Pentagarians & Beond: W/B 2/28

Hi Ladies,

I did not workout yesterday. My DD and I went to dinner and did a little shopping. I will be doing a total body workout 44 minutes and 30 minutes of cardio on the treadmill.

Garance, sorry to hear about your friend.

Joan, I fees sorry for you about the jury duty. One of my co-workers got called in last week. I guess I did jinx people.

Deb, my dog was the same way when I was taking him to obedience school, he just wanted to play. My DD is taking him to the vet because he pulled something and he was walking on 3 legs when we got home. He is getting old; he is going to be 11 in July.

Cathy, I'm gland that you are alive.

Hi Valerie!

congrats Joan on getting in a short workout. It's better not to overdo at first and get too sore and regret what you've done. that first workout is always the hardest one but it's the only way to get back in the groove. Even 15 minutes is a big boost and helps to make it a habit again. I try to do something even if it's short.

Deb, don't know zip about dog classes, but is your little guy too young to be focused? some dogs pay attention better as they mature. His bladder sopunds like it's too small at this point too!

DH and I are heading to yellowstone, our favorite place. we will spend a couple days there hiking, skiing, or biking, and wildlife watching. whatever is suitable for existing conditions. we're going to work our way back, checking our some early season state parks in Idaho and southeast washington. this time of year is unpredictable. things aren't crowded but road access is limited and you can never tell if it will be 70 and sunny or 0 degrees with blowing snow. we've had both before. we are continuing our spring like weather here, so it will be a bit of a shock to go back to snow country.

Our delivery yesterday messed up the chance to go anywhere, so I got in the leg disk, #20, the one I skipped. I have only disk 23 legs and 24 left, and will definitely get in 24 before we leave. 23, maybe , maybe not. I'm going on to the next mesocycle when back from vacation since we'll be doing mucho leg stuff all week.

Josie. that's a big difference between Washington and Cal... bike rides don't get canceled here because of rain! I don't like to ride in the rain, but most of the hard core people here just go anyway.
Hi Deb, Josie, Joan, Cathy, and Valerie--

This morning I did Athletic Step (48 min.).

Deb, a mermaid is where you lie on your side, lift yourself up with your arms and twist over to the other side, and then go back again. Cannot do this one properly at all. Isn't there a book about how dogs are really interested most in other dogs? Max seems very interested in all animals--the horses next door, the bull, the very pregnant cows, and probably most of all the yearlings who have decided to let him herd them.

Loved Yellowstone when we went on a family trip there, but in August. Also the Tetons. Beautiful country. Have a glorious time, Valerie.

I think I have mentioned these before, but JCrew now has their tissue turtlenecks on sale for 19.99. I LOVE them! Soft, lovely after washing and drying, great for layering or on their own. I bought them in Large because I think they run a tad small. I think I have one in every color and two in black because I am always wearing them under other sweaters or jumpers.

Joan, there is a Bum Bum Rapido that's only 15 min. Maybe you could fit that in (?).

Josie, have you started The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo yet? What did you shop for?

Cathy, you are a wuss if you are complaining about the cold down there. Tsk! you should try it up here. It's 35 degrees but it feels colder because of the wind--27. I don't know how they figure that wind chill stuff or if they just like to scare everyone.
THAT (35') is exactly why i'm not up there!!!
and, deb, just wait til this summer. we will be suffering big down here as usual. it is not fair that we have unbearable summers and then cold (for us) winters too. i am just hoping we skip the 100's this summer. our wild flowers are blooming a bit farther south from us. it has been so nice to have rain this winter, cuz now we will have some beautiful flowers. we haven't had any the last 2 springs, cuz we havent' had any rain.

today i did nancy's old body sculpt blaster, and another 10m. doing allies total body challenge.

have my grandbabies again, so we will be riding horses and playing outside for w/out tomorrow.
well, i thought i would have a hamburger today to celebrate losing 10 #'s WOW!!!! BIG MISTAKE! i just looked on red robin's website and even w/no dressing and wheat bun, it was 555 CALORIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????? YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! never again!!!! 23 gms of fat.
i can't believe i ate that. although, i will say i had half for lunch and half for supper, but still, bad, bad,bad!!

and tomorrow we are going to the riverwalk for my son's b/day. hmm, gonna have to be very careful
Good evening,

Yea no jury duty. They did feel sorry for me.

Garance Thank you ,Thank you, Thank you. I have had such a day today and was going to blow off exercise. At this stage of my exercise come back that would be terrible but I tried bum bum rapido. I can really feel it and it was short enough I will never dread it.

It was about 50 degrees today and the sun was shining.

Back to work.

Finally friday

Hi all,

Well one more work day and we can relax! Both dogs got me up last night to go outside. Ugh.

Josie, I hope all is ok with your dog, and it is nothing serious.

