Pentagenarians & Beyond: 03/09/2025

Today I got up and did Live Boxing Hiit 2, and it wasn't until I was headed up to make my smoothie that I remembered the time had changed. LOL Then I did Live Paired Upper Body. I liked this one. 3 rounds each of Bi's/Tri's, Back/Chest, Shoulders/Core. Beautiful sunny day, and we're headed a bit over 50. We have huge numbers of cranes here now, and WOW can they be loud. And we're probably 1/4 mile from where they are hanging out in the fields. I can see them with binoculars.

Valerie I'm sorry about the news you got yesterday. Continually evaluating what you are doing, and continuing to do as much as you can, is a solid plan. The texting thing is funny. Thumbs! Yeah not happening. I have a swiping keyboard on my phone. But, both my boys text using both thumbs. Derek especially is quite fast at it, and I just watch and shake my head, because just how!
Good morning. This morning I did Jane Adams Gentle Yoga for 18 minutes. I’m trying to keep my same sleep and waking up schedule, but I do hate the time changes!

Cathy, great job with Live Boxing HiiT 2 and Paired Upper Body. I changed the time on our bedroom clocks before we went to bed last night.

Hello to Judy, Valerie, Diane Sue, and Shannon.
don't we all hate the stupid time changes!. Id settle for either but its the flip flop for no good reason.

the shape of my hands would never put thumbs in a position to text. never. when I see people doing it I marvel that Ican type. i have always typed on my phone with one right finger. not great but not that slow.

I opened a can this morning with my manual can opener. I don't open many cans and many are going to pull tabs its not a big concern. I felt this was standard message given to everyone, since shes a rheumatologist. im just not going to curl up and die quite yet.
Today I did a 1-hour Peloton ride, 30 minutes of Peloton strength and 30 minutes of Yin Yoga.

Cathy-Great job with Live Boxing Hiit 2 and Live Paired Upper Body. That sounds like a good one. It’s so nice to see the sun and have temps in the 50’s.

Carolyn-Great job with Jane Adams Gentle Yoga.

Valerie-It sounds like the doctor you went to didn’t understand how athletic you are and was giving you the same advice she gives all of her older patients. I felt like the last place I went to for PT had that same kind of attitude and I didn’t go back after that first visit. The physical therapist actually told me not to use a foam roller so I wouldn’t have to get down on the floor, like I wouldn’t be able to get back up or would have difficulty getting on the floor because of my age.

Hi to Diane Sue & Shannon
Yesterday I did Lift Move and Restore Total Body timesaver#1 48 minutes, 198 calories and LMR Upper Foam roller, 16 minutes, 43 calories. Total time 64 minutes, 241 calories. Things have been busy. I read my Chest CT results online and they have sort of worried, but pulmonologist office has not called. I go back in May. They said they recommend not suggest that I go in every few months for another chest CT to watch thing, thyroid cyst mass is bigger by a mm, and something about compression in T7 vertebrae. I imagine the doctor will go over the stuff when I go in. I hope the cardiology stuff goes better. It is kind of discouraging when being careful of health and something goes wrong. I went a bit lighter on LMR Total Body yesterday after the report. Up and down my spine and neck hurts most of the time to some degree.
Then my dog has something going on so I am getting up early to take her to the vet first thing in the morning. She keeps licking areas and this time it is the back leg and it keeps bleeding. I think she has lived in a cone for a big part of the last year and she has figured out how to get to her back leg with the cone on.

