Pain in the back of my knee?


Hey everyone,

I've had a pain in the back of my knee for several days now, and I was curious as to what you all think it's most likely to be? It's not dead-center in the back, but towards the outside just a bit. It wasn't HORRIBLE, but my jog today made it worse. The only thing I've done this week is yoga between my classes and a video at home. No running until today, and no other workouts but Core Foundations last night. But this pain happened before either of those. If this did actually occur doing my yoga, I didn't feel it. I just woke up to it :(.

Any ideas?

not a doctor(obviously right LOL) but its could be jumper's knee. i had that and pain was in the back and sides of my knee. or maybe a pulled muscle but its best to get a medical opinion to be sure.

When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
I get this sometimes.Is it more like a tightness in the back of your leg? Like a muscle? I don't get it often and it usually happens after I am done cardio (for example), moving unto weights and I am sitting on my step waiting for the next set of reps.When I go to stand I can feel it.It was bothering me for a while only b/c i didn't know what it was.
I did post this question in the Cathe forum but it was probably 3 yrs ago and may be deleted.But she more or less, just said be careful, its not that serious but if it does continue you can get it checked out.
I wrote about my knee issue, which sounds pretty identical to yours, in the thread "Squats/knee problems". Mine also started one morning - I just woke up with it, and the pain was in the back of my knee towards the outside. There was no swelling. I had an MRI done which showed mild fraying of the meniscus and also tendinosis. Icing helped a lot. I was also given a prescription for Limbrel (natural plant-derived flavocoxids) to heal the inflammation. The doctor told me it was caused by deep squats, and to let it heal by eliminating all high-impact and squats until the pain was completely gone. It went away completely after about 3 weeks and has not returned, and I am back to my regular fitness schedule including high impact cardio and regular shallower-than-90 degree squats (but no deep squats).
Thank you guys very much. I didn't read that knee thread, but I'll go check it out now. Today it has extended down into my calf just a bit. It's very strange... so apparently running was the WRONG thing to do :). It just wasn't bad enough that I thought twice about it. Perhaps I will go to my chiropractor tomorrow just to be safe. It doesn't hurt unless I straighten my leg. Squats don't touch it, walking does a bit when I'm straightening out that leg. Walkign up stairs doesn't hurt it either. I hope I don't have to give up my yoga. I love that class too much!

And I will start icing it now, too. Maybe I should take Ibuprofin for now to start working on the inflammation? I've never heard of Limbrel, but i'll ask about it.

Thanks for the help!


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