PEEP IT UP for November 11!


Guten Morgen, Peeps! :)

Today I got up and did the lower body work from Push/Pull (doubled the squats, leg presses, outer thigh/inner thigh work) followed it with Stability Ball Abs and ended with Stretch Max (stability ball segment.) I feel fantastic! In a few minutes I need to get Houdini up and going for the day. I am very much looking forward to my cup of coffee with Candy Apple Creamer as soon as I get into the office!!!

:) Wendy
Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been here in awhile, but life has got very busy recently. I was also extremely excited about the election results and wasn't sure that I could contain myself. I know that everyone doesn't think the way that I do so I didn't want to post anything about it, but didn't trust myself to not post anything about it :eek:.

Also, DH and I joined a gym so I haven't been working out at home. I was just getting really tired of doing DVDs and needed a change of environment. Also, since DH goes too it isn't that hard to get motivated to go. Last night I did 45 min of hill intervals on the Precor Arc Trainer and it was and awesome workout.

Wendy - I was going to try the caramel apple creamer, but got scared. Glad to know that you like it, I might give it a try now. Have you had the peppermint mocha flavored creamer. OMG, I love it!!! Sounds like you had a great workout this morning. I hope that Houdini is feeling better.

Ellie - I read about your DS and the hospital. I hope that everything is going a little better for you now.

Robin - Can you believe that PSU lost yesterday?
Morning peeps!

I've got 4DS upper body premix & abs on schedule....if only I can pull my butt away from this computer:confused:

Wendy~ WOW you are up and moving early. Great workout! Enjoy your coffee & candy apple creamer....sounds yummy.

Waves to all peeps who follow. BBL.

Thanks JJ! Sounds like you have a great workout planned. I really need to get 4DS. I think I might ask for it for Christmas.
Karin--Good to see you back!! Are you ready for Top Chef tomorrow???!!!??? I can't WAIT!!! Hope all is well with your Dad and he's healing well. Your workout at the gym sounds awesome! Sometimes the mind and the body just need a change of pace. And I HIGHLY recommend 4DS--that is my favorite Cathe series so far...

JJ--Hope you enjoyed your upper body 4DS premix! Oh, I WOULD have enjoyed my Candy Apple creamer but I forgot to bring it from home...Houdini was uber cranky this morning--when I woke her up she was annoyed...then cried...then refused to take her was a scramble to get her out the door! And I got frazzled when she refused her medicine so I ended up dumping it in her sippy cup to drink with her milk...and then promptly forgot my creamer. I was about five blocks away when I realized this and was bummed. Oh, well, more to enjoy tomorrow, right?

:) Wendy
Hi Peeps

I'm way too tired today to do any workout!!! Bummer. DS has been running around the house like nothing ever happened. Amazing. DH came home from Boston and is napping right now!!!!

Karin, wonderful to see you back

JJ- enjoy 4DS. I love that series. So much to do!

Wendy- Push/Pull is killer for me. But I always feel great afterward. Well until the next day!!!

Hi to all Peeps who follow.
Have a great day :D:D
Hi peeps. I've been feeling kind of glum lately and have been avoiding the forums. I have some good friends going through some bad stuff and it's getting to me.

Karin, I was wondering where you'd been. Glad to see you back. The game was terrible.:(

Ellie, aren't kids amazing? Glad to hear your little guy is doing good.

Wendy, sorry about your creamerless morning. You'll enjoy tomorrow even more.

JJ, how was the workout?

I did Amy Hi/lo Challenge after work. I'm planning on cleaning carpets tomorrow. Yipee! That will get me out of my funk. Be careful not to slip in the puddle of sarcasm.
Robin, sorry that you are glum and that your friends are going through some rough times. I hope that everything starts looking better for them soon! I don't envy you with your carpet cleaning tomorrow :p
Hey gang!! Been super busy today. Did RS this evening. Funny thing was I put the dvd in and actually did the warmup to IMAX and kept thinking this doesn't seem right- RS is so much more fun! Then it dawned on me duh, you hit the wrong w/o. So I switched over to RS and was :D

Robin ((HUGS))

JJ, 4ds upper body is a doozy :eek:

Karin, you must get 4ds for Christmas

Wendy, I hope MsHoudiniCrankyPants is in a better mood this evening ;)

Ellie, I hope you are getting some rest!
Robin--I wondered where you had been! Hang in there. Life always goes in cycles. Ups...then downs...but the ups will come around again in time.

OK, so Ms.HoudiniCrankyPants took NO NAP for grandma and is now crashed out on my living room floor in front of the TV. Great. It's 6:43, so I can't let her sleep past 7:15PM or she'll be impossible for bedtime...and she'll be thrilled when I wake her up, for sure....

Also--I am dealing with RODENTS and SQUIRRELS in the attic. GROSS! This happens all the time in my neighborhood because we live near a lake, and they chew their way in for the winter season. Well, one of them has "passed on to the next plane" so to speak and the stench is coming into my living room through the walls!!! GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a "rodent control" contract with my pest folks and one is coming out tomorrow, but ewh, ewh, ewh! I have every Yankee candle I own burning in there right now (oooh, nothing like Christmas Cookie and Sage an Citrus burning at the same time...ugh.)

:) Wendy

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