Valerie, I am sorry you had that diagnosis on the arthritis. The arthritis doctor's office gives a bunch of pages to fill out every time about where you hurt, what helps, what makes it worse and there is a page asking if you need help opening jars, taking a bath, getting out of a chair etc.. Most of the doctors themselves do not treat me like I am an old, person that cannot do things. I do not think they understand how much I work out though or do. Even my daughter has been here and I go to get a step ladder to get something out of a high cabinet and she tries to stop me. I told her I do it all of the time. I climb up in the attic etc.. You would think they see you walk in by yourself and get up and down out of the seat that they would know you did not have those problems. My Husband has difficulty typing on his phone, he loathes texting. The kids text and he calls them and often he does not get an answer. He says the keys are to small. Speaking to text never seems to work. You may say something that you did not intend to text. He does try it sometimes.
The only exercise suggestion I have had from my doctor and the facility that does the bone density tests is to do weight bearing exercises and they suggested an elliptical. Swimming is really not a weight bearing exercise. Cardiovascular though. So, I stick with the weight bearing and I was told to take calcium 1200 mg. Since I took Life Extension Bone restore through all of the shoulder surgery and stuff and bone density was worse when I went in, I switched to Thorne bone support. The last two weeks I switched to plant-based calcium. I am not happy with the type of magnesium in the plant-based product. I really am not sure what helps the most. I took the Thorne for the last year. I had to add some K2 to it though because it did not have any. My Net Diary App I am using and paid for the Premium is helping me see where I am missing nutrients. Even though I eat plain yogurt every day and thought I was doing good, I am short on calcium, and I am usually only 50% of what is suggested for potassium which is best gotten from food. I am trying to fight all of this.

Cathy, it is nice to get up and get done early and realize you have an hour more time. I changed the clocks before I went to bed. We have one in the bedroom that shines on the ceiling. If I didn't my husband would probably wake up and think he should get up after working all night. Nice work on Boxing Hiit 2 and Live Paired Upper Body. That one sounds like it would be a fun one. I have watched my grandchildren type fast like that with thumbs.

Carolyn, nice work getting in Jane Adams Morning Yoga. I do not like time changes. It just messes things up all the way around. I really like having more daylight in the evenings though.

Judy, good job on the 1 hour Peloton ride, 30 minutes of Peloton strength, and 30 minutes of Yin Yoga. That is funny about the foam roller. Why would the even say that? There are things I would think even older people with issues might benefit from the roller.

Hi to Shannon:)
This morning I did JS Pyramid Power Walk, 30 minutes, 182 calories burned, average heart rate 125, and maximum heart rate 170.

Valerie, the advice from the Rheumatologist sounds like generic advice for older patients. Definitely not specific to you! People tend to make assumptions based on our age and doctors are not immune to this.

Judy, great job with 1 hour Peloton ride, 30 minutes of Peloton strength, and 30 minutes of Yin Yoga. I don’t blame you for not going back to the PT who assumed that you were too fragile to use a foam roller! That’s ridiculous.

Diane Sue, great job with LMR Total Body timesaver and Upper Body foam roller. I agree that we do what we can to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but there are some things that are out of our control. I plan to continue doing whatever I can forever.

Hello to Cathy and Shannon.
Hi everyone. I had sort of planned to check in this weekend, but the weekend didn’t go exactly as planned. Oh well. Let’s see, Friday I did Cardio Slam. Saturday I did LMR – Lower Body and Upper Body. I had extra time, so I decided to do a long workout. I also wanted to see how all the band work affect my hip. All is well! Sunday I took a walk. This time I did a power walk. I wanted to be able to count it as cardio. I will probably not be able to exercise tomorrow because Sara has a vet appointment. And I know I won’t be able to Wednesday, because I have to work in the office all day and will most likely get home late. So that’s why I decided to exercise over the weekend.

Cathy – Oh wow, Legs and Glutes! That was back when Cathe used to fix her hair instead of just putting it in a ponytail. Tux is quite a character. I’m glad he finally decided to leave you alone. I think the only time I’ve seen snow in the summer is way back during college, when I spent a summer working in Yellowstone. It snowed in August, but I think it was gone the next day. I’m glad you realized the time had changed before it messed up your day, LOL.

Carolyn – I’m glad you had a good investment club meeting. I hope your body adjusts quickly to the time change. I guess I’m a bit abnormal, but I’ve never had any problem.

Valerie – LOL, yes, living in a hot climate, you sure do get used to being miserable. I sure am sorry about your arthritis. I didn’t realize it was so bad. My mom has lots of arthritis too, and now she has pain from that compressed vertebra when she fell. She was doing yard work Saturday, and I told her not to overdo or she’d be in pain. Sunday she told me that she thinks the yard work actually helps, which is good. Motion is lotion, and all that. She doesn’t work out like we do, but she gets plenty of exercise, which is so important. Just like you said, she’s old but not dead yet! I agree with you about continuing to do the things you enjoy. Sometimes you may have to shorten a hike or whatever, but I know you’ll never settle for turning into a couch potato. You even have arthritis in your feet? That’s really rough. I’ve had feet issues in the past, and dealing with foot pain all day is no fun at all. What sort of shoe inserts do you have? My feet are still rather picky, so I like to be kind to them.

