Pain/weird sensation BEHIND right knee


This started yesterday. The primary pain/sensation is on the underside of my right knee, in the crease, with a kind of secondary pain at the side of my knee (where that slight bump is). This weird little hitch is not really that painful but it's... strange and uncomfortable and it came on suddenly, from out of nowhere. When I first got out of bed yesterday It felt like my lower leg wanted to detach from my body. It got really bad later in the day when I was doing a job where I had to turn around again and again. It didn't feel as bad today but I had the day off. It came on so sudden and has lasted awfully long to just be a charlie horse. Anyone ever had this or know what it might be?
Hi there;

OK, not to freak you out or anything, but my Mom had a similar problem about three years ago, a mild discomfort behind her knee that came on suddenly. She was diagnosed with "thrombophlebitis", essentially the same thing as a thrombosis, but not in a deep vein, so not as dangerous. Here's a link:

She said the sensation came and went, varied in its intensity...basically described the exact same thing you described. I'd suggest that you consult a physician. If it's nothing, fantastic, but you might be catching a potential problem early.

Amusing conclusion to my Mom's story: the irritation behind her knee never really went away, so over the course of three and a half years she repeatedly saw doctors who repeatedly diagnosed her with the same problem (apparently thrombophlebitis is pretty common and has consistent symptoms).

Finally, last week, the doctor decided that more aggressive treatment was necessary, so he took an X-Ray...and she had a SEWING NEEDLE stuck into a vein behind her knee! She's a quilter, so she uses very small sewing needles, and apparently one got poked into her knee more than three years ago and has been there ever since. She just had it removed yesterday. So maybe I should ask if you do any sewing??

I had this pain a few days ago after a hard cardio workout-I think it was Grace itread 60 minute one where she has you walking like a bat out of well, you know!

I felt the same pain you described, so took a few days and rode my bike instead and stretched. It went away. It does sound like your pain has gotten worse though, so it would not hurt to go see a doctor.
I haven't seen a doctor because I'm working super crazy hours but, weirdly the pain is no longer constant and is almost gone. I'll wait a bit and see if it returns and then I'll act. It just freaked me out because it felt like something had snapped loose.

A needle in her knee? Holy cow!
>I haven't seen a doctor because I'm working super crazy hours
>but, weirdly the pain is no longer constant and is almost
>gone. I'll wait a bit and see if it returns and then I'll
>act. It just freaked me out because it felt like something
>had snapped loose.
>A needle in her knee? Holy cow!

I am the last person who should give you advice. I have a mild, intermittent pain in the front of my knee and am in denial that I should slow doen on intensity until it blows over. I am too scared to go see a doc to get it properly diagnosed because I dont want to hear "Stop working out."

So I am doing my own set of precautions, avoiding some exercises that I feel are bad, icing, wearing a knee guard and hoping!

I already know very well that the knee is a very complex structure and that issues are easier to treat early. When they become acute, recovery is tougher and less likely to be complete. A physio once told me the knee is a "good" body part. It usually gives mild warning of an upcoming serious over-use issue well in advance. Treated early, the knee makes good recovery so the person can continue athletic activity for years to come. However moset people ignore the knee because early warnings are not debilitating.

I resolved to go see a PT or doc from sports medicine (less likely to make blanket "dont exercise" prescriptions). Yet to get around to it.

Good luck.

~* Vrinda *~
It could be a Baker's Cyst (Google it for more info). I have had a minor pain behind my right knee off and on for years. When it occurred, it was typically only when I was doing lunges or step ups (or just simply going up stairs).

I had an ultrasound to rule out anything serious. My doctor said that there's not a lot that can be done. It's a minor annoyance with no treatment available (or the treatment is worse than the condition).

I have heard that you can wear a knee brace to minimize any discomfort.

From what I've read, a Baker's Cyst forms when there has been some minor damage to the knee, and that worries me. However, my doctor acted like it was benign and nothing to worry about.

Final note: I've been doing a Body-Pump type class 2-3 times a week at my health club since November and - knock wood - I experience the pain a lot less lately.

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