freeway shooting here yesterday. someone driving down the interstate randomly shot at other vehicles. about 8 people were shot most not seriously but one critical. so damn commonplace now its barely even a news story, I didnt even pay attention to the # who were shot . Remember Columbine? it was a main story for a year, and now similar shootings barely make the news. If you've got a hammer, apparently everything looks like a nail.

we rode the trail this morning. 15 miles 75 minutes. planned on a different ride but it was very foggy and I don't like riding on trafficked roads if visibility isnt great.
Carolyn that is so sad. and he didnt shoot himself or get shot by the police! we had a school shooting a number of years ago close by. it feels even worse when its close! DH and I were on a bike ride about 5 -10miles away, and heard the sirens and saw every kind of emergency vehicle screaming past toward the scene. we had no idea what had happened then. will never get used to this.
Monday I did Ramped Up Upper Body, yesterday I did a 30 minute Peloton ride, 10 minutes of rowing and a 5 minute core class. This afternoon I did Live #366, PHA Supersets No Repeats.

Diane Sue-Great job with CDorner Spinal Mobility, Kelly's new Raw Kickbox #3, and STS 2 Total Body Stretch.

Cathy-Great job with STS 2 Upper Body 2 two rounds max. I’ve never done the bridge walk either. I’m glad your drive to the Detroit Zoo went well. Construction has been bad around here all summer but it’s finally starting to ease up a little.

Carolyn-Great job with Gloved Up and Sweaty, P30 Mobility Basics stretch, STS 2 Upper Body 1, one set only, and KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix, workout one. That is so terrible and sad about the school shooting. I was reading about it earlier today.

Valerie-Great job with Stacked upper body and the therapy work. I can’t even imagine how it would feel to be a high school student or parent of a student today with all the school shootings.
Today I did Raw Box and Pump #8, 50 minutes, 133 calories, heart rate 92/133. This is supposed to be 40 minutes, but the workout went blank and I kept trying to get it back. I realized a bit later that the internet went out when I got a warning that my doorbell camera was also disconnected. I finished using my cell phone.
Today I did STS 2.0 Lower Body 1, 2 sets maximum. My time was 47 minutes and 144 calories burned, average heart rate 105, and maximum heart rate was 128.

Valerie, great job with the trail ride. I’m so tired of excuses and platitudes around these school shootings. We need to do something about this problem.

Judy, great job with Ramped Up Upper Body, Peloton ride, rowing, core, and Live PHA Supersets, No Repeats.

Diane Sue, great job with Raw Box and Pump. I hope that your internet wasn’t out too long. We rely on it so much these days.

Hello to Cathy.

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