Valerie, Keegan should be mature enough to pay attention, he is a terrier and sometimes just does what HE wants to do. He is great in obedience class because the level of excitement is low. In agility, the dogs get to run around and jump on obstacles, etc and this gets him all fired up. How far a drive is Yellowstone from your place? When do you leave?

Garance, I am going to check out that sale at JCrew. Max sounds like he has a wonderful life!

Cathy, yep there is a workout called GrandmaMax, it gets your heart rate up and keeps you smiling all the time you are doing it. :D

Joan, great news on the jury duty! Good job getting that workout in too.

What else is everyone up to this weekend?
Yellowstone is 12 hours drive. we stop at a state park 2 hrs away and spend the night, then gas up and head in the morning of the scond day. there's nothing good about camping in the park, and this time of year only 1 campground is open. most of the park roads aren't open yet either. park campgrounds are usually crowded with people packed together and people build fires even if it's 90 degrees. This year we're taking mt bikes and will try to do some riding in several state parks between here and there. MT has abundant wildlife not limited to the park.

will finish this later.
Good morning,

Garance I take everything back. Shortly after posting my lower back start to hurt. I've iced most of the night and it is still killing me. Something in the moves must have irritated it. Actually I still want it to work so I will slow moves down and try to twist less and really watch the form.


Happy Friday,

I just found out that it will be raining tomorrow again, so there goes my training ride.
There is one scheduled for Sunday, so maybe I can do that one otherwise I will be stuck doing my training indoors.

My DH and I don't have any plans for the weekend, just laundrymax and I need to straighten out my closet and take some of my shoes to the repair man.

Garance, I have not started the book yet, I'm finishing a book called Passion Island by Restrepo. I ended up buying a cardigan in a fusia (sp) color and a black top with an intricate short sleeve that looks as if I was wearing shoulder pads; I also bought 2 belts and a pin for my hair.

Deb, Astro has arthritis on his right leg. The Dr. took an X-ray and there is no tear, just a pulled muscle. He is on doggie vicadin for a couple of days.

Cathy, I love cheeseburgers and I only treat myself when I do a long ride. Have you tried the buffalo burgers? The meet is lower in fat and it is very tasty.

Joan, congratulations on getting out of jury duty. Take care of that back!

Valerie, the hardcore riders are out riding their bikes here to, but I'm with the beginners, so we don't take any chances.

Have a great weekend ladies!

sorry Joan, it's so important to restart slowly. drillmax is a tough workout even when you're exercising regularly. Hope it settles down quickly but if I were you I'd do something else that's simple and straightforward, like fast walking.

should have edited my above post... sounds like I'm headed to a torture chamber! Park camping is always rocky and early season is better because it's not as crowded. We don't go to parks in peak season, off season only. we always see so much interesting wildlife and seldom see anyone once we get off on a trail somewhere. usually if there's enough snow to ski or snowshoe there will be some people, but nothing like the mobs of summer. we bought a camper last summer and didn't get a chance to use it very much but it's much nicer than our old one that was more like tent camping. Tent camping is fine in the wilds but not so much in a campground, with screaming kids, stinking fires, and noise.

we won't know til we get there if it will be hiking or skiing, but we always find interesting things to see there. bison, wolves, bears, elk, always fun.

going to head down and do that last disk 24. I'll skip the 23 legs unless we don't do a bike ride tomorrow.
Hi Deb, Josie, Joan, Cathy, and Valerie--

This morning I did Travel Fit (50 min.).

Ahh, sorry, Joan about your back! I guess we all have our weak spots. My knees are my problem, but not my back. I might get a little twinge now and then, but I've never had to ice it. Hope it gets better soon.

Cathy, I love my burgers from our beef because they are not fatty. It's grass-fed beef. Don't know the calorie count on them. I don't think deprivation at my age is worth it anyway.

When we went to Yellowstone we had reservations in their lodgings at a variety of places. Very nice and very comfortable. We saw wolves, bison, elk, mountain sheep, moose, but no grizzly bears (fine with me!!).

DH and Max are off to look at some baby gilts and boars (DH is thinking of raising his own piglets instead of buying them annually). Cannot remember the breed--Tam...something--and they are not white, but dark. Also buying a refrigerator truck. Big trek for them today.

No plans for the weekend, but I do plan on indulging myself on Sunday watching the Academy Awards.

Josie, sounds like you bought several lovelies for yourself.

You need to give me some pointers on camping. The only camping I have ever done has been at the Ritz Carlton, Hilton and Marriott. I know that it is going to be rough when I do the Aid Life Cycle because we are caping out for a whole week.

disk 24 is done!

Josie, remind me when I get back. I won't be able to put much down until then. I've only done 3 day trips and we individually drove to the campground with all our own stuff, tent camped there and rode from the campground, returning at night.

where will you be staying? in campgrounds with facilities or primitive ones? do you need to carry your own stuff or do you have a truck ( sag wagon) carrying most of it? cooking your own meals? someone else doing it? sharing a tent or each bringing their own?

