Passing Out


Hey there, Ladies...I just got home from picking up my DD at school. She was in tech class and passed out for about 10 seconds. She's fine, just feeling light headed (thank goodness her partner caught her!!). I've got an appointment with her Dr for this afternoon who is doing a full blood work-up. I wouldn't have made an appointment for a one time instance, but this happened once last spring as well. I'm thinking possibly annemic? Borderline hypoglycemic (spelling)??

Thanks for the ideas...
Low blood pressure maybe. I have suffered from this for as long as I can remember. I once bent down to get a book at the school library and almost passed out.
I have low blood pressure, and frequently get light headed if I stand up too fast. It's really just something you get used to. I hope everything comes back okay!
It could be a bunch of things from blood pressure, blood sugar, dehydration, or hormones. I hope she tests out ok.
I didn't see how old your DD is, but this happened to me in 8th grade. I was in my seat, then fell over onto the floor. Others said it looked like I was going to pick up something from the floor. But I had fainted.

Turned out I was anemic (very, VERY heavy periods). Iron supplements (and birth control) helped regulate them. But I had to watch it for years (no longer an issue :p ).

I still deal with dizziness and lightheadness but (as others mentioned) this is due to blood pressure.

Hope all turns out OK with your DD.
My step daughter has had this happen twice. For her it's a combination of low blood pressure when standing up quickly and not eating enough.

They will put her through a battery of tests (although, we have really good insurance, and I think the hospitals milked us a bit on some of those tests). But it was a relief to know nothing was seriously wrong.
Hypoglycemic makes sense or dehydration. I have trouble keeping my blood volume up which drives my blood pressure down and the room gets dark. The solution is to drink a lot of water, get potassium (salt substitute works great) and also get enough sodium. This is really important in summer when she may be sweating and losing more fluid through her skin. I hope she feels better soon.
I was hypoglycemic when I was younger which I grew out of but I had special permission during classes to eat. I had to eat every two hours. I also played sports which is another reason why I would have to keep refueling. I would make sure she always carries a granola bar or peanut butter crackers and a juice box (thats what worked for me) whereever she goes. I still to this day do that in fear of passing out.

Keep us posted on what her results tell her.
I have a friend who kept passing out without explanation. Some days she spent more time on the floor than upright. After a multitude of tests that revealed nothing, being told she needed a psychiatrist, and thinking she was going out of her mind she went to a specialist in Boston and finally learned she suffers from basilar migraines. My SO had a student in his class recently diagnosed with the same problem.
Thanks, Ladies...After a few simple tests we found out she is not only hypoglycemic, but has low blood pressure to boot. She is extremely active, and every week for 4 years have sent a 6 pack of gatorade and a thing of granola bars with her for between classes and before/after sports...She spent the night at her dad's on Sunday who didn't make sure she ate breakfast before school Monday morning. She also didn't have her weekly "stash" with her...I've always known she gets jittery, crabby and weak if she doesn't snack, just never had her tested. Her dad always thought I was nuts and overprotective, thank goodness we know for sure!

Thanks again!

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