P90X users


hello ladies...just a quick question for the p90x users...i am almost 3 weeks into the classic rotation and everytime i do yogax my wrists KILL ME!!! i have the stamina to complete the workout but all of those upward dogs and downward dogs just plain hurt. does anyone else have this problem and if so what do you do? thanks
Hi Mary.

I have the same problem with yoga at times. I will pick the offending wrist up off the ground now and again and move it around until it stops hurting. I will also modify some moves to put less pressure on my wrist such as in the side plank. That one KILLS my one wrist so I will do it for as long as I can and then drop to my knee to take the pressure off.

Hope this helps!:)
Make sure that you have your fingers spread, and are pressing through the web between your thumb and index finger.

You can also fold up your mat a bit in the front, and rest the heel of your hand on it, so there's not as much of a bend in the wrist.

Another option is to use some kind of support, like a push-up bar, but lower. www.gaiam.com sells some yoga blocks that work like push-up handles (http://www.gaiam.com/retail/product/95-1105), I've also seen them in other yoga catalogs.

I started P90X with some remnants of carpal tunnel pain, but by the end of the rotation, it was pretty much gone. I think the wrist stretches Tony does in the stretch routine really helped.

ladies...thank you so much!!i am so into this rotation and i did not want to deviate even 1 workout. i am going to try and incorporate both of your suggestions.

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