If you carry all on your bike you need to be frugal. tent, compressible air mattress like a thermarest, sleeping bag for the correct temp. all toiletries and bathroom supplies. weather appropriate clothing with some changes. what ever you need to be comfortable in small size containers. food, snacks. all the stuff you need to get going every day. soap, shampoo, minimal cosmetics but what you need to feel civilized, hair brush, sunscreen, sunglasses, cash/credit cards, lip balm, chamois butter. a couple pairs of shorts and shirts unlessyou can launder them at night and have them dry. warm clothes, rain gear( in WA that's a requirement) . socks, shoes. if you cook your own food you need food, camp stove, stove fuel , matches/lighter, cooking containers. spoon, coffee cup. water bottle. bike tools, extra tube. gloves, helmet.

I would think they'll supply you with a list of what you bring and what they will supply.
yep, i know what ya mean, garrance. my in-laws had cattle for years and we would get half a beef for christmas. yummy! just like my fresh eggs, store bought cannot compare. anything fresh is way better and better for you. i read an article about farm-raised eggs, where the hens are free range like mine. they are way higher in omega 3's and just better all the way around. i love my fresh eggs and so does anyone who eatst hem.

well, had kids last nite and today, and got kicked this morning and ended up on my back on the ground, and hurtin' a bit from that. my head is starting to throb . oh well, sometimes i cant' remember why i ever liked horses. :)
Josie, I forgot the most obvious thing. If you need to carry much of anything you need front or rear panniers. the ones we had ( don't have any currently) needed a rear rack to hold them and fenders. I'm thinking there must be plans to carry your gear for you cause all this gets expensive unless you plan on doing a lot of bike camping in the future.

Hi all,

Busy day, skipped Keegan's agility class so we could go to the bathroom place and straighten out some wall stuff measurements etc. Have a hair cut in a little while.

One of the guys that works for me is picking up his lab puppy today..I lent him a puppy size crate to use while it is still small. He bought a full size one for when the lab is full grown, but needed another one for downstairs so he could have somewhere to rest while with the family etc.

Garance, love the idea of Max going with your DH to pick out the pigs...

Valerie, you are very outdoor minded, and know a lot about that idea of camping is going to a Holiday Inn instead of the Ritz, like Josie said.

Cathy, you were kicked by one of your horses? how does that happen? I would love to have access to those eggs. If I want them I have to go to a health food store and pay big time prices. It may be worth it though.

Cathy, you are so right about fresh eggs. we used to get fresh eggs from an uncle when I was a kid, and recently our neighbors gave us some because their chickens were making our yard part of their circuit. they were much tastier than store eggs.
Too bad about your horse kicking you ... I feel your pain... I've been kicked and I got a bruise to beat all bruises. I always got hurt around horses, nothing too serious but I seem to have bad luck around them.

I used to travel a lot for work and got to absolutely detest motels. I can't sleep, they' re always too warm even with the heat off, and noisy. Pillows are uniformly awful, and most places put those mattress protectors on that make your feel like a fried egg in a hot pan. no air, most don't have windows to open, and if they do, no air comes in because there's no cross vent. then there's restaurant food ... hate it. Rather cook my own stuff. we like our camper and camp when we can. we haven't backpacked as much as we used to but want to do more now that we have more off time. Now, backpacking takes a bit of adjustment but it's worth it ... when it's good. sometimes doesn't workout well , like every other activity. Josie, a week is a pretty long time for a first trip.
I wasn't raised outdoorsy but learned it as an adult. I was a wimp when I was a kid and wouldn't have liked it .

Seeing grizzlies is really exciting. we've seen them when hiking, a little unsettling. no "close calls" or anything, and we've seen them while driving. Saw a grizzly with twins a couple years ago. sat and watched her for at least an hour from a safe spot. We'll see bighorns and pronghorns for sure, they're easy to see in spring, along with wolves, bison, elk. osprey, eagles, hawks, sandhill cranes, coyotes. one year we saw a huge snake.. HUGE.... and 3 dozen people walked right by it and never saw it. was under a bush at the side of the trail. DH went right by, and I stopped, thinking it was somebody's idea of a joke.. then realized it was real. Would have taken a pic but this was such a short walk we didn't take the camera. anyway, always find something interesting there.
well deb, i was feeding and they get a little wild around grain, and i was keeping an eye on my grandkids while i was feeding and didn't pay attention. when i turned around to walk away, they were kicking at each other over the grain and i got in the line of fire. i just wasn't watching. they have their pecking order and i am usually more careful. but, i'm not hurtin' today like i thought i would. i am jsut so tired i can hardly move. been trying to get myself to workout all day and i just can't do it. had the grandkis twice this week overnite and i am just worn out.

wow traildoggie, you saw real grizzlies??? think i would be totally scared. aren't they rather aggressive?

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