Judy – That’s pretty funny that your PT told you not to use a foam roller. I think you’re right, most doctors have no clue about how we love to exercise. But then, they’re so used to how totally inactive most people are.

Diane – I don’t blame you for being worried about your CT results. I sure would be too. But I guess maybe they’re not really serious if the doctor is willing to wait until May to discuss them with you? Could you call the office just to check and make sure? I understand how you feel discouraged when you work so hard to stay healthy. I felt the same way (and still do) when I found out I have high blood pressure. I mean seriously??? Me?? I hope you find a solution for your poor dog. How miserable to have to live in a cone for so long.
Today I did my AOlIH mix and LMR Mobility. Beautiful sunny day and I was just out walking in a heavy sweater! Chatted with the neighbor for awhile. They have buildings and boat/motor home between us and their house, so in the winter we generally don't see each other, but he was out cleaning up the broken branches in their far back so we caught up.

Curious do doctors not ask you what you do for exercise? Mine does, but he's also done a large amount of sports medicine in the past, and I'm pretty sure at 80+ he's still golfing. It seems like so many doctors just have standard information they give everyone.

Shannon that's really great that your workouts didn't leave you hurting. Everything I was using yesterday morning TV, phone, iPad, FitBit, all had the correct time. So I was already adjusted, without even realizing it. LOL

Diane Sue if you have concerns about your test results, it can't hurt to contact the office and tell them specifically what worries you, and ask that they let the doctor know. Your poor dog. I hope they find a solution.

Valerie I'm with you on wishing they'd just stop the whole daylight savings time. Like you I don't have a preference, just pick one and stick with it. I know dropping it has been discussed, and most people want it dropped, but it's never happened.

Carolyn, I used to change things before I went to bed, too. These days, I just use my FitBit for an alarm, and all those things change automatically, so we just go around and change other things later like the microwave and stove.

Judy I hope you are able to get out and enjoy the weather, too.
Today I did Live Paired Upper Body (thanks to Cathy for mentioning it) and also I went for a walk outside. It’s in the 60’s and sunny. I’m going to get out as much as I can this week.

Diane Sue-Great job with LMR Total Body timesaver and Upper Body foam roller. Maybe you can call the doctor’s office and ask them about the report just for reassurance. I hope the vet can help with your dog’s leg.

Carolyn-Great job with JS Pyramid Power Walk. I agree, some things are out of our control but I also plan on doing whatever exercise I can forever.

Shannon-Great job with Cardio Slam, LMR-Lower Body and Upper Body and walking.

Cathy-Great job with AOlIH mix and LMR Mobility. The orthopedic doctor that I saw was a younger guy (late 30’s probably) and he was very positive about exercise and didn't tell me I shouldn't do something. When I went to the physical therapist, she asked me about exercise and I told her all that I did. At one point she even said I was in great shape but she still said not to use a foam roller and she also said not to do any kind of forward fold type stretch. I do those all of the time in yoga and they don’t bother me at all. They probably just tell everyone the same thing and maybe they’ve had older patients complain about foam rolling being too hard to do. The weirdest thing is that she was probably in her early 50’s so not that much younger than me.

Hi to Valerie
judy thats exactly right. also everyone else, somehow I did not have access to several of your posts, only judy's, but now others are showing. doc gave me the standard "boilerplate" patient speech like if I were on the floor I'd need help getting up. (lets hear it for the forward fold!) my god I did better than that the day after spine surgery! I have slowed down in the last few years, not because I want to but some body parts rebel and I dont want to get myself into a place I cant get out of. if I do a lot one day I may need to take the next day off. or not. nothing is that predictable. thank you all for being supportive. even if I dont believe it, it kind of stings to hear that you are declining and cant always do what you want to do. Im sure she sees mostly people who don't exercise at all and has no clue what some of us older folks do for fun. yes, I climb up on ladders, stepstools, and up and down a rocky overhang with a rope in Utah last summer. I climbed a few mountains last summer too, none too difficult but one had some serious exposure that made me nervous just as it would have when I was 30 but I did it. well, the rock face I was nervous about because you had to lower yourself without seeing where the bottom would be. of course Im careful, only an idiot would not be and I dont care if you're 20 or 75. I dont stew about riding a bike, any of them, and will continue to as long as i can.

so hard to keep a pet from working at an area that bothers them. collars work the best to deter them but they aren't 100%.
gotta get dinner, will finish this later.

