Passion of Christ


This falls under the Movies that make you cry? I can not believe no-one posted this. I am leaving this by itself for me because this is the movie I cried the most ever in my life.

Yes, Beth, I cried and so did my husband. This movie also gave me a sense of peace because I realized that I was not such a bad person after all. I realized that I needed to give myself a break. :)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
This movie was very disturbing to me, too, and while I enjoyed the viewpoint, I wouldn't watch it again.

That being said, here is my funny story about this movie...

I went to see it with a guy I was sort-of dating during a period when the SO and I were on the outs. The theater was packed and we were sandwiched in the middle of this pre-wined church group whose members were alternately sobbing (their stinky wine breath all over me) and hugging each other through the film.

So we get to the part where Jesus is carrying the cross up to the mount and sees his mother looking straight at him. The theater goes completely quiet as everyone recognizes the human horror she must have experienced, seeing her son so terrorized. All of a sudden, all you hear in the theater is "YYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWNNNNNN" as my date demonstrates his five-year-old mentality.

Ugh. Needless to say, we never went out again! :)
Yeah, I sobbed through the entire movie. I have never been so moved by a film.

The Nativity Story is great, too. I quietly sobbed through the whole thing. I found it to be very thought provoking. We all know the story but it's then again something entirely different to see it played out on the big screen. It was very well done--very authentic. I will probably buy this one when it's released on DVD.
This movie came out when I was very pregnant with my son, and so I didn't see it because I was emotional anyways. Just reading the account in the bible is heartbreaking, I couldn't imagine watching it with my own two eyes, though I know I will someday. My husband said that it was the most heart-wretching movie he has ever seen, especially since it is true and about our savior. I cried just watching the commercials. ;(
Yes, I cry every time I see it. Unlike Melissa, I realized how awful I am (sinful). This movie was part of my reversion. Something I never thought would happen.

I've had this movie since it came out on video but I'm still to afraid to watch it. I can't even watch things in church when they reinact Jesus walking with the cross on His back, or when I read it in the Bible. It just breaks my heart into a million pieces. It's on my list of things to do someday soon though.

Michele - thanks for mentioning the Nativity Story. I DO want to see that one. I think I'll be able to handle that a little better. :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I'm not a cryer, but Passion totally got me and I wept like a baby through the majority of the movie.

I thought the movie was extremely well done and the most moving film I've ever seen.

Mel might have his issues, but I think he did a phenomenal job w/ this one.

Take care, Lynn M.
>I'm not a cryer, but Passion totally got me and I wept like a
>baby through the majority of the movie.
>I thought the movie was extremely well done and the most
>moving film I've ever seen.
>Mel might have his issues, but I think he did a phenomenal job
>w/ this one.
>Take care, Lynn M.

Lynn, ITA!
>Michele - thanks for mentioning the Nativity Story. I DO want
>to see that one. I think I'll be able to handle that a little
>better. :)

Suz, you'll be able to handle this one, no problem. It's a great movie!
The only time I cried during this one was when Mary was remembering Jesus as a little boy. My own son at the time was 3 years old, so I kept imagining how she must have felt.
I haven't seen The Passion. I heard it was gory and almost over done, so I've been too scared to watch it; in saying that, I've watched movies such as: The Samurai, Braveheart, Joan of Arc etc.
Is it worse than those? Would it be too much for a 14 year old boy with a bit of a 'too hard attitude?' I'd like to see him soften some.
Curiosity is beginning to get the better of me reading through this thread;) I just might have to go and rent it now.

Yes..this movie was so heartbreaking! It really reminds you what God has giving to us. And if you are a mother, how hard it must have been to watch your son go thru that. Would you trust as much as Mary did? I'm not sure I would be able too. I think I'd want to save my son from the torture.

I've tried to get my husband to see it, his response to me.."I already know the ending" a_ _ !

Glad to hear some of you saw the nativity too! I'd like to see it also.
O'h yes, I cried, well I actually wept deeply and glad that I did. We need to feel the emotions necessary to relate to what Jesus did for us.I see how it was a love story of Mother and son as well as taking the historical Jesus and making Him very real in the present.I remember also how it took me even longer to go see "Schindler's list" Now that was also horrific, but again true.
I haven't seen it, but some of the comments in this thread alone are making me choke up! I'd like to watch it, I should rent it this weekend.

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