Panic attacks and pregnancy


Active Member
Do any of you experience panic attacks or anxiety attacks while pregnant? I have experienced panic disorder for 5 years after the birth of my first son. I am currently on zoloft and before I was pregnant I would take xanax. I know xanax is in class D, but has anyone not a choice and had to take it and did the baby turn out fine. I am having a hard time trying to find alternative ways to calm down. I am 26 weeks and still have not taken a xanax, but it is getting tougher when that panic starts to come again. It doesn't come often I have only have had 2 or 3 since I have been pregnant. Please share your stories.
I am sorry that you deal with panic attacks. I personally never have and don't have any advice. But, there is a wonderful mother formum on I have been a member for well over a year and have found it to be a loving community. There are 10,000 mothers (and a few dads) who are members. I think you would get a lot larger crowd over there and get more responces. If I were you I would post it in the Baby Lounge where just about anything can be posted. Sorry I can't be of further help.

Once you click the link scroll down a bit, click on message boards, on the next screen click baby bargains (there are other message boards there as well) then you are where you want to be. Sign up and have fun, I'm JulieL on there. If you have any questions or problems navagating the board just let me know.
I used to have panic attacks, so I know what you are going through. And the combination of drugs you take is exactly what I took. Once I was on the Zoloft, though, I had no need for the Xanax. Perhaps your dose of Zoloft could be changed?

I also had some counseling where I learned relaxation techniques. They won't help you in the middle of an attack, but they are great for getting you in a more relaxed mode day to day. Try to do something every day for 15 really helps. You can really get into is amazing how the mind can calm the body.

I don't have attacks anymore, at least not like I used to! When I feel panicky these days I just ignore it...sounds odd but it works. I was a little worried about the pregnancy too, but I haven't had a problem. I haven't had to take any medication for almost 10 years, but I wouldn't hesitiate to go on Zoloft again if I needed to.

I feel for you. Panic attacks are no fun, and are really scary! Beleive me, I had the worst! Try to focus on something else when you feel that awful feeling at the start of one. Try to fight it with calmness, by flooding your body with soothing feelings. Try to sink down into your chair, or imagine water pouring all over you. There are many just have to find the one that helps you.

Good luck!
I am a therapist. First of all discuss the medications with your physician or psychiatrist. If you are not already seeing a therapist, I recommend you see one to help you learn relaxation tichniques and cognitive techniques to examine your feelings occurring around the panic. A great book is the anxiety and phobia workbook, i forget the author but will check my office for it.
Thank you all for your advice and kind words. I will take everything you all said and go with it. I love talking to a therapist, so it sounds like I need to go back. I would hate to take a xanax pregnant.
Hi Targetlover!

I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this! I am also pregnant (currently 22 weeks with No 2) and have experienced panic attacks for most of my adult life.

A couple of years ago I started seeing a homeopath (she is also a counsellor) who (most importantly!) listened to me and also gave me some homeopathic remedies to take. The combination of these two things has helped me immensely. My panic attacks seem to get worse when I am pregnant, but taking the remedies (whether it is placebo effect or not!) really seems to help!

I really hope that things get better for you and you are able to find a way to deal with your panic attacks that is right for you - but please know that you are not alone in dealing with this kind of problem ;)
What is a homeopath and what kind of remedies are you speaking of? Thank you for your kind words by the way. Have you ever considered xanax?
I live in the UK, so our "terms of reference" may differ, but over here a Homeopath is someone who specialises in natural homeopathic remedies such as arnica, sepia, aconite, etc, to name just a few! Not sure if a Homeopath would go by a different name in the US? There are lots of different remedies, all of which can help in different ways and circumstances. My homeopath gave me "aconite", which is very useful for fear and therefore useful for things like panic attacks. Sorry if this all sounds a little vague, but I kind of left the "technical stuff" about what my particular circumstances required, to her.
I did have a brief spell on anti-depressants after my son was born, but as I knew that I wanted to try for another baby relatively quickly (my son was a year old when I discovered I was pregnant again!) I didn't want to start taking something and then have to stop taking it again - especially as my GP told me that I really needed to take them for a minimum of 6 months to feel any benefits!
I hope this helps a little?
Kaz x

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