P90x users - rotations and instruction


Hi everyone,

Since P90X is very popular with Catheites, I thought maybe someone could help me out. I recently purchased the P90X dvds on ebay, but the listing only included the workout discs, and no manuals. I don't know how to go about getting the instructions and rotation guides. Does anyone know where I can obtain just these items? I assume Beachbody.com won't sell them separately. I don't mind paying for them, but from where? If anyone can give me info on this or help me get started with my dvds, I would be ecstatic.
Thank you.
Hi. Gibbee just responded to me about lean vs. calssic yesterday.

There's a lot of good stuff on this forum about P90x, I recommend you search and you will find a lot of info :)

I thought I saw them being sold seperately did you check out beachbody.com ?
Ok, I thought that I had searched sufficiently, but I went back and did find the P90x Fitness guide sold separately at Beachbody. Is this what I need to get all the rotations? Do I need the "how to bring it" disc too. The guide seems very pricey for just a manual. Not to sound like a cheapskate, but does anyone know where I can get it any cheaper? That does sounds cheesy of me, but really, $30 + shipping for a manual?
If you call or email BB, I believe they will give you a better price for the book. I don't have it either and have been thinking about buying it. I've heard good things. But it's hard to spend $ on something like that when you have no idea what it's about.
I've got the book. So much to take in ;)

The book is beautifully done I must say!

It has an overview of the program, details of each of the exercises and at the end it shows the lean rotation too. You can also get that if you go to the website and look under the calendar (2nd page). I don't think it is neccessary but I'm somehow who likes to read a lot about things.
Thanks to Gibbee who gave me that info

I'm also researching the diet and still on the fence if I'm going to do that.
Thanks for the calender information. That will get me started. I will consider buying the book. I bought my chin-up bar, and I am eagerly awaiting my dvds.

Hi Nicole,

We are in the same boat.. I'm waiting for my DVDs and chin up bar. Delivery is due this week. Yeah!!! I didn't get the books. Let me know if you decide to get them and what you think of them if you do.

I can't wait to get started!!
I am hoping to get enough info from the P90x message boards and such, to not have to purchase the book right away. But the book sounds intriguing, so I will consider it. I will let you know about the manual, if I finally bite the bullet and buy it.
SO cool so many of us doing P90x or just starting or starting soon! This is awesome.

Glad the calendar link helps - thanks Gibbee :)

I'm loving it (I've done 5 workouts) but just started the rotation yesterday.

I saw they had a camp - that is SO my goal for next summer!

Hope everyone is having as nice weather as we are in Boston in BEAUTIFUL here.
I'm also waiting patiently (not!) for my DVDs. I didn't get the book either. What message boards are good to visit? And I haven't gotten a pull up bar either...what did everyone get? I'm looking forward to this rotation though like many I don't believe I can give up Cathe for 13 weeks. I'll do the series as is for the first week and go from there.

I bought my pull up bar from Amazon. I don't recall what kind.

I plan on doing some combination of the classic and lean rotation for a while and then switching to the P90X/Cathe rotation. Maybe through in a few doubles here and there.
Fontanic -

I scanned in the workout tracking sheets for the weight work so that I wouldn't use the original copies that came with the set (and can keep going past the first 90 days' worth of workouts). I can email you those sheets if you'd like me to... just let me know.
Nicole, Deanna, Diana -

Did you get your DVDs.

I'm posting over on beachbody.com in the p90x and it's a great group. We'd love to have you.

The forums very fitness focused no o/t, which is nice. I can come here for that ;) The people are great over there - mixed men and women.

Anyhow I've decided to spend most my time over there for now.

I'm loving it and hope you are too :)

Thank you for the offer of the workout sheets. I would love to get a copy of these. My email is [email protected] or nicole@bec-tech. The first address is my regular email, but the Cathe forum wouldnt accept it, so I use my business address.
I received the pull-up bar and the P90x videos, but have yet to start them. I've been working out at the gym lately and adding some Cathes, spinning, and running in when I have the time at home (got a 2 1/2 yr old) It has been working out so well, I am hesitant to change. But I know you need to mix things up every so often, so I will soon be giving P90x a try. Do you do straight P90x or a mix of Cathe and P90x?

Once again, thank you.
Nichole -

I emailed them to you just now. Let me know if you get them.

I am doing P90X classic but have modified Yoga X to X Stretch (time constraints during the week) and Cardio X instead of Plyo X because I'm rehabbing a knee but otherwise, I'm following his workouts only. I figured I would see what I'd get in 90 days.

Does anyone know if there's a way to buy individual workouts on the Beachbody site? I don't want the whole series, just Plyo X.
I definetly recommend the whole series - there is the muscle building component (which is amazing) - the cardio - the flexibility and they are all huge part of the program.

Also I'm finding the diet is key, way more important than doing extra working out.

I'm just into week 2 so I'll see if my rave reviews continue.

Like others have said this is the first rotation they could really follow and he really gets what a rotation should be.

I haven't gotten my P90x yet. Supposedly this week. It seems like it's taking forever!!

I will definitely join the beachbody posts when I start. Looks like a good forum.

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