I have one orthopedic doc who has a better idea of what I do and have been doing as did my physiatrist who walked the same place we ride. this lady has no clue, as nice as she is.

diane sue I know those forms that you fill out that ask goofy questions. you have an inflammatory arthritis that they keep checking me for and I am as negative so far as you can possibly be so they are assuming its just OA, but involving a lot of joints. I have increased my calcium intake and also vitamin D because we are far north and dont get much sun 6 months of the year.
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Good morning, ladies. Yesterday I did weights on my own. I had to do a shortened version because we had a mild family emergency and I got started late. But I still gave myself a good workout. Oh, I did STS 2 Core #1, as well.

Cathy – Yay for warmer weather! It’s nice not to have to bundle up to your eyebrows, isn’t it? Good work on All Out and LMR Mobility.

Judy – I hope you are able to get outside every day this week. Spring has definitely sprung. It’s supposed to be 77 down here today. I’d much prefer the 60s like you have.

Valerie – You are doing great! Much better than even most younger people, so don’t let yourself feel down about how your body is changing. I know, I’m a fine one to speak, whining like I did about my hip. But I have you and Diane to use as great examples of how to stay fit and active as I grow older, and I’m going to change my attitude. Thank you. I’m very impressed about how you climbed the rocky overhang in Utah.

Hello to Carolyn and Diane.
Today I did Gym Style Back, Shoulders, and Biceps for 39 minutes and 104 calories burned. My average heart rate was 105 and maximum heart rate was 139. I went to Costco to pick up some staple items including a bag of avocados. They were $10.49 this morning, up from 6.99!

Shannon, great job with Cardio Slam, LMR Lower Body and Upper Body, your power walk, weights, and STS 2 Core #1.

Judy, great job with AOLIH and LMR Mobility.

Judy, great job with Live Paired Upper Body.

Hello to Diane Sue and Valerie.
we did our normal park walk this morning, several miles and about 75 minutes. i see no reason to quit this, my knee was fine. many people think keeping moving is the best thing to keep joints working... shannon's motion is lotion comment... so i am doing that. would like to ride again but its been cold and wet and not good for riding. my hand arthritis is pretty bad but it wont get better not doing anything. feet are not that bad but some better shoe inserts and a metatarsal pad are helping a lot. shannon a summwr working in yellowstone sounds lovely. it probably wasnt as crowded as it is now. we are not looking forward to the cuts in staffing that happened and I wont go off on what I think of the flawed reasoning.

Cathy, Tux and Puss would be a great demolition team. he is now fascinated with the tp roll and likes to unroll it. the utah 'cliff' was not dangerous at all in reality but it was a pour off spot where you cant see where you will end up until you go over the edge, the friends we were with had been there before so knew better and brought a section of rope. we saw people go over it with nothing but for the first time the rope was very useful. wed never done anything like that before and the rope was a security blanket. we change clocks the evening before the change and go to bed with the time change already front and center. we have a lot fo things that dont change automatically. oven, microwave, a few wall clocks, one car, my watch, bedroom clocks.
No workout today. Took forever to fall asleep and I went to visit my parents. Had a good visit. Especially nice that the TV wasn't blaring. That was a very nice plus, since it's been years of it. My Dad had to leave for about an hour, and when she picked up the remote I was bracing myself, but she just put on music, and the volume was low enough for conversation. She did fall asleep several times while he was gone. Though when he said something about her sleeping when he got back, she told him she hadn't. LOL
Today I walked 3 miles and did 25 minutes of rowing. I am really loving the weather this week.

Valerie-Great job with your walk.

Shannon-Great job with your weight work and STS 2 Core #1.

Carolyn-Great job with Gym Style Back, Shoulders, and Biceps.

Cathy-I'm glad you had a good visit with your parents.

Hi to Diane Sue

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