P90X strength videos


Active Member
I've been looking through the posts here and on Video Fitness for a break down on what exercises are in the P90X strength videos. I found something on the Chest & Back tape (mostly pushups and pullups I gathered), but couldn't find anything breaking down the Legs tape or the Shoulders and Arms tape.

For those of you who have at least seen each of these, could you please, please, please list what the exercises are and # of sets for each? The # of reps are left up to you, from what I understand.

I've been doing Cathe's S&H and Pyramids and I'm wondering if the strength tapes in P90X are comparable difficulty-wise. Is there really enough time to work slow and heavy in these videos?

Also, is there any benefit to buying the P90X DVDs over the videos like with Cathe's?

I'll post them as I can, there are a ton of exercises as you can see. There are different strength workouts depending upon which program you choose to do, and which phase of the program you are in.

For Chest and Back there are 12 exercises, then you repeat the 12 exercises in a different order.

1) Standard Push-Up
2) Wide Front Pull-Up
3) Military Push-Up
4) Reverse Grip Chin-Up
5) Wide Fly Pushup
6) Closed Grip Overhand Pull-Up
7) Decline Push-Up
8) Heavy Pants
9) Diamond Push-Up
10) Lawnmower
11) Dive-Bomber Push-Up
12) Back Fly

For Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, there are 23 exercises, no repeats.

1) Slow-Motion 3-in-1 Push-up
2) In and Out Shoulder Fly
3) Chair Dip
4) Plange Push-up
5) Pike Press
6) Side Tri-Rise
7) Floor Fly
8) Scarecrow
9) Overhead Tricep Extension
10) Two-Twitch Speed Push-Up
11) Y-Press
12) Lying Tricep Extension
13) Side-to-Side Push-up
14) Pour Fly
15) Side-Leaning Tricep Extension
16) One-Arm Push-Up
17) Weighted Circle
18) Throw the Bomb
19) Clap or Plyo Push-up
20) Slow-Mo Throw
21) Front-to-Back Tricep Extension
22) One-Arm Balance Push-up
23) Fly-Row-Press

Back and Biceps, 24 Exercises, no repeats.

1) Wide Front Pull-Up
2) Lawnmower
3) Twenty-One
4) One-Arm Cross-Body Curl
5) Switch Grip Pull-Up
6) Elbows-Out Lawnmower
7) Standing Bicep Curl
8) One-Arm Concentration Curl
9) Corn Cob Pull-Up
10) Reverse Grip Bent Over Row
11) Open Arm Curl
12) Static Arm Curl
13) Towel Pull-Up
14) Congdon Locomotive
15) Crouching Cohen Curl
16) One-Arm Corkscrew Curl
17) Chin-up
18) Seted Bent-Over Back Fly
19) Curl-Up/Hammer Down
20) Hammer Curl
21) Max Rep Pull Up
22) Superman
23) In-Out Hammer Curls
24) Strip Set Curl
I think the only thing that requires DVD instead of video, is that some of the workouts have a bonus round and if you aren't up for it, it's easier with the DVD to just skip to the cooldown.

Legs and Back, 23 exercises.

1) Balance Lunge
2) Calf Raise Squat
3) Reverse Grip Chin Up
4) Super Skater
5) Wall Squat
6) Wide Front Pull Up
7) Step Back Lunge
8) Alternating Side Lunge
9) Closed Grip Overhand Pull up
10) Single Leg Wall Squat
11) Deadlift Squat
12) Switch Grip Pull up
13) Three Way Lunge with Two Kick
14) Sneaky Lunge
15) Reverse Grip Chin Up
16) Chair Salutations
17) Toe Roll Lunge
18) Wide Front Pull Up
19) Groucho Walk
20) Calf Raises
21) Closed Grip Overhand Pull Up
22) 80/20 Cyber Speed Squat
23) Switch Grip Pull Ups
My This looks lika a gazillion pull ups and push ups. WOW!

I just jumped in on this thread to thank you girls for going to the trouble of writing out these different exercises. I know this took some time and even if you may have missed one here or there; although I don't imagine you did, I for one appreciate your typing. I will print it out for my future reference. }(
okay - i was taking a break! :) i think this is the last of the strength workouts.

Shoulders and Arms, 15 exercises, repeat in sequences of three (do exercise 1,2,3 and then repeat then move on...)

1) Alternating Shoulder Press
2) In and Out Bicep Curls
3) Two Arm Tricep Kickback
(repeat 1,2,3)
4) Deep Swimmer's Press
5) Full Supination Concentration Curl
6) Chair Dip
(repeat 4,5,6)
7) Upright Row
8) Static Arm Curl
9) Flip Grip Twist Tricep Kickback
(repeat 7,8,9)
10) Seated Two Angle Shoulder Fly
11) Crouching Coehn Curl
12) Lying Down Tricep Extension
(repeat 10,11,12)
13) In and Out STraight Arm Shoulder Fly
14) Congdon Curl
15) Side Tri Rise
(repeat 13,14,15)
yes, tons of pullups and pushups. two exercises i have never enjoyed. but i'm in week four and i'm already improving and it's the first physical sign i can see, my shoulders and traps are really showing development and tone.

again, keep in mind that you do not do all these exercises each week. they are for different phases of each program.
>The Groucho Walk has me very curious

This is like Cathe's frog leap in Imax 2, except you walk, ( plie squat position, walk 4 frontward, 4 backward), instead of leap. The deeper you are the harder it is. It will burn if done right.

Another benefit of DVD is that Ab ripper X is at the end of all the weight workouts.:)
RE: The Groucho Walk has me very curious

Thanks, Sunnyside. Sounds delightfully painful. Ouch! :eek:
What a relief you don't have to do them all at once. }( It is an interesting concept concerning the phases in this program.

On the groucho walk, doesn't Cathe have a workout written out somewhere on squatting low and walking forward and backward in your driveway? I know I've seen something like this before. I believe it was in reference to someone's question on what to do when away from home. ???
Anyway, sounds interesting. My DVD's is somewhere in the shipping process. :p
Wow, thanks for all the details! It sounds like there are some interesting variations on what I've been doing w/ Cathe's videos. I just ordered the program yesterday and now I can't wait to get it!

Which rotation are most of you starting with?
it is very original, i think that's what i like best about it. i FINALLY got through the whole 90 minute yogaX workout last night. it really feels like i've accomplished something.

i decided to go with the Lean program because i want to lean out some, i do think i have enough base muscle so i'm not concerned with building more. plus, with a knee injury, i didn't want to use the PlyoX workout just yet.

i like that you get a recovery week every 4th week. it is by no means a slack week, it is filled with Yoga and Cardio and Stretching and Core work.

i will most likely do the Classic routine next time through.
How long did it take you to get your order? I know this is kind of off the subject, but just was curious. I just ordered mine Monday by phone. The guy told about a 'wowyee' online workout buddy system. I 've not had the change to yet but have you checked it out? :)

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