Pain in elbow?


Active Member
Hi everyone. I've only been doing Cathe for about 2-3 weeks now and really like it. I first got BS/BF, and recently bought PUB/PLB and LM. After watching them the other day, I have to say that they frighten the heck out of me. I still find BF to be a tough w/o. Maybe I'm not ready for these new ones yet? Am I the only wimpy one here? ;( Oh well, now for my question about elbow pain - do any of you get a pain on the inside of your elbow (the blood-drawing spot) when you lift weights esp. bicep curls/shoulder raises? I only started to get this after I'd been weightlifting for a while (~1 year) and not when I first started out. Any thoughts? Oh, by the way, do any of you have any opinions of what DVD(s) to get next? I'd like to start a rotation but it's kind of hard with only 3 DVDs (BS/BF, PUB/PLB,LM). Any help would be greatly appreciated. But please remember I'm wimpy and don't want to have a coronary trying to get "healthy"! :p
Hi - have you recently increased your weight? You may have just stepped up a little too much. However, you could also be having problems with forearm strength or even how you are lifting. Watch your form very closely. Be sure to hold the weights carefully and firmly, but try not to squeeze too hard when you're gripping them. That can cause extra tension that can lead to pain. The focus of tension should be in your biceps, not your hands. Also, be certain to do exercises for your forearms and wrists, which may be a little weak. These include wrist curls and reversing your hands to a downward facing position on the eccentric portion (the lowering part) of your biceps curls. Both of these exercises appear in some of Cathe's workouts. Be sure to stretch your forearms, as well. That should help. Otherwise, back off the weight a little bit. Some people just develop tendonitis in some joints - not a lot you can do but be aware of it and decrease the weight, etc, for exercises incorporating those joints. (I have that problem with my hips and therefore can not do squats with heavy weights without developing pain). As the doctor/physical therapist says - "If it hurts when you do that, don't do that."
You should never experience pain when working out, other than lactic acid buildup and DOMS (those are the "good pains"). Accute pain, such as you are experiencing in your elbow, is bad and usually means you have overdone it. It could be tendonitis, or you pulled something. As was already suggested, you may want to reduce the weight you use for bicep curls. I would reduce it a LOT, or stop doing them altogether, until the pain goes away, or you will just make it worse. Put ice on the area that hurts, and take an NSAID (Aleve, Advil, etc) to reduce inflammation. If it continues to bother you, you should see your doctor. Hope you feel better soon!
Thank you for your advice. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. Unfortunately, I didn't increase my weight and it only bothers me as long as I am doing curls/raises. As soon as I stop it goes away. I can also feel something like a twang (tendon?) near the end of my last reps. Very strange since I don't feel any discomfort any other time x( . Could a weak wrist/forearm actually hurt the inside of your elbow? Of all the things that I thought of that wasn't one of them :)
Weak forearm muscles can cause tendonitis in the elbow but either on the medial or lateral parts (those bumps on the sides(i.e. epicondyles)) and this is tennis and golf elbow.
I think you are talking about pain more in the middle "blood draw area" so that's anticubital fossae area. OK, if I am understanding you correctly, that's the insertion area for your biceps - so I think this is a biceps tendon insertion pain you and describing and you are correct is not really a tendonitis because the pain does not persist beyond the workout but I do think you are overloading the muscle.
I think it has to be a technique thing and the "twang" is definately tendon rolling over something else while under tension. Probably the tendon for the other head of your biceps. I would try adjusting your grip on the bar - could be too wide or too narrow or if you are using dumbbells switching to a barbell for more lateral stability.

Good luck and I hope this helps.

Thanks for your response. I think you are right about the bicep tendon. Oddly, it is on my right which I thought was my stonger side being as I am right handed. I only use db's and only use 7 lb or 10 lbs ones at that! Lord, I AM wimpy if I can't even lift that!
A word of caution...the pace of PUB is extremely fast. Be sure to go very light on weights to begin with. I am an advanced exerciser, but have had issues with tendonitis in the elbow for a couple of years. I own all of Cathe's weight workouts and the only one that causes my tendonitis to flare up is PUB. Sometime down the road, when you have the desire and some extra $$$, get Cathe's Slow and Heavy series. In S&H, the pace is very slow and the focus is on control and form. It is a fabulous strength building series and my personal favorite, for what it's worth ;-) Good luck and stay healthy.

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