Yesterday I did Lift Move and Restore Total Body timesaver#1 48 minutes, 198 calories and LMR Upper Foam roller, 16 minutes, 43 calories. Total time 64 minutes, 241 calories. Things have been busy. I read my Chest CT results online and they have sort of worried, but pulmonologist office has not called. I go back in May. They said they recommend not suggest that I go in every few months for another chest CT to watch thing, thyroid cyst mass is bigger by a mm, and something about compression in T7 vertebrae. I imagine the doctor will go over the stuff when I go in. I hope the cardiology stuff goes better. It is kind of discouraging when being careful of health and something goes wrong. I went a bit lighter on LMR Total Body yesterday after the report. Up and down my spine and neck hurts most of the time to some degree.
Then my dog has something going on so I am getting up early to take her to the vet first thing in the morning. She keeps licking areas and this time it is the back leg and it keeps bleeding. I think she has lived in a cone for a big part of the last year and she has figured out how to get to her back leg with the cone on.
Valerie, I am sorry you had that diagnosis on the arthritis. The arthritis doctor's office gives a bunch of pages to fill out every time about where you hurt, what helps, what makes it worse and there is a page asking if you need help opening jars, taking a bath, getting out of a chair etc.. Most of the doctors themselves do not treat me like I am an old, person that cannot do things. I do not think they understand how much I work out though or do. Even my daughter has been here and I go to get a step ladder to get something out of a high cabinet and she tries to stop me. I told her I do it all of the time. I climb up in the attic etc.. You would think they see you walk in by yourself and get up and down out of the seat that they would know you did not have those problems. My Husband has difficulty typing on his phone, he loathes texting. The kids text and he calls them and often he does not get an answer. He says the keys are to small. Speaking to text never seems to work. You may say something that you did not intend to text. He does try it sometimes.
The only exercise suggestion I have had from my doctor and the facility that does the bone density tests is to do weight bearing exercises and they suggested an elliptical. Swimming is really not a weight bearing exercise. Cardiovascular though. So, I stick with the weight bearing and I was told to take calcium 1200 mg. Since I took Life Extension Bone restore through all of the shoulder surgery and stuff and bone density was worse when I went in, I switched to Thorne bone support. The last two weeks I switched to plant-based calcium. I am not happy with the type of magnesium in the plant-based product. I really am not sure what helps the most. I took the Thorne for the last year. I had to add some K2 to it though because it did not have any. My Net Diary App I am using and paid for the Premium is helping me see where I am missing nutrients. Even though I eat plain yogurt every day and thought I was doing good, I am short on calcium, and I am usually only 50% of what is suggested for potassium which is best gotten from food. I am trying to fight all of this.
Cathy, it is nice to get up and get done early and realize you have an hour more time. I changed the clocks before I went to bed. We have one in the bedroom that shines on the ceiling. If I didn't my husband would probably wake up and think he should get up after working all night. Nice work on Boxing Hiit 2 and Live Paired Upper Body. That one sounds like it would be a fun one. I have watched my grandchildren type fast like that with thumbs.
Carolyn, nice work getting in Jane Adams Morning Yoga. I do not like time changes. It just messes things up all the way around. I really like having more daylight in the evenings though.
Judy, good job on the 1 hour Peloton ride, 30 minutes of Peloton strength, and 30 minutes of Yin Yoga. That is funny about the foam roller. Why would the even say that? There are things I would think even older people with issues might benefit from the roller.
Hi to Shannon