pelvic pain

J Anne

New Member
Hi, everyone, just a quick question! Anyone having any pelvic pain/discomfort? Especially on days you work out? I am 7.5 months and I don't do any high impact, but I really get sore in that area. I will ask my Dr next time I go, but in the mean time, does anyone know anything about this? Thanks!
I can't answer your question, but I do experience a feeling of pressure in my pelvis--it isn't painful and it almost feels like my bladder is full. I am just starting my 6th month--this feeling has led me to eliminate all impact moves. I have a doctor's apptment on Wed and will ask my doctor about this, too. I am guessing (please note that I said I am guessing) that it has to do with the growth of the uterus and how it sits in relation to the pelvis. Let me know if you find anything out about this. Thanks
sad to say

It could be vericose veins in your vulva, which isn't dangerous, but it is painful and will last the remainder of the pregnancy. I experienced this in my last 2 pregnancies, and it was extremely uncomfortable. You should definitely talk with your doctor to find out what exactly is causing your pain. If it IS vericose veins, it helped me to make sure I was really consistent with doing my Kegel exercises. I also was taking vitamin E supplements. I was taking 1200 IU per day for the last 3 months of both pregnancies, and it seemed to help a lot. Good luck!

It could be the hormone relaxin starting to affect your pelvic region. As your due date approaches (and at 7.5 months, it is not that far away), the joints in your pelvis start to loosen to prepare for the delivery of the baby. I had pelvic discomfort towards the end of my pregnancy, and my doctor suggested that it could be due to relaxin. I never had extreme pain, but it was at times uncomfortable. Checking with your doctor and avoiding high impact are good choices at this time.
I wanted to agree with the below statement. I thought I was a weirdo when I was pregnant b/c no one else seemed to understand what I was talking about (luckily my doc did)! I remember feeling the discomfort the most when turning over in bed; when I'd drop one leg to the side, the stretch was really intense at that point.

Just take it slow and easy and rest assured:it's entirely normal.

>had pelvic discomfort towards the
>end of my pregnancy, and
>my doctor suggested that it
>could be due to relaxin.
> I never had extreme
>pain, but it was at
>times uncomfortable. >>>>>>

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