Has anyone tried this type of eating? I've been a frequent visitor of www.marksdailyapple.com Basically the diet consists of proteins, healthy fats, veggies and fruits. No starches (bread, rice, corn, potatoes) or processed sugars. No dairy either. I'm very interested in this right now. I'm noticing a strong relationship with how i feel and my diet. Not that my diet is bad but i'm noticing that anytime i eat a starch i feel exhausted. I'm always exhausted and i'm always hungry even though i'm eating enough cals. I'm going to start this way of eating tomorrow. I want to feel good and energized. I think i may be carb sensitive. I have NEVER tried even eating low carb so this will be an experiment. I'm a huge fan of veggies, meats, and fruit so i don't think that this will be difficult but i know i'm going to go through a withdrawal period. So i just wanted to know if any of you have any experience with this.